969 resultados para Local effects
Esta tesis estudia el comportamiento de la región exterior de una capa límite turbulenta sin gradientes de presiones. Se ponen a prueba dos teorías relativamente bien establecidas. La teoría de semejanza para la pared supone que en el caso de haber una pared rugosa, el fluido sólo percibe el cambio en la fricción superficial que causa, y otros efectos secundarios quedarán confinados a una zona pegada a la pared. El consenso actual es que dicha teoría es aproximadamente cierta. En el extremo exterior de la capa límite existe una región producida por la interacción entre las estructuras turbulentas y el flujo irrotacional de la corriente libre llamada interfaz turbulenta/no turbulenta. La mayoría de los resultados al respecto sugieren la presencia de fuerzas de cortadura ligeramente más intensa, lo que la hace distinta al resto del flujo turbulento. Las propiedades de esa región probablemente cambien si la velocidad de crecimiento de la capa límite aumenta, algo que puede conseguirse aumentando la fricción en la pared. La rugosidad y la ingestión de masa están entonces relacionadas, y el comportamiento local de la interfaz turbulenta/no turbulenta puede explicar el motivo por el que las capas límite sobre paredes rugosas no se comportan como en el caso de tener paredes lisas precisamente en la zona exterior. Para estudiar las capas límite a números de Reynolds lo suficientemente elevados, se ha desarrollado un nuevo código de alta resolución para la simulación numérica directa de capas límite turbulentas sin gradiente de presión. Dicho código es capaz de simular capas límite en un intervalo de números de Reynolds entre ReT = 100 — 2000 manteniendo una buena escalabilidad hasta los dos millones de hilos en superordenadores de tipo Blue Gene/Q. Se ha guardado especial atención a la generación de condiciones de contorno a la entrada correctas. Los resultados obtenidos están en concordancia con los resultados previos, tanto en el caso de simulaciones como de experimentos. La interfaz turbulenta/no turbulenta de una capa límite se ha analizado usando un valor umbral del módulo de la vorticidad. Dicho umbral se considera un parámetro para analizar cada superficie obtenida de un contorno del módulo de la vorticidad. Se han encontrado dos regímenes distintos en función del umbral escogido con propiedades opuestas, separados por una transición topológica gradual. Las características geométricas de la zona escalan con o99 cuando u^/isdgg es la unidad de vorticidad. Las propiedades del íluido relativas a la posición del contorno de vorticidad han sido analizados para una serie de umbrales utilizando el campo de distancias esféricas, que puede obtenerse con independencia de la complejidad de la superficie de referencia. Las propiedades del fluido a una distancia dada del inerfaz también dependen del umbral de vorticidad, pero tienen características parecidas con independencia del número de Reynolds. La interacción entre la turbulencia y el flujo no turbulento se restringe a una zona muy fina con un espesor del orden de la escala de Kolmogorov local. Hacia el interior del flujo turbulento las propiedades son indistinguibles del resto de la capa límite. Se ha simulado una capa límite sin gradiente de presiones con una fuerza volumétrica cerca de la pared. La el forzado ha sido diseñado para aumentar la fricción en la pared sin introducir ningún efecto geométrico obvio. La simulación consta de dos dominios, un primer dominio más pequeño y a baja resolución que se encarga de generar condiciones de contorno correctas, y un segundo dominio mayor y a alta resolución donde se aplica el forzado. El estudio de los perfiles y los coeficientes de autocorrelación sugieren que los dos casos, el liso y el forzado, no colapsan más allá de la capa logarítmica por la complejidad geométrica de la zona intermitente, y por el hecho que la distancia a la pared no es una longitud característica. Los efectos causados por la geometría de la zona intermitente pueden evitarse utilizando el interfaz como referencia, y la distancia esférica para el análisis de sus propiedades. Las propiedades condicionadas del flujo escalan con 5QQ y u/uT, las dos únicas escalas contenidas en el modelo