936 resultados para Milho - Manejo do solo


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de nitrogênio em plantas de milho e ao longo do perfil de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico submetido a doses de lodo de esgoto e fertilizante mineral. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com 4 tratamentos (0,0; 55,0; 110,0 e 167,5 Mg.ha-1 de lodo de esgoto em doses acumuladas) e 5 repetições para um período de avaliação de 1 ano. A amostragem de solo foi realizada aos 60 dias após a emergência (d.a.e.) das plantas nas profundidades 0,0-0,1, 0,1-0,2, 0,2-0,4, 0,4-0,6, 0,6-0,8 e 0,8-1,0 m. Também aos 60, 80 e 128 d.a.e. foram coletadas, respectivamente, folha diagnose, planta inteira e grão. As maiores doses de lodo de esgoto proporcionaram maiores quantidades de nitrogênio no solo. O nitrogênio do solo, após a profundidade de 0,6 m, não diferiu entre as camadas avaliadas. Quanto maior a dose de lodo de esgoto, menor a proporção de nitrogênio em profundidade.


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The animal trampling favors the soil compaction process in sheep raising and crop production integrated systems. This compression has negative effects, hindering the development of roots, the availability of nutrients, water and aeration, causing production losses, making it essential for the assessment of soil physical attributes for monitoring soil quality. Soil organic matter can be used to assess the quality of the soil, due to its relationship with the chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Conservation management system with tillage, along with systems integration between crops and livestock are being used to maintain and even increase the levels of soil organic matter. For that, a field experiment was carried out over a Oxisol clayey Alic in Guarapuava, PR, from de 2006 one. experiment sheep raising and crop production integrated systems The climate classified as Cfb .. The study was to evaluate the soil physical properties and quantify the stock of soil organic carbon and its compartmentalization in system integration crop - livestock with sheep under four nitrogen rates (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1) in the winter pasture, formed by the consortium oat (Avena strigosa) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and the effect of grazing (with and without). The soil samples blades density evaluations, total porosity, macro and micro, aggregation and carbon stocks were held in two phases: Phase livestock (after removal of the animals of the area) and phase crop (after maize cultivation). The collection of soil samples were carried out in layers of 0-0.5, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and m. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the hypotheses tested by the F test (p <0.05). For the quantitative effect data regression and the qualitative effect used the test medium. In non-significant regressions used the average and standard deviation treatments. The animal trampling caused an increase in bulk density in the 0.10-0.20 m layer. The dose of 225 kg N ha-1 in winter pasture increased total soil porosity at 8% compared to dose 0 kg N ha-1 in the crop stage. The grazing had no effect on soil macroporosity. GMD of aggregates in the phase after grazing the surface layer was damaged by grazing. Nitrogen rates used in the winter pasture and grazing not influence the total organic carbon stocks. The TOC is not influenced by nitrogen fertilization on grassland. The grazing increases the stock of POC in the 0.10-0.20 m layer livestock phase and cause the stock of POC in the 0-0.5 m layer in the crop stage. The MAC is not influenced by N rates applied in the pasture or by grazing.


