944 resultados para Load factor design
This work is concerned with the assessment of a newer version of the spout-fluid bed where the gas is supplied from a common plenum and the distributor controls the operational phenomenon. Thus the main body of the work deals with the effect of the distributor design on the mixing and segregation of solids in a spout-filled bed. The effect of distributor design in the conventional fluidised bed and of variation of the gas inlet diameter in a spouted bed were also briefly investigated for purpose of comparison. Large particles were selected for study because they are becoming increasingly important in industrial fluidised beds but have not been thoroughly investigated. The mean particle diameters of the fraction ranged from 550 to 2400 mm, and their specific gravity from 0.97 to 2.45. Only work carried out with binary systems is reported here. The effect of air velocity, particle properties, bed height, the relative amount of jetsam and flotsam and initial conditions on the steady-state concentration profiles were assessed with selected distributors. The work is divided into three sections. Sections I and II deal with the fluidised bed and spouted bed systems. Section III covers the development of the spout-filled bed and its behaviour with reference to distributor design and it is shown how benefits of both spouting and fluidising phenomena can be exploited. In the fluidisation zone, better mixing is achieved by distributors which produce a large initial bubble diameter. Some common features exist between the behaviour of unidensity jetsam-rich systems and different density flotsam-rich systems. The shape factor does not seem to have an affect as long as it is only restricted to the minor component. However, in the case of the major component, particle shape significantly affects the final results. Studies of aspect ratio showed that there is a maximum (1.5) above which slugging occurs and the effect of the distributor design is nullified. A mixing number was developed for unidensity spherical rich systems, which proved to be extremely useful in quantifying the variation in mixing and segregation with changes in distributor design.
Since cyclothialidine was discovered as the most active DNA gyrase inhibitor in 1994, enormous efforts have been devoted to make it into a commercial medicine by a number of pharmaceutical companies and research groups worldwide. However, no serious breakthrough has been made up to now. An essential problem involved with cyclothialidine is that though it demonstrated the potent inhibition of DNA gyrase, it showed little activity against bacteria. This probably is attributable to its inability to penetrate bacterial cell walls and membranes. We applied the TSAR programme to generate a QSAR equation to the gram-negative organisms. In that equation, LogP is profoundly indicated as the key factor influencing the cyclothialidine activity against bacteria. However, the synthesized new analogues have failed to prove that. In the structure based drug design stage, we designed a group of open chain cyclothialidine derivatives by applying the SPROUT programme and completed the syntheses. Improved activity is found in a few analogues and a 3D pharmacophore of the DNA gyrase B is proposed to lead to synthesis of the new derivatives for development of potent antibiotics.
A study of load support and other criteria appropriate to the selection of industrial conveyor belts
A study of conveying practice demonstrates that belt conveyors provide a versatile and. much-used method of transporting bulk materials, but a review of belting manufacturers' design procedures shows that belt design and selection rules are often based on experience with all-cotton belts no longer in common use, and are net completely relevant to modern synthetic constructions. In particular, provision of the property "load support", which was not critical with cotton belts, is shown to determine the outcome of most belt selection exercises and lead to gross over specification of other design properties in many cases. The results of an original experimental investigation into this property, carried out to determine the belt and conveyor parameters that affect it, how the major role that belt stiffness plays in its provision; the basis for a belt stiffness test relevant to service conditions is given. A proposal for a more rational method of specifying load support data results from the work, but correlation of the test results with service performance is necessary before the absolute toad support capability required from a belt for given working conditions can be quantified. A study to attain this correlation is the major proposal for future work resulting from the present investigation, but a full review of the literature on conveyor design and a study of present practice within the belting industry demonstrate other, less critical, factors that could profitably be investigated. It is suggested that the most suitable method of studying these would be a rational data collection system to provide information on various facets of belt service behaviour; a basis for such a system is proposed. In addition to the work above, proposals for simplifying the present belt selection methods are made and a strain transducer suitable for use in future experimental investigations is developed.
This thesis describes an investigation by the author into the spares operation of compare BroomWade Ltd. Whilst the complete system, including the warehousing and distribution functions, was investigated, the thesis concentrates on the provisioning aspect of the spares supply problem. Analysis of the historical data showed the presence of significant fluctuations in all the measures of system performance. Two Industrial Dynamics simulation models were developed to study this phenomena. The models showed that any fluctuation in end customer demand would be amplified as it passed through the distributor and warehouse stock control systems. The evidence from the historical data available supported this view of the system's operation. The models were utilised to determine which parts of the total system could be expected to exert a critical influence on its performance. The lead time parameters of the supply sector were found to be critical and further study showed that the manner in which the lead time changed with work in progress levels was also an important factor. The problem therefore resolved into the design of a spares manufacturing system. Which exhibited the appropriate dynamic performance characteristics. The gross level of entity presentation, inherent in the Industrial Dynamics methodology, was found to limit the value of these models in the development of detail design proposals. Accordingly, an interacting job shop simulation package was developed to allow detailed evaluation of organisational factors on the performance characteristics of a manufacturing system. The package was used to develop a design for a pilot spares production unit. The need for a manufacturing system to perform successfully under conditions of fluctuating demand is not limited to the spares field. Thus, although the spares exercise provides an example of the approach, the concepts and techniques developed can be considered to have broad application throughout batch manufacturing industry.
