999 resultados para Nordenskiöld, Adolf-Erik
Purpose: To investigate the effect of curing rate on softening in ethanol, degree of conversion, and wear of resin composites. Methods: With a given energy density and for each of two different light-curing units (QTH or LED), the curing rate was reduced by modulating the curing mode. Thus, the irradiation of resin composite specimens (Filtek Z250, Tetric Ceram, Esthet-X) was performed in a continuous curing mode and in a pulse-delay curing mode. Wallace hardness was used to determine the softening of resin composite after storage in ethanol. Degree of conversion was determined by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Wear was assessed by a three-body test. Data were submitted to Levene`s test, one and three-way ANOVA, and Tukey HSD test (alpha= 0.05). Results: Immersion in ethanol, curing mode, and material all had significant effects on Wallace hardness. After ethanol storage, resin composites exposed to the pulse-delay curing mode were softer than resin composites exposed to continuous cure (P< 0.0001). Tetric Ceram was the softest material followed by Esthet-X and Filtek Z250 (P< 0.001). Only the restorative material had a significant effect on degree of conversion (P< 0.001): Esthet-X had the lowest degree of conversion followed by Filtek Z250 and Tetric Ceram. Curing mode (P= 0.007) and material (P< 0.001) had significant effect on wear. Higher wear resulted from the pulse-delay curing mode when compared to continuous curing, and Filtek Z250 showed the lowest wear followed by Esthet-X and Tetric Ceram. (Am J Dent 2011;24:115-118).
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of light-curing protocol on degree of conversion (DC), volume contraction (C), elastic modulus (E), and glass transition temperature (T(g)) as measured on a model polymer. It was a further aim to correlate the measured values with each other. Methods. Different light-curing protocols were used in order to investigate the influence of energy density (ED), power density (PD), and mode of cure on the properties. The modes of cure were continuous, pulse-delay, and stepped irradiation. DC was measured by Raman micro-spectroscopy. C was determined by pycnometry and a density column. E was measured by a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA), and T(g) was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Data were submitted to two-and three-way ANOVA, and linear regression analyses. Results. ED, PD, and mode of cure influenced DC, C, E, and T(g) of the polymer. A significant positive correlation was found between ED and DC (r = 0.58), ED and E (r = 0.51), and ED and T(g) (r = 0.44). Taken together, ED and PD were significantly related to DC and E. The regression coefficient was positive for ED and negative for PD. Significant positive correlations were detected between DC and C (r = 0.54), DC and E (r = 0.61), and DC and T(g) (r = 0.53). Comparisons between continuous and pulse-delay modes of cure showed significant influence of mode of cure: pulse-delay curing resulted in decreased DC, decreased C, and decreased T(g). Influence of mode of cure, when comparing continuous and step modes of cure, was more ambiguous. A complex relationship exists between curing protocol, microstructure of the resin and the investigated properties. The overall performance of a composite is thus indirectly affected by the curing protocol adopted, and the desired reduction of C may be in fact a consequence of the decrease in DC. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In renal collecting ducts, a vasopressin-induced cAMP increase results in the phosphorylation of aquaporin-2 (AQP2) water channels at Ser-256 and its redistribution from intracellular vesicles to the apical membrane. Hormones that activate protein kinase C (PKC) proteins counteract this process. To determine the role of the putative kinase sites in the trafficking and hormonal regulation of human AQP2, three putative casein kinase II (Ser-148, Ser-229, Thr-244), one PKC (Ser-231), and one protein kinase A (Ser-256) site were altered to mimic a constitutively non-phosphorylated/phosphorylated state and were expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Except for Ser-256 mutants, seven correctly folded AQP2 kinase mutants trafficked as wild-type AQP2 to the apical membrane via forskolin-sensitive intracellular vesicles. With or without forskolin, AQP2-Ser-256A was localized in intracellular vesicles, whereas AQP2-S256D was localized in the apical membrane. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced PKC activation following forskolin treatment resulted in vesicular distribution of all AQP2 kinase mutants, while all were still phosphorylated at Ser-256. Our data indicate that in collecting duct cells, AQP2 trafficking to vasopressin-sensitive vesicles is phosphorylation-independent, that phosphorylation of Ser-256 is necessary and sufficient for expression of AQP2 in the apical membrane, and that PMA-induced PKC-mediated endocytosis of AQP2 is independent of the AQP2 phosphorylation state.
This article contains the proceedings of a symposium at the 2002 RSA/ISBRA Meeting in San Francisco, organized and chaired by Clive Harper and co-chaired by Izuru Matsumoto. The presentations were (1) Introduction, by Clive Harper; (2) The quality of tissue-a critical issue, by Therese Garrick; (3) The first systematic brain tissue donor program in Japan, by Izuru Matsumoto; (4) Brain scans after death-really! by Adolf Pfefferbaum, Elfar Adalsteinsson, and Edith Sullivan; (5) Capture that (genial) expression, by Joanne Lewohl and Peter Dodd; and (6) Neurochemical/pharmacological studies: experimental design and limitations, by Roger Butterworth.