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The use of cover crops is a fundamental strategy to the weed management in Southern Brazil. In highly infested areas, the herbicides use is increasing, which increases the costs of the crops production as well as the environmental contamination. Oat and velvet bean plants havecontrasting characteristics regarding to residues decomposition speed and the capacity to immobilize Nitrogen in the soil, providing distinct results of weeds suppression throughout the time, and therefore, requiring distinct management strategies before, during, and after the corn crop establishment. The general objective of the experiment was to evaluate the environmental dynamics of the herbicide atrazine, the corn grain yield, and the efficiency of the weed control, considering areas with distinct history regarding the use of mulching, levels of straw and rates of atrazine. For this, the experiment was carried out in two parts: in the first part, two trials with the corn crop were established, one using oat and the other using velvet bean as cover crops. The experimental design used for both field trials was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The factor A was constituted by four levels of straw (0; 0.75x; 1.5x; 3x) and the factor B was constituted by four rates of the herbicide atrazine (0; 2100; 4200; 8400 g a i. ha-1). Soil samples were collected for greenhouse trialsto determine the persistence. Atrazine leaching evaluation was performed by chromatography using samples collected over the soil profile.In the field, the weed density, the fresh and dry weight and the yield of the corn were evaluated. In the greenhouse trials, the main variables evaluated were plant height and injury caused by the herbicide toxicity. In the second part, soils with distinct covering history were sampled, and the mineralization and sorption studies, both with 14C-atrazine, were conducted in the laboratory. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The results from the field experiment show that the high levels of straw above ground, isolated, were not efficient to control completely the weeds, and that high levels of velvet bean`s straw decreased the corn potential yield. The greenhouse trials showed that high levels of oat straw prevent the scape of atrazine to soil, this effect of oat straw upon the herbicide availability on soil was detected up to 12 days after spraying. The half-life of atrazine sprayed over oat straw varied from 7 to 14 days after spraying, while the half-life of atrazine sprayed over velvet bean varied from 5 to 14 days after spraying. Increasing oat straw levels presents the capacity to reduce the lixiviation of atrazine in the soil profile, however, this effect was not verified when using velvet bean straw, because the herbicide was not detected in the soil profile, at 21 days after spraying. The chromatographic analysis indicate thatthe atrazine concentrates closer to the soil surface regardless of amount of straw, not being detected deeper than 8 cm in the soil. The accumulated mineralization of 14C-arazine sprayed over V. sativa is superior if compared to soils with S. cereale or non-covered soils. The sorption coefficient of atrazine is superior when sprayed over straw than over the soil.


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Traditionally in no-tillage systems, fertilization is done to the catch crop. In general nutrient cycling in crop systems has not been treated as an important tool in the process of nutrient supplying for plants. The type and the condition in which vegetable residuesis decomposed can affect the efficiency of nutrient cycling.This study assessed the effect of anticipated nitrogen fertilization in crop-livestock systems on cultivated cornproduction, rate ofnutrient release from plant residue, and theN-minerallevels of soil. The study was carried out in the city Abelardo Luz (SC) in a Clayey Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was N Fertilization Time: in the N-Pasture level, nitrogen (200 kg ha-1 N) and N-Grains level, no nitrogen was applied. The second factor was the Grazing Height, characterized by two sward heights of oat at 15 cm (Low Height Pasture) and at 30 cm (High Height Pasture). Corn hybrid ‘Máximus’ was sowed in 10thOctober, 31 days after the removal of animals. In the twelve resulting plots from the combination of treatments on pasture phase (N Fertilization Time x Grazing Height) rates of N-fertilizer (0, 100, 200 e 300 Kg ha-1 of N) as urea were allocated in the split plot.We conclude that anticipated N fertilization of winter cover crop pasture to provide high-quality forage and carry-over N to the subsequent corn crop and may eventually replace side drees nitrogen fertilization on corn and can improve overall N fertilizer efficiency use in integrated crop-livestock systems.The rate of K release from plant residues is very fast, releasing large quantities in the first days after plant desiccation.Despite of considerably high nitrogen dose used in both the pasture and at the grain crop it was not observed nitrate leaching risks during the study period.


