983 resultados para Lp Extremal Polynomials


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There is ample evidence that humans are able to control the endpoint impedance of their arms in response to active destabilizing force fields. However, such fields are uncommon in daily life. Here, we examine whether the CNS selectively controls the endpoint impedance of the arm in the absence of active force fields but in the presence of instability arising from task geometry and signal-dependent noise (SDN) in the neuromuscular system. Subjects were required to generate forces, in two orthogonal directions, onto four differently curved rigid objects simulated by a robotic manipulandum. The endpoint stiffness of the limb was estimated for each object curvature. With increasing curvature, the endpoint stiffness increased mainly parallel to the object surface and to a lesser extent in the orthogonal direction. Therefore, the orientation of the stiffness ellipses did not orient to the direction of instability. Simulations showed that the observed stiffness geometries and their pattern of change with instability are the result of a tradeoff between maximizing the mechanical stability and minimizing the destabilizing effects of SDN. Therefore, it would have been suboptimal to align the stiffness ellipse in the direction of instability. The time course of the changes in stiffness geometry suggests that modulation takes place both within and across trials. Our results show that an increase in stiffness relative to the increase in noise can be sufficient to reduce kinematic variability, thereby allowing stiffness control to improve stability in natural tasks.


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火炬松(Pinus taeda L.)原产美国东南部,是世界南方松中最重要的绿化和造林用速生针叶树种,现广泛分布于全球亚热带和部分热带地区,在我国的栽植面积居世界第2位,仅次于美国。目前,火炬松离体快速繁殖、遗传转化和品种改良研究中最大的障碍是没有获得良好的植株再生体系。本研究以火炬松的成熟种子为试材,建立了可调控的体细胞胚胎发生和器官发生植株再生系统,并对再生过程中的形态学变化进行了细胞学观察和扫描电镜观察;建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,测定了其重要生长参数的变化动态,优化了悬浮条件下体细胞胚胎发生的培养条件及悬浮细胞原生质体直接体细胞胚胎发生的培养条件。 