de semejanza de pared de Townsend, consistente con estos resultados. ABSTRACT This thesis studies the characteristics of the outer region of zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers. Two relatively established theories are put to test. The wall similarity theory states that with the presence of roughness, turbulent motion is mostly affected by the additional drag caused by the roughness, and that other secondary effects are restricted to a region very close to the wall. The consensus is that this theory is valid, but only as a first approximation. At the edge of the boundary layer there is a thin layer caused by the interaction between the turbulent eddies and the irroational fluid of the free stream, called turbulent/non-turbulent interface. The bulk of results about this layer suggest the presence of some localized shear, with properties that make it distinguishable from the rest of the turbulent flow. The properties of the interface are likely to change if the rate of spread of the turbulent boundary layer is amplified, an effect that is usually achieved by increasing the drag. Roughness and entrainment are therefore linked, and the local features of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface may explain the reason why rough-wall boundary layers deviate from the wall similarity theory precisely far from the wall. To study boundary layers at a higher Reynolds number, a new high-resolution code for the direct numerical simulation of a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers over a flat plate has been developed. This code is able to simulate a wide range of Reynolds numbers from ReT =100 to 2000 while showing a linear weak scaling up to around two million threads in the BG/Q architecture. Special attention has been paid to the generation of proper inflow boundary conditions. The results are in good agreement with existing numerical and experimental data sets. The turbulent/non-turbulent interface of a boundary layer is analyzed by thresholding the vorticity magnitude field. The value of the threshold is considered a parameter in the analysis of the surfaces obtained from isocontours of the vorticity magnitude. Two different regimes for the surface can be distinguished depending on the threshold, with a gradual topological transition across which its geometrical properties change significantly. The width of the transition scales well with oQg when u^/udgg is used as a unit of vorticity. The properties of the flow relative to the position of the vorticity magnitude isocontour are analyzed within the same range of thresholds, using the ball distance field, which can be obtained regardless of the size of the domain and complexity of the interface. The properties of the flow at a given distance to the interface also depend on the threshold, but they are similar regardless of the Reynolds number. The interaction between the turbulent and the non-turbulent flow occurs in a thin layer with a thickness that scales with the Kolmogorov length. Deeper into the turbulent side, the properties are undistinguishable from the rest of the turbulent flow. A zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer with a volumetric near-wall forcing has been simulated. The forcing has been designed to increase the wall friction without introducing any obvious geometrical effect. The actual simulation is split in two domains, a smaller one in charge of the generation of correct inflow boundary conditions, and a second and larger one where the forcing is applied. The study of the one-point and twopoint statistics suggest that the forced and the smooth cases do not collapse beyond the logarithmic layer may be caused by the geometrical complexity of the intermittent region, and by the fact that the scaling with the wall-normal coordinate is no longer present. The geometrical effects can be avoided using the turbulent/non-turbulent interface as a reference frame, and the minimum distance respect to it. The conditional analysis of the vorticity field with the alternative reference frame recovers the scaling with 5QQ and v¡uT already present in the logarithmic layer, the only two length-scales allowed if Townsend’s wall similarity hypothesis is valid.