In this Thesis, details of a proposed method for the elastic-plastic failure load analysis of complete building structures are given. In order to handle the problem, a computer programme in Atlas Autocode is produced. The structures consist of a number of parallel shear walls and intermediate frames connected by floor slabs. The results of an experimental investigation are given to verify the theoretical results and to demonstrate various factors that may influence the behaviour of these structures. Large full scale practical structures are also analysed by the proposed method and suggestions are made for achieving design economy as well as for extending research in various aspects of this field. The existing programme for elastic-plastic analysis of large frames is modified to allow for the effect of composite action of structural members, i.e. reinforced concrete floor slabs and the supporting steel beams. This modified programme is used to analyse some framed type structures with composite action as well as those which incorporate plates and shear walls. The results obtained are studied to ascertain the influence of composite action and other factors on the load carrying capacity of both bare frames and complete building structures. The theoretical failure load presented in this thesis does not predict the overall failure load of the structure nor does it predict the partial failure load of the shear walls and slabs but it merely predicts the partial failure load of a single frame and assumes that the loss of stiffess of such a frame renders the overall structure unusable. For most structures the analysis proposed in this thesis is likely to break down prematurely due to the failure of the slab and shear wall system and this factor must be taken into account in any future work on such structures. The experimental work reported in this thesis is acknowledged to be unsatisfactory as a verification of the limited theory proposed. In particular perspex was not found to be a suitable material for testing at high loads, micro-concrete may be more suitable.
The research work described in this thesis is concerned with the development of glassfibre reinforced plastics for structural uses in Civil Engineering construction. The first stage was primarily concerned with the design of GRP lamintes with structura1 properties and method of manufacture suitable for use with relatively large structural components. A cold setting, pressure moulding technique was developed which proved to be efficient in reducing the void content in the composite and minimising the exothermic effect due to curing. The effect of fibre content and fibre arrangement on strength and stiffness of the cornposite was studied and the maximum amount of' fibre content that could be reached by the adopted type of moulding technique was determined. The second stage of the project was concerned with the introduction of steel-wire "sheets" into the GRP cornposites, to take advantage of the high modulus of steel wire to improve the GRP stiffness and to reduce deformation. The experimental observations agreed reasonably well with theoretical predictions in both first and second stages of the work. The third stage was concerned with studying the stability of GRP flat rectangular plates subjected to uniaxial compression or pure shear, to simulate compression flanges or shear webs respectively. The investigation was concentrated on the effect of fibre arrangement in the plate on buckling load. The effect of the introduction of steel-wire sheets on the plate stability in compression was also investigated. The boundary conditions were chosen to be close to those usually assumed in built-up box-sections for both compression flanges and webs. The orthotropic plate and the mid-plane symmetric were used successfully in predicting the buckling load theoretically. In determining the buckling load experimentally, two methods were used. The Southwell plot method and electrical strain gauge method. The latter proved to be more reliable in predicting the buckling load than the former, especially for plates under uniaxial compression. Sample design charts for GRP plates that yield and buckle simultaneously under compression are also presented in the thesis. The final stage of the work dealt with the design and test of GRP beams. The investigation began by finding the optimum cross-section for a GRP beam. The cross-section which was developed was a thin walled corrugated section which showed higher stiffness than other cross-sections for the same cross-sectional area (i.e. box, I, and rectangular sections). A cold setting, hand layings technique was used in manufacturing these beams wbich were of nine types depending on the type of glass reinforcement employed and the arrangement of layers in the beam. The simple bending theory was used in the beam design and proved to be satisfactory in predicting the stresses and deflections. A factor of safety of 4 was chosen for design purposes and considered to be suitable for long term use under static load. Because of its relatively low modulus, GRP beams allowable deflection was limited to 1/120th of the span which was found to be adequate for design purposes. A general discussion of the behaviour of GRP composites and their place relative to the more conventional structural material was also presented in the thesis.