进行了HA、HB、HC、MA、MB、MC、LA和LB等8种不同基因型的成熟合子胚在BMS、DCR、GD、LM、LP、MNCI、MS、SH及自行设计的TE等9种不同基本培养基上的愈伤组织诱导试验,筛选获得了愈伤组织发生频率较高的基因型HB、MA和MC,及基本培养基DCR和TE。激素组合试验表明,2,4-D和BA最有利于愈伤组织发生。两因子5水平等重复的愈伤组织诱导试验及方差分析结果证实,8 mg•L~(-1)2,4-D和4 mg•L~(-1)BA是愈伤组织诱导的最佳激素组合。诱导产生的愈伤组织经2次继代后,可明显分为4种类型,它们是1)白色、半透明、有光泽的粘性愈伤组织(WTGM);2)淡黄色、疏松、有光泽的颗粒状愈伤组织(YLGG);3)淡绿色、疏松的颗粒状愈伤组织(GLG);和4)浅白色、水浸状的粘性愈伤组织(WMM)。其中白色、半透明、有光泽的粘性愈伤组织有较强的体细胞胚胎发生能力,淡黄色、疏松、有光泽的颗粒状愈伤组织有较强的不定芽发生能力。这两种愈伤组织的最高诱导频率分别是28.1%和35.7%。 在附加2,4-D、IBA和BA的DCR体细胞胚诱导培养基上,白色、半透明、有光泽的粘性愈伤组织中的胚性细胞形成胚性胚柄细胞团和早期原胚。提高培养基中的渗透压后,早期原胚发育成后期原胚。在附加ABA、PEG和活性炭的DCR体细胞胚成熟培养基上,后期原胚发育成子叶胚。在无激素DCR培养基上,子叶胚萌发形成再生完整植株。体细胞胚转换成小植株的最高频率是18.4%。在直接体细胞胚诱导增养基和直接体细胞胚发育培养基的作用下,成熟合子胚的子叶和胚轴上直接形成体细胞胚。直接体细胞胚胎发生的最高频率是18%。 在附加NAA、IBA和BA的TE不定芽原基诱导培养基上,淡黄色、疏松、有光泽的颗粒状愈伤组织中的胚性细胞形成不定芽原基。在附加IBA和BA的TE不定芽分化培养基上,不定芽原基分化产生不定芽。用基因型HB、MA和MC的淡黄色、疏松、有光泽的颗粒状愈伤组织进行的试验表明,不定芽分化的最佳低温(4 ℃)处理时间是5~6周,最佳蔗糖浓度是25~30 g•L~(-1)。分化产生的不定芽在附加IBA、GA_3和活性炭的TE培养基上,幼茎伸长。附加IBA、BA和GA_3的TE培养基上,伸长的不定芽生根形成完整植株。伸长不定芽的最高生根频率是46%。成熟合子胚在直接不定芽原基诱导培养基及直接不定芽分化培养基的作用下,从子叶和胚轴的不同部位产生直接不定芽。直接不定芽发生的最高频率是58.2%。 由成熟合子胚诱导愈伤组织形成过程中的形态学观察表明:在附加2,4-D和BA的DCR愈伤组织诱导培养基上,HB、MA和MC3种基因型中,MA主要在下胚轴形成愈伤组织,MC主要在子叶和胚根形成愈伤组织,HB主要在胚根形成体积较小的愈伤组织。在附加NAA和BA的TE愈伤组织诱导培养基上,HB、MA和MC3种基因型中,MA在单个子叶的顶端形成生长较快的愈伤组织,MC的所有子叶都形成愈伤组织,HB在所有子叶的顶端形成愈伤组织。 石蜡切片观察表明:4类愈伤组织的细胞组成不同.第1类愈伤组织主要由核大、质浓、体积小的园形胚性细胞及核呈柱状或新月形的体积较大的非胚性细胞组成;第2类愈伤组织主要由核大、质浓、体积小的园形胚性细胞组成,第3类愈伤组织主要由体积较大的棒状、葫芦形、新月形、盾片状细胞组成、第4类愈伤组织主要由体积较大的薄壁细胞和细胞壁加厚、细胞间连结紧密、无细胞核的分化细胞组成,第1类愈伤组织上形成的早期原胚的特点是:胚性头部由排列紧密、体积小的园形细胞组成,轮廓十分清晰、呈半圆形,胚柄由排列疏松的长形细胞组成,细胞体积大、细胞中有大的液泡,早期原胚在发育过程中和母体组织保持一定的隔离状态。第2类愈伤组织上形成的不定芽的特点是t结构上为单极性,其维管束和母体组织保持密切联系。扫描电镜观察表明;直接体细胞胚基部和母体组织保持较少的联系,其子叶是直立生长的.直接不定芽基部和母体组织保持较多的联系,其幼叶是向心卷曲生长的。 在培养周期内,基因型HB、MA和MC胚性细胞悬浮培养物的几个生长参数的变化动态相似。鲜重增长高峰在12—15 d,干重增长高峰在15~18 d,细胞体积增长高峰和胚数增长高峰在18—21 d。在培养的18—21 d,培养液中的pH值、电导率和蔗糖浓度接近或降到最低点。在悬浮培养条件下,体细胞胚形成的最佳起始细胞密度是5~6×103个/ml。继代培养时间延长,体细胞胚胎发生能力下降。热激处理促进基因型HB和MA体细胞胚的形成,抑制基因型MC体细胞胚的形成。在悬浮培养物中,观察到了裂生多胚。 对数生长期的火炬松胚性悬浮细胞,在以甘露醇作为渗透压稳定剂的酶混合液Cel-lulase“Onozuka”RS l%+Cellulase“Onozuka”R-10 2.5%+Pectolyase Y-23 0.2%的作用下,原生质体的产量和活力均最高。原生质体在DCR和KM8P两种培养基上形成了体细胞胚(包括胚性胚柄细胞团、早期原胚和后期原胚).体细胞胚形成的最佳起始原生质体密度是7×l04个/ml,最佳ABA浓度是4 mg.L-I.


