849 resultados para Locally Produced Foods
Spectroscopic studies of laser -induced plasma from a high-temperature superconducting material, viz., YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO), have been carried out. Electron temperature and electron density measurements were made from spectral data. The Stark broad ening of emission lines was used to determine the electron density, and the ratio of line in tensities was exploited for the determination of electron temperature. An initial electron temperature of 2.35 eV and electron density of 2.5 3 1017 cm2 3 were observed. The dependence on electron temperature and density on different experimental parameters such as distance from the target, delay time after the in itiation of the plasm a, and laser irradiance is also discussed in detail. Index Headings: Laser -plasma spectroscopy; Plasma diagnostics; Emission spectroscop y; YBa2Cu3O7.
Laser produced plasma from silver is generated using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Optical emission spectroscopy is used to carry out time of flight (TOF) analysis of atomic particles. An anomalous double peak profile in the TOF distribution is observed at low pressure. A collection of slower species emerge at reduced pressure below 4 X lO-3 mbar and this species has a greater velocity spread. At high pressure the plasma expansion follows the shockwave model with cylindrical symmetry whereas at reduced pressure it shows unsteady adiabatic expansion (UAE). During UAE the species show a parabolic increases in the expansion time with radial distance whereas during shock wave expansion the exponent is less than one. The angular distribution of the ablated species in the plume is obtained from the measurement of optical density of thin films deposited on to glass substrates kept perpendicular to the plume. There is a sharp variation in the film thickness away from the film centre due to asymmetries in the plume.
The effect of ambient gas on the dynamics of the plasma generated by laser ablation of a carbon target using 1.06 μm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been investigated using a spectroscopic technique. The emission characteristics of the carbon plasma produced in argon, helium and air atmospheres are found to depend strongly on the nature and pressure of the surrounding gas. It has been observed that hotter and denser plasmas are formed in an argon atmosphere rather than in helium or air as an ambient.
The dynamics of diffusion of electrons and ions from the laser-produced plasma from a multielement superconducting material, namely YBa2Cu3O7, using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is investigated by time-resolved emission-spectroscopic techniques at various laser irradiances. It is observed that beyond a laser irradiance of 2.6 \xC3\x97 1011 W cm-2, the ejected plume collectively drifts away from the target with a sharp increase in velocity to 1.25 \xC3\x97 106 cm s-1, which is twice its velocity observed at lower laser irradiances. This sudden drift apparently occurs as a result of the formation of a charged double layer at the external plume boundary. This diffusion is collective, that is, the electrons and ions inside the plume diffuse together simultaneously and hence it is similar to the ambipolar diffusion of charged particles in a discharge plasma
Laser radiation at 1.06 µm from a pulsed Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a multielement YBa2Cu3O7 target in vacuum and the plasma thus generated was studied using time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. Line broadening of the Ba I emission line at 553.5 nm was monitored as a function of time elapsed after the incidence of a laser pulse on the target. Measured line profiles of barium species were used to infer the electron density and temperature, and the time evolution of these important plasma parameters has been worked out.
Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to study the expansion dynamics of C2 species in a graphite plasma produced during the Nd : YAG ablation. At low laser fluences a single peak distribution with low kinetic energy is observed. At higher fluences a twin peak distribution is found. It has been noted that these double peak time of flight distribution splits into a triple peak structure at distances >_ 17mm from the target surface. The reason for the occurrence of multiple peak is due to different formation mechanisms of C2 species
Time and space resolved spectroscopic studies of the molecular band emission from C2 are performed in the plasma produced by irradiating a graphite target with 1:06 m radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. High-resolution spectra are recorded from points located at distances up to 15 mm from the target in the presence of ambient helium gas pressure. Depending on the laser irradiance, time of observation and position of the sampled volume of the plasma the features of the emission spectrum are found to change drastically. The vibrational temperature and population distribution in the different vibrational levels of C2 molecules have been evaluated as a function of distance for different time delays and laser irradiance. It is also found that the vibrational temperature of C2 molecules decreases with increasing helium pressure.
Plasma generated by fundamental radiation from a Nd:YAG laser focused onto a graphite target is studied spectroscopically. Measured line profiles of several ionic species were used to infer electron temperature and density at several sections located in front of the target surface. Line intensities of successive ionization states of carbon were used for electron temperature calculations. Stark broadened profiles of singly ionized species have been utilized for electron density measurements. Electron density as well as electron temperature were studied as functions of laser irradiance and time elapsed after the incidence of laser pulse. The validity of the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium is discussed in light of the results obtained.
