998 resultados para Morrison, Maynard


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Using information gathered from some 30 UK surveys undertaken over the last 15 years, this paper provides planners with an understanding of road-based urban retail freight transport activity. The findings suggest that the average High Street business could expect up to 10 core goods and 7.6 service visits per week, in non-peak trading periods with 25% additional activity during the build up to Christmas. Vans (‘light goods vehicles’) were the dominant mode, responsible for 42% of delivery activity with a mean dwell time of 10 min. Where possible, load consolidation should be encouraged by methods such as Delivery and Servicing Plans and using out-of-town freight consolidation centres to bring in goods over the last mile in shared vehicles. Where this is not possible, loading bay monitoring and control, and preferred lorry routes can help manage the movement of vehicles in and out of dense urban areas. Service vehicle activity is a significant contributor to urban freight movements and often requires vehicles to be parked close to the premises being served. Centrally coordinating elements of service provision (e.g. for cleaning, equipment maintenance, recyclate collection), or providing improved, more flexible parking provision for service vehicles could be as or more beneficial in reducing overall freight impacts than focusing on core goods deliveries. In the case of the latter, ‘pay-as-you-leave’ car park charging systems could encourage short-stay service vehicles to park off-street.


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Where is the consumer represented within the discourses of Relationship Marketing? In our paper we deconstruct and critically (but productively) interrogate current Relationship Marketing discourse; and we argue for reconceptualising RM as a field of study through a transformatory process which involves the subversive reading of its academic texts. We argue that the consumer is silenced within relationship marketing discourse in a way that is fundamentally analogous with the gynopia (absence of women) in early sociological enquiry. Given that the means of transformation can potentially be found within contemporary feminist research, one of the main aims of this paper is to examine the parameters of feminist research and theory by presenting and explaining three representative frameworks (Fonow & Cook 1991, Maynard & Purvis 1994 and Harding 1988). The interrogative questions generated from the reading of feminist texts provide a framework to enable a close reading of RM ‘texts’. Using a form of discourse analysis, we read both ‘with the text’ and ‘against the grain’ (Tonkiss 1998:258) looking for ‘silences and gaps’ and making ‘conjectures about alternative accounts which are excluded by omission’ as well as those deliberately ‘countered by rhetoric’ (Tonkiss 1998:258). By striking together feminist methodology and a selected Relationship Marketing text to see if they spark (Brown 1999) our stance is activist and our purpose is to accelerate a restoration of the consumer’s voice as a central theoretical concern of this branch of Marketing.


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Increased intake of dietary carbohydrate that is fermented in the colon by the microbiota has been reported to decrease body weight, although the mechanism remains unclear. Here we use in vivo11C-acetate and PET-CT scanning to show that colonic acetate crosses the blood–brain barrier and is taken up by the brain. Intraperitoneal acetate results in appetite suppression and hypothalamic neuronal activation patterning. We also show that acetate administration is associated with activation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and changes in the expression profiles of regulatory neuropeptides that favour appetite suppression. Furthermore, we demonstrate through 13C high-resolution magic-angle-spinning that 13C acetate from fermentation of 13C-labelled carbohydrate in the colon increases hypothalamic 13C acetate above baseline levels. Hypothalamic 13C acetate regionally increases the 13C labelling of the glutamate–glutamine and GABA neuroglial cycles, with hypothalamic 13C lactate reaching higher levels than the ‘remaining brain’. These observations suggest that acetate has a direct role in central appetite regulation.