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本文以白杄的合子胚为材料,建立了体细胞胚胎发生及其植株再生系统.通过对影响体细胞胚胎发生的主要因素的系统研究,实现了体细胞胚的高频率发生。运用扫描电镜、整体染色封片及石蜡切片等方法全面观察了体细胞胚胎发生过程中的形态学、细胞学及组织化学变化。建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,测定了几个重要生长参数的变化动态,优化了体细胞胚的液体培养条件。采用垂直平板聚丙烯酰胺电泳方法分析了体细胞胚胎发生过程中三种同工酶的变化。通过压片法观察了长期继代过程中胚性愈伤组织细胞及其再生植株根尖细胞染色体数目的变化。具体结果如下: 合子胚在4-6 ℃低温条件下保存1~3个月后,接种于LP+2mg/L2.4-D+lmg/L 6-BA的培养基上,黑暗条件下培养1个月后,产生浅黄色、褐色和白色半透明三种愈伤组织,其中白色半透明愈伤组织是胚性愈伤组织。黑暗中胚性愈伤组织在MS+lmg/L 2,4-D+lmg/L KT的继代培养基上可保持旺盛的增殖能力和分化潜力。当胚性愈伤组织转到MS+5mg/L ABA+50g/L PEG+5mg/L AgN03的分化培养基上,1个月后可产生大量正常的子叶期成熟体细胞胚。成熟体细胞胚在相对湿度为75%的条件下干化20天后,转到含0.5%活性炭的无激素1/2MS基本培养基上,约40天后长出1.5—2.5cm的根,约60天后长出真叶。光,ABA、蔗糖、AgN03 PEG浓度是影响体细胞胚胎发生的主要因素。 在相同的培养条件下,以新产生的子叶期体细胞胚为外植体,也可诱导体细胞胚胎发生。 胚性愈伤组织起源于合子胚子叶和下胚轴的表皮及表皮下的一些细胞。胚性愈伤组织中的一些单个胚性细胞经过第一次分裂产生两个细胞,即胚细胞和胚柄细胞,它们继续进行分裂几次以后形成胚性胚柄团结构。胚性胚柄团在分化培养基上可发育为成熟的子叶期胚。体细胞胚的成熟过程大致可分四个时期:胚性胚柄团、球形胚至鱼雷形胚、子叶前期胚和子叶期成熟胚。通过PAS反应研究后发现,在体细胞胚发育过程中,淀粉粒在胚性胚柄团时期开始积累,至心形胚时期达到积累高峰,子叶胚时期仅在器官原基及其附近细胞肉有淀粉粒分布。结果表明,淀粉是体细胞胚胎发生的一种重要能量来源。 在初始细胞密度为3.O%(鲜重)、摇床转速为150r/min的条件下,用与固体培养基成分相似的液体培养基对胚性愈伤组织进行悬浮培养,胚性愈伤组织的生长率大大提高。在悬浮培养过程中,培养物的鲜重、干重、紧实细胞体积及胚性胚柄团数目依次在6~10天内达到高峰。培养液的pH值和电导率分别在6—8天达到最低点。 胚性和非胚性愈伤组织的三种同工酶酶谱都明显不同;胚性愈伤组织的过氧化物酶和酸性磷酸酯酶活性较高,而非胚性愈伤组织的酯酶活性较高。体细胞胚发育过程中,三种同工酶酶谱都呈规律性变化;j活性都有逐渐增强的趋势,但酸性磷酸酯酶活性到了最后时期又突然下降。 胚性愈伤组织经过长期继代后,生长率和分化能力没有明显变化,但有些细胞内染色体数目发生了无规律的变化( 2n=7—24,2n>28),而再生植株根尖细胞染色体数目比较稳定( 2n=28).


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A study on the different size groups of prawns caught by four shrimp trawls having different cod-end meshes was made by the author. The results indicate that small sized prawns of mean length 77.15 mm were captured by the net having 23.38 mm cod-end at 5-6 fathoms depth, medium prawns of mean length 105.22 mm was caught in 25.21 mm and 19.88 mm cod-end at 8 fathoms depth and big sized prawns of mean length 117.98 mm were caught in 21.29 mm cod-end. Further the relation of length on breadth of prawn is worked out to be : Bp=0.15 Lp - 1.50 where Bp and Lp are breadth and length respectively.


