977 resultados para Määttä, Timo: "Sinne, missä hätä on suurin"
Glukokortikoide (GCs) stellen wichtige Hormone in der Regulation der metabolischen Homöostase dar. Synthetische GCs, wie Dexamethasone (DEX), spielen eine essentielle Rolle in der Behandlung inflammatorischer Krankheiten. Jedoch sind unter einer Dexamethason-Therapie zahlreiche Nebenwirkungen bekannt, so z.B. auch die Entwicklung einer Hypertonie, in deren Pathogenese oxidativer Stress eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Obwohl sich in den vergangenen Jahren zahlreiche Studien zum Ziel setzten die GC-induzierte Hypertonie (GC-HT) aufzuklären, sind die genauen Mechanismen bis heute unklar. Eine erhöhte Expression von NADPH Oxidasen (Nox) und eine Entkopplung der endothelialen NO Synthase (eNOS), die Hauptquellen reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) im vaskulären System, tragen maßgeblich zur Pathogenese kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen bei. Daher ist eine Beteiligung dieser Enzyme in GC-induziertem oxidativen Stress sehr wahrscheinlich. Folglich wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass NADPH Oxidasen und eine entkoppelte eNOS die vielversprechendsten unter den zahlreichen involvierten pro- und anti-oxidativen Enzymen sind. Mit Fokus auf die oben genannten Systeme wurde in der vorliegenden Studie der Effekt von DEX mit Hilfe von in vivo (WKY Ratten) ebenso wie in vitro Experimenten (A7r5 und EA.hy 926 Zellen) untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Nox1, Nox4 und p22phox durch DEX unterschiedlich reguliert wurden. Nox1 wurde hoch-, Nox4 hingegen herunterreguliert, während p22phox unverändert blieb. Die Modufikation schien hierbei auf transkriptioneller und post-transkriptioneller Ebene stattzufinden. Durch die gegensätzliche Regulation von Nox1 und Nox4 bleibt die Nettowirkung der verschiedenen Nox Isoformen unklar. Immer mehr Studien bringen vaskulären oxidativen Stress mit der Pathogenese einer GC-HT in Zusammenhang, welche letztendlich zu einer verminderten Bioverfügbarkeit von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) führt. Durch die eNOS produziertes NO stellt einen essentiellen Schutzfaktor der Blutgefäße dar. Eine verminderte NO-Bioverfügbarkeit könnte die Folge einer eNOS-Entkopplung darstellen, ausgelöst durch oxidativen Stress. Da die Verfügbarkeit von Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) entscheident ist für die Aktivität und enzymatische Kopplung der eNOS, beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit GC-induzierten Veränderungen in der BH4-Versorgung. Die Behandlung von EA.hy 926 Zellen mit DEX führte zu einer zeit- und konzentrationsabhängigen Herunterregulation von eNOS auf mRNA- und Proteinebene. Gleichzeitig wurde die Phosphorylierung an Serine1177 vermindert. Als maßgeblicher “Kopplungs-Schalter” kann BH4 endogen über zwei verschiedene Signalwege synthetisiert werden, welche durch die Enzyme GCH1 und DHFR reguliert werden. DEX führte zu einer zeit- und konzentrationsabhängigen Herunterregulation von BH4, BH2 und Biopterin, wobei ebenso das BH4 / BH2 -Verhältnis vermindert wurde. Beide Enzyme, GCH1 genauso wie DHFR, wurden auf mRNA- und Proteinebene herunterreguliert, was auf einen Effekt von GCs auf beide rnBH4-produzierenden Signalwege schließen lässt. Nach Behandlung mit DEX wurde die Produktion von NO in Endothelzellen maßgeblich vermindert. In ROS-Messungen zeigte sich eine Tendenz hin zu einer eNOS-Entkopplung, jedoch war es mit unserem experimentellen Aufbau nicht möglich, diese endgültig zu beweisen.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Behandlung mit GCs zu Veränderungen in beiden untersuchten Systemen, den NADPH Oxidasen ebenso wie dem eNOS-NO System, führte. DEX erhöhte die Expression von Nox1 in glatten Muskelzellen und reduzierte die Nox4-Expression in Endothelzellen. Gleichzeitig verminderte DEX die Verfügbarkeit von BH4 und inhibierte die Phosphorylierung / Aktivität von eNOS. Mithilfe weiterer Studien muss die endgültige Beteiligung von NADPH Oxidasen und einer eNOS-Entkopplung an oxidativem Stress in GC-HT abschließend aufgeklärt werden.rn
