975 resultados para Min Jiang


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Content page: Kangxi 47 nian [1708] xiu.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Title on index: Fihrist Kitāb al-mukhaṣṣaṣ.


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Minimum/maximum autocorrelation factor (MAF) is a suitable algorithm for orthogonalization of a vector random field. Orthogonalization avoids the use of multivariate geostatistics during joint stochastic modeling of geological attributes. This manuscript demonstrates in a practical way that computation of MAF is the same as discriminant analysis of the nested structures. Mathematica software is used to illustrate MAF calculations from a linear model of coregionalization (LMC) model. The limitation of two nested structures in the LMC for MAF is also discussed and linked to the effects of anisotropy and support. The analysis elucidates the matrix properties behind the approach and clarifies relationships that may be useful for model-based approaches. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Litchi ( Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a tropical to subtropical crop that originated in South-East Asia. Litchi fruit are prized on the world market for their flavour, semi-translucent white aril and attractive red skin. Litchi is now grown commercially in many countries and production in Australia, China, Israel, South Africa and Thailand has expanded markedly in recent years. Increased production has made significant contributions to economic development in these countries, especially those in South-East Asia. Non-climacteric litchi fruit are harvested at their visual and organoleptic optimum. They are highly perishable and, consequently, have a short life that limits marketability and potential expansion of demand. Pericarp browning and pathological decay are common and important defects of harvested litchi fruit. Postharvest technologies have been developed to reduce these defects. These technologies involve cooling and heating the fruit, use of various packages and packaging materials and the application of fungicides and other chemicals. Through the use of fungicides and refrigeration, litchi fruit have a storage life of about 30 days. However, when they are removed from storage, their shelf life at ambient temperature is very short due to pericarp browning and fruit rotting. Low temperature acclimation or use of chitsoan as a coating can extend the shelf life. Sulfur dioxide fumigation effectively reduces pericarp browning, but approval from Europe, Australia and Japan for this chemical is likely to be withdrawn due to concerns over sulfur residues in fumigated fruit. Thus, sulfur-free postharvest treatments that maintain fruit skin colour are increasingly important. Alternatives to SO2 fumigation for control of pericarp browning and fruit rotting are pre-storage pathogen management, anoxia treatment, and dipping in 2% hydrogen chloride solution for 6-8 min following storage at 0 degrees C. Insect disinfestation has become increasingly important for the expansion of export markets because of quarantine issues associated with some fruit fly species. Thus, effective disinfestation protocols need to be developed. Heat treatment has shown promise as a quarantine technology, but it injures pericarp tissue and results in skin browning. However, heat treatment can be combined with an acid dip treatment that inhibits browning. Therefore, the primary aim of postharvest litchi research remains the achievement of highly coloured fruit which is free of pests and disease. Future research should focus on disease control before harvest, combined acid and heat treatments after harvest and careful temperature management during storage and transport.


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Since the 1980s, analysis of the representation of women in Maoist theatre has argued that the heroines of the Cultural Revolution model works (yangbanxi) were 'gender-less revolutionaries erased of anything feminine. This article challenges such a view through a case study of Song of the Dragon River in which the male hero of the 1964 spoken drama version was changed to a female in the 1972 yangbanxi adaptation. Evidence is presented that the characterization of the heroine in the latter work conforms closely not only with traditional beliefs in innate female characteristics but also with current Chinese beliefs in the characteristics of successful women in leadership. Rosemary Roberts is a lecturer in Chinese at the University of Queensland, Australia. She completed postgraduate studies at Beijing University in the early 1980s and has a PhD in Chinese literature from the Australian National University. She has published numerous articles and translations in the field of Chinese literature and culture and is currently writing a book on gender in Maoist theatre of the Cultural Revolution.


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Modern business trends such as agile manufacturing and virtual corporations require high levels of flexibility and responsiveness to consumer demand, and require the ability to quickly and efficiently select trading partners. Automated computational techniques for supply chain formation have the potential to provide significant advantages in terms of speed and efficiency over the traditional manual approach to partner selection. Automated supply chain formation is the process of determining the participants within a supply chain and the terms of the exchanges made between these participants. In this thesis we present an automated technique for supply chain formation based upon the min-sum loopy belief propagation algorithm (LBP). LBP is a decentralised and distributed message-passing algorithm which allows participants to share their beliefs about the optimal structure of the supply chain based upon their costs, capabilities and requirements. We propose a novel framework for the application of LBP to the existing state-of-the-art case of the decentralised supply chain formation problem, and extend this framework to allow for application to further novel and established problem cases. Specifically, the contributions made by this thesis are: • A novel framework to allow for the application of LBP to the decentralised supply chain formation scenario investigated using the current state-of-the-art approach. Our experimental analysis indicates that LBP is able to match or outperform this approach for the vast majority of problem instances tested. • A new solution goal for supply chain formation in which economically motivated producers aim to maximise their profits by intelligently altering their profit margins. We propose a rational pricing strategy that allows producers to earn significantly greater profits than a comparable LBP-based profitmaking approach. • An LBP-based framework which allows the algorithm to be used to solve supply chain formation problems in which goods are exchanged in multiple units, a first for a fully decentralised technique. As well as multiple-unit exchanges, we also model in this scenario realistic constraints such as factory capacities and input-to-output ratios. LBP continues to be able to match or outperform an extended version of the existing state-of-the-art approach in this scenario. • Introduction of a dynamic supply chain formation scenario in which participants are able to alter their properties or to enter or leave the process at any time. Our results suggest that LBP is able to deal easily with individual occurences of these alterations and that performance degrades gracefully when they occur in larger numbers.


