999 resultados para Mosquitoes -- Control -- Catalonia -- Sant Cugat del Vallès
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FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS): El sistema integrat públic d’alertes i avisos de FEMA és una eina basada en internet que les autoritats Federals, Estatals, territorials, tribals i locals poden fer servir per enviar avisos i alertes públiques crítiques. IPAWS és accessible a través d’un software i uns requeriments de sistemes sense cost en l’enviament de missatge (tot i que sí pot tenir cost l’adaptació dels sistemes per la compatibilitat amb el software). No és obligatori i no substitueix els mecanismes existents d’alerta sinó que complementa els sistemes existents i ofereix noves capacitats.
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a Nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
Core capabilities are under the above mission areas as outlined in the National Preparedness Goal. Planning, Public Information and Warning, and Operational Coordination cut across all five mission areas. Without these three cross-cutting capabilities, the other capabilities might not be achieved or could be weakened. Other core capabilities are aligned under a specific mission area, based on where it had the most relevance. Core capabilities alignment: Prevention capabilities focus on things related to preventing an imminent terrorist attack; by imminent, we mean an attack that is about to happen ; Protection capabilities focus on security— making sure things, systems, and people are protected ; Mitigation capabilities focus on risk, resilience and building a culture of preparedness; Response capabilities focus on meeting a community’s immediate needs when disaster strikes and finally, recovery capabilities focus on getting communities back on their feet.
After Action Reports for Hurricane Isaac & Sandy concluded that WebEOC was correct choice for FEMA’s Crisis Management System: real time data easily shared between FEMA Headquarters, Regions and Incident Management Assistance Teams; cloud capability allowed use on any web connected device, laptop, tablet, iPad, smart phone; intuitive System - Offgoing personnel able to train incoming reliefs on new features or changes within minutes; widespread use of WebEOC through out country in 19 other Federal Departments and Agencies, 40 States, hundreds of cities/counties and industry provided a number of users that had prior experience using WebEOC and reduced learning curve experienced when new systems are introduced; focusing on a single shared web database reduced creation of new single purpose databases, spreadsheets and share point sites allowing best practices to be captured, refined, shared and continued
Las causas de la discapacidad intelectual pueden ser: factores genéticos, en el caso del síndrome de Down o trisomía del cromosoma 21; enfermedades metabólicas: problemas de la degradación o eliminación de algunas sustancias químicas del cuerpo. Por ejemplo, la fenilcetonuria (FCU) es una enfermedad metabólica que origina lesión cerebral y discapacidad intelectual ;alteraciones del desarrollo embrionario, en las que se incluyen las lesiones prenatales; problemas perinatales, relacionados con el momento del parto: parálisis cerebral; enfermedades infantiles, que pueden ir desde una infección grave a un traumatismo; graves déficits ambientales, en los que no existen condiciones adecuadas para el desarrollo cognitivo, personal y social.