Protein-adsorption occurs immediately following implantation of biomaterials. It is unknown at which extent protein-adsorption impacts the cellular events at bone-implant interface. To investigate this question, we compared the in-vitro outcome of osteoblastic cells grown onto titanium substrates and glass as control, by modulating the exposure to serum-derived proteins. Substrates consisted of 1) polished titanium disks; 2) polished disks nanotextured with H2SO4/H2O2; 3) glass. In the pre-adsorption phase, substrates were treated for 1h with αMEM alone (M-noFBS) or supplemented with 10%-foetal-bovine-serum (M-FBS). MC3T3-osteoblastic-cells were cultured on the pre-treated substrates for 3h and 24h, in M-noFBS and M-FBS. Subsequently, the culture medium was replaced with M-FBS and cultures maintained for 3 and 7days. Cell-number was evaluated by: Alamar-Blue and MTT assay. Mitotic- and osteogenic-activities were evaluated through fluorescence-optical-microscope by immunolabeling for Ki-67 nuclear-protein and Osteopontin. Cellular morphology was evaluated by SEM-imaging. Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA-test, (p<0.05). At day3 and day7, the presence or absence of serum-derived proteins during the pre-adsorption phase had not significant effect on cell-number. Only the absence of FBS during 24h of culture significantly affected cell-number (p<0.0001). Titanium surfaces performed better than glass, (p<0.01). The growth rate of cells between day3 and 7 was not affected by the initial absence of FBS. Immunolabeling for Ki-67 and Osteopontin showed that the mitotic- and osteogenic- activity were ongoing at 72h. SEM-analysis revealed that the absence of FBS had no major influence on cell-shape. • Physico-chemical interactions without mediation by proteins are sufficient to sustain the initial phase of culture and guide osteogenic-cells toward differentiation. • The challenge is avoiding adsorption of ‘undesirables’ molecules that negatively impact on the cueing cells receive from surface. This may not be a problem in healthy patients, but may have an important role in medically-compromised-individuals in whom the composition of tissue-fluids is altered.
Novel single step synthetic procedure for hydrophobically modified alkali soluble latexes (HASE) via a miniemulsion-analogous method is presented. This facile method simplifies the copolymerization of the monomers with basically “opposite” character in terms of their hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature, which represent one of the main challenges in water based systems. Considered systems do not represent classical miniemulsions due to a high content of water soluble monomers. However, the polymerization mechanism was found to be rather similar to miniemulsion polymerization process.rnThe influence of the different factors on the system stability has been investigated. The copolymerization behavior studies typically showed strong composition drifts during copolymerization. It was found that the copolymer composition drift can be suppressed via changing the initial monomer ratio.rnThe neutralization behavior of the obtained HASE systems was investigated via potentiometric titration. The rheological behavior of the obtained systems as a function of the different parameters, such as pH, composition (ultrahydrophobe content) and additive type and content has also been investigated.rnDetailed investigation of the storage and loss moduli, damping factor and the crossover frequencies of the samples showed that at the initial stages of the neutralization the systems show microgel-like behavior.rnThe dependence of the rheological properties on the content and the type of the ultrahydrophobe showed that the tuning of the mechanical properties can be easily achieved via minor (few percent) but significant changes in the content of the latter. Besides, changing the hydrophobicity of the ultrahydrophobe via increasing the carbon chain length represents another simple method for achieving the same results.rnThe influence of amphiphilic additives (especially alcohols) on the rheological behavior of the obtained systems has been studied. An analogy was made between micellation of surfactants and the formation of hydrophobic domains between hydrophobic groups of the polymer side chain.rnDilution induced viscosity reduction was investigated in different systems, without or with different amounts or types of the amphiphilic additive. Possibility of the controlled response to dilution was explored. It was concluded that the sensitivity towards dilution can be reduced, and in extreme cases even the increase of the dynamic modulus can be observed, which is of high importance for the setting behavior of the adhesive material.rnIn the last part of this work, the adhesive behavior of the obtained HASE systems was investigated on different substrates (polypropylene and glass) for the standard labeling paper. Wet tack and setting behavior was studied and the trends for possible applications have been evaluated.rnThe novel synthetic procedure, investigation of rheological properties and the possibility of the tuning via additives, investigated in this work create a firm background for the development of the HASE based adhesives as well as rheology modifiers with vast variety of possible applications due to ease of tuning the mechanical and rheological properties of the systems.
The activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 (5-HT-3) receptors in spinal cord can enhance intrinsic spinal mechanisms of central hypersensitivity, possibly leading to exaggerated pain responses. Clinical studies suggest that 5-HT-3 receptor antagonists may have an analgesic effect. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study tested the hypothesis that the 5-HT-3 receptor antagonist tropisetron attenuates pain and central hypersensitivity in patients with chronic low back pain. Thirty patients with chronic low back pain, 15 of whom were women (aged 53 ± 14 years) and 15 men (aged 48 ± 14 years), were studied. A single intravenous injection of 0.9% saline solution, tropisetron 2mg, and tropisetron 5mg was administrated in 3 different sessions, in a double-blind crossover manner. The main outcome was the visual analogue scale (VAS) score of spontaneous low back pain before, and 15, 30, 60, and 90 minutes after drug administration. Secondary outcomes were nociceptive withdrawal reflexes to single and repeated electrical stimulation, area of reflex receptive fields, pressure pain detection and tolerance thresholds, conditioned pain modulation, and area of clinical pain. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance and panel multiple regressions. All 3 treatments reduced VAS scores. However, there was no statistically significant difference between tropisetron and placebo in VAS scores. Compared to placebo, tropisetron produced a statistically significant increase in pain threshold after single electrical stimulation, but no difference in all other secondary outcomes was found. A single-dose intravenous administration of tropisetron in patients with chronic low back pain had no significant specific effect on intensity of pain and most parameters of central hypersensitivity.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) increases local estrogen formation in breast tissue. The enzymatic substrates depend on transmembrane anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) to reach intracellular enzymes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of testosterone (T) on the expression of OATP-1A2, OATP-2B1, and OATP-3A1 in malignant (MCF-7, BT-474) and non-malignant (HBL-100) breast cells in vitro.
Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN) and persephin (PSPN), known as the GDNF family ligands (GFLs), influence the development, survival and differentiation of cultured dopaminergic neurons from ventral mesencephalon (VM). Detailed knowledge about the effects of GFLs on other neuronal populations in the VM is essential for their potential application as therapeutic molecules for Parkinson's disease. Hence, in a comparative study, we investigated the effects of GFLs on cell densities and morphological differentiation of gamma-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive (GABA-ir) and serotonin-ir (5-HT-ir) neurons in primary cultures of E14 rat VM. We observed that all GFLs [10 ng/ml] significantly increased GABA-ir cell densities (1.6-fold) as well as neurite length/neuron. However, only GDNF significantly increased the number of primary neurites/neuron, and none of the GFLs affected soma size of GABA-ir neurons. In contrast, only NRTN treatment significantly increased 5-HT-ir cells densities at 10 ng/ml (1.3-fold), while an augmentation was seen for GDNF and PSPN at 100 ng/ml (2.4-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively). ARTN had no effect on 5-HT-ir cell densities. Morphological analysis of 5-HT-ir neurons revealed a significant increase of soma size, number of primary neurites/neuron and neurite length/neuron after GDNF exposure, while PSPN only affected soma size, and NRTN and ARTN failed to exert any effect. In conclusion, we identified GFLs as effective neurotrophic factors for VM GABAergic and serotonergic neurons, demonstrating characteristic individual action profiles emphasizing their important and distinct roles during brain development.
