905 resultados para Muscle contraction -- Physiology
Mezzarane RA, Kohn AF, Couto-Roldan E, Martinez L, Flores A, Manjarrez E. Absence of effects of contralateral group I muscle afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in humans and cats. J Neurophysiol 108: 1176-1185, 2012. First published June 6, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00831.2011.-Crossed effects from group I afferents on reflex excitability and their mechanisms of action are not yet well understood. The current view is that the influence is weak and takes place indirectly via oligosynaptic pathways. We examined possible contralateral effects from group I afferents on presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in humans and cats. In resting and seated human subjects the soleus (SO) H-reflex was conditioned by an electrical stimulus to the ipsilateral common peroneal nerve (CPN) to assess the level of presynaptic inhibition (PSI_control). A brief conditioning vibratory stimulus was applied to the triceps surae tendon at the contralateral side (to activate preferentially Ia muscle afferents). The amplitude of the resulting H-reflex response (PSI_conditioned) was compared to the H-reflex under PSI_control, i.e., without the vibration. The interstimulus interval between the brief vibratory stimulus and the electrical shock to the CPN was -60 to 60 ms. The H-reflex conditioned by both stimuli did not differ from that conditioned exclusively by the ipsilateral CPN stimulation. In anesthetized cats, bilateral monosynaptic reflexes (MSRs) in the left and right L 7 ventral roots were recorded simultaneously. Conditioning stimulation applied to the contralateral group I posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) afferents at different time intervals (0-120 ms) did not have an effect on the ipsilateral gastrocnemius/soleus (GS) MSR. An additional experimental paradigm in the cat using contralateral tendon vibration, similar to that conducted in humans, was also performed. No significant differences between GS-MSRs conditioned by ipsilateral PBSt stimulus alone and those conditioned by both ipsilateral PBSt stimulus and contralateral tendon vibration were detected. The present results strongly suggest an absence of effects from contralateral group I fibers on the presynaptic mechanism of MSR modulation in relaxed humans and anesthetized cats.
Models of passive and active dendrite motoneuron pools and their differences in muscle force control
Motoneuron (MN) dendrites may be changed from a passive to an active state by increasing the levels of spinal cord neuromodulators, which activate persistent inward currents (PICs). These exert a powerful influence on MN behavior and modify the motor control both in normal and pathological conditions. Motoneuronal PICs are believed to induce nonlinear phenomena such as the genesis of extra torque and torque hysteresis in response to percutaneous electrical stimulation or tendon vibration in humans. An existing large-scale neuromuscular simulator was expanded to include MN models that have a capability to change their dynamic behaviors depending on the neuromodulation level. The simulation results indicated that the variability (standard deviation) of a maintained force depended on the level of neuromodulatory activity. A force with lower variability was obtained when the motoneuronal network was under a strong influence of PICs, suggesting a functional role in postural and precision tasks. In an additional set of simulations when PICs were active in the dendrites of the MN models, the results successfully reproduced experimental results reported from humans. Extra torque was evoked by the self-sustained discharge of spinal MNs, whereas differences in recruitment and de-recruitment levels of the MNs were the main reason behind torque and electromyogram (EMG) hysteresis. Finally, simulations were also used to study the influence of inhibitory inputs on a MN pool that was under the effect of PICs. The results showed that inhibition was of great importance in the production of a phasic force, requiring a reduced co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles. These results show the richness of functionally relevant behaviors that can arise from a MN pool under the action of PICs.