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The no-tillage system is the predominant model in the agricultural scenario of southern Brazil. Thus, the use of cover crops is significant due to the addition of biomass to protect the soil surface, and contribute to the cycling and/or fixing of nutrients, and in particular nitrogen (N) with liberation for the subsequent culture. Among the cool season species, it was found predominant use of oat to obtain straw to system. Though large quantities input of residue is not the preferred species to precede the corn, cereal with relevant importance in the Paraná Southwest region. It was aimed to evaluate the productivity capacity of corn in no-tillage, in the absence or presence of nitrogen fertilization, on waste of winter cover crops on soil and climatic conditions of the Paraná Southwest region. The installation of no-tillage was held in 2010 in the experimental area belonging to UTFPR, Campus Dois Vizinhos, on a Red Latosol. For the present study, we used data relating to three agricultural years (2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015). The experimental design was randomized block design with split plots with three replications. The main plots consisted of systems composed by cover crops (black oat, ryegrass, rye, turnip, vetch, white lupine, aot+vetch consortium and oat+vetch+turnip), preceding corn. In the subplots were used two doses of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 180 kg ha N) coverage in maize.The biggest coverage rates occurred in the consortium with 95% at 62 days after sowing. The residual effect of 180 kg ha cool season plants following year. The residual effect of 180 kg ha systems, reduced in 21% the C/N ratio of poaceae. The common vetch accumulated 32 kg N per ton of MS added. The oat and rye keeps more than 50% waste to the land cover, after 120 days, while the ryegrass and vetch provide low soil protection. Consortium oat+vetch+turnip, vetch and white lupine, released the largest amounts of N, between 52 and 59 kg ha brassica and consortia positively influencing the diameter and length of cobs, number of kernels per row and, total number of grains per ear of corn, in the absence of mineral N. The weight of a thousand grains was increased by 12.4% by the addition of 180 kg ha increase in productivity of grain by the addition of 180 kg ha N, was 2.1 Mg ha 5.6 Mg ha 6.4 Mg ha components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha Keywords: Cover crops. No-tillage. Grain yield. Zea mays - 1 -1 N, increased 4.8% coverage rate in the of N in corn/cover crops -1 -1 . Fabaceae, -1 N mineral. The average N, in relation to dose 0 kg ha corn kernels on fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, and poaceae the grains in succession. The consortium added amount between 4.0 the DM in the years of study. There was no effect of mineral N rate for corn yield components when cultivated on vetch. Systems containing fabaceae, brassica and consortium oat+vetch+turnip, predating the corn, in the absence of mineral N, provided similar grain yelds inrelation to the systems with the addition of 180 kg ha-1 N.


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To achieve high yields the corn crop is dependent on nitrogen. Systems of cover crops preceding corn and form of land cultivation are essential for the best use of nitrogen by corn. This study aimed to evaluate the use or not of nitrogen fertilization in corn in succession to cover crops, planted in three cropping systems. The experimental design was randomized blocks with sub-divided portion where the main plots consisted of three cultivation systems (tillage, conventional tillage and minimum tillage), the subplots by four plant cover in monocrop (oat, hairy vetch, field peas and turnip) and sub-subplots by nitrogen fertilization (0 and 160 kg ha-1 N). Evaluations were performed, the cover crops, soil cover rate, dry matter, content and accumulation of nutrients. In corn we evaluated yield components, yield, chlorophyll and nutrient levels in leaves. Among the species coverage studied the oat showed hardiness in the experiment, covering ground faster and showing more dry matter, however vetch hairy showed higher concentrations of N, P and K and higher accumulation of N ha-1. The soil tillage system influenced the K leaf content. The interaction cultivation x coverage showed significance for the total chlorophyll of corn. In the absence of N, N content and chlorophyll were higher where the corn was sown on the pea and hairy vetch. The corn production, despite a higher average in the presence of nitrogen fertilization, did not differ significantly when used the pea and hairy vetch as a cover crop.


