990 resultados para Locomotor sensitization


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O ferrageamento corretivo é um método comumente ma Dvideow. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. No utilizado para alterar o padrão do andamento dos animais, presente estudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os assim como na terapêutica de diversas afecções do siste-dias avaliados, a elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões ma locomotor dos equinos. No entanto, não existem, até não gerou desconforto durante a passada, portanto, os ani o momento, estudos científicos que revelem o período de mais podem retornar às atividades regulares de exercício e adaptação do andamento dos animais a este tipo de in-treinamento imediatamente após o ferrageamento. tervenção.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o período de adaptação à ferraduras com elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões em equinos caminhando em esteira rolante. O período de adaptação à ferradura foi avaliado nos tempos 0, 48 e 96 horas após cada tipo de ferrageamento proposto. Os animais foram gravados caminhando em esteira rolante. O comprimento da passada e a análise qualitativa do andamento foram realizados com o auxílio do programa Dvideow. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. No presente estudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os dias avaliados, a elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões não gerou desconforto durante a passada, portanto, os animais podem retornar às atividades regulares de exercício e treinamento imediatamente após o ferrageamento.


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Neste trabalho, algumas características anatômicas e morfométricas do ligamento oblíquo do cotovelo do eqüino foram descritas em dez animais adultos, sem raça definida, que não apresentavam afecções dos órgãos locomotores. O ligamento oblíquo origina-se dorsal à fossa radial do úmero, atravessa obliquamente a superfície cranial do cotovelo e se divide em uma porção longa, que se insere na tuberosidade radial, e em outra curta, que se une à porção longa do ligamento colateral medial. Foram efetuadas medidas visando a obter o comprimento e a largura máximas entre a origem e a inserção do ligamento oblíquo, não sendo observadas diferenças (P>0,05) nas comparações feitas entre os sexos e os antímeros. O ligamento oblíquo contribui no efeito mola e na manutenção da estabilidade da articulação do cotovelo do eqüino. Pela particularidade de sua localização, cranial à articulação, o ligamento oblíquo possui ação frenadora, impedindo a extensão completa da referida articulação.


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Os efeitos sedativos e antinociceptivos da levomepromazina, azaperone e midazolam foram avaliados utilizando-se três testes de comportamento em ratos e camundongos. No teste da atividade locomotora espontânea em campo aberto observou-se que tanto o comportamento exploratório como a atividade locomotora espontânea foram significativamente diminuídos quando se utilizou levomepromazina e azaperone. O efeito causado pelo azaperone foi menos prolongado quando comparado ao da levomepromazina. O midazolam causou diminuição do comportamento exploratório sem alterar a atividade locomotora espontânea. Quando se avaliou o efeito antinociceptivo por meio da latência para o reflexo da retirada da cauda em ratos após estímulo doloroso, as drogas não apresentaram nenhum efeito antinociceptivo observável. No teste das contorções em camundongos, os fármacos foram capazes de abolir as contorções quando comparados ao efeito do grupo-controle. Levomepromazina, azaperone e midazolam nas doses utilizadas foram capazes de inibir o comportamento exploratório de ratos, comprovando seus efeitos sedativos. Com relação aos efeitos antinociceptivos para dor visceral, eles foram capazes de inibir as contorções.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Study, a descriptive-like one, is guided by ethnographic principles which have analyzed the elderly within the familiar context in his/her process of health and aging, in the neighborhood called Felipe Camarão, located in the western administrative region of Natal, RN, a Northeastern city of Brazil. The participants are elders aging 61 to 84 years old, living in this referring neighborhood, whose majority is constituted of migrants from the rural region of the state of the RN, retired, including widows, widowers and married couples, with low school-educational degree. For the information gathering it was utilized a semi-structured interview, the participant observation and the field diary, being put into effect, in majority, in the houses and in the Family Health Unit, in a period between March and October of 2006. For the results discussion it was utilized an analysis of thematic content and the program ALCESTE (In Portuguese, Análise Léxica por Contexto de um Conjunto de Segmentos de Texto or Lexical Analysis by Context of a Set of Text Segments), which through have emerged two corpus: the corpus I, Family and the elderly, and corpus II, The elderly and the aging within society. The analysis of the results has permitted to conclude that the family, also used by the public policies as a strategy of their practices in health, it is a necessary base support for the elderly citizen in his/her process of aging and of health. The elders familiar contexts have allowed this study to identify the existence of minimal social conditions of life, of new rearrangements of the current families by means of the plurigenerational acquaintanceship and the active presence of the elderly woman as a maintainer of this family; also by means of conflicted relationships among one another but in a bearable level of acquaintanceship. Different conceptions about the aging and the elderly generate disagreement and divergency however the family support and help for the solving of these problems and the attention to health are proceeding from the family components. However, it is noticed that loneliness is something present in these elder s everyday lives. About the attention to health, in a basic level of it, it was noticed that there are still a lot of gaps, mainly concerning promotional and preventing actions, deserving a higher sensitization and effort by the local health institutions


