993 resultados para Masaniello, 1620-1647.


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Background: Given the importance of both calcium and vitamin D for bone health and the high prevalence of vitamin D from around the world, the present study aimed to evaluate calcium and vitamin D intake in a group of healthy Brazilian adolescents and young adults and to examine the influence of breakfast and dairy products in the total intake of these nutrients. Methods: One hundred and sixty adolescents and young adults, aged 1620 years old, from a public school, participated in the present study. Three-day dietary records were used to assess calcium and vitamin D intakes. Serum 25(OH) D levels were measured using a radioimmunoassay kit. The results were expressed as the mean (SD). Results: Only 3.8% of the subjects met the daily adequate intake recommendation for calcium, and none for vitamin D [682.2 (132.2) mg day(-1) and 124.0 (28.0) IU day(-1), respectively]. 25(OH) D serum levels were insufficient in 51.5% and deficient in 9.7% of the individuals [72.5 (22.3) nmol L(-1)]. There was a significant positive correlation between dairy product intake with both calcium and vitamin D (r = 0.597 and r = 0.561, respectively; P = 0.000). Adolescents who ate breakfast had a significant higher mean calcium, vitamin D and dairy product intake than adolescents who did not report this meal. Conclusions: The majority of adolescents and young adults did not consume recommended intakes of calcium and vitamin D and also presented 25(OH) D insufficiency. The results indicate that a regular breakfast and the consumption of dairy products represent important strategies in improving calcium and vitamin D intake in the diet.


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A computational pipeline combining texture analysis and pattern classification algorithms was developed for investigating associations between high-resolution MRI features and histological data. This methodology was tested in the study of dentate gyrus images of sclerotic hippocampi resected from refractory epilepsy patients. Images were acquired using a simple surface coil in a 3.0T MRI scanner. All specimens were subsequently submitted to histological semiquantitative evaluation. The computational pipeline was applied for classifying pixels according to: a) dentate gyrus histological parameters and b) patients' febrile or afebrile initial precipitating insult history. The pipeline results for febrile and afebrile patients achieved 70% classification accuracy, with 78% sensitivity and 80% specificity [area under the reader observer characteristics (ROC) curve: 0.89]. The analysis of the histological data alone was not sufficient to achieve significant power to separate febrile and afebrile groups. Interesting enough, the results from our approach did not show significant correlation with histological parameters (which per se were not enough to classify patient groups). These results showed the potential of adding computational texture analysis together with classification methods for detecting subtle MRI signal differences, a method sufficient to provide good clinical classification. A wide range of applications of this pipeline can also be used in other areas of medical imaging. Magn Reson Med, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In multi-label classification, examples can be associated with multiple labels simultaneously. The task of learning from multi-label data can be addressed by methods that transform the multi-label classification problem into several single-label classification problems. The binary relevance approach is one of these methods, where the multi-label learning task is decomposed into several independent binary classification problems, one for each label in the set of labels, and the final labels for each example are determined by aggregating the predictions from all binary classifiers. However, this approach fails to consider any dependency among the labels. Aiming to accurately predict label combinations, in this paper we propose a simple approach that enables the binary classifiers to discover existing label dependency by themselves. An experimental study using decision trees, a kernel method as well as Naive Bayes as base-learning techniques shows the potential of the proposed approach to improve the multi-label classification performance.


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The colocalization, number, and size of various classes of enteric neurons immunoreactive (IR) for the purinergic P2X2 and P2X7 receptors (P2X2R, P2X7R) were analyzed in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of control, undernourished, and re-fed rats. Pregnant rats were exposed to undernourishment (protein-deprivation) or fed a control diet, and their offspring comprised the following experimental groups: rats exposed to a normal diet throughout gestation until postnatal day (P)42, rats protein-deprived throughout gestation and until P42, and rats protein-deprived throughout gestation until P21 and then given a normal diet until P42. Immunohistochemistry was performed on the myenteric and submucosal plexuses to evaluate immunoreactivity for P2X2R, P2X7R, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), calbindin, and calretinin. Double-immunohistochemistry of the myenteric and submucosal plexuses demonstrated that 100% of NOS-IR, calbindin-IR, calretinin-IR, and ChAT-IR neurons in all groups also expressed P2X2R and P2X7R. Neuronal density increased in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses of undernourished rats compared with controls. The average size (profile area) of some types of neurons in the myenteric and submucosal plexuses was smaller in the undernourished than in the control animals. These changes appeared to be reversible, as animals initially undernourished but then fed a normal diet at P21 (re-feeding) were similar to controls. Thus, P2X2R and P2X7R are present in NOS-positive inhibitory neurons, calbindin- and calretinin-positive intrinsic primary afferent neurons, cholinergic secretomotor neurons, and vasomotor neurons in rats. Alterations in these neurons during undernourishment are reversible following re-feeding


