983 resultados para Lyons, Christopher: Definiteness
Examination of the chemistry of a number of Australian insect species provided examples of unusual structures and encouraged determinations of their absolute stereochemistry by stereocontrolled syntheses and chromatographic comparisons. Inter alia, studies with the fruit-spotting bug (Amblypelta nitida), certain parasitic wasps (Biosteres sp.), the aposematic shield bug (Cantao parentum), and various species of scarab grubs are summarized. The determination of enantiomeric excesses (ee's) for component epoxides, lactones, spiroacetals, and allenes are described. Stereochemical and related aspects of the biosynthesis of spiroacetals in certain fruit-fly species (Bactrocerae sp.) are also presented.
[GRAPHICS] The major cuticular hydrocarbons from the cane beetle species Antitrogus parvulus were deduced to be 4,6,8,10,16,18-hexa- and 4,6,8,10,16-pentamethyldocosanes 2 and 3, respectively. Isomers of 2,4,6,8-tetramethylundecanal 27, 36, and 37, derived from 2,4,6-trimethylphenol, were coupled with the phosphoranes 28 and 29 to furnish alkenes and, by reduction, diastereomers of 2 and 3. Chromatographic and spectroscopic comparisons confirmed 2 as either 6a or 6b and 3 as either 34a or 34b.
Inagaki and Hatano (2002) have argued that young children initially understand biological phenomena in terms of vitalism, a mode of construal in which life or life-force is the central causal-explanatory concept. This study investigated the development of vitalistic reasoning in young children's concepts of life, the human body and death. Sixty preschool children between the ages of 3 years, 7 months and 5 years, 11 months participated. All children were initially given structured interviews to assess their knowledge of (1) human body function and (2) death. From this sample 40 children in the Training group were taught about the human body and how it functions to maintain life. The Control group (n = 20) received no training. All 60 children were subsequently reassessed on their knowledge of human body function and death. Results from the initial interviews indicated that young children who spontaneously appealed to vitalistic concepts in reasoning about human body functioning were also more sophisticated in their understanding of death. Results from the posttraining interviews showed that children readily learned to adopt a vitalistic approach to human body functioning, and that this learning coincided with significant development in their understanding of human body function, and of death. The overall pattern of results supports the claim that the acquisition of a vitalistic causal-explanatory framework serves to structure children's concepts and facilitates learning in the domain of biology. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
The Internet has the potential for delivering innovative, interactive physical activity (PA) interventions to large numbers of people. This study was designed to test the efficacy. of ant Internet intervention that consisted of a Web site plus 12 weekly e-mail tip sheets, compared with a waiting list control group. The Internet intervention was theory based and emphasized clear, graphical presentation of PA information. Sixty-five (30 intervention and 35 control) sedentary adult employees of several large hospitals (9 men and 56 women) were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 study arms. Of the 65 participants, 57 completed the 1-month follow-up, and 52 completed the 3-month follow-up. At both 1 and 3 months, those in the intervention group were significantly more likely to have progressed, in stage of motivational readiness for PA than participants in the control group: 1 month, chi(2)(1, N = 52) = 4.05, p
The radial undistortion model proposed by Fitzgibbon and the radial fundamental matrix were early steps to extend classical epipolar geometry to distorted cameras. Later minimal solvers have been proposed to find relative pose and radial distortion, given point correspondences between images. However, a big drawback of all these approaches is that they require the distortion center to be exactly known. In this paper we show how the distortion center can be absorbed into a new radial fundamental matrix. This new formulation is much more practical in reality as it allows also digital zoom, cropped images and camera-lens systems where the distortion center does not exactly coincide with the image center. In particular we start from the setting where only one of the two images contains radial distortion, analyze the structure of the particular radial fundamental matrix and show that the technique also generalizes to other linear multi-view relationships like trifocal tensor and homography. For the new radial fundamental matrix we propose different estimation algorithms from 9,10 and 11 points. We show how to extract the epipoles and prove the practical applicability on several epipolar geometry image pairs with strong distortion that - to the best of our knowledge - no other existing algorithm can handle properly.
For modern consumer cameras often approximate calibration data is available, making applications such as 3D reconstruction or photo registration easier as compared to the pure uncalibrated setting. In this paper we address the setting with calibrateduncalibrated image pairs: for one image intrinsic parameters are assumed to be known, whereas the second view has unknown distortion and calibration parameters. This situation arises e.g. when one would like to register archive imagery to recently taken photos. A commonly adopted strategy for determining epipolar geometry is based on feature matching and minimal solvers inside a RANSAC framework. However, only very few existing solutions apply to the calibrated-uncalibrated setting. We propose a simple and numerically stable two-step scheme to first estimate radial distortion parameters and subsequently the focal length using novel solvers. We demonstrate the performance on synthetic and real datasets.