The modulation played by reactive oxygen species on the angiotensin II-induced contraction in type I-diabetic rat carotid was investigated. Concentration-response curves for angiotensin II were obtained in endothelium-intact or endothelium-denuded carotid from control or streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, pre-treated with tiron (superoxide scavenger), PEG-catalase (hydrogen peroxide scavenger), dimethylthiourea (hydroxyl scavenger), apocynin [NAD(P) H oxidase inhibitor], SC560 (cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitor), SC236 (cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor) or Y-27632 (Rho-kinase inhibitor). Reactive oxygen species were measured by flow cytometry in dihydroethidium (DHE)-loaded endothelial cells. Cyclooxygenase and AT1-receptor expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Diabetes increased the angiotensin II-induced contraction but reduced the agonist potency in rat carotid. Endothelium removal, tiron or apocynin restored the angiotensin II-induced contraction in diabetic rat carotid to control levels. PEG-catalase, DMTU or SC560 reduced the angiotensin II-induced contraction in diabetic rat carotid at the same extent. SC236 restored the angiotensin II potency in diabetic rat carotid. Y-27632 reduced the angiotensin II-induced contraction in endothelium-intact or -denuded diabetic rat carotid. Diabetes increased the DHE-fluorescence of carotid endothelial cells. Apocynin reduced the DHE-fluorescence of endothelial cells from diabetic rat carotid to control levels. Diabetes increased the muscular cyclooxygenase-2 expression but reduced the muscular AT1-receptor expression in rat carotid. In summary, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion-derived from endothelial NAD(P) H oxidase mediate the hyperreactivity to angiotensin II in type I-diabetic rat carotid, involving the participation of cyclooxygenase-1 and Rho-kinase. Moreover, increased muscular cyclooxygenase-2 expression in type I-diabetic rat carotid seems to be related to the local reduced AT1-receptor expression and the reduced angiotensin II potency. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background This study compares the immediate effects of local and adjacent acupuncture on the tibialis anterior muscle and the amount of force generated or strength in Kilogram Force (KGF) evaluated by a surface electromyography. Methods The study consisted of a single blinded trial of 30 subjects assigned to two groups: local acupoint (ST36) and adjacent acupoint (SP9). Bipolar surface electrodes were placed on the tibialis anterior muscle, while a force transducer was attached to the foot of the subject and to the floor. An electromyograph (EMG) connected to a computer registered the KGF and root mean square (RMS) before and after acupuncture at maximum isometric contraction. The RMS values and surface electrodes were analyzed with Student's t-test. Results Thirty subjects were selected from a total of 56 volunteers according to specific inclusion and exclusion criteria and were assigned to one of the two groups for acupuncture. A significant decrease in the RMS values was observed in both ST36 (t = -3.80, P = 0,001) and SP9 (t = 6.24, P = 0.001) groups after acupuncture. There was a decrease in force in the ST36 group after acupuncture (t = -2.98, P = 0.006). The RMS values did not have a significant difference (t = 0.36, P = 0.71); however, there was a significant decrease in strength after acupuncture in the ST36 group compared to the SP9 group (t = 2.51, P = 0.01). No adverse events were found. Conclusion Acupuncture at the local acupoint ST36 or adjacent acupoints SP9 reduced the tibialis anterior electromyography muscle activity. However, acupuncture at SP9 did not decrease muscle strength while acupuncture at ST36 did.
Abstract: Background: The alkaline version of the single-cell gel (comet) assay is a useful method for quantifying DNA damage. Although some studies on chronic and acute effects of exercise on DNA damage measured by the comet assay have been performed, it is unknown if an aerobic training protocol with intensity, volume, and load clearly defined will improve performance without leading to peripheral blood cell DNA damage. In addition, the effects of overtraining on DNA damage are unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effects of aerobic training and overtraining on DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells in Swiss mice. To examine possible changes in these parameters with oxidative stress, we measured reduced glutathione (GSH) levels in total blood, and GSH levels and lipid peroxidation in muscle samples. Results: Performance evaluations (i.e., incremental load and exhaustive tests) showed significant intra and inter-group differences. The overtrained (OTR) group showed a significant increase in the percentage of DNA in the tail compared with the control (C) and trained (TR) groups. GSH levels were significantly lower in the OTR group than in the C and TR groups. The OTR group had significantly higher lipid peroxidation levels compared with the C and TR groups. Conclusions Aerobic and anaerobic performance parameters can be improved in training at maximal lactate steady state during 8 weeks without leading to DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells or to oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells. However, overtraining induced by downhill running training sessions is associated with DNA damage in peripheral blood and skeletal muscle cells, and with oxidative stress in skeletal muscle cells and total blood.
