957 resultados para Microhardness tester


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Syfte Syftet med studien är att analysera tillslagsprecision i fotboll och jämföra eventuella skillnader mellan juniorer och seniorer på både herr- och damsidan. Metod Totalt 30 elitspelare varav 16 herrar och 14 damer utförde tester i tillslagsprecision. De färdigheter som testades var passning och skott. Upplägget var 60 skott (30 stillaliggande och 30 halvvolley) och 80 passningar (20 stillaliggande bästa fot, 20 rullande bästa fot, 20 stillaliggande näst bästa fot och 20 rullande näst bästa fot). Testresultaten analyserades via Excel och Kinovea, där kunde medelvärden och standardavvikelser för varje testperson och testgrupp räknas ut. Resultat Resultatet visar att det endast var signifkant skillnad på ett av sex moment vad gäller tillslagsprecisionen på herrsidan. På damsidan var det ingen signifikant skillnad på något moment. Slutsatser Författarna har i denna studie identifierat en platå mellan spelare i åldrarna 16-18 år och seniorspelare vad gäller tillslagsprecision. Spelare i åldrarna 16-18 är lika bra som seniorspelare på de individuella färdigheterna passning och skott. Denna platå kan vara resultatet av för lite individuell träning, sk isolerad träning vad det gäller tillslagsprecision, på föreningsträningarna. Om föreningstränarna följer den utbildning SvFF ger dem ska endast två minuter per träning gå till varje individuell färdighet (13 st enligt SvFF). Bristen av tid för dessa färdigheter kan vara en avgörande faktor för att utvecklingen av tillslagsprecision står stilla idag.


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Denna systematiska litteraturstudie har syftet att ta reda på vad tidigare forskning säger om hur lärare kan identifiera elever med en särskild begåvning i matematik. Hur dessa elever utmärker sig och vad som är deras kännetecken samt egenskaper. Hur lärare kan arbeta för att synliggöra dessa egenskaper för att kunna identifiera elever med särskild begåvning i matematik. För att besvara studiens frågeställning har en systematisk litteraturstudie använts vilket innebär att svaret sökts i tidigare forskning. Denna systematiska litteraturstudie har hämtat litteratur som behandlar forskningsområdet från databaserna Eric, Summon och Libris. Resultatet av studien visar att de särskilt begåvade eleverna kan identifieras genom elevernas enskilda arbete, prov och tester samt muntlig kommunikation. I identifieringen måste lärarna vara medvetna om att egenskaperna kan skilja sig åt mellan de särskilt begåvade eleverna. Eleverna kan identifieras genom egenskaper som att de är snabba, nyfikna, positiva och engagerande. Det är en fördel i


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Internationella tester av elevers kunskapsresultat har bidragit till att kraftigt öka intresset för hur elevers studieprestationer kan förbättras. En samstämmig forskning placerar lärares undervisning högt upp på listan av faktorer som är betydelsefulla för att förbättra elevers lärande. En metod som visat sig användbar för att utveckla lärares undervisningsförmåga är learning study som framför allt använts av lärare som undervisar elever i lägre åldrar. Vi visar i den här artikeln, med stöd av en fallstudie, att det även är möjligt att framgångsrikt använda learning study-metoden för att utveckla lärare i gymnasieskolans yrkesutbildning och deras förmåga att undervisa där ämnesinnehållet ofta avser tyst yrkeskunskap och icke-kognitiva förmågor.