An. (Ker.) cruzii and An. (Ker.) bellator were monitored by the use of human bait and Shannon trap collections during a one-year period in 1994. Indoor and outdoor collections were made on human bait and inside the forest environment a Shannon trap was used. Both were undertaken in the evening crepuscular period. Results showed a greater abundance of An. cruzii in the forest, where as An. bellator was more abundant in the domiciliary environment. Through the application of the Polovodova method an age grading was established. Computing the parous and nulliparous females with Christopher's Stage III and above, more than 30.0% of blood-seeking specimens of both anophelines had had a previous blood meal. The higher abundance of An. bellator as compared with that of An. cruzii in the domiciliary environment may be explained by the influence of the neighboring low-lying coastal islands of the estuary system.
LHC has found hints for a Higgs particle of 125 GeV. We investigate the possibility that such a particle is a mixture of scalar and pseudoscalar states. For definiteness, we concentrate on a two-Higgs doublet model with explicit CP violation and soft Z(2) violation. Including all Higgs production mechanisms, we determine the current constraints obtained by comparing h -> yy with h -> VV*, and comment on the information which can be gained by measurements of h -> b (b) over bar. We find bounds vertical bar s(2)vertical bar less than or similar to 0.83 at one sigma, where vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 0 (vertical bar s(2)vertical bar = 1) corresponds to a pure scalar (pure pseudoscalar) state.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da velocidade do vento sobre o comportamento da população de Anopheles marajoara e sua paridade. MÉTODOS: As capturas foram feitas a cada dois meses, de janeiro de 1999 a fevereiro de 2000, no município de Ilha Comprida, no Estado de São Paulo, com utilização de aspirador manual movido à pilha. Utilizou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney para verificar a possível influência do vento sobre o comportamento dos mosquitos capturados. Para determinar a paridade, utilizou-se a técnica de Polovodova e a análise do desenvolvimento folicular de Christopher e Mer. RESULTADOS: Foram capturados 11.833 mosquitos, dos quais 3.072 foram de An. marajoara. Observou-se pico de atividade hematofágica de An. marajoara no período das 2:00 às 5:00h. Das 1.006 fêmeas dissecadas, 530 (52,7%) foram nulíparas, 432 (42,9%) uníparas, 24 (2,4%) bíparas e uma multípara; 982 (97,6%) apresentavam seus folículos nas fases I/II de Christopher e Mer, sete nas fases III/IV, e 17 na fase V. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre a freqüência de An. marajoara diante de vento com velocidades iguais ou superiores a 3 km/h e para medidas inferiores a 3 km/h. CONCLUSÕES: An. marajoara apresentou atividade hematofágica notadamente noturna. Verificou-se que aproximadamente 50% das fêmeas de An. marajoara dissecadas eram oníparas. O dado, associado à elevada porcentagem (97,6%) de fêmeas com folículos nos estágios I e II de Christopher e Mer, sugere a existência de concordância gonotrófica. A freqüência de An. marajoara sofreu considerável redução diante de ventos com velocidade igual ou superior a 3 km/h.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química
Copyright © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química.Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar, especialidade em Ecologia Marinha.
No conjunto dos vários tipos de designadores, os nomes próprios ocupam um lugar à parte. A particularidade dos nomes próprios advém do facto de funcionarem como designadores não por via de qualquer conteúdo semântico que eventualmente possam ter, mas pela associação única e arbitrária entre um nome próprio e o seu portador (Lyons, 1980: 176). É esta particularidade que leva a maior parte dos autores a advogar que os nomes próprios não são traduzíveis, com a ressalva de poderem, em certos casos, figurar no texto de chegada, não na sua forma original, mas na forma de um equivalente comummente aceite. Uma análise dos nomes próprios revela, no entanto, que eles não constituem uma categoria uniforme, sendo antes classificáveis em vários tipos. Essa classificação acaba por levar o tradutor a adoptar procedimentos diversificados, conforme o tipo de nome próprio a transpor para o texto de chegada. Neste artigo centramo-nos, por isso, na apresentação de uma tipologia de nomes próprios, discutimos as questões que se prendem com a sua traduzibilidade e exemplificamos os procedimentos tradutivos possíveis com base na tipologia apresentada.