848 resultados para NIS COHORT
Objective: Hereditary nonsyndromic deafness is an autosomal recessive condition in about 80% of cases, and point mutations in the GJB2 gene (connexin 26) and two deletions in the GJB6 gene (connexin 30), del(GJB6-D13S1830) and del(GJB6-D13S1854), are reported to account for 50% of recessive deafness, Aiming at establishing the frequencies of GJB2 mutations and GJB6 deletions in the Brazilian population, we screened 300 unrelated individuals with hearing impairment, who were not affected by known deafness related syndromes. Methods: We firstly screened the most frequently reported mutations, c.35delG and c.167delT in the GJB2 gene, and del(GJB6-D13S1830) and del(GJB6-D13S1854) in the GJB6 gene, through specific techniques. The detected c.35delG and c.167delT mutations were validated by sequencing. Other mutations in the GJB2 gene were screened by single-strand conformation polymorphism and the coding region was sequenced when abnormal patterns were found. Results: Pathogenic mutations in GJB2 and GJB6 genes were detected in 41 individuals (13.7%), and 80.5% (33/41) presented these mutations in homozygosis or compound heterozygosis, thus explaining their hearing defect. The c.35delG in the GJB2 gene was the most frequent mutation (37/300; 12.4%), detected in 23% familial and 6.2% the sporadic cases. The second most frequent mutation (1%; 3/300) was the del(GJB6- D13S1830), always found associated with the c.35delG mutation. Nineteen different sequence variations were found in the GJB2 gene. In addition to the c.35delG mutation, nine known pathogenic alterations were detected 0 67delT, p.Trp24X, p.Val37lle, c.176_191del16, c.235delC, p.Leu90Pro, p.Arg127His, c.509insA, and p.Arg184Pro, Five substitutions had been previously considered benign polymorphisms: c.-15C>T, p.Val27lle, p.Met34hr, p.Ala40Ala, and p.Gly160Ser. Two previously reported Mutations of unknown pathogenicity were found (p.Lys168Arg, and c.684C>A), and two novel substitutions, p.Leu81Val (c.G241C) and p.Met195Val (c.A583G), both in heterozygosis without an accompanying mutation in the other allele. None of these latter four variants of undefined status was present in a sample of 100 hearing controls. Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that Mutations in the GJB2 gene and del(GJB6 D13S1830) are important causes of hearing impairment in Brazil, thus justifying their screening in a routine basis. The diversity of variants in our sample reflects the ethnic heterogeneity of the Brazilian population.
Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a major risk factor for cervical disease. Using baseline data from the HIV-infected cohort of Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute at Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, factors associated with an increased prevalence of HPV were assessed. Methods: Samples from 634 HIV-infected women were tested for the presence of HPV infection using hybrid capture 11 and polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression analysis with robust variance. Results: The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 48%, of which 94% were infected with a high-risk HPV. In multivariate analysis, factors independently associated with infection with high-risk HPV type were: younger age (<30 years of age; PR 1.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-2.1), current or prior drug use (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.0-1.6), self-reported history of HPV infection (PR 1.2, 95% CI 0.96-1.6), condom use in the last sexual intercourse (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1-1.7), and nadir CD4+ T-cell count <100 cells/mm(3) (PR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.1). Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of high-risk HPV-infection among HIV-infected women from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was high. Close monitoring of HPV-related effects is warranted in all HIV-infected women, in particular those of younger age and advanced immunosuppression. (C) 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Turnover of the extracellular matrix in all solid organs is governed mainly by a balance between the degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs). An altered extracellular matrix metabolism has been implicated in a variety of diseases. We investigated relations of serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 to mortality risk from an etiological perspective. Design: The prospective Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM) cohort, followed from 1991–1995 for up to 18.1 years. A random population-based sample of 1,082 71-year-old men, no loss to follow-up. Endpoints were all-cause (n = 628), cardiovascular (n = 230), non-cardiovascular (n = 398) and cancer mortality (n = 178), and fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction (n = 138) or stroke (n = 163). Results: Serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 levels were associated with risk of all-cause mortality (Cox proportional hazard ratio [HR] per standard deviation 1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03–1.19; and 1.11, 1.02–1.20; respectively). TIMP-1 levels were mainly related to risks of cardiovascular mortality and stroke (HR per standard deviation 1.22, 95% CI 1.09–1.37; and 1.18, 1.04–1.35; respectively). All relations except those of TIMP-1 to stroke risk were attenuated by adjustment for cardiovascular disease risk factors. Relations in a subsample without cardiovascular disease or cancer were similar to those in the total sample. Conclusion: In this community-based cohort of elderly men, serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 levels were related to mortality risk. An altered extracellular matrix metabolism may be involved in several detrimental pathways, and circulating MMP-9 or TIMP-1 levels may be relevant markers thereof.