From June 1997 to June 2003 we performed 194 total hip arthroplasties on 173 patients using alumina ceramic-on-ceramic bearings as part of a prospective United States Food and Drug Administration/Investigational Device Exemption study. The average patient age at surgery was 49.9 years. Minimum followup time was 2 years (mean 4.3 years, range 2-9 years). We evaluated survival rate, implant- and nonimplant-related complications. Clinical outcomes included the Merle d'Aubigné score. We assessed radiographs for signs of osteolysis, component loosening, and implant wear. No patients had osteolysis and there were no hip dislocations. Implant survivorship for all hips with aseptic revision of any component was 96% (CI, 91-100) at 9 year; survivorship for hips without prior surgery was 99.3%, (CI, 98-100). There was a 1.7% incidence of implant-related complications. Our data help confirm two United States FDA/IDE studies on alumina ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty that reported low aseptic revision rates and low revision rates for instability. Total hip arthroplasty using alumina ceramic-on-ceramic implants is a safe and reliable procedure in the comparably young and active patient.
PURPOSE: To present a novel, minimally invasive strabismus surgery (MISS) technique for inferior obliquus recessions. METHODS: Graded MISS inferior obliquus recessions were performed in 20 eyes of 15 patients by applying two small conjunctival cuts, one at the insertion of inferior obliquus and another where the scleral anchoring of the muscle occurred. RESULTS: The amount of recession was 12.2 +/- 2.3 mm (range 6 to 14 mm). The vertical deviation, which was measured in 25 degrees of adduction, decreased from preoperatively 12.8 degrees +/- 5.6 degrees to 2.7 degrees +/- 2.2 degrees (p < 0.0001) at 6 months. LogMAR visual acuity was preoperatively -0.10 +/- 0.17 and at 6 months -0.14 +/- 0.22 (p > 0.1). In one eye (2.5%) the two cuts had to be joined because of excessive bleeding. Binocular vision improved in eight patients, remained unchanged in six patients, and decreased from 30 to 60 arcsec in one patient (p > 0.1). Conjunctival and lid swelling were hardly visible on the first postoperative day in primary gaze position in 10/20 (50%) of eyes. Five of the eyes (25%) had mild and five (25%) moderate visibility of surgery. One patient out of 15 (7%) needed repeat surgery because of insufficient reduction of the sursoadduction within the first 6 months. The dose-effect relationship 6 months postoperatively for an accommodative near target at 25 degrees adduction was 0.83 degrees +/- 0.43 degrees per mm of recession. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that small-incision, minimal dissection inferior obliquus graded recessions are feasible and effective to improve ocular alignment in patients with strabismus sursoadductorius.
This article discusses the impacts of globalization, neo-liberal social policies and the Finnish economic recession of the 1990s on children's and young people's welfare. It summarises some of the impacts of Finnish social policies on the everyday lives of families with children and highlights some of the features of the recent and current debates surrounding youth delinquency and the societal reactions to young generations. All this contributes to a contradictory and conflicting societal context which challenges experts in the field of child welfare social work experts to operate - as expected - at the right moment, legally and effectively. Instead of being overly-defensive for the ‘good old’ ways of practicing social work with children, the authors invite social work scholars and practitioners to reconceptualise both the concept of children's citizenship and its position both in child welfare theory and practice in the context of children's global rights.