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Background. Brazil conducted mass immunization of women of childbearing age in 2001 and 2002. Surveillance was initiated for vaccination of women during pregnancy to monitor the effects of rubella vaccination on fetal outcomes. Methods. Women vaccinated while pregnant or prior to conception were reported to the surveillance system. Susceptibility to rubella infection was determined by anti-rubella immunoglobulin (Ig) M and IgG immunoassays. Susceptible women were observed through delivery. Live-born infants were tested for anti-rubella IgM antibody; IgM-seropositive newborns were tested for viral shedding and observed for 12 months for signs of congenital rubella syndrome. Incidence of congenital rubella infection was calculated using data from 7 states. Results. A total of 22 708 cases of rubella vaccination during pregnancy or prior to conception were reported nationwide, 20 536 (90%) of which were from 7 of 27 states in Brazil. Of these, 2332 women were susceptible to rubella infection at vaccination. Sixty-seven (4.1%) of 1647 newborns had rubella IgM antibody (incidence rate, 4.1 congenital infections per 100 susceptible women vaccinated during pregnancy [95% confidence interval, 3.2–5.1]). None of the infants infected with rubella vaccine virus was born with congenital rubella syndrome. Conclusions. As rubella elimination goals are adopted worldwide, evidence of rubella vaccine safety aids in planning and implementation of mass adult immunization.


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[ES] En Gran Canaria, el uso de aguas regeneradas para el riego es una práctica utilizada desde hace más de treinta años, representando actualmente un 8% de los recursos hídricos utilizados (Consejo Insular de Aguas de Gran Canaria, com.per.). Recientemente y como respuesta al uso de aguas regeneradas, existe un creciente interés por la presencia de los denominados contaminantes emergentes en las aguas subterráneas y superficiales. Algunos son altamente móviles con potencial de lixiviación a las aguas subterráneas, mientras que otros se pueden acumular en la capa superior del suelo gracias a su capacidad adsorbente o son biodegradados en este medio. Los contenidos de algunas de estas sustancias en el agua son objeto de control atendiendo al listado de sustancias prioritarias de la Directiva 2008/105/CE. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la situación en la zona del campo de golf de Bandama (NE de Gran Canaria), que ha sido regado con aguas regeneradas desde 1976, donde se ha establecido una red de control de agua de riego y agua subterránea, a partir de la que se están analizando sistemáticamente 185 compuestos emergentes y prioritarios.


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Nel documento vengono principalmente trattati i principali meccanismi per il controllo di flusso per le NoC. Vengono trattati vari schemi di switching, gli stessi schemi associati all'introduzione dei Virtual Channel, alcuni low-level flow control, e due soluzioni per gli end-to-end flow control: Credit Based e CTC (STMicroelectronics). Nel corso della trattazione vengono presentate alcune possibili modifiche a CTC per incrementarne le prestazioni mantenendo la scalabilità che lo contraddistingue: queste sono le "back-to-back request" e "multiple incoming connections". Infine vengono introdotti alcune soluzioni per l'implementazione della qualità di servizio per le reti su chip. Proprio per il supporto al QoS viene introdotto CTTC: una versione di CTC con il supporto alla Time Division Multiplexing su rete Spidergon.


