966 resultados para Marine animals


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Marine stratocumulus clouds are generally optically thick and shallow, exerting a net cooling influence on climate. Changes in atmospheric aerosol levels alter cloud microphysics (e.g., droplet size) and cloud macrophysics (e.g., liquid water path, cloud thickness), thereby affecting cloud albedo and Earth’s radiative balance. To understand the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and to explore the dynamical effects, three-dimensional large-eddy simulations (LES) with detailed bin-resolved microphysics are performed to explore the diurnal variation of marine stratocumulus clouds under different aerosol levels and environmental conditions. It is shown that the marine stratocumulus cloud albedo is sensitive to aerosol perturbation under clean background conditions, and to environmental conditions such as large-scale divergence rate and free tropospheric humidity.

Based on the in-situ Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) during Jul. and Aug. 2011, and A-Train satellite observation of 589 individual ship tracks during Jun. 2006-Dec. 2009, an analysis of cloud albedo responses in ship tracks is presented. It is found that the albedo response in ship tracks depends on the mesoscale cloud structure, the free tropospheric humidity, and cloud top height. Under closed cell structure (i.e., cloud cells ringed by a perimeter of clear air), with sufficiently dry air above cloud tops and/or higher cloud top heights, the cloud albedo can become lower in ship tracks. Based on the satellite data, nearly 25% of ship tracks exhibited a decreased albedo. The cloud macrophysical responses are crucial in determining both the strength and the sign of the cloud albedo response to aerosols.

To understand the aerosol indirect effects on global marine warm clouds, multisensory satellite observations, including CloudSat, MODIS, CALIPSO, AMSR-E, ECMWF, CERES, and NCEP, have been applied to study the sensitivity of cloud properties to aerosol levels and to large scale environmental conditions. With an estimate of anthropogenic aerosol fraction, the global aerosol indirect radiative forcing has been assessed.

As the coupling among aerosol, cloud, precipitation, and meteorological conditions in the marine boundary layer is complex, the integration of LES modeling, in-situ aircraft measurements, and global multisensory satellite data analyses improves our understanding of this complex system.


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This study examines how Thailand’s biodiversity conservation measures affect fishing communities, especially in the marine protected areas (MPAs) on the Andaman Sea coastline. It documents the various efforts of the local fishing communities to protect the resources in the area. Also included are recommendations for government agencies, civil society and the international community. [PDF contains 94 pages]


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The importance of ponds for biodiversity in Britain has been demonstrated by a number of studies. However, most of the research and interest has been directed at permanent waterbodies, and temporary ponds have been largely neglected. In this article the author present some preliminary findings from a project which aims to fill some of the many gaps in our knowledge of temporary ponds in Britain. The project, which runs for three years until the end of 2001, aims specifically to investigate the ecology of temporary ponds in England and Wales by describing (i) their wetland plant and macroinvertebrate communities, (ii) their physico-chemical characteristics, and (iii) their value as a biodiversity resource. The article focuses on the assessment of temporary ponds as a biodiversity resource and briefly considers aspects of species richness, rarity and distinctiveness. Where possible, temporary ponds are compared with other waterbody types, mainly permanent ponds from the National Pond Survey (NPS), to give the results a broader context.


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Details are given of the Institute and its activities, in particular the research projects being undertaken. These include studies on the marine molluscs of Sierra Leone, the cockle fishery, a preliminary investigation on the fouling organisms affecting the raft-cultured oyster populations, larval oyster ecology in relation to oyster culture, preliminary studies on the reproductive cycle of the mangrove oyster (Crassostrea tulipa), and catch composition of fishes taken by beach-seines at Lumley (Freetown). Records of the west African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) are noted.


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The method of E.V. Borutski was used for determining the production of chironomids, that is, the dynamics of the number and biomass of the larvae were analysed, their death, a calculation of emergence and the number of deposited egg layings was carried out. In addition to the method of Borutski, the authors also calculated the seasonal dynamics of the number of larvae of the younger age stages in the microbenthos.


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A great deal has been written on the part which birds play in the dispersal of freshwater fauna. This article summarises literature on the dispersal of aquatic animals by birds and aquatic insects.


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No decorrer das últimas décadas a pesquisa relacionada à contaminação de organismos marinhos por compostos organoclorados (OCs) se intensificou aliada à utilização de algumas espécies como sentinelas da qualidade ambiental quanto aos poluentes orgânicos. Dentre essas espécies, podem-se destacar os cetáceos, animais que entre outras características possuem grande longevidade, alta porcentagem lipídica em seus tecidos e são predadores de topo de cadeia trófica, tendendo assim a acumular altos níveis de OCs em seus tecidos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo determinar as concentrações de OCs de origem industrial e agrícola (PCBs, HCB e DDTs) em tecido hepático de oito diferentes espécies de cetáceos delfinídeos pertencentes a três distintas áreas oceânicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, são elas a região costeira, a plataforma continental e a região oceânica. A determinação foi realizada em cromatógrafo a gás (GC - Agilent 6890) conectado a um espectrômetro de massa (MS - Agilent 5973). Os valores de DDTs (1263617272 ng.g -1 lip.) e PCBs (7648877288 ng.g -1 lip.) aqui encontrados estão entre os mais altos já reportados para o táxon. Em todas as áreas observou-se uma predominância do ΣPCB, seguida do ΣDDT e HCB, em níveis que refletem o caráter fortemente industrial da região analisada. Entre os PCBs, a maior contribuição advém dos hexabifenis, seguida dos hepta e pentabifenis, sendo os congêneres 153, 138 e 180 os principais em todas as áreas. A razão p,pDDE/ΣDp,pDDT foi alta em todas as regiões (0,9), refletindo um input antigo do poluente na área. Foram realizadas correlações entre as concentrações de OCs e os parâmetros biológicos das espécies, como idade, sexo e comprimento total. A transferência placentária de OCs foi analisada em dois pares de fêmea-feto de Sotalia guianensis, mostrando uma maior transferência dos compostos com menor log Kow. Como esperado, foi encontrada uma diferença significativa no perfil de contaminação entre as espécies das diferentes regiões, relacionada à proximidade da fonte, características espécie-específicas e ao arranjo trófico das espécies.


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The nitrification in the ocean is influenced by several environmental factors and the importance of these is more or less known. There are very likely many more to be discovered in the study of the interaction of nitrification bacteria and other micro-organisms in the ocean. Some of the factors to be considered will briefly be dealt with in this paper. Then the authors give the results of an incubation experiment in the Baltic Sea and from a detailed study in Gullmarn.