INTRODUCTION Patients who are lost to follow-up (LTFU) while on antiretroviral therapy (ART) pose challenges to the long-term success of ART programs. We describe the extent to which patients considered LTFU are misclassified as true disengagement from care when they are still alive on ART and explain reasons for ART discontinuation using our active tracing program to further improve ART retention programs and policies. METHODS We identified adult ART patients who missed clinic appointment by more than 3 weeks between January 2006 and December 2010, assuming that such patients would miss their doses of antiretroviral drugs. Patients considered LTFU who consented during ART registration were traced by phone or home visits; true ART status after tracing was documented. Reasons for ART discontinuation were also recorded for those who stopped ART. RESULTS Of the 4,560 suspected LTFU cases, 1,384 (30%) could not be traced. Of the 3,176 successfully traced patients, 952 (30%) were dead and 2,224 (70%) were alive, of which 2,183 (99.5%) started ART according to phone-based self-reports or physical verification during in-person interviews. Of those who started ART, 957 (44%) stopped ART and 1,226 (56%) reported still taking ART at the time of interview by sourcing drugs from another clinic, using alternative ART sources or making brief ART interruptions. Among 940 cases with reasons for ART discontinuations, failure to remember (17%), too weak/sick (12%), travel (46%), and lack of transport to the clinic (16%) were frequently cited; reasons differed by gender. CONCLUSION The LTFU category comprises sizeable proportions of patients still taking ART that may potentially bias retention estimates and misdirect resources at the clinic and national levels if not properly accounted for. Clinics should consider further decentralization efforts, increasing drug allocations for frequent travels, and improving communication on patient transfers between clinics to increase retention and adherence.
INTRODUCTION The aims of this study were to compare lateral cephalograms with other radiologic methods for diagnosing suspected fusions of the cervical spine and to validate the assessment of congenital fusions and osteoarthritic changes against the anatomic truth. METHODS Four cadaver heads were selected with fusion of vertebrae C2 and C3 seen on a lateral cephalogram. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) were performed and assessed by 5 general radiologists and 5 oral radiologists, respectively. Vertebrae C2 and C3 were examined for osseous fusions, and the left and right facet joints were diagnosed for osteoarthritis. Subsequently, the C2 and C3 were macerated and appraised by a pathologist. Descriptive analysis was performed, and interrater agreements between and within the groups were computed. RESULTS All macerated specimens showed osteoarthritic findings of varying degrees, but no congenital bony fusion. All observers agreed that no fusion was found on MDCT or CBCT. They disagreed on the prevalence of osteoarthritic deformities (general radiologists/MDCT, 100%; oral radiologists/CBCT, 93.3%) and joint space assessment in the facet joints (kappa = 0.452). The agreement within the rater groups differed considerably (general radiologists/MDCT, kappa = 0.612; oral radiologists/CBCT, kappa = 0.240). CONCLUSIONS Lateral cephalograms do not provide dependable data to assess the cervical spine for fusions and cause false-positive detections. Both MDCT interpreted by general radiologists and CBCT interpreted by oral radiologists are reliable methods to exclude potential fusions. Degenerative osteoarthritic changes are diagnosed more accurately and consistently by general radiologists evaluating MDCT.
This article describes the outcome and follow-up discussions of an expert group meeting (Amsterdam, October 9, 2009) on the applicability of toxicity profiling for diagnostic environmental risk assessment. A toxicity profile was defined as a toxicological "fingerprint" of a sample, ranging from a pure compound to a complex mixture, obtained by testing the sample or its extract for its activity toward a battery of biological endpoints. The expert group concluded that toxicity profiling is an effective first tier tool for screening the integrated hazard of complex environmental mixtures with known and unknown toxicologically active constituents. In addition, toxicity profiles can be used for prioritization of sampling locations, for identification of hot spots, and--in combination with effect-directed analysis (EDA) or toxicity identification and evaluation (TIE) approaches--for establishing cause-effect relationships by identifying emerging pollutants responsible for the observed toxic potency. Small volume in vitro bioassays are especially applicable for these purposes, as they are relatively cheap and fast with costs comparable to chemical analyses, and the results are toxicologically more relevant and more suitable for realistic risk assessment. For regulatory acceptance in the European Union, toxicity profiling terminology should keep as close as possible to the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) terminology, and validation, standardization, statistical analyses, and other quality aspects of toxicity profiling should be further elaborated.