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Fino ad un recente passato, le macchine elettriche di tipo trifase costituivano l’unica soluzione in ambito industriale per la realizzazione di azionamenti di grande potenza. Da quando i motori sono gestiti da convertitori elettronici di potenza si è ottenuto un notevole passo in avanti verso l’innovazione tecnologica. Infatti, negli ultimi decenni, le tecnologie sempre più all’avanguardia e l’aumento dell’utilizzo dell’elettronica, sia in campo civile quanto in quello industriale, hanno contribuito a una riduzione dei costi dei relativi componenti; questa situazione ha permesso di utilizzare tecnologie elaborate che in passato avevano costi elevati e quindi risultavano di scarso interesse commerciale. Nel campo delle macchine elettriche tutto questo ha permesso non solo la realizzazione di azionamenti alimentati e controllati tramite inverter, in grado di garantire prestazioni nettamente migliori di quelle ottenute con i precedenti sistemi di controllo, ma anche l’avvento di una nuova tipologia di macchine con un numero di fasi diverso da quello tradizionale trifase, usualmente impiegato nella generazione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica. Questo fatto ha destato crescente interesse per lo studio di macchine elettriche multifase. Il campo di studio delle macchine multifase è un settore relativamente nuovo ed in grande fermento, ma è già possibile affermare che le suddette macchine sono in grado di fornire prestazioni migliori di quelle trifase. Un motore con un numero di fasi maggiore di tre presenta numerosi vantaggi: 1. la possibilità di poter dividere la potenza su più fasi, riducendo la taglia in corrente degli interruttori statici dell’inverter; 2. la maggiore affidabilità in caso di guasto di una fase; 3. la possibilità di sfruttare le armoniche di campo magnetico al traferro per ottenere migliori prestazioni in termini di coppia elettromagnetica sviluppata (riduzione dell’ampiezza e incremento della frequenza della pulsazione di coppia); 4. l’opportunità di creare azionamenti elettrici multi-motore, collegando più macchine in serie e comandandole con un unico convertitore di potenza; 5. Maggiori e più efficaci possibilità di utilizzo nelle applicazioni Sensorless. Il presente lavoro di tesi, ha come oggetto lo studio e l’implementazione di una innovativa tecnica di controllo di tipo “sensorless”, da applicare in azionamenti ad orientamento di campo per macchine asincrone eptafase. Nel primo capitolo vengono illustrate le caratteristiche e le equazioni rappresentanti il modello della macchina asincrona eptafase. Nel secondo capitolo si mostrano il banco di prova e le caratteristiche dei vari componenti. Nel terzo capitolo sono rappresentate le tecniche di modulazione applicabili per macchine multifase. Nel quarto capitolo vengono illustrati il modello del sistema implementato in ambiente Simulink ed i risultati delle simulazioni eseguite. Nel quinto capitolo viene presentato il Code Composer Studio, il programma necessario al funzionamento del DSP. Nel sesto capitolo, sono presentati e commentati i risultati delle prove sperimentali.


