888 resultados para Medicine in the XIX century
Proyecto de investigación elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, a Alemanya, entre 2010 y 2012. La radiación solar que alcanza la superficie terrestre es un factor clave entre los procesos que controlan el clima de la Tierra, dado el papel que desempeñan en el balance energético y el ciclo hidrológico. Establecer su contribución al cambio climático reciente supone una gran dificultad debido a la complejidad de los procesos implicados, la gran cantidad de información requerida, y la incertidumbre de las bases de datos disponibles en la actualidad. Así, el objetivo principal del proyecto ha consistido en generar una base de datos de insolación incluyendo las series más largas (desde finales del siglo XIX) disponibles en toda Europa. Esta base de datos complementa para nuestro continente el Global Energy Balance Archive (GEBA) que mantiene y gestiona el grupo que ha acogido al receptor de la ayuda postdoctoral, y permite extender espacial (especialmente en países del sur de Europa) y temporalmente las series climáticas disponibles de mediciones de irradiancia solar. Como la insolación es un proxy de la irradiancia solar, el proyecto actual también ha tratado de calibrar de forma exhaustiva ambas variables, a fin de generar una nueva base de datos reconstruida de esta segunda variable que esté disponible desde finales del siglo XIX en Europa. Un segundo objetivo del proyecto ha consistido en continuar trabajando a escala de mayor detalle sobre la Península Ibérica, con el fin de proporcionar una mejor comprensión del fenómeno del “global dimming/brightening” y su impacto en el ciclo hidrológico y balance energético. Finalmente, un tercer objetivo del presente proyecto postdoctoral ha consistido en continuar estudiando los posibles ciclos semanales a gran escala de diferentes variables climáticas, línea de investigación de interés para la detección de posibles efectos de los aerosoles antrópicos en el clima a escalas temporales breves, y consecuentemente estrechamente vinculado al fenómeno del “global dimming/brightening”.
[cat] En aquest treball presentem un model per explicar el procés d’especialització vitícola assolit als municipis de la província de Barcelona, a mitjans del s. XIX,que cerca entendre com va sorgir històricament un avantatge comparatiu fruit d’un procés que esdevindria un dels punts de partida del procés d’industrialització a Catalunya. Els resultats confirmen els papers jugats pel impuls “Boserupià” de la població en un context d’intensificació de l’ús de la terra, i d’un impuls del mercat “Smithià” en un context d’expansió de la demanda per part de les economies atlàntiques. També es posa de manifest la importància de les dotacions agro-ecològiques i les condicions socioinstitucionals relacionades amb la desigualtat d’ingrés. La difusió de la vinya donà com a resultat unes comunitats rurals menys desiguals fins al 1820, tot i que aquesta desigualtat augmentà de nou a partir d'aleshores.
This volume reflects a variegated and fruitful dialogue between classical and medieval philologists and historians of science, philosophy, literature and language as well as of medicine - the diverse range of interests that the history of medicine in the Graeco-Roman world and the medieval West continues to stimulate and draw on. A recurrent theme is the transformation of medical knowledge in different languages, literary forms and cultural milieux. Several papers concern editorial work in progress on unpublished texts, available only in manuscript or early printed editions. Ce recueil met en dialogue des spécialistes des textes médicaux latins de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Certaines analyses adoptent une approche sociolinguistique, d'autres s'intéressent à des questions de transmission et de réception, d'autres enfin livrent des études sur le lexique médical. Mais toutes concourent à éclairer une histoire culturelle de la médecine qui s'inscrit dans un monde en mutation. With a preface by D. R. Langslow, and contributions by M. Baldin, J. P. Barragán Nieto, P. P. Conde Parrado, D. Crismani, M. Cronier, C. de la Rosa Cubo, A. Ferraces Rodríguez, K.-D. Fischer, P. Gaillard-Seux, A. García González, V. Gitton-Ripoll, G. Haverling, F. Le Blay, B. Maire, G. Marasco, A. I. Martín Ferreira, I. Mazzini, F. Messina, Ph. Mudry, V. Nutton, M. Pardon-Labonnelie, R. Passarella, M. J. Pérez Ibáñez, S. Sconocchia, A. M. Urso, M. E. Vázquez Buján, and H. von Staden.
[cat] En aquest treball presentem un model per explicar el procés d’especialització vitícola assolit als municipis de la província de Barcelona, a mitjans del s. XIX,que cerca entendre com va sorgir històricament un avantatge comparatiu fruit d’un procés que esdevindria un dels punts de partida del procés d’industrialització a Catalunya. Els resultats confirmen els papers jugats pel impuls “Boserupià” de la població en un context d’intensificació de l’ús de la terra, i d’un impuls del mercat “Smithià” en un context d’expansió de la demanda per part de les economies atlàntiques. També es posa de manifest la importància de les dotacions agro-ecològiques i les condicions socioinstitucionals relacionades amb la desigualtat d’ingrés. La difusió de la vinya donà com a resultat unes comunitats rurals menys desiguals fins al 1820, tot i que aquesta desigualtat augmentà de nou a partir d'aleshores.
