970 resultados para Meat Production Potential


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Within the dinuclear system model, the effects of the relative orientations of interacting deformed nuclei on the interaction potential energy surfaces, the evaporation residue cross sections of some cold fusion reactions leading to superheavy elements are investigated. The competition between fusion and quasifission is studied to show the effect of the orientation. It turns out that the belly-belly orientation is in favor of the production of superheavy nuclei, because in the case a barrier has suppressed the quasifission and thus helped fusion.


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We investigate hard photon production of the near-collinear bremsstrahlung and a new process called the inelastic pair annihilation, fully including the LPM effect, in a chemically equilibrating quark-gluon plasma at finite baryon density, and find that the effect of the system evolution on the photon production and large contribution of the bremsstrahlung make the total photon yield of the two processes as a strongly increasing function of the initial quark chemical potential.


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Within the framework of the improved isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model, the dynamics of pion emission in heavy-ion collisions in the region of 1A GeV energies as a probe of nuclear symmetry energy at suprasaturation densities is investigated systematically. The total pion multiplicities and the pi(-)/pi(+) yields are calculated for selected Skyrme parameters SkP, SLy6, Ska, and SIII and also for the cases of different stiffness of symmetry energy with the parameter SLy6. The influence of Coulomb potential, symmetry energy, and in-medium pion potential on the pion production is investigated and compared to each other by analyzing the distributions of transverse momentum and longitudinal rapidity and also the excitation functions of the total pion and the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio. The directed flow, elliptic flow, and polar-angle distributions are calculated for the cases of different collision centralities and also the various stiffnesses of the symmetry energies. A comparison of the calculations with the available experimental data is performed.


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Variation in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages through the last approximately 300 years was studied in two sediment cores, one from the heavily polluted Frierfjord, and one from the adjoining, relatively unpolluted Brevikfjord, in order to docu1ent possible dinoflagellate responses to pollution. Changes in the cyst-flora were compared with historical information on the development of industry and also with geochemistry of the sediments, reflecting aspects of pollution. In the Frierfjord core, increasing pollution was accompanied by a decrease in cyst concentration, possibly reflecting reduced production, at least of dinoflagellates, and a shift toward more heterotrophic species, possibly reflecting reduced light penetration in the euphotic zone, or increased production of prey for the heterotrophs. These trends seem to have reversed as pollution decreased after about 1975, suggesting that cyst assemblages contain signals that may prove useful for tracing the development of pollution. Cyst assemblages in the Brevikfjord core only showed minor changes.


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As a large conspicuous intertidal brown alga, individuals of Sargassum horneri can reach a length of more than 7 m with a fresh weight of 3 kg along the coasts of the Eastern China Sea. The biomass of this alga as a vital component in coastal water ecology has been well documented. In recent years, a steady disappearance of the algal biomass along the once densely populated coastal areas of the Eastern China Sea has drawn attention in China. Efforts have been made to reconstruct the subtidal algal flora or even to grow the alga by use of long-lines. As part of the efforts to establish an efficient technique for producing seedlings of S. horneri, in this investigation a series of culture experiments were carried out in indoor raceway and rectangular tanks under reduced solar irradiance at ambient temperature in 2007-2008. The investigation demonstrated that: (1) sexual reproduction of S. horneri could be accelerated in elevated temperature and light climates, at least 3 months earlier than in the wild; (2) eggs of S. horneri had the potential to be fertilized up to 48 h, much longer than that of known related species; (3) suspension and fixed culture methods were both effective in growing the seedlings to the long-line cultivation stage; and (4) the life cycle of S. horneri in culture could be shortened to 4.5 months, thus establishing this alga as an appropriate model for investigating sexual reproduction in dieocious species of this genus.


