1000 resultados para Nota Fiscal Paulista
A Public Intellectual recently suggested that I read the book Life Out Of Context by the very productive writer Walter Mosley. In this book, Mosley began to summarize a speech that was given by Harry Belafonte. Belafonte made a comparison between a particular Olympic relay race and the Civil Rights Movement. In the race, an experienced runner stumbled a little while passing the baton, and the race was lost. For Belafonte, this momentary slip was a metaphor for the failure of the Civil Rights Movement to “pass the baton” to the younger generation as “it moved past its original phase and into the latter part of the century.” Regardless of your views of the strengths and weaknesses of the Civil Rights Movement, I think all of us would agree that the current issues facing Black Iowa today--e.g., the need for economic development, increased educational achievement and more political involvement in our communities--demand our immediate attention and action. This urgency requires that we cross generational, class, and territorial boundaries within the state to collaborate among ourselves and with others to deal constructively with these issues. We cannot afford to have another “momentary slip.” Serving as the Administrator for ICSAA allows me to serve Black Iowa in a significant way, and Kimberly Cheeks and I in this Division look forward to the work ahead over the next several months and years. Working closely with Walter Reed, Director of the Department of Human Rights, along with so many others across this state, we are keenly aware that we are provided with a great opportunity to positively impact the quality of life for African-Americans in Iowa.
FY2007 was a productive year for the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Commission. Fourteen proposals were recommended for funding totaling over $390,000 in outlays. Included in the approved proposals were funds for the establishment and staffing of a Midwest Grape and Wine Institute at Iowa State University, a newly created viticulturist position at Des Moines Area Community College, funding for the first annual Mid-American Wine Competition, and marketing and promotion of four regional cooperative wine events and one wine trail. Commission funding supported a survey of commercial wine producers and grape growers and a new brochure on Iowa’s vineyards. A committee was formed to provide details for a Scholarship Program to aid vineyard and winery staff with the expenses of accredited coursework. Based on the survey conducted and from other governmental and industry sources, the Iowa grape and wine industry appears to continue to be very viable and growth continues at a strong pace. Wine produced in the state for 2007 was estimated at a market value in excess of $12.3 million. A tabulation of the budget revealed that just over $800,000 in wine gallonage tax appropriations have been received into the Grape and Wine Development Fund from 15 FY2003 through FY2007. Expenditures have totaled just over $607,000 during that same time. Just over 80% of expenditures have gone to “Technical” spending. Over time, funds invested in “Technical” programs will translate into an increasingly educated and institutionally-supported industry. Local, regional, and statewide events also appear to be increasing in popularity and the Commission plans to continue and increase support for these events. It is hoped the Scholarship Program will be up and running and funding will need to be appropriated for that project. The Commission also believes many projects and events will become more and more self sustaining as they develop and mature. As they continue to support Iowa’s grape and wine industry, the members of the Commission look forward to working with individuals, commercial enterprises, state and federal agencies, and industry-sponsored institutions in the upcoming year and in years to come.
FY2008 was a productive year for the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Commission. Sixteen proposals were recommended for funding from FY2008 funds and carryover totaling just over $396,000 in outlays. Included in the approved proposals were staffing and equipment for the Midwest Grape and Wine Industry Institute’s wine diagnostics laboratory at Iowa State University, continued support for the viticulturist position at Des Moines Area Community College, funding for the second annual Mid-American Wine Competition, and assistance for marketing and promotion of Ice coats an Iowa vineyard after a February 2008 ice storm. Photo by Mike White and courtesy of Iowa State University. 16 two wine trail associations and seven festivals and events. Commission funding supported a salaried position within IDALS to manage the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Fund and to serve as the Director of the Iowa Grape and Wine Development Commission. The Commission approved funding for a Scholarship Program. The formally created Scholarship Committee met twice in FY2008 to finalize details for the Program and to approve scholarships to twenty-six applicants to aid with the expenses of accredited coursework. Based on data collected by IDALS, the Iowa Department of Economic Development, the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division, and Iowa State University the Iowa grape and wine industry appears to continue to be very viable and growth continues at a strong pace. Presently, Iowa ranks 14th in the nation for the number of wineries, and wine produced in the state for 2008 was estimated at a market value in excess of $14.0 million. A tabulation of the budget revealed that just over $1,080,000 in wine gallonage tax appropriations and legislative appropriations have been deposited into the Grape and Wine Development Fund from FY2003 through FY2008. Removing encumbered funds, expenditures have totaled just over $942,500 during that same time. “Financial” funding – used for fostering public awareness and participation of industry events - increased from 6% of expenditures in FY2007 to 9% in FY2008. Used for support of research, education, and outreach, a little over 80% of expenditures and encumbered funds were earmarked for “Technical” spending. Over time, funds invested in “Technical” programs will translate into an increasingly educated and institutionally-supported industry. Local, regional, and statewide events also appeared to be increasing in popularity. The Commission was encouraged to see increased support for these events. It is hoped, too, that the Scholarship Program will provide needed funding to help meet the educational goals of the industry’s workforce. As they continue to support Iowa’s grape and wine industry, the Commissioners look forward to working with individuals, commercial enterprises, state and federal agencies, and industry-sponsored institutions in FY2009 and in years to come.