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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The organic products represent one of the main trends of alimentary consumption in the new century. In Brazil, the answer is already well representative which it becomes the country, as a great consuming and exporting market of products of LVF type. The objective of this research was to investigate the factors capable to influence the food consumer in its purchase decision of organic products in the supermarkets of Teresina, capital of Piauí State. The methodology was exploratory and descriptive, using survey, with closed and opened questions in 542 interviewed. The questionnaire was based on projected scales to evaluate the factors that can influence the purchase decision of organic products, whose variable had been grouped in the following groups: behavior, knowledge, interest, competitiveness, importance, barrier and profile. The used statistical techniques were descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results demonstrate interest of the population in paying more for the organic product, due to better quality of life, however it lacks to one better spreading and greater sensitization to attract these consumers. Some recommendations and proposals are presented after the results, as suggestions for future research


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Maternal separation is known to exert long-term effects on both behavior and the neuroendocrine system. We investigated cocaine-induced locomotor activation as well as the locomotor and corticosterone response to forced novelty in maternally separated adolescent and adult rats. Maternal separation consisted of separating litters from their darns daily during 5 h from postnatal days 2 to 6. Control animals were subjected only to regular cage changes. Cocaine- (10 mg/kg, i.p.) and novelty-induced locomotion were recorded in an activity cage. After the animals were tested for behavioral response to novelty, trunk blood samples were collected and plasma corticosterone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Adolescent rats exposed to maternal separation exhibited an increased locomotor response to novelty and cocaine; corticosterone levels were lower in these adolescent animals, after exposure to the novel environment. These effects of materrial separation were not observed in rats that were tested as adults. Thus the maternal separation protocol produced enduring but transient changes in the behavioral response to cocaine and in the stress response to novelty. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Organisms are constantly subjected to stressful stimuli that affect numerous physiological processes and activate the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, increasing the release of glucocorticoids. Exposure to chronic stress is known to alter basic mechanisms of the stress response. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of two different stress paradigms (chronic restraint or variable stress) on behavioral and corticosterone release to a subsequent exposure to stressors. Considering that the HPA axis might respond differently when it is challenged with a novel or a familiar stressor we investigated the changes in the corticosterone levels following the exposure to two stressors: restraint (familiar stress) or forced novelty (novel stress). The changes in the behavioral response were evaluated by measuring the locomotor response to a novel environment. In addition, we examined changes in body, adrenals, and thymus weights in response to the chronic paradigms. Our results showed that exposure to chronic variable stress increased basal plasma corticosterone levels and that both, chronic restraint and variable stresses, promote higher corticosterone levels in response to a novel environment, but not to a challenge restraint stress, as compared to the control (non-stressed) group. Exposure to chronic restraint leads to increased novelty-induced locomotor activity. Furthermore, only the exposure to variable stress reduced body weights. In conclusion, the present results provide additional evidence on how chronic stress affects the organism physiology and point to the importance of the chronic paradigm and challenge stress on the behavioral and hormonal adaptations induced by chronic stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The positive profile of systemically-administered 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonists in several rodent models of anxiolytic activity suggests an important role for postsynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptor mechanisms in anxiety. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of WAY-100635 microinfusions (0, 0.1, 1.0 or 3.0 mug in 0.2 mul) into the dorsal (DH) or ventral (VH) hippocampus an behaviours displayed by male Swiss-Webster mice in the elevated plus-maze. As prior experience is known to modify pharmacological responses in this test, the effects of intra-hippocampal infusions were examined both in maze-naive and maze-experienced subjects. Test videotapes were scored for conventional indices of anxiety (% open arm entries/time) and locomotor activity (closed arm entries), as well as a range of ethological measures (e.g. risk assessment). In maze-naive mice, intra-VH (but not intra-M) infusions of WAY-100635 (3.0 mug but not lower doses) increased open arm exploration and reduced risk assessment. These effects were observed in the absence of significant changes in locomotor activity. In contrast, neither intra-VH nor intra-DH infusions of WAY-100635 altered the behaviour of maze-experienced mice. These Findings suggest that postsynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors in the ventral (but not dorsal) hippocampus play a significant role both in the mediation of plus-maze anxiety in mice and in experientially-induced alterations in responses to this test. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. BY All rights reserved.


