766 resultados para Muscles -- Examination
Amostras de músculo de carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio) e de água de três viveiros fertilizados com dejetos de suínos e de um viveiro em que os peixes foram alimentados com ração comercial para peixes foram analisadas durante seis meses. O objetivo foi observar a presença de bactérias patogênicas, como Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus e coliformes totais e fecais, em peixes comercializados in natura no município de Chapecó, Santa Catarina. Foram aferidos quinzenalmente, na água dos quatro viveiros, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, alcalinidade total, dureza total, amônia, nitrato e ortofosfato, bem como a quantidade de coliformes totais e fecais. A análise microbiológica músculo dos peixes demonstrou ausência de Salmonella em todas as amostras. A contagem dos demais microrganismos manteve-se inferior ao limite máximo permitido pela legislação vigente, em todas as amostras. Portanto, os peixes analisados estavam aptos ao consumo humano, pois atenderam aos padrões recomendados pela Divisão Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária de Alimentos (DINAL). A comparação entre os viveiros fertilizados com dejetos de suínos e o viveiro fertilizado com ração comercial para peixes não apresentou diferença significativa, porém apresentou efeito significativo sobre oxigênio dissolvido, turbidez, alcalinidade total e amônia. A matéria orgânica foi responsável pelos maiores valores, com exceção da turbidez, que foi menor no viveiro fertilizado com ração comercial para peixes. Entretanto, após análise de todos os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos da água dos viveiros, pode-se constatar que todos os viveiros se enquadraram nas classes II ou III da classificação de águas interiores estabelecida pelo CONAMA.
We studied the statistical distribution of student's performance, which is measured through their marks, in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) with respect to (i) period of study - day versus night period (ii) teaching conditions - private versus public school (iii) economical conditions - high versus low family income. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in physical and biological sciences in all cases. The mean value increases with better study conditions followed by better teaching and economical conditions. In humanities, the distribution is close to normal distribution with very small tail. This indicates that these power law tails in science subjects axe due to the nature of the subjects themselves. Further and better study, teaching and economical conditions axe more important for physical and biological sciences in comparison to humanities at this level of study. We explain these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.
An indirect ELISA using soluble whole cell antigen was used to screen serum samples obtained from breeder and layer flocks some of which had shown clinical or bacteriological evidence of infection with Salmonella Gallinarum or S. Pullorum. There was good correlation between Salmonella infection and the presence of serum samples showing high optical density (OD) values. Sera from seven flocks showing high values were retested using group D (0-1, 9, 12) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and g,m-H flagella as detecting antigens. Sera from six flocks produced high OD values with LPS and low values with flagella confirming infection with a non-flagellate, group D Salmonella while one produced high values with both antigens indicating mixed infection with another group D serotype.
The temporal muscles (anterior position), and the masseter and suprahyoid muscles were studied electromyographically in 15 subjects with ages ranging from 18 to 35 years, showing normal occlusion (Class I of angle), complete dentition and no dysfunction of the stomatognathic system. The volunteers sat comfortably in a chair, keeping the Frankfurt plane parallel to the boor; the muscles were analysed in the mandibular resting position through a number of stages: with minimum exteroceptive stimuli, relaxation with soft music, abolition of the intrabuccal negative pressure through a plastic tube, stress provoked by an electronic game, disocclusion of posterior teeth using the occlusal splint and finally withdrawal of this device. The electromyographic results were analysed statistically. The samples, were analysed for all of the frequencies of motor units, in a 1-min period. It was found that there were statistically significant difference between the relaxation stages as compared with the withdrawal of negative intraoral pressure and mainly with the stress phase, being this only on the suprahyoid muscles, with 5% significance.
The anatomy of the extraocular muscles was studied in 10 adult opossums (Didelphis albiventris) of both sexes. Eight extraocular muscles were identified: 4 rectus muscles, 2 oblique muscles, the levator palpebrae superioris and the retractor ocular bulbi. The rectus muscles originate very close one to another between the orbital surfaces of the presphenoid and palatine bones. These muscles diverge on the way to their insertion which occurs at about 2 mm from the limbus. The levator palpebrae superioris originates with the dorsal rectus and is positioned dorsally in relation to it. The retractor ocular bulbi forms a cone which embraces the optic nerve and is located internally in relation to the rectus muscles. The dorsal oblique originates on the presphenoid bone and after a tendinous trajectory through a trochlea on the medial wall of the orbit, inserts into the ocular bulb. The only muscle arising from the anterior orbital floor is the ventral oblique. The main nerve supply for these muscles is the oculomotor, except for the dorsal oblique which is innervated by the trochlear nerve, and the lateral rectus which is innervated by the abducens nerve. The retractor ocular bulbi receives branches from the inferior division of the oculomotor nerve and some branches from the abducens nerve.