The laser produced plasma from the multi-component target YBa2CU3O7 was analyzed using Michelson interferometry and time resolved emission spectroscopy. The interaction of 10 ns pulses of 1.06 mum radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at laser power densities ranging from 0.55 GW cm-2 to 1.5 GW cm-2 has been studied. Time resolved spectral measurements of the plasma evolution show distinct features at different points in its temporal history. For a time duration of less than 55 ns after the laser pulse (for a typical laser power density of 0.8 GW cm-2, the emission spectrum is dominated by black-body radiation. During cooling after 55 ns the spectral emission consists mainly of neutral and ionic species. Line averaged electron densities were deduced from interferometric line intensity measurements at various laser power densities. Plasma electron densities are of the order of 1017 cm-3 and the plasma temperature at the core region is about 1 eV. The measurement of plasma emission line intensities of various ions inside the plasma gave evidence of multiphoton ionization of the elements constituting the target at low laser power densities. At higher laser power densities the ionization mechanism is collision dominated. For elements such as nitrogen present outside the target, ionization is due to collisions only.
The emission features of laser ablated graphite plume generated in a helium ambient atmosphere have been investigated with time and space resolved plasma diagnostic technique. Time resolved optical emission spectroscopy is employed to reveal the velocity distribution of different species ejected during ablation. At lower values of laser fluences only a slowly propagating component of C2 is seen. At high fluences emission from C2 shows a twin peak distribution in time. The formation of an emission peak with diminished time delay giving an energetic peak at higher laser fluences is attributed to many body recombination. It is also observed that these double peaks get modified into triple peak time of flight distribution at distances greater than 16 mm from the target. The occurrence of multiple peaks in the C2 emission is mainly due to the delays caused from the different formation mechanism of C2 species. The velocity distribution of the faster peak exhibits an oscillating character with distance from the target surface.
A laser produced plasma from the multielement solid target YBa2Cu3O7 is generated using 1.06 μm, 9 ns pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in air at atmospheric pressure. A time resolved analysis of the profile of the 4554.03 Å resonance line emission from Ba II at various laser power densities has been carried out. It has been found that the line has a profile which is strongly self-reversed. It is also observed that at laser power densities equal to or exceeding 1.6×1011 W cm−2, a third peak begins to develop at the centre of the self-reversed profile and this has been interpreted as due to the anisotropic resonance scattering (fluorescence). The number densities of singly ionized barium ions evaluated from the width of the resonance line as a function of time delay with respect to the beginning of the laser pulse give typical values of the order of 1019 cm−3. The higher ion concentrations existing at smaller time delays are seen to decrease rapidly. The Ba II ions in the ground state resonantly absorb the radiation and this absorption is maximum around 120 ns after the laser pulse.
The present thesis report the results obtained from the studies carried out on the laser blow off plasma (LBO) from LiF-C (Lithium Fluoride with Carbon) thin film target, which is of particular importance in Tokamak plasma diagnostics. Keeping in view of its significance, plasma generated by the irradiation of thin film target by nanosecond laser pulses from an Nd:YAG laser over the thin film target has been characterized by fast photography using intensified CCD. In comparison to other diagnostic techniques, imaging studies provide better understanding of plasma geometry (size, shape, divergence etc) and structural formations inside the plume during different stages of expansion.