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Ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global transcription regulator that is ubiquitous to Gram-negative bacteria and regulates diverse biological processes, including iron uptake, cellular metabolism, stress response, and production of virulence determinants. As a result, for many pathogenic bacteria, Fur plays a crucial role in the course of infection and disease development. In this study, the fur gene was cloned from a pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, TSS, isolated from diseased Japanese flounder cultured in a local farm. TSS Fur can partially complement the defective phenotype of an Escherichia coli fur mutant. A TSS fur null mutant, TFM, was constructed. Compared to TSS, TFM exhibits reduced growth ability, aberrant production of outer membrane proteins, decreased resistance against host serum bactericidal activity, impaired ability to disseminate in host blood and tissues, and drastic attenuation in overall bacterial virulence in a Japanese flounder infection model. When used as a live vaccine administered via the injection, immersion, and oral routes, TFM affords high levels of protection upon Japanese flounder against not only P.fluorescens infection but also Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Furthermore, a plasmid, pJAQ, was constructed, which expresses the coding element of the Vibrio harveyi antigen AgaV-DegQ. TFM harboring pJAQ can secret AgaV-DegQ into the extracellular milieu. Vaccination of Japanese flounder with live TFM/pJAQ elicited strong immunoprotection against both V. harveyi and A. hydrophila infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new fermentative hydrogen-producing bacterium was isolated from mangrove sludge and identified as Pantoea agglomerans using light microscopic examination, Biolog test and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The isolated bacterium, designated as P. agglomerans BH-18, is a new strain that has never been optimized as a potential hydrogen-producing bacterium. In this study, the culture conditions and the hydrogen-producing ability of P. agglomerans BH-18 were examined. The strain was a salt-tolerant facultative anaerobe with the initial optimum pH value at 8.0-9.0 and temperature at 30 degrees C on cell growth. During fermentation, hydrogen started to evolve when cell growth entered late-exponential phase and was mainly produced in the stationary phase. The strain was able to produce hydrogen over a wide range of initial pH from 5 to 10, with an optimum initial pH of 6. The level of hydrogen production was affected by the initial glucose concentration, and the optimum value was found to be 10 g glucose/l. The maximum hydrogen-producing yield (2246 ml/l) and overall hydrogen production rate (160 ml/l/h) were obtained at an initial glucose concentration of 10 g/l and an initial pH value of 7.2 in marine culture conditions. In particular, the level of hydrogen production was also affected by the salt concentration. Hydrogen production reached a higher level in fresh culture conditions than in marine ones. In marine conditions, hydrogen productivity was 108 ml/l/h at an initial glucose concentration of 20 g/l and pH value of 7.2, whereas, it increased by 27% in fresh conditions. In addition, this strain could produce hydrogen using glucose and many other carbon sources such as fructose, sucrose, sorbitol and so on. As a result, it is possible that P. agglomerans BH-18 is used for biohydrogen production and biological treatment of mariculture wastewater and marine organic waste. (C) 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important aquaculture pathogen that can infect a wide range of marine and freshwater fish worldwide. In this study, a modified E. tarda strain, TX5RM, was selected by multiple passages of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX5 on growth medium containing the antibiotic rifampicin. Compared to the wild type strain, the rifampicin-resistant mutant TX5RM (i) shows drastically increased median lethal dose and reduced capacity to disseminate in and colonize fish tissues and blood; (ii) exhibits slower growth rates when cultured in rich medium or under conditions of iron depletion; and (iii) differs in the production profile of whole-cell proteins. The immunoprotective potential of TX5RM was examined in a Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) model as a vaccine delivered via intraperitoneal injection, oral feeding, bath immersion, and oral feeding plus immersion. All the vaccination trials, except those of injection, were performed with a booster at 3-week after the first vaccination. The results showed that TX5RM administered via all four approaches produced significant protection, with the highest