The viscoelasticity of mammalian lung is determined by the mechanical properties and structural regulation of the airway smooth muscle (ASM). The exposure to polluted air may deteriorate these properties with harmful consequences to individual health. Formaldehyde (FA) is an important indoor pollutant found among volatile organic compounds. This pollutant permeates through the smooth muscle tissue forming covalent bonds between proteins in the extracellular matrix and intracellular protein structure changing mechanical properties of ASM and inducing asthma symptoms, such as airway hyperresponsiveness, even at low concentrations. In the experimental scenario, the mechanical effect of FA is the stiffening of the tissue, but the mechanism behind this effect is not fully understood. Thus, the aim of this study is to reproduce the mechanical behavior of the ASM, such as contraction and stretching, under FA action or not. For this, it was created a two-dimensional viscoelastic network model based on Voronoi tessellation solved using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. The equilibrium configuration was reached when the forces in different parts of the network were equal. This model simulates the mechanical behavior of ASM through of a network of dashpots and springs. This dashpot-spring mechanical coupling mimics the composition of the actomyosin machinery of ASM through the contraction of springs to a minimum length. We hypothesized that formation of covalent bonds, due to the FA action, can be represented in the model by a simple change in the elastic constant of the springs, while the action of methacholine (MCh) reduce the equilibrium length of the spring. A sigmoid curve of tension as a function of MCh doses was obtained, showing increased tension when the muscle strip was exposed to FA. Our simulations suggest that FA, at a concentration of 0.1 ppm, can affect the elastic properties of the smooth muscle ¯bers by a factor of 120%. We also analyze the dynamic mechanical properties, observing the viscous and elastic behavior of the network. Finally, the proposed model, although simple, incorporates the phenomenology of both MCh and FA and reproduces experimental results observed with in vitro exposure of smooth muscle to FA. Thus, this new mechanical approach incorporates several well know features of the contractile system of the cells in a tissue level model. The model can also be used in different biological scales.
The viscoelasticity of mammalian lung is determined by the mechanical properties and structural regulation of the airway smooth muscle (ASM). The exposure to polluted air may deteriorate these properties with harmful consequences to individual health. Formaldehyde (FA) is an important indoor pollutant found among volatile organic compounds. This pollutant permeates through the smooth muscle tissue forming covalent bonds between proteins in the extracellular matrix and intracellular protein structure changing mechanical properties of ASM and inducing asthma symptoms, such as airway hyperresponsiveness, even at low concentrations. In the experimental scenario, the mechanical effect of FA is the stiffening of the tissue, but the mechanism behind this effect is not fully w1derstood. Thus, the aim of this study is to reproduce the mechanical behavior of the ASM, such as contraction and stretching, under FA action or not. For this, it was created a two-dimensional viscoelastic network model based on Voronoi tessellation solved using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order. The equilibrium configuration was reached when the forces in different parts of the network were equal. This model simulates the mechanical behavior of ASM through of a network of dashpots and springs. This dashpot-spring mechanical coupling mimics the composition of the actomyosin machinery of ASM through the contraction of springs to a minimum length. We hypothesized that formation of covalent bonds, due to the FA action, can be represented in the model by a simple change in the elastic constant of the springs, while the action of methacholinc (MCh) reduce the equilibrium length of the spring. A sigmoid curve of tension as a function of MCh doses was obtained, showing increased tension when the muscle strip was exposed to FA. Our simulations suggest that FA, at a concentration of 0.1 ppm, can affect the elastic properties of the smooth muscle fibers by a factor of 120%. We also analyze the dynamic mechanical properties, observing the viscous and elastic behavior of the network. Finally, the proposed model, although simple, ir1corporates the phenomenology of both MCh and FA and reproduces experirnental results observed with ir1 vitro exposure of smooth muscle to .FA. Thus, this new mechanical approach incorporates several well know features of the contractile system of the cells ir1 a tissue level model. The model can also be used in different biological scales.
Hyperthyroidism is characterized by increased vascular relaxation and decreased vascular contraction and is associated with augmented levels of triiodothyronine (T3) that contribute to the diminished systemic vascular resistance found in this condition. T3 leads to augmented NO production via PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, which in turn causes vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) relaxation; however, the underlying mechanisms involved remain largely unknown. Evidence from human and animal studies demonstrates that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) plays a crucial role in vascular function and also mediates some of cardiovascular effects found during hyperthyroidism. Thus, in this study, we hypothesized that type 2 angiotensin II receptor (AT2R), a key component of RAS vasodilatory actions, mediates T3 induced-decreased vascular contraction. Marked induction of AT2R expression was observed in aortas from T3-induced hyperthyroid rats (Hyper). These vessels showed decreased protein levels of the contractile apparatus: α-actin, calponin and phosphorylated myosin light chain (p-MLC). Vascular reactivity studies showed that denuded aortic rings from Hyper rats exhibited decreased maximal contractile response to angiotensin II (AngII), which was attenuated in aortic rings pre-incubated with an AT2R blocker. Further study showed that cultured VSMC stimulated with T3 (0.1 µmol/L) for 24 hours had increased AT2R gene and protein expression. Augmented NO levels and decreased p-MLC levels were found in VSMC stimulated with T3, both of which were reversed by a PI3K/Akt inhibitor and AT2R blocker. These findings indicate for the first time that the AT2R/Akt/NO pathway contributes to decreased contractile responses in rat aorta, promoted by T3, and this mechanism is independent from the endothelium.