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本文以菠菜PSⅡ颗粒PSⅡ核心复合物和PSⅡ反应中心复合物为材料通过比较光抑制处理和单线态氧处理对上述制剂色素、蛋白和光谱特性的影响,.以及光抑制对细胞色素b559 (Cyt b559)和放氧的影响,研究了PSⅡ光抑制及其内源保护机理得到如下的结果: 1)光抑制处理和外源单线态氧处理对PSⅡ具有相似的破坏特性,同时,加入单线态氧的特异性清除剂组氨酸(His)可明显遏制光抑制处理对PSⅡ各组分的破坏这些结果说明单线态氧参与了PSⅡ的光破坏过程. 2) PSⅡ蛋白组分不仅受到强光的破坏,而且在照光后暗放置过程中还继续受到破坏 这种暗放置破坏过程具有温度敏感性因此推测在光照后暗放置过程中的PSⅡ蛋白降解是酶促反应这些结果证明,PSⅡ蛋白的光破坏具有活性氧损伤和酶促水解两种可能的破坏机理. 3)首次观察到PSⅡ中Cyt b559的高电势态(qt b559 HP)的百分含量在光抑制初期上升,随后下降的现象且这种变化受到外加强His的遏制。表明光抑制产生的单线态氧参与了Cytb559 HP百分含量的改变,同时还观察到这种变化的时间进程与PSⅡ蛋白二级结构在光抑制中变化的时间进程相似后者也表现出双相变化进程这说明光抑制产生的单线态氧引起了蛋白构象的变化后者导致了Cytb559 HP百分含量的改变. 4)在不同的处理条件下,PSⅡ放氧活性的变化与Cyt b559 HP百分含量的变化具有明显的相关性它们的变化可能具有相同的原因,即PSⅡ蛋白构象的改变. 5)无氧条件下照光时’PSⅡ反应中心复合物中的Cytb559的低电势态(Cytb559 LP)可从Pheo得到电子而被还原具有较高反应活性的Pheo被清除这体现了Cytb559 LP的一种光保护功能. 综合上述结果及参考已有的文献我们提出了一种以Cytb559为中心的PSⅡ光抑制快速内源保护机理的调控模型。光抑制通过影响PSⅡ蛋白构象而使Cytb559 HP和Cytb559 LP发生相互转换。Cytb559 HP具有清除活性氧的功能,而Cytb559 LP态则具有从Pheo或QA吸收电子的作甩因此它们可受PSⅡ不同状态的调节进行相互转换以淬灭活性自由基达到保护PSⅡ功能的目的。