Una de las características de la cartografía y SIG Participativos (SIGP) es incluir en sus métodos a la sociedad civil para aportar contenidos cualitativos a la información de sus territorios. Sin embargo no sólo se trata de datos, sino de los efectos que pueden tener estas prácticas sobre el territorio y su sociedad. El acceso a esa información se ve reducida en contraste con el incremento de información difundida a través de servicios de visualización, geoinformación y cartografía on-line. Todo esto hace que sea necesario el análisis del alcance real de las metodologías participativas en el uso de Información Geográfica (IG) y la comparación desde distintos contextos geográficos. También es importante conocer los beneficios e inconvenientes del acceso a la información para el planeamiento; desde la visibilidad de muchos pueblos desapercibidos en zonas rurales y periféricas, hasta la influencia en programas de gobierno sobre la gestión del territorio pasando por el conocimiento local espacial. El análisis se centró en los niveles de participación de la sociedad civil y sus grados de accesibilidad a la información (acceso y uso), dentro del estudio de los SIGP, Participatory Mapping, además se estudió de los TIG (Tecnologías de Información Geográfica), cartografías on-line (geoweb) y plataformas de geovisualización espacial, como recursos de Neocartografía. En este sentido, se realizó un trabajo de campo de cartografía participativa en Bolivia, se evaluaron distintos proyectos SIGP en países del norte y sur (comparativa de contextos en países en desarrollo) y se analizaron los resultados del cruce de las distintas variables.(validación, accesibilidad, verificación de datos, valor en la planificación e identidad) La tesis considera que ambos factores (niveles de participación y grado de accesibilidad) afectan a la (i) validación, verificación y calidad de los datos, la (ii) valor analítico en la planificación, y al (iii) modelo de identidad de un lugar, y que al ser tratados de forma integral, constituyen el valor añadido que los SIGP pueden aportar para lograr una planificación efectiva. Asimismo se comprueba, que la dimensión participativa en los SIGP varía según el contexto, la centralización de sus actores e intereses sectoriales. La información resultante de las prácticas SIGP tiende a estar restringida por la falta de legislaciones y por la ausencia de formatos estándar, que limitan la difusión e intercambio de la información. Todo esto repercute en la efectividad de una planificación estratégica y en la viabilidad de la implementación de cualquier proyecto sobre el territorio, y en consecuencia sobre los niveles de desarrollo de un país. Se confirma la hipótesis de que todos los elementos citados en los SIGP y mapeo participativo actuarán como herramientas válidas para el fortalecimiento y la eficacia en la planificación sólo si están interconectadas y vinculadas entre sí. Se plantea una propuesta metodológica ante las formas convencionales de planificación (nueva ruta del planeamiento; que incluye el intercambio de recursos y determinación participativa local antes de establecer la implementación), con ello, se logra incorporar los beneficios de las metodologías participativas en el manejo de la IG y los SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) como instrumentos estratégicos para el desarrollo de la identidad local y la optimización en los procesos de planeamiento y estudios del territorio. Por último, se fomenta que en futuras líneas de trabajo los mapas de los SIGP y la cartografía participativa puedan llegar a ser instrumentos visuales representativos que transfieran valores identitarios del territorio y de su sociedad, y de esta manera, ayudar a alcanzar un mayor conocimiento, reconocimiento y valoración de los territorios para sus habitantes y sus planificadores. ABSTRACT A feature of participatory mapping and PGIS is to include the participation of the civil society, to provide qualitative information of their territories. However, focus is not only data, but also the effects that such practices themselves may have on the territory and their society. Access to this information is reduced in contrast to the increase of information disseminated through visualization services, geoinformation, and online cartography. Thus, the analysis of the real scope of participatory methodologies in the use of Geographic Information (GI) is necessary, including the comparison of different geographical contexts. It is also important to know the benefits and disadvantages of access to information needed for planning in different contexts, ranging from unnoticed rural areas and suburbs to influence on government programs on land management through local spatial knowledge. The analysis focused on the participation levels of civil society and the degrees of accessibility of the information (access and use) within the study of Participatory GIS (PGIS). In addition, this work studies GIT (Geographic Information Technologies), online cartographies (Geoweb) and platforms of spatial geovisualization, as resources of Neocartography. A participatory cartographic fieldwork was carried out in Bolivia. Several PGIS projects were evaluated in Northern and Southern countries (comparatively with the context of developing countries), and the results were analyzed for each these different variables. (validation, accessibility, verification,value, identity). The thesis considers that both factors (participation levels and degree of accessibility) affect the (i) validation, verification and quality of the data, (ii) analytical value for planning, and (iii) the identity of a place. The integrated management of all the above cited criteria constitutes an added value that PGISs can contribute to reach an effective planning. Also, it confirms the participatory dimension of PGISs varies according to the context, the centralization of its actors, and to sectorial interests. The resulting information from PGIS practices tends to be restricted by the lack of legislation and by the absence of standard formats, which limits in turn the diffusion and exchange of the information. All of this has repercussions in the effectiveness of a strategic planning and in the viability of the implementation of projects about the territory, and consequentially in the land development levels. The hypothesis is confirmed since all the described elements in PGISs and participatory mapping will act as valid tools in strengthening and improving the effectivity in planning only if they are interconnected and linked amongst themselves. This work, therefore, suggests a methodological proposal when faced with the conventional ways of planning: a new planning route which includes the resources exchange and local participatory determination before any plan is established -. With this, the benefits of participatory methodologies in the management of GI and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is incorporated as a strategic instrument for development of local identity and optimization in planning processes and territory studies. Finally, the study outlines future work on PGIS maps and Participatory Mapping, such that these could eventually evolve into visual representative instruments that transfer identity values of the territory and its society. In this way, they would contribute to attain a better knowledge, recognition, and appraisement of the territories for their inhabitants and planners.