Na região da Depressão Periférica Paulista, estudaram-se os solos em uma encosta representativa das baixas colinas com relevo suave ondulado e lançantes longos do baixo vale do rio Piracicaba. Após intensas observações de campo, foram amostrados cinco pedons, assentados em rochas psamíticas da formação Itararé (Carbonífero-Permiano). Quatro apresentaram características latossólicas e textura argilosa e um, interposto na porção superior da meia encosta, textura média e B textural. Com observações de campo, estratigráficas, macro e micromorfológicas e da mineralogia da argila, concluiu-se que grande parte do material de origem dos pedons Latossólicos argilosos proveio do retrabalhamento de um sedimento neocenozóico argiloso, previamente bastante intemperizado, com remanescentes semelhantes, hoje ocupando preferencialmente as superfícies cimeiras locais, e sem aparente filiação com as rochas psamíticas subjacentes. Deduziu-se que as características latossólicas dos solos da meia encosta e do sopé foram herdadas de idêntico material. No terço inferior da encosta, ocorreu um Bt, relativamente pouco espesso, interpretado como produto de transformação do transportado Bw, principalmente por mecanismos de argiluviação que coalescem os antigos microagregados tipicamente Latossólicos. O mais provável material de origem do Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo Latossólico textura média/argilosa no terço superior da meia encosta, foi considerado como derivado, em grande parte, de sedimento correlativo a um antigo e elevado depósito aluvial correspondente a um nível de terraço do rio Piracicaba, hoje quase totalmente reafeiçoado.
Presenta un análisis de datos obtenidos en el periodo de tiempo entre los años 1939 a 1941, donde se verifican las características por condiciones hidroclimáticas anormales sobre el cambio ecológico que afectan a todos los seres vivientes del litoral peruano.
Atributos do clima, solo e manejo foram caracterizados em 10 lavouras comerciais de café, estabelecidas na região oeste do estado de São Paulo, nos municípios de Sagres, Pompéia, Iacri, Bastos, Herculândia, Marília, Vera Cruz, Garça e Gália. Os objetivos foram identificar os principais fatores limitantes à cultura e estabelecer um modelo multivariado simples para explicar as produções observadas entre 1984 e 1989. Foram analisados, por correlação simples, mais de 2.000 atributos em relação às produções finais. Os atributos que apresentaram significância a 5% de probalidade pelo teste t de Student foram combinados em sucessivas análises de regressão múltipla. Três equações, com quatorze, cinco e seis variáveis preditoras, foram selecionadas, com graus de explicação da produção observada da ordem de 77, 73 e 75%, respectivamente. Quatro variáveis foram comuns aos três modelos: produção do ano anterior, idade da lavoura, temperatura mínima absoluta média na época do abotoamento e florescimento e soma dos teores de silte e argila nos horizontes subsuperficiais. Outras variáveis selecionadas foram: precipitação na época do abotoamento e florescimento; precipitação na época da maturação e colheita; densidade do solo e água disponível junto à cova (camada de 20-40 cm); macroporosidade na rodagem de máquinas (camada de 0-20 cm); adubação nitrogenada; pH em água e fósforo, ambos na área adubada (camada de 20-40 cm); teor de cálcio trocável e relação Mg:K trocáveis, ambos na área adubada (camada de 0-20 cm). A análise dos dados de produção no período de seis anos mostrou que as lavouras encontravam-se em processo de depauperamento, com declínio da produtividade da ordem de 400 kg ha-1 ano-1. As áreas necessitavam de melhoria da calagem, fosfatagem em profundidade, restabelecimento dos níveis de magnésio no solo e adubação mineral equilibrada. Também ficou evidenciada a necessidade de ser evitada a instalação da lavoura em áreas de acúmulo de ar frio no inverno ou solos com acentuado gradiente textural.
Estudou-se uma seqüência de solos (Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro álico textura muito argilosa → Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro distrófico textura argilosa/muito argilosa → Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico abrupto textura média/argilosa), situados na borda de um platô, que representa a superfície mais antiga e dominante da paisagem regional e de boa parte do médio/baixo Vale do rio Piracicaba, em Piracicaba (SP). Foram amostrados e descritos morfologicamente sete perfis de solos em trincheiras nos diferentes segmentos da vertente (topo, ombro, meia encosta e sopé). A configuração lateral dos horizontes foi observada por meio de tradagens. Análises mineralógicas, químicas e granulométricas foram feitas em amostras selecionadas dos horizontes. Nas amostras indeformadas dos horizontes e das transições entre estes, foram feitas a descrição e a análise micromorfológica para apoiar a interpretação da pedogênese. Os Latossolos muito argilosos do topo plano foram interpretados como formados a partir de um sedimento argiloso neocenozóico que recobriu o platô, e os Podzólicos como resultantes de transformação pedológica lateral dos Latossolos com contribuição de siltitos da formação Tatuí (Ptt). A gênese dos microagregados dos Latossolos do topo é complexa, mas dois processos ficaram mais evidentes: o da microestruturação geoquímica e o da zoogenética. A transição lateral Bw-Bt foi atribuída ao adensamento em subsuperfície do manto latossólico, em conseqüência do rebaixamento e convexização da superfície topográfica original durante o Quaternário e da influência crescente para jusante da ação mecânica do fluxo lateral de água. Posteriormente, mecanismos de argiluviação e de degradação de argilas por hidromorfismo temporário no topo do Bt completam a transformação do Bw em Bt e deste em E, respectivamente.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.
The Fiscal Division newsletter, published weekly during session and periodically during the interim.