protection levels observed with TX5RM administered via oral feeding plus immersion, which were, in terms of relative percent of survival (RPS), 80.6% and 69.4% at 5- and 8-week post-vaccination, respectively. Comparable levels of specific serum antibody production were induced by TX5RM-vaccinated via different routes. Microbiological analyses showed that TX5RM was recovered from the gut, liver, and spleen of the fish at 1-10 days post-oral vaccination and from the spleen, liver, kidney, and blood of the fish at 1-14 days post-immersion vaccination. Taken together, these results indicate that TX5RM is an attenuated E. tarda strain with good vaccine potential and that a combination of oral and immersion vaccinations may be a good choice for the administration of live attenuated vaccines. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Selenium binding proteins (SeBP) represent a family of proteins that are believed to be involved in controlling the oxidation/reduction in many physiological processes. The cDNA of Zhikong Scallop Chlamys farreri selenium binding protein (zSeBP) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and RACE techniques. The high similarity of zSeBP deduced amino acid sequence with the SeBP in other organisms, such as bird, fish, frog, mosquito, fruit fly, mammalian, and even nematode and microorganism indicated that zSeBP should be a member of SeBP family. The temporal expression of zSeBP in the hemocytes was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after scallops were stimulated by either oxidative stress or microbial challenge. The expression of zSeBP was up-regulated progressively after stimulation, and then dropped gradually to the original level. Meanwhile, malondialdehyde (MDA) measured by the colorimetric method in the microbial challenged scallops increased immediately after scallops was challenged by microbes, and was significantly higher than that in the control scallops. Results indicated that the microbial infection could incense the disorder of oxidation/reduction and may result in high MDA production. The negative correlation between the expression level of zSeBP and the MDA content suggested that zSeBP could play an important role in mediating the anti-oxidation mechanisms and immune response in marine invertebrates. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The eddy covariance technique provides measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) Of CO2 between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, which is widely used to estimate ecosystem respiration and gross primary production (GPP) at a number Of CO2 eddy flux tower sites. In this paper, canopy-level maximum light use efficiency, a key parameter in the satellite-based Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), was estimated by using the observed CO2 flux data and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) data from eddy flux tower sites in an alpine swamp ecosystem, an alpine shrub ecosystem and an alpine meadow ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. The VPM model uses two improved vegetation indices (Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Water Index (LSWI)) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectral radiometer (MODIS) data and climate data at the flux tower sites, and estimated the seasonal dynamics of GPP of the three alpine grassland ecosystems in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The seasonal dynamics of GPP predicted by the VPM model agreed well with estimated GPP from eddy flux towers. These results demonstrated the potential of the satellite-driven VPM model for scaling-up GPP of alpine grassland ecosystems, a key component for the study of the carbon cycle at regional and global scales. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal worldwide and is a major source of agricultural residues in tropical regions. Bioconversion of whole sorghum crop residues comprising stalks, leaves, peduncles and panicles to ethanol has great potential for improving ethanol yield per sorghum crop cultivated, and for sustainable biofuel production. Effective pretreatment of sorghum lignocellulosic biomass is central to the efficiency of subsequent fermentation to ethanol. Previous studies have focused on bioconversion of sorghum stalks and/or leaves only to bioethanol, but the current study is the first report dealing with whole crop residues. We specifically focused on the impact of Nigerian sorghum cultivation location and cultivar type on the potential ethanol yield from whole sorghum crop residues. Efficient bioconversion of whole sorghum residues to ethanol provides a sustainable route for utilisation of crop residues thereby providing a non-food feedstock for industrial scale bioethanol production.