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Electronic applications are currently developed under the reuse-based paradigm. This design methodology presents several advantages for the reduction of the design complexity, but brings new challenges for the test of the final circuit. The access to embedded cores, the integration of several test methods, and the optimization of the several cost factors are just a few of the several problems that need to be tackled during test planning. Within this context, this thesis proposes two test planning approaches that aim at reducing the test costs of a core-based system by means of hardware reuse and integration of the test planning into the design flow. The first approach considers systems whose cores are connected directly or through a functional bus. The test planning method consists of a comprehensive model that includes the definition of a multi-mode access mechanism inside the chip and a search algorithm for the exploration of the design space. The access mechanism model considers the reuse of functional connections as well as partial test buses, cores transparency, and other bypass modes. The test schedule is defined in conjunction with the access mechanism so that good trade-offs among the costs of pins, area, and test time can be sought. Furthermore, system power constraints are also considered. This expansion of concerns makes it possible an efficient, yet fine-grained search, in the huge design space of a reuse-based environment. Experimental results clearly show the variety of trade-offs that can be explored using the proposed model, and its effectiveness on optimizing the system test plan. Networks-on-chip are likely to become the main communication platform of systemson- chip. Thus, the second approach presented in this work proposes the reuse of the on-chip network for the test of the cores embedded into the systems that use this communication platform. A power-aware test scheduling algorithm aiming at exploiting the network characteristics to minimize the system test time is presented. The reuse strategy is evaluated considering a number of system configurations, such as different positions of the cores in the network, power consumption constraints and number of interfaces with the tester. Experimental results show that the parallelization capability of the network can be exploited to reduce the system test time, whereas area and pin overhead are strongly minimized. In this manuscript, the main problems of the test of core-based systems are firstly identified and the current solutions are discussed. The problems being tackled by this thesis are then listed and the test planning approaches are detailed. Both test planning techniques are validated for the recently released ITC’02 SoC Test Benchmarks, and further compared to other test planning methods of the literature. This comparison confirms the efficiency of the proposed methods.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as características da dentina cariada remanescente de molares decíduos quanto à coloração, consistência e microdureza, após um período médio de 3 anos e 8 meses da realização do capeamento pulpar indireto. O estudo clínico constou de 27 dentes que apresentavam lesões cariosas ativas com expressão radiográfica em metade interna de dentina. Aleatoriamente, foi realizado o capeamento pulpar indireto e utilizado como material capeador o hidróxido de cálcio (HC) e o cimento de ionômero de vidro resinoso modificado (CIVRM). As crianças foram acompanhadas através de exames clínicos e radiográficos, e ao longo de um período médio de 3 anos e 8 meses, observou-se um índice de sucesso de 89% para o grupo do HC e de 93% para o CIVRM, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos (p=0,62). Os dentes considerados como sucesso no estudo clínico foram agrupados em um único grupo (grupo teste), que constou de 13 dentes que sofreram esfoliação natural ou exodontia por motivos ortodônticos. Além disso, foram selecionados 15 molares decíduos hígidos (grupo controle positivo) e 15, portadores de lesões cariosas ativas em metade interna de dentina (grupo controle negativo). As amostras do grupo teste tiveram suas respectivas restaurações removidas, a profundidade medida e a dentina remanescente avaliada por um operador calibrado, seguindo critérios descritivos, quanto à consistência e a coloração. Nos dentes do grupo controle positivo, foram realizados preparos cavitários oclusais em até 4 mm de profundidade, enquanto que, no grupo controle negativo, o mesmo operador do estudo clínico realizou a remoção parcial de tecido cariado in vitro. A partir daí, todos os dentes foram preparados para análise de microdureza, que foi realizada por um examinador calibrado, que empregou o princípio de cegamento. Na análise da consistência, todos os dentes do grupo teste (n=13) apresentaram-se endurecidos, enquanto que 9, apresentaram coloração amarela-clara (8 do CIVRM e 1 do HC) e 4, castanho-escura (1 do CIVRM e 3 do HC). Para o teste de microdureza no grupo teste, obteve-se uma média KHN de 40,81 (±16,28) MPa, enquanto que nos grupos controles positivo e negativo, foram alcançados valores médios de 62,73 (±11,24) MPa e 19,15 (±6,99) MPa, respectivamente. A análise estatística mediante o teste ANOVA indicou que houve diferença significativa entre os 3 grupos. Foi constatada a remineralização da dentina de dentes decíduos em que foi realizada a técnica do capeamento pulpar indireto após um período médio de 3 anos e 8 meses, através de critérios clínico (consistência) e laboratorial (análise da microdureza).