No norte do Estado do Espírito Santo, vem sendo observada a ocorrência crescente da ferrugem (Puccinia psidii G. Winter) nos pomares de goiabeira, ocasionando a queda de frutos novos e o declínio na produção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar tratamentos com fungicidas no controle da ferrugem em goiabeiras 'Paluma' podadas em diferentes épocas do ano. Foram realizados três experimentos, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com diferentes épocas de poda de frutificação (janeiro; maio e outubro) e quatro tratamentos fungicidas (I- testemunha - aplicação de água, II- oxicloreto de cobre, III- tebuconazole e IV- tebuconazole + oxicloreto de cobre). Observou-se que, quando a poda foi realizada em janeiro, houve as maiores incidências máxima e final da doença, acarretando menor número de frutos por planta. Dentre os fungicidas testados, tebuconazole isolado ou em mistura com oxicloreto de cobre foram os mais eficientes em controlar a doença nas três épocas de poda, inclusive na época de maior incidência da doença. Quatro pulverizações com tebuconazole, isolado ou em mistura com o oxicloreto de cobre, foram suficientes para minimizar os danos causados pela ferrugem da goiabeira.
Tomando a etnografia de Theodor Koch-Grünberg como realização ideal do projeto científico da Völkerkunde (antropologia) alemã desde a sua invenção por Waitz e, principalmente, Adolf Bastian, até a sua auto-eliminação nos primórdios do Terceiro Reich, analisamos inicialmente as raízes desse projeto na filosofia alemã, desde Herder até a ruptura neokantiana entre as ciências naturais e sociais (ou culturais) na metade do século XIX. Em seguida mostramos que, transformados em programa etnográfico, os pressupostos epistêmicos da Völkerkunde eram, desde o início, condenados ao fracasso, não obstante os heróicos esforços como este de Koch-Grünberg.
O óxido de polifenileno com a marca comercial PPO® é uma das resinas principais produzidas na SABIC IP e o ingrediente principal do plástico de engenharia com a marca registada, Noryl®. A equipa de tecnologia de processo de PPO® desenvolve uma série de novos produtos em reactores de pequena escala, tanto em Selkirk como em Bergen op Zoom. Para se efectuar uma transição rápida da escala laboratorial para a fábrica, é necessário um conhecimento completo do reactor. O objectivo deste projecto consiste em esboçar linhas gerais para o scale-up de novos produtos de PPO1, do laboratório para a escala industrial, baseado no estudo de um tipo de PPO, PPO 803. Este estudo pode ser dividido em duas fases. Numa primeira fase, as receitas e os perfis da reacção são comparados, de onde se retiram as primeiras conclusões. Posteriormente, com base nestas conclusões, é realizado um planeamento experimental. O estudo inicial sugeriu que a receita, a temperatura inicial do reactor e a velocidade do agitador poderiam influenciar o tempo da reacção bem como a queda da velocidade intrínseca do polímero (IV drop). As reacções experimentais mostraram que a receita é o principal factor que influencia, tanto o tempo de reacção, como a queda de viscosidade intrínseca. O tempo de reacção será tanto maior quanto menor a agitação devido à má dispersão do oxigénio na mistura. O uso de temperaturas iniciais elevadas conduz a uma queda maior da viscosidade intrínseca devido à desactivação do catalisador. O método experimental utilizado no laboratório de Bergen op Zoom é um bom exemplo, simulador, do procedimento utilizado na fábrica.
Patients scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan sometimes require screening for ferromagnetic Intra Orbital Foreign Bodies (IOFBs). To assess this, they are required to fill out a screening protocol questionnaire before their scan. If it is established that a patient is at high risk, radiographic imaging is necessary. This review examines literature to evaluate which imaging modality should be used to screen for IOFBs, considering that the eye is highly sensitive to ionising radiation and any dose should be minimised. Method: Several websites and books were searched for information, these were as follows: PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar. The terms searched related to IOFB, Ionising radiation, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety, Image Quality, Effective Dose, Orbits and X-ray. Thirty five articles were found, several were rejected due to age or irrelevance; twenty eight were eventually accepted. Results: There are several imaging techniques that can be used. Some articles investigated the use of ultrasound for investigation of ferromagnetic IOFBs of the eye and others discussed using Computed Tomography (CT) and X-ray. Some gaps in the literature were identified, mainly that there are no articles which discuss the lowest effective dose while having adequate image quality for orbital imaging. Conclusion: X-ray is the best method to identify IOFBs. The only problem is that there is no research which highlights exposure factors that maintain sufficient image quality for viewing IOFBs and keep the effective dose to the eye As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
Purpose: To investigate whether standard X-ray acquisition factors for orbital radiographs are suitable for the detection of ferromagnetic intra-ocular foreign bodies in patients undergoing MRI. Method: 35 observers, at varied levels of education in radiography, attending a European Dose Optimisation EURASMUS Summer School were asked to score 24 images of varying acquisition factors against a clinical standard (reference image) using two alternative forced choice. The observers were provided with 12 questions and a 5 point Likert scale. Statistical tests were used to validate the scale, and scale reliability was also measured. The images which scored equal to, or better than, the reference image (36) were ranked alongside their corresponding effective dose (E), the image with the lowest dose equal to or better than the reference is considered the new optimum acquisition factors. Results: Four images emerged as equal to, or better than, the reference in terms of image quality. The images were then ranked in order of E. Only one image that scored the same as the reference had a lower dose. The reference image had a mean E of 3.31μSv, the image that scored the same had an E of 1.8μSv. Conclusion: Against the current clinical standard exposure factors of 70kVp, 20mAs and the use of an anti- scatter grid, one image proved to have a lower E whilst maintaining the same level of image quality and lesion visibility. It is suggested that the new exposure factors should be 60kVp, 20mAs and still include the use of an anti-scatter grid.