This book deals with bodily pain in the late Victorian period, considering the ways in which its understanding is shaped by medicine and theology.
Through a series of walks with former colleagues and investigations in archives the author succeeded in reconstructing the medical past of the Moesano, a remote region of the italian speaking Grisons comprising the valleys of Calanca and Mesolcina. His analysis illustrates and reviews the demographic movements in a district of which certain parts are on the way of depopulation, the medical practitioners who followed one another during the last century, their daily activities under circumstances totally different from ours, the means at their disposal in particular the therapeutical possibilities an overview of the popular medicines of that time and a short historical report about the health resort of San Bernardino.
Análisis de la teoría y práctica de la restauración en Inglaterra en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, enfocada al trabajo realizado por el arquitecto George Edmund Street, desde el punto de vista de su investigación sobre la historia de la construcción de la arquitectura gótica en Europa.
Mode of access: Internet.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
How should the 'long' eighteenth century be defined? January 1, 1700 and December 31, 1799 are quite arbitrary dates. Why should they be chosen to segment our history rather than more significant periods of time, periods which have a coherent content, or are marked, perhaps, by the working out of a theme? Students of English literature sometimes take the long eighteenth century to extend from John Milton (Paradise Lost, 1667) to the passing of the first generation of Romantics (Keats (d. 1821), Shelley (d. 1822), Byron (d. 1824), Coleridge (d. 1834)). Students of British political history often take it to start with the accession of Charles II (the Restoration) in 1660 or, alternatively, the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688 and to end with the great Reform Act of 1832. Others might choose different book ends. In the history of science and philosophy the terminus a quo is sometimes taken as the publication of Descartes' scientific philosophy or, in more Anglophone zones, the 1687 publication of Newton's Principia with its vision of a 'clockwork universe'. 'Nature and Nature's laws' as Alexander Pope enthused, 'lay hid in Night: God said, Let Newton be! and all was light!'.
There have been no books published on neuroscience in the eighteenth century. Yet this was an important time, with science and medicine in transition. On the one hand, there were wildly speculative theories about the nervous system, many based on Newtonian mechanics and fanciful chemistry. But on the other, this was also a time when empirical research with quantification and experimentation was coming of age. This volume examines the eighteenth-century neuroscience milieu and looks at developments in anatomy, physiology, and medicine that highlight this era, which some people have called the Age of Reason and others the Enlightenment. The book covers such things as the aims of the scientific and medical Enlightenment, how neuroscience adopted electricity as the nerve force, how disorders such as aphasia and hysteria were treated, Mesmerism, and how some of the latest ideas made their way into the culture of the day.
This article studies the house of seclusion established for devout Indian and mestizo laywomen in the town of Pasig in 1740, and the dispute over tribute obligations that affected retreated or “pious” women. Founded outside of the Royal Patronato, this house of seclusion was extraordinarily attractive as a place for voluntary retreat and as an educational center. The dispute over tribute payments brought to light misgivings and conflicts of interest between the parties involved, while revealing the fundamental problem: the traditionally undefined juridical status of this type of establishment on the Islands. The solution given to the problem (tribute exemption) was to be extended to other similar centers in the Philippines. This article, realized with the use of unpublished documentation from the General Archives of the Indies, contributes therefore to our knowledge of the world of women in the Philippine archipelago; an ambit of great complexity that, as of yet, has been insufficiently studied.
This thesis is about a class of literate professionals that served as hereditary brehons, poets and doctors to the Gaelic aristocracy over a period from c.1250-c.1630. My investigation into these families brings together evidence from Gaelic and English sources to highlight the work these families did for their patrons, their status in society and their subsequent fall in the seventeenth century. Such a broad canvas allows us to observe the vibrancy of Gaelic literary culture as these families adapted to the changing political landscape to absorb new Anglo-Norman patrons and assimilated English and Continental ideas while maintaining their distinctive identity. I want to look beyond the ideology espoused by these families to look at the practical choices members of these families made to maintain their status and relevance in a changing social context. To do this I have chosen to focus on each of the three professions in individual chapters to highlight the continuities and changes within the professions and ultimately by comparing the three groups to gauge the success or failure of these professional families to adapt to the encroachment of the New English and the ultimate collapse of the Gaelic world. This thesis takes a holistic approach to these families by including branches of these families not engaged in the hereditary profession. It seeks to provide a broader picture of Gaelic society below the level of the aristocracy by looking at the geographic distribution of these families, their proximity to centres of power, and to land and sea routes that can indicate their involvement in alternative economic activities.
One of the main objectives of the first International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures is to provide an opportunity for young researchers and engineers to present their research. But a research project is only completed when it has been published and shared with the community. Referees and peer experts play an important role to control the research quality. While some new electronic tools provide further means to disseminate some research information, the quality and impact of the works remain linked with some thorough expert-review process and the publications in international scientific journals and books. Importantly unethical publishing standards are not acceptable and cheating is despicable.