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Os cestódeos são agentes etiológicos de doenças parasíticas em humanos e em animais domesticados. Estamos utilizando Mesocestoides corti como um sistema modelo para estudar a biologia do desenvolvimento dos cestódeos, particularmente a transição da fase larval para a fase adulta segmentada. Com o propósito de isolar seqüências diferencialmente expressas durante o processo de segmentação, aplicamos a metodologia de análise das diferenças de representações de cDNA (cDNA RDA) utilizando RNA total extraído de larvas e vermes segmentados em cultivos in vitro de M. corti. Duas bibliotecas de cDNA subtraídas, enriquecidas com seqüências diferencialmente expressas das formas larvais ou segmentadas, foram construídas usando uma razão de driver:tester de 100:1 e 800:1 no 1º e 2º ciclos de subtração, respectivamente. A eficiência de subtração foi avaliada com experimentos de hibridização, utilizando as seqüências subtraídas como sondas contra os produtos de cDNA amplificados por PCR, com análise de macroarranjos e com confirmação individual, em experimentos de Northern virtual, de clones selecionados. Uma estratégia de RT-PCR em tempo real para confirmação dos resultados está sendo otimizada e resultados preliminares são apresentados. Após o seqüenciamento de 1036 clones de cDNA independentes e adoção de uma estratégia de seqüenciamento de alta qualidade, foram identificadas 190 seqüências, preferencialmente expressas em tetratirídeos (49) ou em vermes segmentados (141). Entre os genes identificados, 71 foram funcionalmente anotados, incluindo seqüências relacionadas a reguladores de estrutura de cromatina e controle de transcrição, cujos ortólogos estão implicados em processos de desenvolvimento em Drosophila e em vertebrados.


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Os dois tipos de stress fisiológico e psicológico constituem, a meu ver, um único fenômeno, embora, do ponto de vista didático, faça-se necessária esta divisão. Neste estudo ambos os tipos foram abordados teoricamente, mas o mesmo se propõe a analisar a influência dos fatores de personalidade - extroversão, introversão e dogmatismo- na vulnerabilidade ao stress. Os determinantes cognitivos foram considerados como mediadores desta relação. O instrumental utilizado para a verificação empírica foi composto dos seguintes testes: 16 PF de Cattell e Eber, Fator P de Toulouse-Pieron, Escala de Dogmatismo de Rokeach e o Sorting-Test, adaptado para esse estudo. Esses instrumentos foram utilizados para testar as hipóteses; o introvertido e o não-dogmático, tanto na condição isolada quanto em combinação, apresentam vulnerabilidade ao stress maior do que o extrovertido e o dogmático nas mesmas condições. A análise da regressão múltipla demonstrou que nenhuma diferença quanto à vulnerabilidade ao stress foi observada em relação aos tipos extrovertido, introvertido, dogmátlco e não-dogmático, quer isoladamente, quer nas combinações extrovertido-dogmático e introvertido-não-dogmático. É provável que algumas circunstâncias possam explicar esse fenômeno. Em primeiro lugar é possível que a vulnerabilidade ao stress esteja mais relacionada com traço de personalidade do que com tipo. Em segundo lugar, pode ser que o instrumento utilizado para medir extroversão-introversão não forneça uma medida válida: uma vez que o conceito se baseia nas primeiras formulações da teoria da ativação. Poderíamos, ainda, acrescentar uma outra relação na influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress . Esta relação pode ser estudada sob os dois aspectos do stress: a especificidade e a não-especificidade. Assim sendo, poder-se-ia conjecturar que tanto os fatores de personalidade quanto os determinantes cognitivos estariam mais relacionados com a especificidade do que com a não-especificidade. Esta última estaria mais vinculada aos aspectos fisiológicos. Esta última proposição poderia servir de um esquema para uma diferente análise teórica e empírica da influência dos fatores de personalidade na vulnerabilidade ao stress, enfatizando mais a especificidade do que a não-especificidade.


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R.R.M. de Sousa et al. Nitriding in cathodic cage of stainless steel AISI 316: Influence of sample position. Vacuum, [s.l.], n.83, 2009. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 out.2010.


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In this work, AISI 1010 steel samples were plasma nitrided into 20% N 2 100 Pa and 400 Pa for N 2 and H 2 , respectively), temperatures of 500 and 580 °C, during 2 h. Three different procedures for cooling were accomplished after nitriding. In the first procedure the cooling occurred naturally, that is, the sample was kept on substrate holder. In the second one the sample was pulled off and cooling in a cold surface. Finally, in the third cooling process the sample was pulled off the substrate holder down into special reservoir filled with oil held at ambient temperature. The properties of the AISI 1010 steel samples were characterized by optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy and microhardness tests. Thermal gradient inside the sample kept on substrate holder during cooling process was measured by three inserted thermocouples at different depths. When samples were cooled rapidly the transformation of ϵ-Fe 2 − 3 N to γ′-Fe 4 N was inhibited. Such effect is indicated by the high concentration of ϵ-Fe compound zone. To get solid state solution of nitrogen in the diffusion zone, instead of precipitates of nitride phases, the cooling rate should be higher than a critical value of about 0.95 °C/s. When this value is reached at any depth of the diffusion zone, two distinct diffusion zones will appear. Temperature gradients were measured inside the samples as a consequence of the plasma treatment. It's suggested the need for standardization of the term “treatment temperature” for plasma treatment because different nitrided layer properties could be reported for the same “treatment temperature”.


