991 resultados para Moodle-kurssit
Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2011 г.
Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.
Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.
Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2012 г.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
Nowadays the Distance Learning (DL) is in its fifth generation and New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) mediate it. In this technological context it is then called Distance e-Learning (DeL). DeL has also in the e-books a potential interactive tool to the collaborative learning. So, this study was accomplished with the purpose of analyzing the e-books developed by SEDIS – Secretaria de Educação a Distância (Department of Distance Learning). This study was performed in two phases: Firstly it was done an exploratory study to check out the reading and the handling of digital e-learning material available to the student-users. These e-books are obtainable on SEDIS Moodle platform. Secondly, it was performed some analysis of an e-book sample by means of the heuristic evaluation. This research aims both to identify potential problems and give some suggestions to solve them. At last it is presented a final report with diagnosis and suggestions for a more applicable design in order to optimize the e-book by means of the distance e-learning usability guidelines
Educational Data Mining is an application domain in artificial intelligence area that has been extensively explored nowadays. Technological advances and in particular, the increasing use of virtual learning environments have allowed the generation of considerable amounts of data to be investigated. Among the activities to be treated in this context exists the prediction of school performance of the students, which can be accomplished through the use of machine learning techniques. Such techniques may be used for student’s classification in predefined labels. One of the strategies to apply these techniques consists in their combination to design multi-classifier systems, which efficiency can be proven by results achieved in other studies conducted in several areas, such as medicine, commerce and biometrics. The data used in the experiments were obtained from the interactions between students in one of the most used virtual learning environments called Moodle. In this context, this paper presents the results of several experiments that include the use of specific multi-classifier systems systems, called ensembles, aiming to reach better results in school performance prediction that is, searching for highest accuracy percentage in the student’s classification. Therefore, this paper presents a significant exploration of educational data and it shows analyzes of relevant results about these experiments.
This study aimed to construct and carry out a distance course of pedagogical training for health professional performing preceptorship functions in public health institutions. The preceptorship in health is a pedagogical practice that occurs in workplace, led by assistance professionals with teaching position or not, where the vast majority of these acts intuitively, reproducing their own training, confusing transmitting information with education. These preceptors often do not dominate the pedagogical knowledge, necessary for the organization of training activities, such as the various teaching-learning processes and the different assessment types. Student supervision is essential in the training process of students in the health field, and on the occasion of supervised internships that the teaching-learning process is based on practical experience with participation in real life situations and professional work. It was realized an exploratory study, descriptive with qualitative approach, with the development of tutoring teaching course in health as final product. Applied semi structured research instrument from may to july 2014. It were evaluated 162 health professionals who perform the preceptorship, which made it possible define the preceptor's profile and identify the educational requirements related to the educational process, which justified the construction of the program content and the professionals’ perception analysis about preceptorship through identification of three categories: clinic knowledge valuation; valuation of professional orientation and valuation of professional future. The course was available on distance mode through Moodle platform with forty hours of work load from October to November 2014. With the aim of capacitate the health professionals to development of necessary abilities and skills to tutoring performance through thoughts about tutoring concepts, professional training within the curricular guidelines and SUS precepts, the role of health professionals as educators, application of active teaching methodologies, and evaluation methods. The applications were done online through the provided link; 300 vacancies offered, 243 professionals applied, chosen 134 that works on tutoring, where 49 represented professionals that works on the location of the study. The course lasted 45 days, and counted with tutors responsible to interact and evaluate the students. 28 professionals joined the course, 12 concluded. Opportunities were identified to stimulate the involvement, however the professionals’ satisfaction shows that, make an investment on tutors education, starting from the Permanent Education precepts, will provide a bigger appropriation of the knowledge to the education and therefore the awareness of their role as an educator on work ambit, proportioning essential tools to tutors act while enabler of integration between theory and practice and result better teaching-learning process.