Computational Biology is the research are that contributes to the analysis of biological data through the development of algorithms which will address significant research problems.The data from molecular biology includes DNA,RNA ,Protein and Gene expression data.Gene Expression Data provides the expression level of genes under different conditions.Gene expression is the process of transcribing the DNA sequence of a gene into mRNA sequences which in turn are later translated into proteins.The number of copies of mRNA produced is called the expression level of a gene.Gene expression data is organized in the form of a matrix. Rows in the matrix represent genes and columns in the matrix represent experimental conditions.Experimental conditions can be different tissue types or time points.Entries in the gene expression matrix are real values.Through the analysis of gene expression data it is possible to determine the behavioral patterns of genes such as similarity of their behavior,nature of their interaction,their respective contribution to the same pathways and so on. Similar expression patterns are exhibited by the genes participating in the same biological process.These patterns have immense relevance and application in bioinformatics and clinical research.Theses patterns are used in the medical domain for aid in more accurate diagnosis,prognosis,treatment planning.drug discovery and protein network analysis.To identify various patterns from gene expression data,data mining techniques are essential.Clustering is an important data mining technique for the analysis of gene expression data.To overcome the problems associated with clustering,biclustering is introduced.Biclustering refers to simultaneous clustering of both rows and columns of a data matrix. Clustering is a global whereas biclustering is a local model.Discovering local expression patterns is essential for identfying many genetic pathways that are not apparent otherwise.It is therefore necessary to move beyond the clustering paradigm towards developing approaches which are capable of discovering local patterns in gene expression data.A biclusters is a submatrix of the gene expression data matrix.The rows and columns in the submatrix need not be contiguous as in the gene expression data matrix.Biclusters are not disjoint.Computation of biclusters is costly because one will have to consider all the combinations of columans and rows in order to find out all the biclusters.The search space for the biclustering problem is 2 m+n where m and n are the number of genes and conditions respectively.Usually m+n is more than 3000.The biclustering problem is NP-hard.Biclustering is a powerful analytical tool for the biologist.The research reported in this thesis addresses the problem of biclustering.Ten algorithms are developed for the identification of coherent biclusters from gene expression data.All these algorithms are making use of a measure called mean squared residue to search for biclusters.The objective here is to identify the biclusters of maximum size with the mean squared residue lower than a given threshold. All these algorithms begin the search from tightly coregulated submatrices called the seeds.These seeds are generated by K-Means clustering algorithm.The algorithms developed can be classified as constraint based,greedy and metaheuristic.Constarint based algorithms uses one or more of the various constaints namely the MSR threshold and the MSR difference threshold.The greedy approach makes a locally optimal choice at each stage with the objective of finding the global optimum.In metaheuristic approaches particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) and variants of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure(GRASP) are used for the identification of biclusters.These algorithms are implemented on the Yeast and Lymphoma datasets.Biologically relevant and statistically significant biclusters are identified by all these algorithms which are validated by Gene Ontology database.All these algorithms are compared with some other biclustering algorithms.Algorithms developed in this work overcome some of the problems associated with the already existing algorithms.With the help of some of the algorithms which are developed in this work biclusters with very high row variance,which is higher than the row variance of any other algorithm using mean squared residue, are identified from both Yeast and Lymphoma data sets.Such biclusters which make significant change in the expression level are highly relevant biologically.
Pyocyanin is a versatile and multifunctional phenazine, widely used as a bio-control agent. Besides its toxicity in higher concentration, it has been applied as bio-control agents against many pathogens including the Vibrio spp. in aquaculture systems. The exact mechanism of the production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is well known, but the genetic modification of pyocyanin biosynthetic pathways in P. aeruginosa is not yet experimented to improve the yield of pyocyanin production. In this context, one of the aims of this work was to improve the yield of pyocyanin production in P. aeruginosa by way of increasing the copy number of pyocyanin pathway genes and their over expression. The specific aims of this work encompasses firstly, the identification of probiotic effect of P. aeruginosa isolated from various ecological niches, the overexpression of pyocyanin biosynthetic genes, development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin and its application in aquaculture industries. In addition, this work intends to examine the toxicity of pyocyanin on various developmental stages of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), Artemia nauplii, microbial consortia of nitrifying bioreactors (Packed Bed Bioreactor, PBBR and Stringed Bed Suspended Bioreactor, SBSBR) and in vitro cell culture systems from invertebrates and vertebrates. The present study was undertaken with a vision to manage the pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture through eco-friendly and sustainable management strategies with the following objectives: Identification of Pseudomonas isolated from various ecological niches and its antagonism to pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture.,Saline dependent production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa originated from different ecological niches and their selective application in aquaculture,Cloning and overexpression of Phz genes encoding phenazine biosynthetic pathway for the enhanced production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCCB117,Development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin from PA-pUCP-Phz++; Structural elucidation and functional analysis of the purified compoundToxicity of pyocyanin on various biological systems.
Developments in laser technology over the past few years have made it possible to do experiments with focused intensities of IO"-102' Wcm'z. Short-pulse high-intensity lasers are able to accelerate protons and heavier ions to multi-MeV energies during their interaction with solid targets, gas jets and clusters. When such a laser radiation is focused at the intensity above 10” Wcm'2, local electric field strength will be almost equivalent to that within an atom. Hence, new nonlinear optical phenomena will be expected in the field of light matter interaction. Most of the research in the material interaction using high power lasers, especially related to plasma interaction, has been directed to the short pulse x-ray generation- Nanosecond laser interactions with solid targets also generate plasmas which emit radiation mainly in the optical region, the understanding of which is far from satisfactory. This thesis deals with a detailed study of some of the dynamical processes in plasmas generated by nanosecond and femtosecond lasers