This thesis is concerned with the experimental and theoretical investigation into the compression bond of column longitudinal reinforcement in the transference of axial load from a reinforced concrete column to a base. Experimental work includes twelve tests with square twisted bars and twenty four tests with ribbed bars. The effects of bar size, anchorage length in the base, plan area of the base, provision of bae tensile reinforcement, links around the column bars in the base, plan area of column and concrete compressive strength were investigated in the tests. The tests indicated that the strength of the compression anchorage of deformed reinforcing steel in the concrete was primarily dependent on the concrete strength and the resistance to bursting, which may be available within the anchorage . It was shown in the tests without concreted columns that due to a large containment over the bars in the foundation, failure occurred due to the breakdown of bond followed by the slip of the column bars along the anchorage length. The experimental work showed that the bar size , the stress in the bar, the anchorage length, provision of the transverse steel and the concrete compressive strength significantly affect the bond stress at failure. The ultimate bond stress decreases as the anchorage length is increased, while the ultimate bond stress increases with increasing each of the remainder parameters. Tests with concreted columns also indicated that a section of the column contributed to the bond length in the foundation by acting as an extra anchorage length. The theoretical work is based on the Mindlin equation( 3), an analytical method used in conjunction with finite difference calculus. The theory is used to plot the distribution of bond stress in the elastic and the elastic-plastic stage of behaviour. The theory is also used to plot the load-vertical displacement relationship of the column bars in the anchorage length, and also to determine the theoretical failure load of foundation. The theoretical solutions are in good agreement with the experimental results and the distribution of bond stress is shown to be significantly influenced by the bar stiffness factor K. A comparison of the experimental results with the current codes shows that the bond stresses currently used are low and in particular, CPIlO(56) specifies very conservative design bond stresses .
The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to produce a direct method to design structures subject to deflection constraints at the working loads. The work carried out can be divided into four main parts. In the first part, a direct design procedure for plane steel frames subjected to sway limitations is proposed. The stiffness equations are modified so that the sway in each storey is equal to some specified values. The modified equations are then solved by iteration to calculate the cross-sectional properties of the columns as well as the other joint displacements. The beam sections are selected initially and then altered in an effort to reduce the total material cost of the frame. A linear extrapolation technique is used to reduce this cost. In this design, stability functions are used so that the effect of axial loads in the members are taken into consideration. The final reduced cost design is checked for strength requirements and the members are altered accordingly. In the second part, the design method is applied to the design of reinforced concrete frames in which the sway in the columns play an active part in the design criteria. The second moment of area of each column is obtained by solving the modified stiffness equations and then used to calculate the mlnlmum column depth required. Again the frame has to be checked for all the ultimate limit state load cases. In the third part, the method is generalised to design pin-jointed space frames for deflection limitatlions. In these the member areas are calculated so that the deflection at a specified joint is equal to its specified value. In the final part, the Lagrange multiplier technique is employed to obtain an optimum design for plane rigidly jointed steel frames. The iteration technique is used here to solve the modified stiffness equations as well as derivative equations obtained in accordance to the requirements of the optimisation method.
Several axi-symmetric EN3B steel components differing in shape and size were forged on a 100 ton joint knuckle press. A load cell fitted under the lower die inserts recorded the total deformation forces. Job parameters were measured off the billets and the forged parts. Slug temperatures were varied and two lubricants - aqueous colloidal graphite and oil - were used. An industrial study was also conducted to check the results of the laboratory experiments. Loads were measured (with calibrated extensometers attached to the press frames) when adequately heated mild steel slugs were being forged in finishing dies. Geometric parameters relating to the jobs and the dies were obtained from works drawings. All the variables considered in the laboratory study could not, however, be investigated without disrupting production. In spite of this obvious limitation, the study confirmed that parting area is the most significant geometric factor influencing the forging load. Multiple regression analyses of the laboratory and industrial results showed that die loads increase significantly with the weights and parting areas of press forged components, and with the width to thickness ratios of the flashes formed, but diminish with increasing slug temperatures and higher billet diameter to height ratios. The analyses also showed that more complicated parts require greater loads to forge them. Die stresses, due to applied axial loads, were investigated by the photoelastic method. The three dimensional frozen stress technique was employed. Model dies were machined from cast araldite cylinders, and the slug material was simulated with plasticene. Test samples were cut from the centres of the dies after the stress freezing. Examination of the samples, and subsequent calculations, showed that the highest stresses were developed in die outer corners. This observation partly explains why corner cracking occurs frequently in industrial forging dies. Investigation of die contact during the forging operation revealed the development of very high stresses.