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植物已经演化出多种保护其免受强光抑制和破坏的机制,从而使植物体在自然界能够应付复杂多变的光照环境。虽然人们早就确定Cyt b-559存在于PSII反应中心内,但目前对其性质与功能的认识还不充分。本工作的目的就是研究Cyt b-559天然分子特性,探讨其生理功能和存在的意义。取得了一些有新意的结果: 1、依据PSII反应中心分离纯化的原理,应用更有效的层析介质DEAE-Sephacel,我们设计了快速高效的从菠菜和水稻中分离纯化Cyt b-559的方法和流程,获得了高纯度的样品。它们在非变性胶电泳中具有相同的泳动性。蛋白组分的HPLC结果证明,纯化的Cyt b-559的确由两个亚基组成,α亚基和β亚基的分子量用我们设计的适合于分析小蛋白的Tricine—SDS—PAGE方法准确测定为9.4kDa和4.5kDa。 2、利用HPLC技术分析了纯化的Cyt b-559样品的色素组成,结果表明Cytb-559中含有Chl α而不含类胡萝卜素分子,这一结果通过吸收光谱和共振拉曼光谱的分析得到进一步地证明。通过等电聚焦方法分析了Cyt b-559的等电点,发现其亚基的等电点相差很大,全蛋白的等电点与...更多D1、D2蛋白的等电点也不相同,推测在体内生理pH条件下它们具有相反带电性而在PSII组装中发挥作用。 3、低温荧光光谱的检测结果表明,Cyt b-559的荧光发射峰位在563nm和666nm;首次证明Cyt b-559可以发出荧光和将电子传递给结合在其上的辅助叶绿素,但传递能力比较低故而导致其荧光特性与PSII反应中心的不相同。Cytb-559的紫外荧光光谱表明Trp残基位于其内部的疏水区域,证明Cyt b-559中的芳香族氨基酸可能在其功能的发挥中起一定作用。 4、通过MCD的分析,发现Cyt b-559中血红素的MCD信号在540—580nm和400—440nm波段,而且光谱形状和强度与PSII反应中心的相一致,说明PSII反应中心该范围内的MCD信号中有Cyt b-559的贡献。FTIR光谱的测定结果证明Cyt b-559血红素的配体是组氨酸,其二级结构中α-螺旋占了一半。此外,还比较了Cyt b-559和PSII反应中心的膜脂成分,发现两者有很大的相似性。不同植物来源的Cyt b-559在许多性质上都表现出高度一致,从一个侧面证明Cyt b-559在进化中的保守性。 5、PSll反应中心发生光破坏时,原初电子供体P680己受到严重破坏。我们发现,在光抑制的最初一段时间内,Cyt b-559吸收峰值发生变化:在受体侧光抑制的条件下,其吸收峰值先略有增加而后才下降,而在供体侧光抑制条件下则相反,说明 Cyt b-559对光抑制的发生非常敏感,可能在光抑制早期保护PSll反应中心。 6、纯化的Cyt b-559的组氨酸含量在照光前后没有显著的变化,说明 PSll反应中心内被破坏的组氨酸不属于Cyt b-559。PSll反应中心所含的组氨酸中有些可被DEPC修饰,但我们的实验结果表明DEPC不能修饰Cyt b-559的组氨酸。这可能有利于Cyt b-559保护功能的发挥。 7、我们观察到,在两种光抑制条件下,LP Cyt b-559光还原和 HP Cyt b-559光氧化具有对pH值的依赖性,说明Cyt b-559在光保护中的作用不仅与其高低电势态有关,而且与其质子化程度有联系。CCCP促进HP Cyt -559释放质子,从而维持循环电子传递。DCBQ和 DCMU在很低浓度时都抑制 Cyt b-559光还原,前者不影响Cyt b-559光氧化而后者在CCCP存在时也会抑制Cyt b-559光氧化。 8、Cyt b-559有定位PSll反应中心其它蛋白的锚蛋白的作用。黄化苗转绿实验证明在 HP Cyt b-559的含量增加超过 45%以后放氧活性开始逐渐增加。Cytb-559从低电势态到高电势态的转变是放氧复合物组装到PSll反应中心的关键步骤之一。在植物正常生长时,Cyt b-559与 P680的其它电于供体发生竟争,起到安全阀门的作用。 9、在逆境条件下,Cyt b-559具有保护PSll反应中心免受强光破坏而起到“分于开关”的作用。我们的实验表明,在室温条件下存在通过Cyt b-559的环式电子流,存在从氧化态LP Cyt b-559到还原态HP Cyt b-559的一个循环,其中的氧化还原变化与质子化/去质子化反应相连。通过与其它血红素蛋白的比较,我们推测 Cyt b-559“分子开关”的关键是:光抑制情况下,铁原子与远端His之间的疏水空穴被氧自由基占据后使得铁进入叶琳中央孔中,迫使近端HIS向叶琳平面位移,从而引起 Cyt b-559构象改变,使电势态发生转变。


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For a typical transonic turbine rotor blade, designed for use with coolant ejection, the trailing edge, or base loss is three to four times the profile boundary layer loss. The base region of such a profile is dominated by viscous effects and it seems essential to attack the problem of loss prediction by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. However, such an approach is inevitably compromised by both numerical accuracy and turbulence modelling constraints. This paper describes a Navier-Stokes solver written for 2D blade-blade flows and employing a simple two-layer mixing length eddy viscosity model. Then, measured and predicted losses and base pressures are presented for two transonic rotor blades and attempts are made to assess the capabilities of the Navier-Stokes solver and to outline areas for future work.


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In multi-spool engines, rotating stall in an upstream compressor will impose a rotating distortion on the downstream compressor, thereby affecting its stability margin. In this paper experiments are described in which this effect was simulated by a rotating screen upstream of several multistage low-speed compressors. The measurements are complemented by, and compared with, a theoretical model of multistage compressor response to speed and direction of rotation of an inlet distortion. For co-rotating distortions (i.e., distortions rotating in the same direction as rotor rotation), experiments show that the compressors exhibited significant loss in stability margin and that they could be divided into two groups according to their response. The first group exhibited a single peak in stall margin degradation when the distortion speed corresponded to roughly 50% of rotor speed. The second group showed two peaks in stall margin degradation corresponding to distortion speeds of approximately 25-35% and 70-75% of rotor speed. These new results demonstrate that multistage compressors can have more than a single resonant response. Detailed measurements suggest that the two types of behavior are linked to differences between the stall inception processes observed for the two groups of compressors and that a direct connection thus exists between the observed forced response and the unsteady flow phenomena at stall onset. For counter-rotational distortions, all the compressors tested showed minimal loss of stability margin. The results imply that counter-rotation of the fan and core compressor, or LP and HP compressors, could be a worthwhile design choice. Calculations based on the two-dimensional theoretical model show excellent agreement for the compressors which had a single peak for stall margin degradation. We take this first-of-a-kind comparison as showing that the model, though simplified, captures the essential fluid dynamic features of the phenomena. Agreement is not good for compressors which had two peaks in the curve of stall margin shift versus distortion rotation speed. The discrepancy is attributed to the three-dimensional and short length scale nature of the stall inception process in these machines; this includes phenomena that have not yet been addressed in any model.