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Ceramics materials have good properties including chemical stability, high hardness and wear resistance. Moreover, due to its fragility, can suffer failure under relatively low levels of tension. Actually zirconia is the material of choice in metal free dental prostheses used in dentistry due its inertia in physiological environment, good bending strength, hardness and fracture toughness. The alumina and mixed tungsten and titanium carbides additions, acting as reinforcement elements in the zirconia matrix, have as their main objective the improvement of mechanical properties of this material. In this work, samples of zirconia, zirconia with 30% wt of alumina and zirconia with 30% wt mixed carbides were analyzed. The samples were sintered by uniaxial hot pressing on 30 MPa pressure, for 1 hour in an argon atmosphere. They were physically characterized by porosity and density measurements, and mechanically by 3-points bending strength and Vickers microhardness. The X-ray diffraction was used for the phase identifications and microstructure was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The addition of mixed carbides as reinforcement elements in zirconia matrix provides improvements in all properties analyzed in this work. The alumina addition has dropped the zirconia strength, although it caused improvement in other properties


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In this work, was studied the formation of a composite of the refractory metal niobium with copper, through the process of high-energy milling and liquid phase sintering. The HEM can be used to synthesize composite powders with high homogeneity and fine size particle distribution. It may also produce the solid solubility in immiscible systems such as Nb-Cu, or extend the solubility of systems with limited solubility. Therefore, in the immiscible system Cu-Nb, the high-energy milling was successfully used to obtain the composite powder particles. Initially, the formation of composite particles during the HEM and the effect of preparation technique on the microstructure of the material was evaluated. Four loads of Nb and Cu powders containing 20%wt Cu were synthesized by MAE in a planetary type ball mill under different periods of grinding. The influence of grinding time on the metal particles is evaluated during the process by the withdrawal of samples at intermediate times of milling. After compaction under different forces, the samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The liquid phase sintering of these samples prepared by HEM produced a homogeneous and fine grained. The composite particles forming the sintered samples are the addition of a hard phase (Nb) with a high melting point, and a ductile phase (Cu) with low melting point and high thermal and electrical conductivities. Based on these properties, the Nb-Cu system is a potential material for many applications, such as electrical contacts, welding electrodes, coils for generating high magnetic fields, heat sinks and microwave absorbers, which are coupled to electronic devices. The characterization techniques used in this study, were laser granulometry, used to evaluate the homogeneity and particle size, and the X-ray diffraction, in the phase identification and to analyze the crystalline structure of the powders during milling. The morphology and dispersion of the phases in the composite powder particles, as well the microstructures of the sintered samples, were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Subsequently, the sintered samples are evaluated for density and densification. And finally, they were characterized by techniques of measuring the electrical conductivity and microhardness, whose properties are analyzed as a function of the parameters for obtaining the composite


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This masther dissertation presents a contribution to the study of 316L stainless steel sintering aiming to study their behavior in the milling process and the effect of isotherm temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The 316L stainless steel is a widely used alloy for their high corrosion resistance property. However its application is limited by the low wear resistance consequence of its low hardness. In previous work we analyzed the effect of sintering additives as NbC and TaC. This study aims at deepening the understanding of sintering, analyzing the effect of grinding on particle size and microstructure and the effect of heating rate and soaking time on the sintered microstructure and on their microhardness. Were milled 316L powders with NbC at 1, 5 and 24 hours respectively. Particulates were characterized by SEM and . Cylindrical samples height and diameter of 5.0 mm were compacted at 700 MPa. The sintering conditions were: heating rate 5, 10 and 15◦C/min, temperature 1000, 1100, 1200, 1290 and 1300◦C, and soaking times of 30 and 60min. The cooling rate was maintained at 25◦C/min. All samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The sintered microstructure were characterized by optical and electron microscopy as well as density and microhardness. It was observed that the milling process has an influence on sintering, as well as temperature. The major effect was caused by firing temperature, followed by the grinding and heating rate. In this case, the highest rates correspond to higher sintering.