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This study was developed in objecting to investigate the use and occupation of land in 1999, 2005, 2011 e 2015 and estimate soil degradation by laminar erosion and the relation with water quality in 2015 in the catchment basin of the Barro Preto river, Coronel Vivida – PR. For multitemporal analysis of use and occupation of land in the basin used in the Landsat 5, 7 and 8 images and Geographic Information System. The laminar erosion was estimated by the Universal Soil Loss Equation through the systematization of calculations of the factors that compose the equation in SPRING/INPE. The water quality of the studied river section was evaluated according to the Water Quality Idex and the Resolution CONAMA n. 357/2005. The multitemporal analysis of the use and occupation of land has demonstrated that basin is predominantly agricultural in all years studied, as well as the permanent preservation area presents it not regularized during the period in accordance with the Brazilian Forest Code in force. In relation the quantification of laminar soil erosion in the study period, the rainfall and runoff factor was estimated considering the rainfall data from 1986 to 2014 and resulted in a value of 11.573,47 MJ/ha.mm/a. The Dystrophic Red Latosol, Dystrophic Red Nitisol, Fluvisol and Leptosol soil erodibility factor were 0,0138, 0,0137, 0,0207, 0,0196 t.ha.h/ha.MJ.mm/a, respectively. The topographical factor has demonstrated that the catchment basin has the rough terrain because the moderate and moderate strong classes are dominant in the study area. The cover and management and support practice factors were estimated according to the multitemporal analysis of the use and occupation of land in the basin and the values ranged from 0,0006 to 0,0688. The soil losses by laminar erosion were simulated with agriculture areas with corn and soybeans in no-till. The soil losses with maize crop in no-till in 1999, 2005, 2011 and 2015 were 9.782,75, 10.592,71, 9.636,61 e 11.058,26 t/year, respectively, and soybeans crops in no-till were 15.140,01, 16.645,20, 14.662,14 e 17.049,85 t/year, respectively. In relation with water quality of the section studied river, the average of Water Quality Index during the season were 55,47, 53,09 and 49,72, for the first, second and third sample point, respectively. Indication a decrease in water quality since the source to the last sample point. It is concluded that the use and occupation of land in the catchment basin interferes in the water quality, as well as in soil degradation.


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RESUMO: Neste trabalho foi avaliada a dinâmica do N mineral e a produtividade do milho em solo que vem, a longo tempo, recebendo aplicações de lodos de esgoto provenientes das estações de Tratamento de Franca e de Barueri, ou que recebeu lodo de esgoto por certo período de tempo. As aplicações iniciaram-se em 1999 a taxas que variaram na dose recomendada, tomando-se como base os requerimentos da planta em N, até uma taxa 8 vezes maior. Nos anos de 2004 e 2005 os lodos não foram aplicados. Em 2006 e 2007 somente foi aplicado o lodo de Franca. Os resultados deste trabalho referem-se às coletas de solo feitas no ano agrícola 2007/2008. Os tratamentos com lodo foram comparados com o tratamento com fertilização mineral (FM) e com o tratamento testemunha (T), que não recebeu fertilizantes e nem lodo. Os teores de N no solo aumentaram com as doses do lodo de Franca, o que não ocorreu com o lodo de Barueri. As produtividades do milho foram maiores nos tratamentos com o lodo de Franca e não diferiram com as doses aplicadas. Nos tratamentos com o lodo de Barueri as produtividades foram menores que as obtidas com o lodo de Franca, mas foram semelhantes às obtidas no tratamento com FM. A menor produtividade foi obtida no tratamento T. Os maiores teores de N totais nos grãos foram obtidos nos tratamentos com o lodo de Franca sem diferença entre as doses.