A dynamical systems approach to the study of locomotor intralimb coordination in those with hemiparesis led to an examination of the utility of the shank-thigh relative phase (RP) as a collective variable and the identification of potential constraints that may shape this coordination. Eighteen non-disabled individuals formed three groups matched to the age and gender of six participants with chronic right hemiparesis. The three groups differed in the constraints imposed on their walking: (1) walking at their preferred walking speed; (2) walking as slowly as those with hemiparesis; and, (3) walking slowly with a right ankle-foot orthosis (AFO). The results revealed an asymmetry in intralimb coordination between the unaffected and affected leg of those with hemiparesis localized to the latter third of the gait cycle when the limb is advanced from the end of stance to the reestablishment of a new stance. Walking slowly with or without an AFO resulted in no measureable effect in the non-disabled, but accounts for 22% of the variance in the intralimb coordination of the hemiplegic's affected limb and 16% in the unaffected limb. The AFO offered little additional contribution. These results derive from shank-thigh RP that is shown to provide more information about intralimb coordination than knee angle displacement. Implications for these results and the use of RP for rehabilitation are discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved. PsycINFO classification. 3297. 2330.
A total of 222 dogs were examined by blood smear examination and Hepatozoon canis infection was detected in 13 dogs (5.9%). Five H. canis-infected dogs were necropsied to observe tissue stages in the organs. Fragments of spleen, liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, lymph nodes, bone marrow and skeletal muscles were used to made touch-impression smears. No macroscopic lesions were found in the organs. Two dogs had gamonts within polymorphonuclear cells and schizonts in various stages of development within the spleen and the bone marrow. Nevertheless, no mature meronts were found.
The extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscle fibres from albino rats submitted to experimental chronic alcoholism were evaluated in accordance with their metabolic and morphometric profiles. Twenty-seven male animals aged 4 months and weighing approximately 400 g were used. The animals were divided into three groups: control, isocaloric and alcoholic and sacrifices were carried out after 5, 10 and 15 months. The muscles were dissected, removed, cross-sectioned in a cryostat and submitted to the NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) reaction. The SO (slow-twitch-oxidative), FG (fast-twitch-glycolytic) and FOG (fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic) muscle fibre types exhibited a polygonal, triangular or rounded shape and did not present noteworthy modifications in either muscles during the study. The cross-sectional areas of the fibres from the studied muscles did not present significant differences during the observations. Fibre area behaved similarly in the alcoholic animals up to the 10th month, i.e. it was decreased, as also observed in the other groups. At 15 months, however, all fibres were increased, with a predominance of FG fibres in the SOL muscle. Changes in fibre population were observed mainly in the SOL muscle of alcoholic animals: SO fibres were initially increased in number but decreased after the 10th month, and the opposite was observed for the population of FG fibres. FOG fibres increased linearly in number throughout the experiment. The statistical analysis showed nevertheless that the fibre population and cross-sectional area changes were not significant. In the alcoholic animals quantitative variations of muscle fibres were more evident in the SOL muscle, suggesting that the SOL muscle is more sensitive to the toxic action of ethanol. The results concerning the increased fibre diameter in alcoholic animals would be associated with muscle oedema induced directly or indirectly by the ethanol.
It is usually believed that repair in alveolar bone during orthodontic movement occurs after decreasing of force. However, we have recently observed signs of repair in previously resorbed cementum from human teeth exposed to continuous forces. In order to test the hypothesis that bone resorption and deposition occur concomitantly at the pressure areas, a continuous 15 cN force was applied in a buccal direction to upper first molars from eight 2.5-month-old male Wistar rats for 3 d (n=4) and 7 d (n=4). As a control, two additional rats did not have their molars moved. Maxillae were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde + 2.5% formaldehyde, under microwave irradiation, decalcified in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and processed for transmission electron microscopy. Specimens from one rat from each group were processed for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) histochemistry. At both the times studied, the alveolar bone surface at the pressure areas showed numerous TRAP-positive osteoclasts, which were apposed to resorption lacunae. In addition, osteoblasts with numerous synthesis organelles were present in the neighboring areas overlying an organic matrix. Thus, this study provides evidence that the application of continuous forces produces concomitant bone resorption and formation at the pressure areas in rat molars.