Este trabalho é um estudo prospectivo e descritivo dos aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos de 72 envenenamentos por escorpiões admitidos no Hospital Municipal de Santarém, Estado do Pará, Brasil, entre fevereiro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2001. Trouxeram o animal 8,3% das vítimas, os quais foram identificados como T. cambridgei. O sexo masculino foi acometido em 83,3%. A idade das vítimas e o tempo para o socorro médico foram respectivamente de 33,6±18,3 anos e 4,6±3,2 horas em média. Os membros superiores foram acometidos em 51,5% dos casos. As manifestações locais estiveram presentes em 91,7% e as sistêmicas em 98,6% dos envenenamentos. Entre os sintomas locais encontramos: parestesia em 79,2%, dor em 52,8%, e edema em 26,4% dos casos. Nas manifestações sistêmicas predominou as queixas neurológicas em 97,2% das vítimas, sendo o sintoma de sensação de "choque elétrico" pelo corpo (88,9%) o mais freqüente. No exame neurológico os sinais mais encontrados foram: mioclonias (93,0%), dismetria (86,1%), disartria (80,6%) e ataxia de marcha (70,8%). Classificou-se como moderados 76,4% dos envenenamentos, sem nenhum caso grave. Deixaram de realizar a soroterapia 32,7% dos casos moderados, por ausência de soro específico no momento do atendimento. O escorpionismo da região de Santarém mostra um comportamento clínico regional diferente daqueles descritos no Brasil e de outros locais da Amazônia e, apresenta uma clínica predominantemente neurológica, ainda não descrita na literatura brasileira.
During drilling operation, cuttings are produced downhole and must be removed to avoid issues which can lead to Non Productive Time (NPT). Most of stuck pipe and then Bottom-Hole Assembly (BHA) lost events are hole cleaned related. There are many parameters which help determine hole cleaning conditions, but a proper selection of the key parameters will facilitate monitoring hole cleaning conditions and interventions. The aim of Hole Cleaning Monitoring is to keep track of borehole conditions including hole cleaning efficiency and wellbore stability issues during drilling operations. Adequate hole cleaning is the one of the main concerns in the underbalanced drilling operations especially for directional and horizontal wells. This dissertation addresses some hole cleaning fundamentals which will act as the basis for recommendation practice during drilling operations. Understand how parameters such as Flowrate, Rotation per Minute (RPM), Rate of Penetration (ROP) and Mud Weight are useful to improve the hole cleaning performance and how Equivalent Circulate Density (ECD), Torque & Drag (T&D) and Cuttings Volumes coming from downhole help to indicate how clean and stable the well is. For case study, hole cleaning performance or cuttings volume removal monitoring, will be based on real-time measurements of the cuttings volume removal from downhole at certain time, taking into account Flowrate, RPM, ROP and Drilling fluid or Mud properties, and then will be plotted and compared to the volume being drilled expected. ECD monitoring will dictate hole stability conditions and T&D and Cuttings Volume coming from downhole monitoring will dictate how clean the well is. T&D Modeling Software provide theoretical calculated T&D trends which will be plotted and compared to the real-time measurements. It will use the measured hookloads to perform a back-calculation of friction factors along the wellbore.
Over a seven year period from 1991 to 1997, 22 species of tiger beetles, representing nine genera, were recorded near Manaus, Brazil. In the Whitewaterfloodplains along the Rio Solimões-Amazonas (Ilha de Marchantaria), three diurnal species inhabit inundation forests and six species (two diurnal, four nocturnal) live in open areas. Data on their natural history and adaptation to living conditions in floodplains are presented. Fifteen species were located on non-flooded uplands (Reserva Florestal A. Ducke). Five diurnal species inhabit the forest floor, two species are canopy dwellers, and eight species (seven diurnal, one nocturnal) live in open areas on whitesand or laterite. Only one species, Pentacomia lacordairei, was found in both floodplain and upland forests. A key to the larvae of tiger beetle genera located near Manaus is presented.