[EN] Several weeks of intense endurance training enhances mitochondrial biogenesis in humans. Whether a single bout of exercise alters skeletal muscle mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content remains unexplored. Double-stranded mtDNA, estimated by slot-blot hybridization and real time PCR and expressed as mtDNA-to-nuclear DNA ratio (mtDNA/nDNA) was obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle of healthy human subjects to investigate whether skeletal muscle mtDNA changes during fatiguing and nonfatiguing prolonged moderate intensity [2.0-2.5 h; approximately 60% maximal oxygen consumption (Vo(2 max))] and short repeated high-intensity exercise (5-8 min; approximately 110% Vo(2 max)). In control resting and light exercise (2 h; approximately 25% Vo(2 max)) studies, mtDNA/nDNA did not change. Conversely, mtDNA/nDNA declined after prolonged fatiguing exercise (0.863 +/- 0.061 vs. 1.101 +/- 0.067 at baseline; n = 14; P = 0.005), remained lower after 24 h of recovery, and was restored after 1 wk. After nonfatiguing prolonged exercise, mtDNA/nDNA tended to decline (n = 10; P = 0.083) but was reduced after three repeated high-intensity exercise bouts (0.900 +/- 0.049 vs. 1.067 +/- 0.071 at baseline; n = 7; P = 0.013). Our findings indicate that prolonged and short repeated intense exercise can lead to significant reductions in human skeletal muscle mtDNA content, which might function as a signal stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis with exercise training.
[EN] Human skeletal muscle expresses leptin receptor mRNA; however, it remains unknown whether leptin receptors (OB-R) are also expressed at the protein level. Fourteen healthy men (age = 33.1 +/- 2.0 yr, height = 175.9 +/- 1.7 cm, body mass = 81.2 +/- 3.8 kg, body fat = 22.5 +/- 1.9%; means +/- SE) participated in this investigation. The expression of OB-R protein was determined in skeletal muscle, subcutaneous adipose tissue, and hypothalamus using a polyclonal rabbit anti-human leptin receptor. Three bands with a molecular mass close to 170, 128, and 98 kDa were identified by Western blot with the anti-OB-R antibody. All three bands were identified in skeletal muscle: the 98-kDa and 170-kDa bands were detected in hypothalamus, and the 98-kDa and 128-kDa bands were detected in thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue. The 128-kDa isoform was not detected in four subjects, whereas in the rest its occurrence was fully explained by the presence of intermuscular adipose tissue, as demonstrated using an anti-perilipin A antibody. No relationship was observed between the basal concentration of leptin in serum and the 170-kDa band density. In conclusion, a long isoform of the leptin receptor with a molecular mass close to 170 kDa is expressed at the protein level in human skeletal muscle. The amount of 170-kDa protein appears to be independent of the basal concentration of leptin in serum.
[EN] During exercise, fatigue is defined as a reversible reduction in force- or power-generating capacity and can be elicited by "central" and/or "peripheral" mechanisms. During skeletal muscle contractions, both aspects of fatigue may develop independent of alterations in convective O(2) delivery; however, reductions in O(2) supply exacerbate and increases attenuate the rate of accumulation. In this regard, peripheral fatigue development is mediated via the O(2)-dependent rate of accumulation of metabolic by-products (e.g., inorganic phosphate) and their interference with excitation-contraction coupling within the myocyte. In contrast, the development of O(2)-dependent central fatigue is elicited 1) by interference with the development of central command and/or 2) via inhibitory feedback on central motor drive secondary to the peripheral effects of low convective O(2) transport. Changes in convective O(2) delivery in the healthy human can result from modifications in arterial O(2) content, blood flow, or a combination of both, and they can be induced via heavy exercise even at sea level; these changes are exacerbated during acute and chronic exposure to altitude. This review focuses on the effects of changes in convective O(2) delivery on the development of central and peripheral fatigue.