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The productivity of agricultural crops is seriously limited by salinity. This problem is rapidly increasing, particularly in irrigated lands. Like almost all the fruit tree species, Pyrus communis is generally considered a salt sensitive species, but only little information is available on its behavior under saline conditions. Previous studies, carried out in the Department of Fruit Tree and Woody Plant Science (University of Bologna), focused their attention on pear and quince salt stress responses to understand which rootstock would be the most suitable for pear in order to tolerate a salt stress condition. It has been reported that pear and quince have different ability in the uptake, translocation and accumulation of chloride (Cl-) and sodium (Na+) ions, when plants were irrigated for one season with saline water (5 dS/m). The aim of the present work was to deepen these aspects and investigate salt stress responses in pear and quince. Two different experiments have been performed: a “short-term” trial in a growth chamber and a “long-term” experiment in the open field. In the short-term experiment, three different genotypes usually adopted as pear rootstocks (MC, BA29 and Farold®40) and the pear variety Abbé Fétel own rooted have been compared under salt stress conditions. The trial was performed in a hydroponic culture system, applying a 90 mM NaCl stress to half of the plants, after five weeks of normal growth in Hoagland’s solution. During the three-weeks of salt stress treatment, physiological, mineral and molecular analyses were performed in order to monitor, for each genotype, the development of the salt stress responses in comparison with the corresponding “unstressed” plants. Farold®40 and Abbé Fétel own rooted showed the onset of leaf necrosis, due to salt toxicity, one week before quinces. Moreover, quinces displayed a significant delay in premature senescence of old leaves, while pears emerged for their ability to regenerate new leaves from apparently dead foliage with the salt stress still running. Physiological measurements, such as shoots length, chlorophyll (Chl) content, and photosynthesis, have been carried out and revealed that pears exhibited a significant reduction in water content and a wilting aspect, while for quinces a decrease in Chl content and a growth slowdown were observed. At the end of the trial, all plants were collected and organs separated for dry weight estimation and mineral analyses (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn Mg, Ca, K, Na and Cl). Mineral contents have been affected by salinity; same macro/micro nutrients were altered in some organs or relocated within the plant. This plant response could have partially contributed to face the salt stress. Leaves and roots have been harvested for molecular analyses at four different times during stress conditions. Molecular analyses consisted of the gene expression study of three main ion transporters, well known in Arabidopsis thaliana as salt-tolerance determinants in the “SOS” pathway: NHX1 (tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter), SOS1 (plasmalemma Na+/H+ antiporter) and HKT1 (K+ high-affinity and Na+ low-affinity transporter). These studies showed that two quince rootstocks adopted different responsive mechanisms to NaCl stress. BA29 increased its Na+ sequestration activity into leaf vacuoles, while MC enhanced temporarily the same ability, but in roots. Farold®40, instead, exhibited increases in SOS1 and HKT1 expression mainly at leaf level in the attempt to retrieve Na+ from xylem, while Abbé Fétel differently altered the expression of these genes in roots. Finally, each genotype showed a peculiar response to salt stress that was the sum of its ability in Na+ exclusion, osmotic tolerance and tissue tolerance. In the long-term experiment, potted trees of the pear variety Abbé Fétel grafted on different rootstocks (MC, BA29 and Farold®40), or own rooted and also rootstocks only were subjected to a salt stress through saline water irrigation with an electrical conductivity of 5 dS/m for two years. The purposes of this study were to evaluate salinity effects on physiological (shoot length, number of buds, photosynthesis, etc.) and yield parameters of cultivar Abbé Fétel in the different combinations and to determine the salt amount that pear is able to tolerate over the years. With this work, we confirmed the previous hypothesis that pear, despite being classified as a salt-sensitive fruit tree, can be cultivated for two years under saline water irrigation, without showing any salt toxicity symptoms or severe drawbacks on plant development and production. Among different combinations, Abbé Fétel grafted on MC resulted interesting for its peculiar behaviors under salt stress conditions. In the near future, further investigations on physiological and molecular aspects will be necessary to enrich and broaden the knowledge of salt stress responses in pear.


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The use of scaffolds for Tissue Engineering (TE) is increasing due to their efficacy in helping the body rebuild damaged or diseased tissue. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the most suitable bioactive ceramic to be used in orthopaedic reconstruction since it replicates the mineral component of the hard tissues, and it has therefore excellent biocompatibility properties. The temporal and spatial control of the tissue regeneration process is the limit to be overcome in order to treat large bone and osteochondral defects. In this thesis we describe the realization of a magnetic scaffolds able to attract and take up growth factors or other bio-agents in vivo via a driving magnetic force. This concept involves the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) functionalized with selected growth factors or stem cells. These functionalized MNP act as shuttles transporting the bio-agents towards and inside the scaffold under the effect of the magnetic field, enhancing the control of tissue regeneration processes. This scaffold can be imagined as a fixed “station” that provides a unique possibility to adjust the scaffold activity to the specific needs of the healing tissue. Synthetic bone graft substitutes, made of collagen or biomineralized collagen (i.e. biomimetic Hydroxyapatite/collagen composites) were used as starting materials for the fabrication of magnetic scaffolds. These materials are routinely used clinically to replace damaged or diseased cartilaginous or bone tissue. Our magnetization technique is based on a dip-coating process consisting in the infilling of biologically inspired porous scaffolds with aqueous biocompatible ferrofluids’ suspensions. In this technique, the specific interconnected porosity of the scaffolds allows the ferrofluids to be drawn inside the structure by capillarity. A subsequent freeze-drying process allows the solvent elimination while keeping very nearly the original shape and porosity of the scaffolds. The remaining magnetic nanoparticles, which are trapped in the structure, lead to the magnetization of the HA/Collagen scaffold. We demonstrate here the possibility to magnetize commercially available scaffolds up to magnetization values that are used in drug delivery processes. The preliminary biocompatibility test showed that the investigated scaffolds provide a suitable micro-environment for cells. The biocompatibility of scaffold facilitates the growth and proliferation of osteogenic cells.


