917 resultados para Northern Quoll
An old erg covers the northern part of the Lake Chad basin. This dune landform allowed the formation of many inter- dune ponds of various sizes. Still present in certain zones where the groundwater level is high (e.g. Kanem, southern Manga), these ponds formed in the past a vast network of lacustrine microsystems, as shown by the nature and the dis- tribution of their deposits. In the Manga, these interdune deposits represent the main sedimentary records of the Holo- cene environmental succession. Their paleobiological (pollens, diatoms, ostracods) and geochemical (δ18O, δ13C, Sr/ Ca) contents are often the basis for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. On the other hand, their sedimentological char- acters are rarely exploited. This study of palustro-lacustrine deposits of the Holocene N'Guigmi lake (northern bank of the Lake Chad; Niger) is based on the relationships between the sedimentological features and the climato-hydrological fluctuations. The mineralogical parameters (e.g. calcium carbonate content, clay mineralogy) and the nature of autoch- thonous mineralization (i.e. amorphous silica, clays, calcium carbonates) can be interpreted using a straightforward hy- dro-sedimentary model. Established to explain the geochemical dynamics of Lake Chad, this model is based on a bio- geochemical cycle of the main elements (i.e. silicium, calcium) directly controlled by the local hydrological balance (i.e. rainfall/evaporation ratio). All these results show that a detailed study of sedimentological features can provide impor- tant paleohydrological informations about the regional aridification since ca 6500 14C BP.
Report on the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014
Report on a special investigation of the University of Northern Iowa, College of Education – Curriculum and Instruction Department for the period January 1, 2012 through October 31, 2014
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the University of Northern Iowa Facility Administration and Maintenance Information System for the period April 29, 2014 through June 5, 2014
Audit report of the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, as of and for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014
The objective of this work was to evaluate the population structure and the genetic and phenotypic progress of Nelore cattle in Northern Brazil. Pedigree information concerning animals born between 1942 and 2006 were analyzed. Population structure was performed using the Endog program. Out of the 140,628 animals studied, 67.7, 14.52 and 3.18% had complete pedigree record of the first, second and third parental generation, respectively. Inbreeding and average relatedness coefficients were low: 0.2 and 0.13%, respectively. However, these parameters may have been underestimated, since information on pedigree was incomplete. The effective number of founders was 370 and the genetic contribution of 10, 50 and 448 most influent ancestors explained 13.2, 28 and 50% of the genetic variability in the population, respectively. The genetic variability for growth traits and population structure demonstrates high probability of increasing productivity through selective breeding. Moreover, management strategies to reduce the currently observed age at first calving and generation intervals are important for Nelore cattle genetic improvement.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the University of Northern Iowa’s eBusiness Payroll and Human Resources System for the period April 1, 2015 through May 27, 2015
The study area. located north of Konva (Central Turkey), is composed of Silurian to Cretaceous metamorphosed rocks. The lower unit of the oldest formation (Silurian-Early Permian) is mostly made up of Silurian-Early Carboniferous metacarbonates. These rocks pass laterally and vertically to Devonian-Early Permian series having continental margin, shallow water and pelagic characteristics. They are intruded or juxtaposed to different kinds of metamagmatic rocks. which show MORB. continental arc and within plate characteristics. The Palaeozoic units are covered unconformably by Triassic-Cretaceous metasedimentary units. All these rocks are overthrusted by Mesozoic ophiolites. The Palaeozoic sequence can be seen as a northern Palaeotethys passive, then active margin. The northward subduction of the Palaeotethys ocean during the Carboniferous-Triassic times, induced the development of a magmatic arc and fore-arc sequence (Carboniferous-Permian). Before the Early Triassic (?Late Permian) time. the fore-arc sequence was uplifted above sea level and eroded. The Triassic sequences are regarded as marking the onset of back-arc opening and detachment of the Anatolian Konya block from the active Eurasian margin. Finally. a suture zone formed during the Carman between the Konya region and the Menderes-Tauride Cimmerian block due to the closing of Palaeotethvs. This geodynamic evolution can be correlated with the evolution of the Karaburun sequence in western Turkey.
The paper deals with the stratigraphic and structural setting of the sedimentary sequence cropping out in southeastern Zanskar and adjacent Lahul areas. The Tibetan Zone succession of southeastern Zanskar consists of about 6000 m of sediments, Late Precambrian~ ?Eocene in age, arranged in two superposed slabs (Pugh tal Unit, below, and Zangla Unit, above) tectonically resting upon the High Himalayan Crystalline. The Pughtal sequence, mostly terrigenous with carbonate units in the Cambrian, Silurian and Carboniferous, is about 2500 m thick. It was deposited from ?Late Precambrian to Carboniferous or ?Early Permian. The Permian Panjal Traps constitute the "sole" of the Zangla Unit, whose sedimentary sequence, about 3000 m thick, mainly carbonatic, spans from Late Permian (Kuling Formation) to Middle Jurassic (Kioto Limestone) in eastern Zanskar. In the Zangla area Late Jurassic/Cretaceous formations (Spiti Shales, Giumal Sandstone, Chikkim Limestone) are also present. Towards northwest, the sequence ranges up to Paleocene (Spanboth Formation) and ?Eocene (Chulung La Slates). Au nord de la Haute Chaine, dans la partie septentrionale de I'Himalaya, la marge continentale indienne a vu plus de 6000 m de sediments se deposer depuis I'Infracambrien jusqu'a I'Eocene. Lors de l'orogenese himalayenne, ces sediments ont ete decolles de leur substratum originel, dMormes et metamorphises de maniere differenciee suivant leur position. Ils reposent en contact tectonique sur la nappe cristalline du Haut-Himalaya. L'unite inferieure ou unite de Pughtal consiste, la ou elle est complete, en plus de 2500 m de sediments en partie detritiques terrigenes mais marque par l'edification de plates-formes carbonatees au Cambrien, Silurien et Carbonifere. Dans cette unite on releve deux grandes sequences sedimentaires separees par l'evenement epirogenique et magmatique tardi-Cambrien (500 rna), contrecoup de l'orogenese pan-africaine. Un niveau massif de vo1canites basaltiques permiennes ~ les Panjal Traps ~ forme la base ou sole de I'unite superieure (nappe de Zangla). Cette unite, plissee de maniere disharmonique, recouvre progressivement vers l'ouest des niveaux de plus en plus anciens de l'unite inferieure, niveaux eux-memes replisses en grands plis couches kilometriques a vergence nord. Dans la partie occidentale (Ringdom) l'unite superieure repose directement sur la nappe cristalline. Cette unite montre une serie sedimentaire avec des carbonates de plate-forme bien developpes au Trias superieur et au Lias puis des sediments surtout pelagiques et en partie detritiques terrigenes au Jurassique superieur et au Cretace. Des la fin du Cretace et jusqu'au Paleocene superieur s'edifie a nouveau une plate-forme peu profonde. La serie se termine par des couches continentales attribuees a l'Eocene. L'evolution geodynamique durant Ie Paleozoique et Ie Mesozoique est analysee. II en ressort que la sedimentation, a partir de I'Ordovicien, est regJee plus par des grands cycles eustatiques que par des mouvements tectoniques ou epirogeniques regionaux (les orogeneses caledoniennes, hercyniennes et cretacees des auteurs).
Selostus: Kalkituksen vaikutus piparmintun ja Sachalinin mintun satoon Pohjois-Suomessa