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Serotonin (5-HT) can either increase or decrease anxiety-like behaviour in animals, actions that depend upon neuroanatomical site of action and 5-HT receptor subtype. Although systemic studies with 5-HT(2) receptor agonists and antagonists suggest a facilitatory role for this receptor subtype in anxiety, somewhat inconsistent results have been obtained when such compounds have been directly applied to limbic targets such as the hippocampus and amygdala. The present study investigated the effects of the 5-HT(2B/2C) receptor agonist mCPP bilaterally microinjected into the dorsal hippocampus (DH: 0, 0.3 1.0 or 3.0 nmol/0.2 mu l), the ventral hippocampus (VH: 0, 0.3, 1.0 or 3.0 nmol/0.2 mu l) or the amygdaloid complex (0, 0.15, 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 nmol/0.1 mu l) in mice exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM). Test sessions were videotaped and subsequently scored for conventional indices of anxiety (percentage of open arm entries and percentage of open arm time) and locomotor activity (closed arm entries). Results showed that mCPP microinfusions into the DH or VH failed to affect any behavioural measure in the EPM. However, when injected into the amygdaloid complex, the dose of 1.0 nmol of this 5HT(2B/2C) receptor agonist increased behavioural indices of anxiety without significantly altering general activity levels. This anxiogenic-like effect of mCPP was selectively and completely blocked by local injection of a behaviourally-inactive dose of SDZ SER-082 (10 nmol/0.1 mu l), a preferential 5-HT(2C) receptor antagonist. These data suggest that 5HT(2C) receptors located within the amygdaloid complex (but not the dorsal or ventral hippocampus) play a facilitatory role in plus-maze anxiety in mice. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Studies in several laboratories have confirmed the anxiolytic potential of a wide range of 5-HT1A receptor antagonists in rats and mice, with recent evidence pointing to a postsynaptic site of action in the ventral hippocampus. It would, therefore, be predicted that blockade of 5-HT1A somatodendritic autoreceptors in the midbrain raphe nuclei should produce anxiogenic-like effects. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of WAY-100635 microinfusions (0, 1.0 or 3.0 mug in 0.1 mul) into the dorsal (DRN) or median (MRN) raphe nuclei on behaviours displayed by male Swiss-Webster mice in the elevated plus-maze. As this test is sensitive to prior experience. The effects of intra-raphe infusions were examined both in maze-naive and maze-experienced subjects. Sessions, were videotaped and subsequently scored for conventional indices of anxiety (open arm avoidance) and locomotor activity (closed arm entries), as well as a range of ethological measures (e.g. risk assessment). In maze-naive mice, intra-MRN (but not intra-DRN) infusions of WAY-100635 (3.0 mug) increased open arm exploration and reduced risk assessment. Importantly, these effects could not be attributed to a general reduction in locomotor activity. A similar, though somewhat weaker, pattern of behavioural change was observed in maze-experienced animals. This unexpected anxiolytic effect of 5-HT1A autoreceptor blockade in the MRN cannot be accounted fur by a disinhibition of 5-HT release in forebrain targets (e.g. hippocampus and amygdala), where stimulation of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors enhances anxiety-like responses. However, as the MRN also projects to the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG), an area known to be sensitive to the anti-aversive effects or 5-HT, it is argued that present results may reflect increased 5-HT release at this crucial midbrain locus within the neural circuitry of defense. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.