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Ocular barriers and the poor water solubility of drug candidates present a number of problems for the development of ocular drug delivery systems. Recently, the emergence of lipid-based nanocarriers has provided a viable means of enhancing the bioavailability of ophthalmic formulations. A number of these formulations have been found to be clinically active and several others are currently undergoing clinical trials. In this review, the advantages of lipid-based nanocarriers as non-invasive topical ocular drug delivery systems are presented. Many systems, including emulsions, liposomes, cubosomes, niosomes and other lipid-based nanocarriers, are reviewed.


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Porous tin films as anode for lithium-ion batteries are electrodeposited on graphite paper. Homogeneous tin films with significant void space accommodate the volume change during tin lithiation/delithiation. Through adjusting the electrodeposition currents and time, the morphologies and void space of tin films on graphite paper are controllable. At fixed electrodeposition current densities, the prolonged electrodeposition time plays the role in growing big tin particles and resulting the disappearance of void space among tin particles. The increased electrodeposition current plays the role to increase the quantity of tin seeds in thickness of tin film, and the void space among tin particles remains but the thick film limits its electrochemical performance. The tin films electrodeposited at an optimized current densities and for an optimized electrodeposition time, present the best electrochemical performance, because the tin nanoparticles are well dispersed on graphite substrate including void space. The tin film electrodeposited at 0.2 A cm-2 for 2 min shows the capacity of 1.0 mAh cm-2 after 50 charge/discharge cycles. The void space of tin film is very important for the best capacity and cyclic ability. The metallic tin film produced at 0.4 A cm-2 for 3 min remains the uniform and microporous structure after charge/discharge for 50 cycles.


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A cikk a vállalatok fenntartható fejlődésben betöltött szerepével foglalkozik. Az öko-hatékonyságot úgy írja le, mint ennek egyik üdvözlendő és támogatandó első lépését, de még inkább felhívja a figyelmet az öko-hatékonyság korlátaira. Rámutat a fenntarthatóság elfelejtett fő szempontjaira, az erkölcsre és az önmérsékletre. Ezt követően bemutat néhány elterjedt vállalati környezetvédelmi osztályozást, majd - ezek erényeire építve, illetve hiányosságaikat kiküszöbölve - javaslatot tesz egy új besorolásra, a vállalatok környezeti érdemrendjére.


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A kutatás azt a kérdéskört vizsgálja, hogyan járul hozzá a bizalom a vállalatok piaci teljesítményéhez. A vállalatok azon képessége, hogy felhasználják a rendelkezésükre álló piaci információkat nehezen másolható, tartós versenyelőnyt biztosít. A marketingmenedzserek a piaci információk hitelességét nehezen tudják objektív módon megítélni, mivel azokat jellemzően mások gyűjtik és rendszerezik számukra. A szerző kutatásában a menedzserek vállalaton belüli és vállalaton kívüli piaci informálódást célzó kapcsolatai esetén modellezte és empirikusan tesztelte a bizalom hatásait. Eredményei szerint a bizalom a vállalaton belüli és vállalaton kívüli kapcsolatok esetében is fontos mozgatórugója az információfelhasználásnak, jóllehet közvetlenül nincs hatással arra. Minél jobban bízik a döntéshozó az információ forrásában, annál jobb minőségűnek fogja észlelni a tőle származó információt. Az információ észlelt minősége meghatározza, hogy arra támaszkodnak-e a vezetők a döntések meghozatalánál. Azok a marketingmenedzserek, akik képesek bizalmi kapcsolatok kiépítésére, szélesebb körű, hiteles piaci információkra támaszkodhatnak a döntéshozatal során, amely hozzájárul a vállalat piaci teljesítményéhez. ____ We have limited knowledge on the potential pattern similarities/differences of trust’s role that may exist in information use obtained through intra- and extra-organizational relationships. This study addresses this question by investigating how trust leads to information use. Data from 338 intra-organizational and a sub-ample of 158 inter-organizationaldyadic information exchange relationships showed that trust is an important driver of the utilization of market information in both cases. Trust has no direct relationship to information use, instead has a strong indirect effect through a mediator, perceived quality of information. The effects of trustontheuse of information obtained throughinter- and extra-organizational dyadic relationships proved to be similar.