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In this paper we developed a prototype for dynamic and quantitative analysis of the hardness of metal surfaces by penetration tests. It consists of a micro-indenter which is driven by a gear system driven by three-rectified. The sample to be tested is placed on a table that contains a load cell that measures the deformation in the sample during the penetration of micro-indenter. With this prototype it is possible to measure the elastic deformation of the material obtained by calculating the depth of penetration in the sample from the difference of turns between the start of load application to the application of the load test and return the indenter until the complete termination of load application. To determine the hardness was used to measure the depth of plastic deformation. We used 7 types of steel trade to test the apparatus. There was a dispersion of less than 10% for five measurements made on each sample and a good agreement with the values of firmness provided by the manufacturers.


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Microalloyed steels constitute a specific class of steel with low amount of carbon and microalloying elements such as Vanadium (V), Niobium (Nb) and Titanium (Ti). The development and application of microalloyed steels and steels in general are limited to the handling of powders with particles of submicron or nanometer dimensions. Therefore, this work presents an alternative in order to construction of microalloyed steels utilizing the deposition by magnetron sputtering technique as a microalloying element addiction in which Ti nanoparticles are dispersed in an iron matrix. The advantage of that technique in relation to the conventional metallurgical processes is the possibility of uniformly disperse the microalloying elements in the iron matrix. It was carried out deposition of Ti onto Fe powder in high CH4, H2, Ar plasma atmosphere, with two deposition times. After the deposition, the iron powder with nanoparticles of Ti dispersed distributed, were compacted and sintered at 1120 ° C in resistive furnace. Characterization techniques utilized in the samples of powder before and after deposition of Ti were Granulometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (DRX). In the case of sintered samples, it was carried out characterization by SEM and Vickers Microhardness assays. The results show which the deposition technique by magnetron sputtering is practicable in the dispersion of particles in iron matrix. The EDX microanalysis detected higher percentages of Ti when the deposition were carried out with the inert gas and when the deposition process was carried out with reactive gas. The presence of titanium in iron matrix was also evidenced by the results of X-ray diffraction peaks that showed shifts in the network matrix. Given these results it can be said that the technique of magnetron sputtering deposition is feasible in the dispersion of nanoparticles of iron matrix in Ti.


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The cobalt-chromium alloy is extensively used in the Odontology for the confection of metallic scaffolding in partial removable denture. During the last few years, it has been reported an increasing number of premature imperfections, with a few months of prosthesis use. The manufacture of these components is made in prosthetic laboratories and normally involves recasting, using parts of casting alloy and parts of virgin alloy. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the mechanical properties of a commercial cobalt-chromium alloy of odontological use after successive recasting, searching information to guide the dental prosthesis laboratories in the correct manipulation of the cobalt-chromium alloy in the process of casting and the possible limits of recasting in the mechanical properties of this material. Seven sample groups were confectioned, each one containing five test bodies, divided in the following way: G1: casting only with virgin alloy; G2: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G1 + 50% of virgin alloy; G3: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G2 + 50% of virgin alloy; G4: casting with 50% of the alloy of the G3 + 50% of virgin alloy; G5: 50% of alloy of the G4 + 50% of virgin alloy; G6: 50% of alloy of the G5 + 50% of virgin alloy and finally the G7, only with recasting alloy. The modifications in the mechanical behavior of the alloy were evaluated. Moreover, it was carried the micro structural characterization of the material by optic and electronic scanning microscopy, and X ray diffraction.and fluorescence looking into the correlatation of the mechanical alterations with structural modifications of the material caused by successive recasting process. Generally the results showed alterations in the fracture energy of the alloy after successive recasting, resulting mainly of the increasing presence of pores and large voids, characteristic of the casting material. Thus, the interpretation of the results showed that the material did not reveal significant differences with respect to the tensile strength or elastic limit, as a function of successive recasting. The elastic modulus increased from the third recasting cycle on, indicating that the material can be recast only twice. The fracture energy of the material decreased, as the number of recasting cycles increased. With respect to the microhardness, the statistical analyses showedno significant differences. Electronic scanning microscopy revealed the presence of imperfections and defects, resulting of the recasting process. X ray diffraction and fluorescence did not show alterations in the composition of the alloy or the formation of crystalline phases between the analyzed groups. The optical micrographs showed an increasing number of voids and porosity as the material was recast. Therefore, the general conclusion of this study is that the successive recasting of of Co-Cr alloys affects the mechanical properties of the material, consequently leading to the failure of the prosthetic work. Based on the results, the best recommendadition is that the use of the material should be limited to two recasting cycles