The effect of atmospheric aerosols and regional haze from air pollution on the yields of rice and winter wheat grown in China is assessed. The assessment is based on estimates of aerosol optical depths over China, the effect of these optical depths on the solar irradiance reaching the earth’s surface, and the response of rice and winter wheat grown in Nanjing to the change in solar irradiance. Two sets of aerosol optical depths are presented: one based on a coupled, regional climate/air quality model simulation and the other inferred from solar radiation measurements made over a 12-year period at meteorological stations in China. The model-estimated optical depths are significantly smaller than those derived from observations, perhaps because of errors in one or both sets of optical depths or because the data from the meteorological stations has been affected by local pollution. Radiative transfer calculations using the smaller, model-estimated aerosol optical depths indicate that the so-called “direct effect” of regional haze results in an ≈5–30% reduction in the solar irradiance reaching some of China’s most productive agricultural regions. Crop-response model simulations suggest an ≈1:1 relationship between a percentage increase (decrease) in total surface solar irradiance and a percentage increase (decrease) in the yields of rice and wheat. Collectively, these calculations suggest that regional haze in China is currently depressing optimal yields of ≈70% of the crops grown in China by at least 5–30%. Reducing the severity of regional haze in China through air pollution control could potentially result in a significant increase in crop yields and help the nation meet its growing food demands in the coming decades.
The voltage-gated sodium channel is the site of action of more than six classes of neurotoxins and drugs that alter its function by interaction with distinct, allosterically coupled receptor sites. Batrachotoxin (BTX) is a steroidal alkaloid that binds to neurotoxin receptor site 2 and causes persistent activation. BTX binding is inhibited allosterically by local anesthetics. We have investigated the interaction of BTX with amino acid residues I1760, F1764, and Y1771, which form part of local anesthetic receptor site in transmembrane segment IVS6 of type IIA sodium channels. Alanine substitution for F1764 (mutant F1764A) reduces tritiated BTX-A-20-α-benzoate binding affinity, causing a 60-fold increase in Kd. Alanine substitution for I1760, which is adjacent to F1764 in the predicted IVS6 transmembrane alpha helix, causes only a 4-fold increase in Kd. In contrast, mutant Y1771A shows no change in BTX binding affinity. For wild-type and mutant Y1771A, BTX shifted the voltage for half-maximal activation ≈40 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction and increased the percentage of noninactivating sodium current to ≈60%. In contrast, these BTX effects were eliminated completely for the F1764A mutant and were reduced substantially for mutant I1760A. Our data suggest that the BTX receptor site shares overlapping but nonidentical molecular determinants with the local anesthetic receptor site in transmembrane segment IVS6 as well as having unique molecular determinants in transmembrane segment IS6, as demonstrated in previous work. Evidently, BTX conforms to a domain–interface allosteric model of ligand binding and action, as previously proposed for calcium agonist and antagonist drugs acting on l-type calcium channels.