Background. The purpose of this study was to analyse whether the parallel life situation between stroke patients and their informal caregivers (dyads) shown in cross-sectional studies prevails also in a longitudinal perspective. Methods. A total of 377 Swedish stroke patients, aged ‡65 years, and their 268 informal caregivers were followed from hospital admission and one year on. Analyses were based on patient interviews, functional ability (MMSE) score, Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) score, Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) score, self-rated health score, and the Gothenburg Quality of Life (GQL) activity score. Similar information was obtained by postal questionnaires from informal caregivers, also including information on the nature and amount of assistance provided and on Caregiver Burden (CB) score. Results. Before index admission informal caregivers provided care on average 5 h per week and after discharge 11 h per week (P < 0.0001). Support volume was associated with patient sex (more for men), low patient’s functional ability, low received municipal social service support, closeness of patient–caregiver relation, and short distance to patient’s home. Significant positive associations within the dyads were found for HAD anxiety score (P < 0.0001), total NHP score (P < 0.0001), and GQL activity score (P < 0.0001) after adjustment for patient’s age, sex, functional ability, and patient–caregiver relationship. CB score increased with amount of informal caregiver support, patient’s age, and with low functional ability and low amount of municipal social service support. All these associations were constant across time. Conclusions. There was an association within the dyads regarding anxiety score, NHP score, and activity score. CB score was generally high.
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We estimate the impact of having attended center-based daycare institutions during early childhood on Math test scores at the 4th grade of elementary school. Because enrollment in daycare centers may depend on unobservable character-istics of the family and the child, we build and estimate a structural model of endogeneous choice of school to deal with the selectivity problem. We nd that attendance to daycare institutions is associated with a gain of approximately 0,04 standard deviation in Math test scores. This result is important to the extent our OLS results as well as most of the studies for Brazil nd no e¤ect associated to daycare attendance, suggesting selectivity may play a role on this finding.
Aims: The effects of glargine insulin therapy in pregnancies are not well established. We compared maternal and neonatal outcomes of women with pregestational and gestational diabetes treated with glargine or NPH insulin.Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted analyzing outcomes from 56 women with pregestational and 82 with gestational diabetes treated with either insulin regimen.Results: Comparisons were performed among 138 women: 56 with pregestational and 82 with gestational diabetes. In relation to maternal complications, worsening of retinopathy and nephropathy, preeclampsia, micro and macroalbuminuria, and all kinds of hypoglycemia were found higher in women with pregestational diabetes NPH-treated vs. glargine-treated. In women with gestational diabetes NPH-treated, it was observed increased incidence of prepregnancy and new-onset pregnancy hypertension, micro and macroalbuminuria, as well as mild and frequent hypoglycemia, compared to glargine-treated. Among the neonatal outcomes, 1-min Apgar score <7, necessity of intensive care unit and fetal death in pregestational, while jaundice and congenital malformations in gestational diabetes, respectively, were more frequently observed in infants born to NPH-treated, compared to glargine-treated.Conclusions: Glargine use during pregnancy from preconception through delivery, showed to be safe since it is associated with decreased maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes compared with NPH insulin-treated patients. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of hydatidiform mole (HM) management setting (reference center versus other institutions) on gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) outcomes. METHODS: This cohort study included 270 HM patients attending Botucatu Trophoblastic Diseases Center (BTDC, São Paulo State University, Brazil) between January 1.990 and December 2009 (204 undergoing evacuation and entire postmolar follow-up at BTDC and 66 from other institutions [OIs]). GTN characteristics and outcomes were analyzed and compared according to HM management setting. The confounding variables assessed included age, gravidity, parity, number of abortions and HM type (complete or partial). Postmolar GTN outcomes were compared using Mann-Whitney's test, chi(2) test or Fisher's exact test.RESULTS: Postmolar GTN occurred in 34 (34/204= 16.7%) BTDC patients and in 27 (27/66=40.9%) of those initially treated in other institutions. BTDC patients showed lower metastasis rate (5.8% vs. 48%, p = 0.003) and lower median FIGO (2002) score (2.00 0.00, 3.001 vs. 4.00 [2.00, 7.00], p = 0.003]. Multiagent chemotherapy to treat postmolar GTN was required in 2 BTDC cases (5.9%) and in 8 OI cases (29.6%) (p = 0.017). Median time interval between molar evacuation and chemotherapy onset was shorter among BTDC patients (7.0 [6.0, 10.0] vs. 10.0[7.0, 16.0], p = 0.040). CONCLUSION: BTDC patients showed GTN characteristics indicative of better prognosis. This underscores the importance of GTD specialist centers. (J Reprod Med 2012;57:305-309)
Aim. The purpose of this study was to provide normal values for maximum phonation time (MPT) and the s/z ratio by examining 1660 children aged 4-12 years and without vocal signs or symptoms.Methods. The technique was based on the sustained emission of the /a/ vowel and fricatives /s/ and /z/.Results. The average of the MPT in children of the different age groups was as follows: 6.09 seconds for the age group 4-6 years (males, 5.97; female, 6.21 seconds), 7.94 seconds for the age group 7-9 years (males, 8.07; females, 7.79 seconds), and 8.98 for the age group 10-12 years (males, 9.05; females, 8.92 seconds). The overall average for males was 7.78 and females 7.64 seconds. The s/z ratio was near 1.0 in most children but above 1.2 in 133 children and below 0.8 in 133 children.Conclusion. These values of MPT and s/z ratio can be used as normative in further pediatric studies.
Background. Predicting risk of posteruptive enamel breakdown (PEB) of molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) opacity is a difficult but important clinical task. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate these aspects through longitudinal studies.Objective. The aim of this longitudinal study was to analyse the relationship between colours of MIH opacity of children aged 6-12 (baseline) and other clinical and demographic variables involved in the increase in severity of MIH.Materials and methods. A blinded prospective 18-month follow-up was conducted with 147 individuals presenting mild MIH. Tooth-based incidence of increase in severity of MIH (PEB or atypical restorations) was used as dependent measurement. Enamel opacities were recorded according to colour shades of white, yellow and brown, allowing assessment of susceptibility to structural loss over time, according to colour of MIH opacity. Poisson regression models were used to adjust the results for demographic and clinical variables.Results. Brown and yellow MIH opacities were at higher risk for PEB and atypical restorations than those of white ones, even after adjustment for clinical and demographic variables.Conclusion. Teeth presenting mild MIH severity associated with yellow and brown enamel opacities were at high risk for increase in severity of MIH than lighter ones. This result could help clinicians determine a risk-based treatment for children with MIH.
We evaluated the prevalence and clinical associations of amenorrhea in 298 female juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients (ACR criteria) followed in 12 Brazilian Paediatric Rheumatology centres. Amenorrhea was observed in 35 patients (11.7%) with a mean duration of 7.2 +/- 3.6 months. The hormones were performed in 32/35 patients and none of them had FSH and LH levels above and estradiol below the normal range according to pubertal changes. JSLE patients with amenorrhea were younger (15.04 +/- 2.5 versus 17.8 +/- 3.1 years; P = 0.001), and had a shorter period of time between menarche and current age (3.4 +/- 2.9 versus 6.7 +/- 5.4 years; P = 0.001). Interestingly, the frequency, cumulative dose, number of pulses and duration of intravenous cyclophosphamide treatment were alike in patients with and without amenorrhea (P > 0.05). In contrast, patients with amenorrhea had significantly higher SLEDAI (P = 0.01) and SLICC/ACR-DI (P = 0.024) scores compared to those without this condition. Independent risk factors identified by multivariate analysis were higher SLEDAI (OR=1.059; CI=1.004-1.116; P=0.034) and SLICC/ACR-DI (OR=2.125; IC = 1.373-3.291; P = 0.001) scores. Our data suggest that in spite of imummosuppressive therapy, JSLE patients have an adequate ovarian follicular reserve and amenorrhea is particularly associated with disease activity and damage.