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium intake on renal tissue oxygenation in humans. To this purpose, we measured renal hemodynamics, renal sodium handling, and renal oxygenation in normotensive (NT) and hypertensive (HT) subjects after 1 week of a high-sodium and 1 week of a low-sodium diet. Renal oxygenation was measured using blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance. Tissue oxygenation was determined by the measurement of R2* maps on 4 coronal slices covering both kidneys. The mean R2* values in the medulla and cortex were calculated, with a low R2* indicating a high tissue oxygenation. Ten male NT (mean age: 26.5+/-7.4 years) and 8 matched HT subjects (mean age: 28.8+/-5.7 years) were studied. Cortical R2* was not different under the 2 conditions of salt intake. Medullary R2* was significantly lower under low sodium than high sodium in both NT and HT subjects (28.1+/-0.8 versus 31.3+/-0.6 s(-1); P<0.05 in NT; and 27.9+/-1.5 versus 30.3+/-0.8 s(-1); P<0.05, in HT), indicating higher medullary oxygenation under low-sodium conditions. In NT subjects, medullary oxygenation was positively correlated with proximal reabsorption of sodium and negatively with absolute distal sodium reabsorption, but not with renal plasma flow. In HT subjects, medullary oxygenation correlated with the 24-hour sodium excretion but not with proximal or with the distal handling of sodium. These data demonstrate that dietary sodium intake influences renal tissue oxygenation, low sodium intake leading to an increased renal medullary oxygenation both in normotensive and young hypertensive subjects.
INTRODUCTION To what extent haematocrit levels (Hct) and platelet counts (PLT) influence the measurement of parameters of thromboelastometry when assessed with the ROTEM® device is unclear. We investigated to what extent thromboelastometry measurements depend on Hct and PLT. MATERIALS AND METHODS Whole blood samples were taken for in-vitro preparations of mixtures with three different levels of PLT and a varying Hct. Maximum clot firmness (MCF), clotting time (CT), clot formation time (CFT) and alpha angle (α) for INTEM, EXTEM, FIBTEM and APTEM was recorded. RESULTS Measurements depended substantially on Hct and PLT. MCF readings were systematically lower with increasing Hct (0.2 vs. 0.4: -7.8 (-8.3 to -7.2); p<0.001, 0.2 vs. 0.55: -14.5 (-17.3 to -14.3); p<0.001) but higher with increasing PLT (50 vs. 125×10(9)/l: 8.2 (4.2 to 12.3); p=0.005, 50 vs. 250×10(9)/l: 12.0 (7.2 to 16.8); p=0.002). CT readings were systematically higher with increasing Hct (0.2 vs. 0.4: 9.2 (6.2 to 12.1); p=0.001, 0.2 vs. 0.55: 38.2 (21.5 to 54.9); p=0.003) while increasing PLT had no influence. CFT readings were also systematically higher with increasing Hct (0.2 vs. 0.4: 83.8 (40.2 to 127.6); p=0.006, 0.2 vs. 0.55: 226.2 (110.7 to 341.7); p=0.006) but systematically lower with increasing PLT (50 vs. 125×10(9)/l: -144.0 (-272.3 to -15.6); p=0.036, 50 vs. 250×10(9)/l: -189.2 (-330.4 to -48.0); p=0.02); readings of the alpha angle showed a similar pattern. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that readings of thromboelastometry parameters need to be adjusted by Hct and PLT to avoid potential confounding and miss-interpretations in clinical practice.