[EN] It was investigated whether skeletal muscle K(+) release is linked to the degree of anaerobic energy production. Six subjects performed an incremental bicycle exercise test in normoxic and hypoxic conditions prior to and after 2 and 8 wk of acclimatization to 4,100 m. The highest workload completed by all subjects in all trials was 260 W. With acute hypoxic exposure prior to acclimatization, venous plasma [K(+)] was lower (P < 0.05) in normoxia (4.9 +/- 0.1 mM) than hypoxia (5.2 +/- 0.2 mM) at 260 W, but similar at exhaustion, which occurred at 400 +/- 9 W and 307 +/- 7 W (P < 0.05), respectively. At the same absolute exercise intensity, leg net K(+) release was unaffected by hypoxic exposure independent of acclimatization. After 8 wk of acclimatization, no difference existed in venous plasma [K(+)] between the normoxic and hypoxic trial, either at submaximal intensities or at exhaustion (360 +/- 14 W vs. 313 +/- 8 W; P < 0.05). At the same absolute exercise intensity, leg net K(+) release was less (P < 0.001) than prior to acclimatization and reached negative values in both hypoxic and normoxic conditions after acclimatization. Moreover, the reduction in plasma volume during exercise relative to rest was less (P < 0.01) in normoxic than hypoxic conditions, irrespective of the degree of acclimatization (at 260 W prior to acclimatization: -4.9 +/- 0.8% in normoxia and -10.0 +/- 0.4% in hypoxia). It is concluded that leg net K(+) release is unrelated to anaerobic energy production and that acclimatization reduces leg net K(+) release during exercise.
[EN] 1. The present study examined whether reductions in muscle blood flow with exercise-induced dehydration would reduce substrate delivery and metabolite and heat removal to and from active skeletal muscles during prolonged exercise in the heat. A second aim was to examine the effects of dehydration on fuel utilisation across the exercising leg and identify factors related to fatigue. 2. Seven cyclists performed two cycle ergometer exercise trials in the heat (35 C; 61 +/- 2 % of maximal oxygen consumption rate, VO2,max), separated by 1 week. During the first trial (dehydration, DE), they cycled until volitional exhaustion (135 +/- 4 min, mean +/- s.e.m.), while developing progressive DE and hyperthermia (3.9 +/- 0.3 % body weight loss and 39.7 +/- 0.2 C oesophageal temperature, Toes). On the second trial (control), they cycled for the same period of time maintaining euhydration by ingesting fluids and stabilising Toes at 38.2 +/- 0.1 degrees C. 3. After 20 min of exercise in both trials, leg blood flow (LBF) and leg exchange of lactate, glucose, free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were similar. During the 20 to 135 +/- 4 min period of exercise, LBF declined significantly in DE but tended to increase in control. Therefore, after 120 and 135 +/- 4 min of DE, LBF was 0.6 +/- 0.2 and 1.0 +/- 0.3 l min-1 lower (P < 0.05), respectively, compared with control. 4. The lower LBF after 2 h in DE did not alter glucose or FFA delivery compared with control. However, DE resulted in lower (P < 0.05) net FFA uptake and higher (P < 0.05) muscle glycogen utilisation (45 %), muscle lactate accumulation (4.6-fold) and net lactate release (52 %), without altering net glycerol release or net glucose uptake. 5. In both trials, the mean convective heat transfer from the exercising legs to the body core ranged from 6.3 +/- 1.7 to 7.2 +/- 1.3 kJ min-1, thereby accounting for 35-40 % of the estimated rate of heat production ( approximately 18 kJ min-1). 6. At exhaustion in DE, blood lactate values were low whereas blood glucose and muscle glycogen levels were still high. Exhaustion coincided with high body temperature ( approximately 40 C). 7. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate that reductions in exercising muscle blood flow with dehydration do not impair either the delivery of glucose and FFA or the removal of lactate during moderately intense prolonged exercise in the heat. However, dehydration during exercise in the heat elevates carbohydrate oxidation and lactate production. A major finding is that more than one-half of the metabolic heat liberated in the contracting leg muscles is dissipated directly to the surrounding environment. The present results indicate that hyperthermia, rather than altered metabolism, is the main factor underlying the early fatigue with dehydration during prolonged exercise in the heat.