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Aims: We aimed to quantify the release of bio-markers of myocardial damage in relation to direct intramyocardial injections of genes and stem cells in patients with severe coronary artery disease. Methods and Results: We studied 71 patients with “no-option” coronary artery disease. Patients had, via the percutaneous transluminal route, a total of 11±1 (mean ± SD) intramyocardial injections of vascular endothelial growth factor genes (n=56) or mesenchymal stromal cells (n=15). Injections were guided to an ischemic area by electromechanical mapping, using the NOGA™/Myostar™ catheter system. ECG was monitored continuously until discharge. Plasma CKMB (upper normal laboratory limit=5 μg/l) was 2 μg/l (2-3) at baseline; increased to 6 (5-9) after 8 hours (p < 0.0001) and normalized to 4 (3-5) after 24 hours. A total of 8 patients (17%), receiving a volume of 0.3 ml per injection, had CKMB rises exceeding 3 times the upper limit, whereas no patient in the group receiving 0.2 ml had a more than two fold CKMB increase. No patient developed new ECG changes. There were no clinically important ventricular arrhythmias and no death. Conclusion: Direct Intramyocardial injections of stem cells or genes lead to measurable release of cardiac bio-markers, which was related to the injected volume.


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Es werden zwei komplementäre "bottom-up" Methoden präsentiert, die den kontrollierten Einbau von "intelligenten" planaren Defekten in selbstorganisierte kolloidale photonische Kristalle (KPKs) ermöglichen. Die Defektschicht basiert auf einem funktionellen, nanometer-skalierten dünnen Film, der entweder durch schichtweise ("layer-by-layer") Selbstorganisation und Mikrokontakttransferübertragung oder durch Aufschleudern und einer KPK-Opferfüllung hergestellt wird. Die entwickelten Techniken gestatten die Integration von maßgeschneiderten dünnen Defektfilmen bestehend aus einer enorm großen Vielfalt an Materialien; sie sind kostengünstig und können im größeren Maßstab angewendet werden. Optische Untersuchungen zeigen einen engen, durch den Defekt hervorgerufenen Transmissionszustand in der photonischen Bandlücke. Die Defektwellenlänge hängt von der optischen Dicke der Defektschicht ab. Aktives Schalten der Defektwellenlänge wird erreicht, indem Defektschichten aus Makromolekülen hergestellt werden, die über externe Erreger wie Licht, Temperatur, Redoxzyklen und mechanischen Druck adressiert werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen sind im Einklang mit separat durchgeführten Ellipsometrie-Messungen und theoretischen "scalar wave approximation"-Berechnungen. Darüber hinaus werden KPKs mit funktionellen biomolekularen Defekten vorgestellt. Über Verschiebungen der Defektmode können DNA-Konformationsänderungen, die enantioselektive Einlagerung eines chiralen Antitumormedikaments sowie Enzymaktivitäten optisch beobachtet werden. Die Einlagerung von fluoreszierenden Farbstoffen und Quantenpunkten in Defekt-KPKs führt zu einer eindeutigen, durch die photonische Bandlücke und den Defektzustand hervorgerufenen Modifizierung der Photolumineszenz (PL)-Spektren. Schaltbare PL-Modifizierungen werden detektiert, wenn adressierbare Defekt-KPKs verwendet werden.