Insight into the dependence of benthic communities on biological and physical processes in nearshore pelagic environments, long considered a “black box,” has eluded ecologists. In rocky intertidal communities at Oregon coastal sites 80 km apart, differences in abundance of sessile invertebrates, herbivores, carnivores, and macrophytes in the low zone were not readily explained by local scale differences in hydrodynamic or physical conditions (wave forces, surge flow, or air temperature during low tide). Field experiments employing predator and herbivore manipulations and prey transplants suggested top-down (predation, grazing) processes varied positively with bottom-up processes (growth of filter-feeders, prey recruitment), but the basis for these differences was unknown. Shore-based sampling revealed that between-site differences were associated with nearshore oceanographic conditions, including phytoplankton concentration and productivity, particulates, and water temperature during upwelling. Further, samples taken at 19 sites along 380 km of coastline suggested that the differences documented between two sites reflect broader scale gradients of phytoplankton concentration. Among several alternative explanations, a coastal hydrodynamics hypothesis, reflecting mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) variation in the interaction between offshore currents and winds and continental shelf bathymetry, was inferred to be the primary underlying cause. Satellite imagery and offshore chlorophyll-a samples are consistent with the postulated mechanism. Our results suggest that benthic community dynamics can be coupled to pelagic ecosystems by both trophic and transport linkages.
The distribution of optimal local alignment scores of random sequences plays a vital role in evaluating the statistical significance of sequence alignments. These scores can be well described by an extreme-value distribution. The distribution’s parameters depend upon the scoring system employed and the random letter frequencies; in general they cannot be derived analytically, but must be estimated by curve fitting. For obtaining accurate parameter estimates, a form of the recently described ‘island’ method has several advantages. We describe this method in detail, and use it to investigate the functional dependence of these parameters on finite-length edge effects.
For almost 30 years. serious interest has been directed toward natural gas hydrate, a crystalline solid composed of water and methane, as a potential (i) energy resource, (ii) factor in global climate change, and (iii) submarine geohazard. Although each of these issues can affect human welfare, only (iii) is considered to be of immediate importance. Assessments of gas hydrate as an energy resource have often been overly optimistic, based in part on its very high methane content and on its worldwide occurrence in continental margins. Although these attributes are attractive, geologic settings, reservoir properties, and phase-equilibria considerations diminish the energy resource potential of natural gas hydrate. The possible role of gas hydrate in global climate change has been often overstated. Although methane is a “greenhouse” gas in the atmosphere, much methane from dissociated gas hydrate may never reach the atmosphere, but rather may be converted to carbon dioxide and sequestered by the hydrosphere/biosphere before reaching the atmosphere. Thus, methane from gas hydrate may have little opportunity to affect global climate change. However, submarine geohazards (such as sediment instabilities and slope failures on local and regional scales, leading to debris flows, slumps, slides, and possible tsunamis) caused by gas-hydrate dissociation are of immediate and increasing importance as humankind moves to exploit seabed resources in ever-deepening waters of coastal oceans. The vulnerability of gas hydrate to temperature and sea level changes enhances the instability of deep-water oceanic sediments, and thus human activities and installations in this setting can be affected.
Functional brain mapping based on changes in local cerebral blood flow (lCBF) or glucose utilization (lCMRglc) induced by functional activation is generally carried out in animals under anesthesia, usually α-chloralose because of its lesser effects on cardiovascular, respiratory, and reflex functions. Results of studies on the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the mechanism of functional activation of lCBF have differed in unanesthetized and anesthetized animals. NO synthase inhibition markedly attenuates or eliminates the lCBF responses in anesthetized animals but not in unanesthetized animals. The present study examines in conscious rats and rats anesthetized with α-chloralose the effects of vibrissal stimulation on lCMRglc and lCBF in the whisker-to-barrel cortex pathway and on the effects of NO synthase inhibition with NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) on the magnitude of the responses. Anesthesia markedly reduced the lCBF and lCMRglc responses in the ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus and barrel cortex but not in the spinal and principal trigeminal nuclei. l-NAME did not alter the lCBF responses in any of the structures of the pathway in the unanesthetized rats and also not in the trigeminal nuclei of the anesthetized rats. In the thalamus and sensory cortex of the anesthetized rats, where the lCBF responses to stimulation had already been drastically diminished by the anesthesia, l-NAME treatment resulted in loss of statistically significant activation of lCBF by vibrissal stimulation. These results indicate that NO does not mediate functional activation of lCBF under physiological conditions.