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BACKGROUND: In response to concerns expressed by workers at a public meeting, we analyzed the mortality experience of workers who were employed at the IBM plant in Endicott, New York and died between 1969-2001. An epidemiologic feasibility assessment indicated potential worker exposure to several known and suspected carcinogens at this plant. METHODS: We used the mortality and work history files produced under a court order and used in a previous mortality analysis. Using publicly available data for the state of New York as a standard of comparison, we conducted proportional cancer mortality (PCMR) analysis. RESULTS: The results showed significantly increased mortality due to melanoma (PCMR = 367; 95% CI: 119, 856) and lymphoma (PCMR = 220; 95% CI: 101, 419) in males and modestly increased mortality due to kidney cancer (PCMR = 165; 95% CI: 45, 421) and brain cancer (PCMR = 190; 95% CI: 52, 485) in males and breast cancer (PCMR = 126; 95% CI: 34, 321) in females. CONCLUSION: These results are similar to results from a previous IBM mortality study and support the need for a full cohort mortality analysis such as the one being planned by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


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Petrochemical plastics/polymers are a common feature of day to day living as they occur in packaging, furniture, mobile phones, computers, construction equipment etc. However, these materials are produced from non-renewable materials and are resistant to microbial degradation in the environment. Considerable research has therefore been carried out into the production of sustainable, biodegradable polymers, amenable to microbial catabolism to CO2 and H2O. A key group of microbial polyesters, widely considered as optimal replacement polymers, are the Polyhydroxyalkaonates (PHAs). Primary research in this area has focused on using recombinant pure cultures to optimise PHA yields, however, despite considerable success, the high costs of pure culture fermentation have thus far hindered the commercial viability of PHAs thus produced. In more recent years work has begun to focus on mixed cultures for the optimisation of PHA production, with waste incorporations offering optimal production cost reductions. The scale of dairy processing in Ireland, and the high organic load wastewaters generated, represent an excellent potential substrate for bioconversion to PHAs in a mixed culture system. The current study sought to investigate the potential for such bioconversion in a laboratory scale biological system and to establish key operational and microbial characteristics of same. Two sequencing batch reactors were set up and operated along the lines of an enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) system, which has PHA accumulation as a key step within repeated rounds of anaerobic/aerobic cycling. Influents to the reactors varied only in the carbon sources provided. Reactor 1 received artificial wastewater with acetate alone, which is known to be readily converted to PHA in the anaerobic step of EBPR. Reactor 2 wastewater influent contained acetate and skim milk to imitate a dairy processing effluent. Chemical monitoring of nutrient remediation within the reactors as continuously applied and EBPR consistent performances observed. Qualitative analysis of the sludge was carried out using fluorescence microscopy with Nile Blue A lipophillic stain and PHA production was confirmed in both reactors. Quantitative analysis via HPLC detection of crotonic acid derivatives revealed the fluorescence to be short chain length Polyhydroxybutyrate, with biomass dry weight accumulations of 11% and 13% being observed in reactors 1 and 2, respectively. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for medium chain length methyl ester derivatives revealed the presence of hydroxyoctanoic, -decanoic and -dodecanoic acids in reactor 1. Similar analyses in reactor 2 revealed monomers of 3-hydroxydodecenoic and 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acids. Investigation of the microbial ecology of both reactors as conducted in an attempt to identify key species potentially contributing to reactor performance. Culture dependent investigations indicated that quite different communities were present in both reactors. Reactor 1 isolates demonstrated the following species distributions Pseudomonas (82%), Delftia acidovorans (3%), Acinetobacter sp. (5%) Aminobacter sp., (3%) Bacillus sp. (3%), Thauera sp., (3%) and Cytophaga sp. (3%). Relative species distributions among reactor 2 profiled isolates were more evenly distributed between Pseudoxanthomonas (32%), Thauera sp (24%), Acinetobacter (24%), Citrobacter sp (8%), Lactococcus lactis (5%), Lysinibacillus (5%) and Elizabethkingia (2%). In both reactors Gammaproteobacteria dominated the cultured isolates. Culture independent 16S rRNA gene analyses revealed differing profiles for both reactors. Reactor 1 clone distribution was as follows; Zooglea resiniphila (83%), Zooglea oryzae (2%), Pedobacter composti (5%), Neissericeae sp. (2%) Rhodobacter sp. (2%), Runella defluvii (3%) and Streptococcus sp. (3%). RFLP based species distribution among the reactor 2 clones was as follows; Runella defluvii (50%), Zoogloea oryzae (20%), Flavobacterium sp. (9%), Simplicispira sp. (6%), Uncultured Sphingobacteria sp. (6%), Arcicella (6%) and Leadbetterella bysophila (3%). Betaproteobacteria dominated the 16S rRNA gene clones identified in both reactors. FISH analysis with Nile Blue dual staining resolved these divergent findings, identifying the Betaproteobacteria as dominant PHA accumulators within the reactor sludges, although species/strain specific allocations could not be made. GC analysis of the sludge had indicated the presence of both medium chain length as well short chain length PHAs accumulating in both reactors. In addition the cultured isolates from the reactors had been identified previously as mcl and scl PHA producers, respectively. Characterisations of the PHA monomer profiles of the individual isolates were therefore performed to screen for potential novel scl-mcl PHAs. Nitrogen limitation driven PHA accumulation in E2 minimal media revealed a greater propensity among isoates for mcl-pHA production. HPLC analysis indicated that PHB production was not a major feature of the reactor isolates and this was supported by the low presence of scl phaC1 genes among PCR screened isolates. A high percentage distribution of phaC2 mcl-PHA synthase genes was recorded, with the majority sharing high percentage homology with class II synthases from Pseudomonas sp. The common presence of a phaC2 homologue was not reflected in the production of a common polymer. Considerable variation was noted in both the monomer composition and ratios following GC analysis. While co-polymer production could not be demonstrated, potentially novel synthase substrate specificities were noted which could be exploited further in the future.