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Georg Breitner Simulacra Artis pretio metienda Studien zur Erforschung spätantiker mythologischer Rundplastik Zusammenfassung: Die römische Rundplastik stellt einen zentralen Bestandteil römischer Ausstattung dar. Wirtschaftliche und religionspolitische Veränderungen in der Spätantike beeinflussten nachhaltig ihre Herstellung und Verwendung. In der Forschung stehen sich derzeit zwei Haupttendenzen gegenüber. Während die eine das Ende der römischen Idealplastik im 3.Jh.n.Chr. sehen möchte, schlägt die andere eine nahezu ungebrochene Produktion bis in das späte 4.Jh.n.Chr. vor. Die Arbeit untersucht daher nicht nur den Entwicklungsprozess, sondern auch die Gründe für die heute so unterschiedliche Bewertung. Nach dem einleitenden Teil zum Forschungstand, dem chronologischen Rahmen und der Zielsetzung der Arbeit, wird im zweiten Teil die heidnische Rundplastik in der spätantiken Literatur betrachtet. Ausgehend von der Frage nach dem Bedarf an Rundplastik und dem privaten wie öffentlichen Aufstellungskontextes in der Spätantike, werden Grundlagen für die Bestimmung spätantiker Verhaltensmuster herausgearbeitet, die eine Aussage über die Herstellung von rundplastischen Werken wahrscheinlich macht. Hierzu werden ausgewählte literarische Quellen herangezogen, die Veränderungen im Umgang mit der Präsenz heidnischer Rundplastik in einem zunehmend christlich geprägten gesellschaftlichen Raum nachzeichnen lassen. Die höchst unterschiedlichen Äußerungen spätantiker Autoren weisen auf eine vielschichtige Auseinandersetzung mit dem kulturellen Erbe und seinem Weiterleben. Die Betrachtung der literarischen Quellen zeigt, dass weder Hinweise für ein mangelndes Interesse bestehen, noch die im 4.Jh. einsetzenden religiösen Veränderungen eine Produktion und Aufstellung der mythologischen Rundplastik ausschließen. Vielmehr zeigt sich ein wachsendes Bewusstsein am kulturellen Erbe, das sich in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Inhalt und dem künstlerischen Schaffensprozess einer Statue ausdrückt. Durch die Loslösung des mythologischen Inhalts der Statuen von der heidnischen Religionsausübung erhalten die Statuen, aber auch ihre Künstler eine neue Wertschätzung, die ihren Erhalt garantieren und neue künstlerische Prozesse auslösen. Mit der Analyse der literarischen Quellen sind die Rahmenbedingungen eines gesellschaftlichen Umfelds bestimmt, die in den folgenden Kapiteln auf ihre Verbindungen mit der realen Existenz spätantiker Statuen mit mythologischem Inhalt geprüft werden. Im dritten Teil werden zunächst methodische Aspekte zu den unterschiedlichen Positionen in der Forschung diskutiert. Die bisherigen Datierungsvorschläge spätantiker Rundplastik stehen dabei ebenso im Zentrum, wie die Vorschläge eigener methodischer Zielsetzungen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Polarisierung der Forschungsmeinung nicht allein durch das untersuchte Material, sondern vom methodischen Umgang mit der archäologischen Stilkritik und der Definition von Modellen kunsthistorischer Entwicklungen bestimmt wird. Es werden daher Wege gesucht, die Datierung spätantiker Kunstentwicklung am Beispiel der mythologischen Rundplastik auf eine neue methodische Basis zu stellen. Ausgehend von der Rundplastik des 3.Jh.n.Chr. werden im dritten Teil der Arbeit anhand ausgewählter Statuengruppen die bisherigen, teilweise kontrovers geführten Überlegungen zur Datierbarkeit und kunsthistorischen Stellung und Entwicklung spätantiker Rundplastik geprüft. Es zeigt sich, dass durch die Einbeziehung eines chronologisch weiter gefassten Rahmens (3.-5.Jh.) Möglichkeiten zur Bestimmung spätantiker Stiltendenzen und ihrer Datierung hinzugewonnen werden können. Auf dieser Grundlage können einige Statuen erstmals der Spätantike zugewiesen werden. Andere Statuen- bislang für spätantik gehalten - werden dagegen deutlich früher datiert. Die zeitstilistischen Bewertungen der Fallbeispiele zeigen, dass grundsätzliche Phänomene und Definitionen spätantiker Kunstentwicklung überdacht werden müssen. So zeugt das Fortbestehen klassischer Formprinzipien in einem gewandelten gesellschaftlichen Umfeld nicht von einer Renaissance, sondern vielmehr von einem andauernden Prozeß im Umgang mit dem kulturellen Erbe. Im fünften Abschnitt der Arbeit werden alle angesprochenen Aspekte nochmals aufgegriffen, um ein Bild von der Wertschätzung, Produktion und damit Fortbestandes römischer Idealplastik zu zeichnen. Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Ausblick ab, der Perspektiven der Stilanalyse spätantiker Rundplastik für die Bewertung nachfolgender Stilentwicklungen aufzeigt.