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OBJECTIVE: The colonic microbiota ferment dietary fibres, producing short chain fatty acids. Recent evidence suggests that the short chain fatty acid propionate may play an important role in appetite regulation. We hypothesised that colonic delivery of propionate would increase peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion in humans, and reduce energy intake and weight gain in overweight adults. DESIGN: To investigate whether propionate promotes PYY and GLP-1 secretion, a primary cultured human colonic cell model was developed. To deliver propionate specifically to the colon, we developed a novel inulin-propionate ester. An acute randomised, controlled cross-over study was used to assess the effects of this inulin-propionate ester on energy intake and plasma PYY and GLP-1 concentrations. The long-term effects of inulin-propionate ester on weight gain were subsequently assessed in a randomised, controlled 24-week study involving 60 overweight adults. RESULTS: Propionate significantly stimulated the release of PYY and GLP-1 from human colonic cells. Acute ingestion of 10 g inulin-propionate ester significantly increased postprandial plasma PYY and GLP-1 and reduced energy intake. Over 24 weeks, 10 g/day inulin-propionate ester supplementation significantly reduced weight gain, intra-abdominal adipose tissue distribution, intrahepatocellular lipid content and prevented the deterioration in insulin sensitivity observed in the inulin-control group. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate for the first time that increasing colonic propionate prevents weight gain in overweight adult humans.


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Oligodendroglia support axon survival and function through mechanisms independent of myelination, and their dysfunction leads to axon degeneration in several diseases. The cause of this degeneration has not been determined, but lack of energy metabolites such as glucose or lactate has been proposed. Lactate is transported exclusively by monocarboxylate transporters, and changes to these transporters alter lactate production and use. Here we show that the most abundant lactate transporter in the central nervous system, monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1, also known as SLC16A1), is highly enriched within oligodendroglia and that disruption of this transporter produces axon damage and neuron loss in animal and cell culture models. In addition, this same transporter is reduced in patients with, and in mouse models of, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, suggesting a role for oligodendroglial MCT1 in pathogenesis. The role of oligodendroglia in axon function and neuron survival has been elusive; this study defines a new fundamental mechanism by which oligodendroglia support neurons and axons.


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Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.


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Contient : « Passio domini nostri cardinalis Saccheti » ; Paralèlle de M. le Prince [de Condé] et de M. de Turene, » in-impr ; « Epistre du coq à l'asne (1565 et 1585) » ; « L'arche de Noë (1585) » ; « De Gasparo Colignio » ; « La Nicque à Nocque (1585) » ; « Le désespoir du Courtisan » ; « Coq à l'asne (1585) » ; « Le songe de Chicot » ; « Li popoli a l'archiduca » ; « Le qu'as-tu veu de la Cour » ; « Novelle de Aurelia (1561) ; » publiée par MM. Baguenault de Puchesse, Auvray et de Lacombe, Documents sur les guerres de religion dans l'Orléanais. (Orléans, 1902, in-8°), p. 13 ; « Complainte de M. Pierre Lizet sur le trespas de son nez » ; « Epitaphe du mullet de Berthelin, lieutenant de Nyort (1559) » ; « La ville de Paris au cardinal de Lorraine » ; « Imitation des maudissons d'Ovide contre Ibis » ; « Sur Pierre Ronsard » ; Sonnets, épitaphes et autres pièces sur les principaux personnages du temps de Charles IX, François de Lorraine, duc de Guise (fol. 129), Charles, cardinal de Lorraine (fol. 130), Catherine de Médicis (fol. 133), Antoine de Bourbon, roi de Navarre (fol. 136), D'Escars (fol. 138), Ruzé général des finances (fol. 140), Marie Stuart (fol. 142), Dolet (fol. 143), Paul III et Paul IV (fol. 144), le président Lizet (fol. 144), Jules III et les cardinaux, (fol. 145), Louis Guillard, évêque de Chartres (fol. 146), le président Gentil, Marot (fol. 150), Cl. Le Sueur (fol. 151), Jacques de Beaune [Samblançay] (fol. 152), le maréchal de Brissac (fol. 156), Jean Péricard (fol. 157), Jeanne d'Albret (fol. 166), divers procureurs, gens des comptes, etc ; Analyses et extraits de divers ouvrages des PP. Senault et Le Moyne, de Balzac, de Scudéry, Gombaud, Malleville, président Maynard, Voiture, Perrot d'Ablancourt, Pietro della Valle, Molière, Tristan l'Hermite, l'abbé de Marolles, la légation du cardinal Chigi (1664), Brantôme, L'Estoile, baron de l'Isola, Condé, Bussy-Rabutin, Pasquin, etc


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Le Nouveau Testament.Traduction datée de 1813, faite et publiée à Canton par Robert Morrison. Table des matières.8 livres.