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EFEITO RESIDUAL DA APLICAÇÃO DE BIOSÓLIDO NA CULTURA DO MILHO. MA039 Fernanda Ardilha dos Santos1; Fernanda Gonçalves Serrenho1; Germana Breves Rona1; Sarai de Alcantara1; Daniel Vidal Perez2; Wagner Bettiol3 ; Waldemore Moriconi3, fernanda.ardilha@oi.com.br (1) Instituto de Química, UFRJ, (2) Embrapa Solos, RJ, (3) Embrapa Meio Ambiente (INTRODUÇÃO) A operação de uma Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto visa diminuir a carga poluente que seria lançada nos corpos receptores. Porém um novo problema é gerado: a disposição do lodo de esgoto, ou biossólido. Uma opção seria a disposição em aterro sanitário, que agrava ainda mais o problema de manejo do lixo urbano. Uma alternativa razoável seria a sua utilização como condicionador de solo e/ou fertilizantes, já que o biossólido promove a reciclagem de matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Entretanto, metais pesados são facilmente encontrados na composição de um biossólido. A utilização desse material para fins agrícolas pode causar alterações nos teores desses metais e na sua dispersão, tanto na fase sólida quanto na líquida do solo, com conseqüências ainda pouco conhecidas para nossas condições. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o impacto causado pelo uso agrícola do biossólido, de origem doméstica/industrial, nos teores e na evolução dos elementos Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd e Cr. (METODOLOGIA) A área experimental situou-se em Jaguariúna (SP), em Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (textura argilosa). O delineamento experimental escolhido foi o de fatorial (2 x 6) em blocos ao acaso, com 3 repetições, em que um tratamento correspondeu a uma dose aplicada, antes do plantio de milho, do lodo de esgoto. Os tratamentos estudados constaram de uma Testemunha Absoluta, Testemunha convencional (NPK), 1, 2, 4 e 8 vezes a dose de lodo de esgoto, calculada com base na adubação de N, requerida pela cultura do milho. O outro tratamento se refere ao tipo de lodo de esgoto utilizado, que foi fornecido pela SABESP, a saber: Barueri (Industrial) e de Franca (Doméstico), em SP. A amostragem ocorreu em novembro de 2004,2005,2006 e 2007 sendo a profundidade de coleta de 0-20cm. A técnica de extração seqüencial utilizada foi a descrita por Wasserman et al. (2005). As determinações analíticas dos metais estudados foram realizadas por ICP-OES(PE OPTIMA 3000). (RESULTADOS) Para o Zn, com o aumento da dose aplicada, observa-se um aumento significativo na concentração das fases 1e 2 e em menor grau na fase 5. Para o Cu observa-se um aumento na concentração de todas as frações em função do aumento da dose aplicada de lodo sendo a fase 5 desprezível. Nota-se que, apesar da tendência do Cu formar complexos com a matéria orgânica, é a fase 2 a mais representativa, sendo que a fase 1 apresenta alguma importância nas doses mais elevadas. O Cr sofreu um aumento na concentração total com o aumento da dose de lodo aplicada, apresentando um incremento nas concentrações de todas as fases exceto a fase 5. Todas as concentrações totais dos elementos estudados aumentaram em função do aumento das doses de lodo aplicadas. Vale ressaltar que o ano de 2003 foi o último onde houve aplicação do biossólido. Portanto, a amostragem feita em 2006 já se refere a um estudo de atenuação natural. Ademais, os resultados são relativos a aplicação do lodo de Barueri já que este apresenta concentrações metálicas mais elevadas e o comportamento dos elementos são semelhantes para distintoas fontes de lodo. (CONCLUSÃO) As concentrações nas fases aumentaram em função do aumento da concentração de lodo utilizada. As fases 1 e 2 apresentam importância neste sentido sendo este um motivo de grande preocupação, por serem frações biodisponíveis, podendo agravar seriamente, os riscos de contaminação pelos metais em questão. No entanto, as concentrações encontradas são bem menores que aquelas recomendadas pela CONAMA no375/2006 . Isto indica que a utilização do lodo oriundo das ETES na agricultura é uma solução bastante viável para sua disposição final, sendo uma prática já adotada em vários países (Ludivice et al, 2000). Agradecimentos: CNPq, FAPERJ, FUJB, EMBRAPA


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Com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de niveis de nitrogenio e laminas de irrigacao no rendimento do milho verde (Zea mays L.) cultivar BR-126, foi conduzido um experimento, numa varzea do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo, da EMBRAPA, em Sete Lagoas, MG, com quatro tratamentos de irrigacao (laminas equivalentes a 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% da ETR) e seis subtratamentos de N (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 e 200 kg/ha de N). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas, tendo quatro repeticoes. O N foi incorporado na forma de ureia, sendo 1/3 no plantio, e o restante, em cobertura, aos 49 dias apos o plantio. Considerando-se os efeitos das laminas de irrigacao e dos niveis de N no rendimento do milho verde, uma aplicacao de 120 kg/ha de N e uma lamina de irrigacao equivalente a 50% de ETR poderao ser recomendadas para as condicoes de estudo; entretanto, deve-se salientar a necessidade imprescindivel de um estudo economico mais detalhado desses fatores.


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