The official documents that guide the teaching and learning process of a Foreign Language in Brazil, Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Estrangeira, suggest a linguistic and intercultural communication as the main objective of teaching a foreign language inorderto contribute withareflexive formation of the students.Toachieve this goal, a Virtual Interchange was realized connecting distant places like Córdoba, in Argentina, and Natal in Brazil, between High School students through Moodle platform and Facebook. The Interchange is based in the Intercomprehension in Romance Languages(IC) guidelines, inthiscase between Portuguese and Spanish, according to which every student speaks their own language and makes an effort to comprehend the others througha collaborative process thatgo es beyond the limits of mere linguistic objectives and favors the students’ reality acceptance before the diversity. This qualitative study with thno graphic characteristic stries to know whe ther differentiate projects can increase students’ interest to learn the target language. It was also set as an aim of this study to develop the intercultural competence of our students and foster the respect for different cultures. In the case of Argentinian and Brazilian students, wetried to promote reflection about social representation trying to destroy stereotypes between both groups. As methodological resources, we used interviews, questionnaires and intercomprehension activities during the Project, as well as a participant observation of the interactions betweenthe students of both countries.Webe lieve tobe contributing towards the integral formation ofth student asacriticalcitizenthatthinksa bouttheir posture before the world, which is one of the formal education aims according to Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Our theoretical foundation is based on Intercomprehension in Romance Languages (IC) as a plurilingualism didactics, (JAMET AND SPIŢĂ 2010; ARAÚJO AND SÁ et al., 2003; CAPUCHO, 2010; ANDRADE etal.,2003), some the oriesaboutinter culturalisman didentity(Vallespir, 1999;DUARTE&SANCHES,2004; REVUZ,1998;SILVA,2000;CHAUÍ2006; SERRANI-INFANTE 1998), motivation and second language learning (DECI & RYAN, 1985; DÖRNYEI AND OTTÓ, 1998; DÖRNYEI, 2000, 2001; 2011) and Significant Learning Theory (AUSUBEL, 1968). The results show an increase of students’ motivation when in contact with the target language through dynamic activities in an IC context. Moreover, we noticed that a deeper thinking aboutthe Argentinian culture helped to deconstruct previous cultural representation.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
El trabajo analiza el uso del campus virtual bajo la plataforma Moodle que se ha instituido en el marco de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. El mismo se emplea desde el año 2007 en el Departamento de Bibliotecología como apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de la disciplina. También se ha ido adoptando en otras carreras y departamento docentes dependientes de la institución. Se delinean cuatro modelos en base a los usos didácticos que se implementan desde las distintas cátedras: tradicional, de aplicación práctica, participativo e híbrido. Se realiza un balance sobre la experiencia pedagógica y didáctica, indicando las innovaciones y limitaciones de la misma
El trabajo analiza el uso del campus virtual bajo la plataforma Moodle que se ha instituido en el marco de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. El mismo se emplea desde el año 2007 en el Departamento de Bibliotecología como apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de la disciplina. También se ha ido adoptando en otras carreras y departamento docentes dependientes de la institución. Se delinean cuatro modelos en base a los usos didácticos que se implementan desde las distintas cátedras: tradicional, de aplicación práctica, participativo e híbrido. Se realiza un balance sobre la experiencia pedagógica y didáctica, indicando las innovaciones y limitaciones de la misma
El trabajo analiza el uso del campus virtual bajo la plataforma Moodle que se ha instituido en el marco de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. El mismo se emplea desde el año 2007 en el Departamento de Bibliotecología como apoyo a la enseñanza presencial de la disciplina. También se ha ido adoptando en otras carreras y departamento docentes dependientes de la institución. Se delinean cuatro modelos en base a los usos didácticos que se implementan desde las distintas cátedras: tradicional, de aplicación práctica, participativo e híbrido. Se realiza un balance sobre la experiencia pedagógica y didáctica, indicando las innovaciones y limitaciones de la misma