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Endospore-forming bacteria are often isolated from different marine sponges, but their abundance varies, and they are frequently missed by culture-independent studies. Within endospore-formers, Bacillus are renowned for the production of antimicrobials and other compounds of medical and industrial importance. Although this group has been well studied in many different environments, very little is known about the actual diversity and properties of sporeformers associated with marine sponges. Identification of the endospore-forming bacteria associated with the marine sponges; Haliclona simulans, Amphilectus fucorum and Cliona celata, has uncovered an abundant and diverse microbial population composed of Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Solibacillus, Halobacillus and Viridibacillus species. This diversity appears to be overlooked by other non-targeted approaches where spore-formers are masked by more dominant species within the ecosystem. In addition to the identification of two antibiotic resistant plasmids, this bank of sporeformers produce a range of bioactive compounds. New antimicrobial compounds are urgently needed to combat the spread of multidrug resistant pathogens, as few new options are entering the drug discovery pipelines for clinical trials. Based on the results of this project, endospore-formers associated with marine sponges may hold the answer. The power of coupling functional based assays with genomic approaches has enabled us to identify a novel class 1 lantibiotic, subtilomycin, which is active against several clinically relevant pathogens. Subtilomycin is encoded in the genomes of all the marine sponge B. subtilis isolates analysed. They cluster together phylogenetically and form a distinct group from other sequenced B. subtilis strains. Regardless of its potential clinical relevance, subtilomycin may be providing these strains with a specific competitive advantage(s) within the stringent confines of the marine sponge environment. This work has outlined the industrial and biotechnological potential of marine sponge endospore-formers which appear to produce a cocktail of bioactive compounds. Genome sequencing of specific marine sponge isolates highlighted the importance of mining extreme environments and habitats for new lead compounds with potential therapeutic applications.


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Anaerobic digestion (AD) of biodegradable waste is an environmentally and economically sustainable solution which incorporates waste treatment and energy recovery. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), which comprises mostly of food waste, is highly degradable under anaerobic conditions. Biogas produced from OFMSW, when upgraded to biomethane, is recognised as one of the most sustainable renewable biofuels and can also be one of the cheapest sources of biomethane if a gate fee is associated with the substrate. OFMSW is a complex and heterogeneous material which may have widely different characteristics depending on the source of origin and collection system used. The research presented in this thesis investigates the potential energy resource from a wide range of organic waste streams through field and laboratory research on real world samples. OFMSW samples collected from a range of sources generated methane yields ranging from 75 to 160 m3 per tonne. Higher methane yields are associated with source segregated food waste from commercial catering premises as opposed to domestic sources. The inclusion of garden waste reduces the specific methane yield from household organic waste. In continuous AD trials it was found that a conventional continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) gave the highest specific methane yields at a moderate organic loading rate of 2 kg volatile solids (VS) m-3 digester day-1 and a hydraulic retention time of 30 days. The average specific methane yield obtained at this loading rate in continuous digestion was 560 ± 29 L CH4 kg-1 VS which exceeded the biomethane potential test result by 5%. The low carbon to nitrogen ratio (C: N <14:1) associated with canteen food waste lead to increasing concentrations of volatile fatty acids in line with high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen at higher organic loading rates. At an organic loading rate of 4 kg VS m-3day-1 the specific methane yield dropped considerably (381 L CH4 kg-1 VS), the pH rose to 8.1 and free ammonia (NH3 ) concentrations reached toxicity levels towards the end of the trial (ca. 950 mg L-1). A novel two phase AD reactor configuration consisting of a series of sequentially fed leach bed reactors connected to an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) demonstrated a high rate of organic matter decay but resulted in lower specific methane yields (384 L CH4 kg-1 VS) than the conventional CSTR system.