Voltage-gated Na+ channels are the molecular targets of local anesthetics, class I antiarrhythmic drugs, and some anticonvulsants. These chemically diverse drugs inhibit Na+ channels with complex voltage- and frequency-dependent properties that reflect preferential drug binding to open and inactivated channel states. The site-directed mutations F1764A and Y1771A in transmembrane segment IVS6 of type IIA Na+ channel alpha subunits dramatically reduce the affinity of inactivated channels for the local anesthetic etidocaine. In this study, we show that these mutations also greatly reduce the sensitivity of Na+ channels to state-dependent block by the class Ib antiarrhythmic drug lidocaine and the anticonvulsant phenytoin and, to a lesser extent, reduce the sensitivity to block by the class Ia and Ic antiarrhythmic drugs quinidine and flecainide. For lidocaine and phenytoin, which bind preferentially to inactivated Na+ channels, the mutation F1764A reduced the affinity for binding to the inactivated state 24.5-fold and 8.3-fold, respectively, while Y1771A had smaller effects. For quinidine and flecainide, which bind preferentially to the open Na+ channels, the mutations F1764A and Y1771A reduced the affinity for binding to the open state 2- to 3-fold. Thus, F1764 and Y1771 are common molecular determinants of state-dependent binding of diverse drugs including lidocaine, phenytoin, flecainide, and quinidine, suggesting that these drugs interact with a common receptor site. However, the different magnitude of the effects of these mutations on binding of the individual drugs indicates that they interact in an overlapping, but nonidentical, manner with a common receptor site. These results further define the contributions of F1764 and Y1771 to a complex drug receptor site in the pore of Na+ channels.
The role of cAMP subcellular compartmentation in the progress of beta-adrenergic stimulation of cardiac L-type calcium current (ICa) was investigated by using a method based on the use of whole-cell patch-clamp recording and a double capillary for extracellular microperfusion. Frog ventricular cells were sealed at both ends to two patch-clamp pipettes and positioned approximately halfway between the mouths of two capillaries that were separated by a 5-micron thin wall. ICa could be inhibited in one half or the other by omitting Ca2+ from one solution or the other. Exposing half of the cell to a saturating concentration of isoprenaline (ISO, 1 microM) produced a nonmaximal increase in ICa (347 +/- 70%; n = 4) since a subsequent application of ISO to the other part induced an additional effect of nearly similar amplitude to reach a 673 +/- 130% increase. However, half-cell exposure to forskolin (FSK, 30 microM) induced a maximal stimulation of ICa (561 +/- 55%; n = 4). This effect was not the result of adenylyl cyclase activation due to FSK diffusion in the nonexposed part of the cell. To determine the distant effects of ISO and FSK on ICa, the drugs were applied in a zero-Ca solution. Adding Ca2+ to the drug-containing solutions allowed us to record the local effect of the drugs. Dose-response curves for the local and distant effects of ISO and FSK on ICa were used as an index of cAMP concentration changes near the sarcolemma. We found that ISO induced a 40-fold, but FSK induced only a 4-fold, higher cAMP concentration close to the Ca2+ channels, in the part of the cell exposed to the drugs, than it did in the rest of the cell. cAMP compartmentation was greatly reduced after inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity with 3-isobutyl-methylxanthine, suggesting the colocalization of enzymes involved in the cAMP cascade. We conclude that beta-adrenergic receptors are functionally coupled to nearby Ca2+ channels via local elevations of cAMP.
Deadly, inter-ethnic group conflict remains a threat to international security in a world where the majority of armed violence occurs not only within states but in the most ungoverned areas within states. Conflicts that occur between groups living in largely ungoverned areas often become deeply protracted and are difficult to resolve when the state is weak and harsh environmental conditions place human security increasingly under threat. However, even under these conditions, why do some local conflicts between ethnic groups escalate, whereas others do not? To analyze this puzzle, the dissertation employs comparative methods to investigate the conditions under which violence erupts or stops and armed actors choose to preserve peace. The project draws upon qualitative data derived from semi-structured interviews, focus group dialogues, and participant observation of local peace processes during field research conducted in six conflict-affected counties in Northern Kenya. Comparative analysis of fifteen conflict episodes with variable outcomes reveals the conditions under which coalitions of civic associations, including local peace committees, faith-based organizations, and councils of elders, inter alia, enhance informal institutional arrangements that contain escalation. Violence is less likely to escalate in communities where cohesive coalitions provide platforms for threat-monitoring, informal pact making, and enforcement of traditional codes of restitution. However, key scope conditions affect whether or not informal organizational structures are capable of containing escalation. In particular, symbolic acts of violence and the use of indiscriminant force by police and military actors commonly undermine local efforts to contain conflict. The dissertation contributes to the literatures on civil society and peacebuilding, demonstrating the importance of comparing processes of escalation and non-escalation and accounting for interactive effects between modes of state and non-state response to local, inter-ethnic group conflict.