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Le Nouveau Testament.Traduction datée de 1813, faite et publiée à Canton par Robert Morrison. Table des matières.8 livres.


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu


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Contient : I創世歴代傳Zhuan shi li dai zhuan ; II出以至比多地傳Chu yi zhi bi duo di zhuan ; III利未氐古傳書(alias 書傳)Li wei di gu chuan shu (alias shu zhuan) ; IV算民數書傳 ; V複講法律傳Fou jiang fa lü zhuan ; VI若書亞之傳Ruo shu ya zhi zhuan ; VII審司書傳Shen si shu zhuan ; VIII路得氏傳書Lu de shi chuan shu ; IX撒母以勒書Sa mu yi le shu ; X列王書傳Lie wang shu zhuan ; XI歷代史紀書傳Li dai shi ji shu zhuan ; XII以士拉傳書Yi shi la chuan shu ; XIII尼希米亞之書Ni xi mi ya zhi shu ; XIV以士得耳之書Yi shi de er zhi shu ; XV若百之書Ruo bo zhi shu ; XVI神詩書Shen shi shu ; XVII諺語傳書Yan yu chuan shu ; XVIII宣道傳Xuan dao zhuan ; alias : 倚基理西亞書Yi ji li xi ya shu ; XIX所羅門之歌Suo luo men zhi ge ; XX先知以賽亞書Xian zhi yi sai ya shu ; XXI先知耶利米亞書Xian zhi ye li mi ya shu ; alias : 達未來者耶利米亞傳書Da wei lai zhe ye li mi ya chuan shu ; XXII耶利米亞悲難歌Ye li mi ya bei tan ge ; XXIII先知依西其理書Xian zhi yi xi qi li shu ; XXIV先知(alias 達未來者)但依理書Xian zhi (alias Da wei lai zhe) dan yi li shu ; XXV十二先知者之傳書。何西亞之書Shi er xian zhi zhe zhi chuan shu. He xi ya zhi shu ; XXVI若以利之書Ruo yi li zhi shu ; XXVII亞麼士書Ya mo shi shu ; XXVIII阿巴氐亞書E ba di ya shu ; XXIX若拿傳書Ruo na chuan shu ; XXX米加傳書Mi jia chuan shu ; XXXI拿戶馬傳書Na hu ma chuan shu ; XXXII夏巴古傳書Xia ba gu chuan shu ; XXXIII洗法尼亞傳書Xi fa ni ya chuan shu ; XXXIV夏哀傳書Xia ai chuan shu ; XXXV洗革利亞傳書Xi ke li ya chuan shu ; XXXVI達未來者馬拉其傳書Da wei lai zhe ma la qi chuan shu ; XXXVII救世我主耶穌新遺詔書。聖馬竇傳福音書Jiu shi wo zhu ye su xin yi zhao shu. Sheng ma dou chuan fu yin shu ; XXXVIII聖馬耳可傳福音書Sheng ma er ke chuan fu yin shu ; XXXIX聖路加傳福音書Sheng lu jia chuan fu yin shu ; XL聖若翰傳福音之書Sheng ruo han chuan fu yin zhi shu ; XLI使徒行傳Shi tu xing zhuan ; XLII聖保羅使徒書Sheng bao luo shi tu shu ; XLIII者米士或稱牙可百之公書Zhe mi shi huo cheng ya ke bai zhi gong shu ; XLIV聖彼多羅之公書Sheng bi duo luo zhi gong shu ; XLV聖若翰之書Sheng ruo han zhi shu ; XLVI聖如大或稱如大士之公書Sheng ru da huo cheng ru da shi zhi gong shu ; XLVII聖若翰現示之書Sheng ruo han xian shi zhi shu