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A one-dimensional ring-pack lubrication model developed at MIT is applied to simulate the oil film behavior during the warm-up period of a Kohler spark ignition engine [1]. This is done by making assumptions for the evolution of the oil temperatures during warm-up and that the oil control ring during downstrokes is fully flooded. The ring-pack lubrication model includes features such as three different lubrication regimes, i.e. pure hydrodynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication and pure asperity contact, non-steady wetting of both inlet and outlet of the piston ring, capability to use all ring face profiles that can be approximated by piece-wise polynomials and, finally, the ability to model the rheology of multi-grade oils. Not surprisingly, the simulations show that by far the most important parameter is the temperature dependence of the oil viscosity. This dependence is subsequently examined further by choosing different oils. The baseline oil is SAE 10W30 and results are compared to those using the SAE 30 and the SAE 10W50 oils.


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This paper describes the effect of the state of the inlet boundary layer (laminar or turbulent) on the structure of the endwall flow on two different profiles of low-pressure (LP) turbine blades (solid thin and hollow thick). At present the state of the endwall boundary layer at the inlet of a real LP turbine is not known. The intention of this paper is to show that, for different designs of LP turbine, the state of the inlet boundary layer affects the performance of the blade in very different ways. The testing was completed at low speed in a linear cascade using area traversing, flow visualization and static pressure measurements. The paper shows that, for a laminar inlet boundary layer, the two profiles have a similar loss distribution and structure of endwall flow. However, for a turbulent inlet boundary layer the two profiles are shown to differ significantly in both the total loss and endwall flow structure. The pressure side separation bubble on the solid thin profile is shown to interact with the passage vortex, causing a higher endwall loss than that measured on the hollow thick profile.


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This paper presents two-dimensional LDA measurements of the convection of a wake through a low-pressure (LP) turbine cascade. Previous studies have shown the wake convection to be kinematic but have not provided details of the turbulent field. The spatial resolution of these measurements has facilitated the calculation of the production of turbulent kinetic energy and this has revealed a mechanism for turbulence production as the wake converts through the bladerow. The measured ensemble-averaged velocity field confirmed the previously reported kinematics of wake convection while the measurements of the turbulence quantities showed the wake fluid to be characterised by elevated levels of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and to have an anisotropic structure. Based on the measured mean and turbulence quantities, the production of turbulent kinetic energy was calculated. This highlighted a TKE production mechanism that resulted in increased levels of turbulence over the rear suction surface where boundary layer transition occurs. The turbulence production mechanism within the bladerow was also observed to produce more nearly isotropic turbulence. Production occurs when the principal stresses within the wake are aligned with the mean strains. This coincides with the maximum distortion of the wake within the blade passage and provides a mechanism for the production of turbulence outside of the boundary layer.


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Amphioxus is a crucial organism for the study of vertebrate evolution. Although a genomic BAC library of Branchiostoma floridae has been constructed, we report here another BAC library construction of its distant relative species Branchiostoma belcheri. The amphioxus BAC library established in present study consists of 45,312 clones arrayed in one hundred and eighteen 384-well plates. The average insert fragment size was 120 kb estimated by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis of 318 randomly selected clones. The representation of the library is about 12 equivalent to the genome, allowing a 99.9995% probability of recovering any specific sequence of interest. We further screened the library with 4 single copied Amphi-Pax genes and identified total of 26 positive clones with average of 6.5 clones for each gene. The result indicates this library is well suited for many applications and should also serve as a useful complemental resource for the scientific community.