Endocrine disruptors are suspected to cause disruption to organisms in aquatic environments. Intersex fish and skewed populations of females outnumbering males have been found where effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plants enter into receiving waters. The science needed to substantiate a link of these suspected pollutants as the cause of problems to human health or the environmental is in its infancy. Empirical research was used to identify suspected endocrine disruptors, their sources, and the difficulties involved in regulating these emerging contaminants. This project examined entities that are addressing endocrine disruption and provides cost-effective recommendations for municipalities to develop policies to mitigate the amount of endocrine disruptors entering into receiving waters and limiting the effects caused by endocrine disruption.
Given a territory composed of basic geographical units, the delineation of local labour market areas (LLMAs) can be seen as a problem in which those units are grouped subject to multiple constraints. In previous research, standard genetic algorithms were not able to find valid solutions, and a specific evolutionary algorithm was developed. The inclusion of multiple ad hoc operators allowed the algorithm to find better solutions than those of a widely-used greedy method. However, the percentage of invalid solutions was still very high. In this paper we improve that evolutionary algorithm through the inclusion of (i) a reparation process, that allows every invalid individual to fulfil the constraints and contribute to the evolution, and (ii) a hillclimbing optimisation procedure for each generated individual by means of an appropriate reassignment of some of its constituent units. We compare the results of both techniques against the previous results and a greedy method.
Lidocaine is a commonly used local anaesthetic that, besides blocking voltage-dependent Na+ channels, has multiple inhibitory effects on muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors (nAChRs). In the present study, we have investigated the effects of lidocaine on ACh-elicited currents (IAChs) from cultured mouse superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons, which mainly express heteromeric α3β4 nAChRs. Neurons were voltage-clamped by using the perforated-patch method and IAChs were elicited by fast application of ACh (100-300 μM), either alone or in presence of lidocaine at different concentrations. IAChs were reversibly blocked by lidocaine in a concentration-dependent way (IC50 = 41 μM; nH close to 1) and the inhibition was, at least partially, voltage-dependent, indicating an open-channel blockade. Besides, lidocaine blocked resting (closed) nAChRs, as evidenced by the increased inhibition caused by a 12 s lidocaine application just before its co-application with the agonist, and also enhanced IAChs desensitisation, at concentrations close to the IC50. These results indicate that lidocaine has diverse inhibitory actions on neuronal heteromeric nAChRs resembling those previously reported for Torpedo (muscle-type) nAChRs ( Alberola-Die et al., 2011). The similarity of lidocaine actions on different subtypes of heteromeric nAChRs differs with the specific effects of other compounds, restricted to particular subtypes of nAChRs.
In Europe, Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti is a threatened open-habitat bird. Prescribed burning has sometimes been proposed for its conservation, but without evidence of its effectiveness. To evaluate the short-term effects of a summer wildfire on this species, we performed several transect counts in the burnt and unburnt parts of a shrubsteppe in central Spain. The same transects were counted within a three-year interval prior to the fire and were repeated during the first two springs after the fire. We also measured the vegetation during the first two springs after the fire. In the burnt area, we observed a decrease of about 85–100% in Dupont’s Lark abundance, and about 7–15% in the control area. The disappearance of the scrub cover after fire and its slow regeneration, as well as the large increase in grass cover during the second year, may explain the decrease in this habitat-specialist bird species. Fire should be avoided in areas occupied by the Dupont’s Lark, as its negative effects in the short-term may cause local extinctions. However, prescribed burning may be used in neighboring areas to create new open habitats that may be subsequently colonized by this species.