This is an exploratory study in a field which previously was virtually unexplored. The aim is to identify, for the benefit of innovators, the influence of industrial design on the commercial success of new science-based products used for professional and industrial purposes. The study is a contribution to the theory of success and failure in industrial innovation. The study begins by defining the terminology. To place the investigation in context, there is then a review of past attempts by official policy-making bodies to improve the competitiveness of British products of manufacture through good design. To elucidate the meaning of good design, attempts to establish a coherent philosophy of style in British products of manufacture during the same period are also reviewed. Following these reviews, empirical evidence is presented to identify what actually takes place in successful firms when industrial design is allocated a role in the process of technological innovation. The evidence comprises seven case studies of new science-based products used for professional or industrial purposes which have received Design Council Awards. To facilitate an objective appraisal, evidence was obtained by conducting separate semi-structured interviews, the detail of which is described, with senior personnel in innovating firms, with industrial design consultants, and with professional users. The study suggests that the likelihood of commercial success in technological innovation is greater when the form, configuration, and the overall appearance of a new product, together with the detail which delineates them, are consciously and expertly controlled. Moreover, uncertainty in innovation is likely to be reduced if the appearance of a new product is consciously designed to facilitate recognition and comprehension. Industrial design is an especially significant factor when a firm innovates against a background of international competition and comparable levels of technological competence in rival firms. The likelihood of success in innovation is enhanced if design is allocated a role closely identified with the total needs of the user and discrete from the engineering function in company organisation. Recent government measures, initiated since this study began, are corroborative of the findings.
With the competitive challenge facing business today, the need to keep cost down and quality up is a matter of survival. One way in which wire manufacturers can meet this challenge is to possess a thorough understanding of deformation, friction and lubrication during the wire drawing process, and therefore to make good decisions regarding the selection and application of lubricants as well as the die design. Friction, lubrication and die design during wire drawing thus become the subject of this study. Although theoretical and experimental investigations have been being carried out ever since the establishment of wire drawing technology, many problems remain unsolved. It is therefore necessary to conduct further research on traditional and fundamental subjects such as the mechanics of deformation, friction, lubrication and die design in wire drawing. Drawing experiments were carried out on an existing bull-block under different cross-sectional area reductions, different speeds and different lubricants. The instrumentation to measure drawing load and drawing speed was set up and connected to the wire drawing machine, together with a data acquisition system. A die box connected to the existing die holder for using dry soap lubricant was designed and tested. The experimental results in terms of drawing stress vs percentage area reduction curves under different drawing conditions were analysed and compared. The effects on drawing stress of friction, lubrication, drawing speed and pressure die nozzle are discussed. In order to determine the flow stress of the material during deformation, tensile tests were performed on an Instron universal test machine, using the wires drawn under different area reductions. A polynomial function is used to correlate the flow stress of the material with the plastic strain, on which a general computer program has been written to find out the coefficients of the stress-strain function. The residual lubricant film on the steel wire after drawing was examined both radially and longitudinally using an SEM and optical microscope. The lubricant film on the drawn wire was clearly observed. Therefore, the micro-analysis by SEM provides a way of friction and lubrication assessment in wire drawing.
Manufacturing systems that are heavily dependent upon direct workers have an inherent complexity that the system designer is often ill-equipped to understand. This complexity is due to the interactions that cause variations in performance of the workers. Variation in human performance can be explained by many factors, however one important factor that is not currently considered in any detail during the design stage is the physical working environment. This paper presents the findings of ongoing research investigating human performance within manufacturing systems. It sets out to identify the form of the relationships that exist between changes in physical working environmental variables and operator performance. These relationships can provide managers with a decision basis when designing and managing manufacturing systems and their environments.
STUDY DESIGN: The twy/twy mouse undergoes spontaneous chronic mechanical compression of the spinal cord; this in vivo model system was used to examine the effects of retrograde adenovirus (adenoviral vector [AdV])-mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene delivery to spinal neural cells. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the targeting and potential neuroprotective effect of retrograde AdV-mediated BDNF gene transfection in the chronically compressed spinal cord in terms of prevention of apoptosis of neurons and oligodendrocytes. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Several studies have investigated the neuroprotective effects of neurotrophins, including BDNF, in spinal cord injury. However, no report has described the effects of retrograde neurotrophic factor gene delivery in compressed spinal cords, including gene targeting and the potential to prevent neural cell apoptosis. METHODS: AdV-BDNF or AdV-LacZ (as a control gene) was injected into the bilateral sternomastoid muscles of 18-week old twy/twy mice for retrograde gene delivery via the spinal accessory motor neurons. Heterozygous Institute of Cancer Research mice (+/twy), which do not undergo spontaneous spinal compression, were used as a control for the effects of such compression on gene delivery. The localization and cell specificity of ß-galactosidase expression (produced by LacZ gene transfection) and BDNF expression in the spinal cord were examined by coimmunofluorescence staining for neural cell markers (NeuN, neurons; reactive immunology protein, oligodendrocytes; glial fibrillary acidic protein, astrocytes; OX-42, microglia) 4 weeks after gene injection. The possible neuroprotection afforded by retrograde AdV-BDNF gene delivery versus AdV-LacZ-transfected control mice was assessed by scoring the prevalence of apoptotic cells (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling-positive cells) and immunoreactivity to active caspases -3, -8, and -9, p75, neurofilament 200 kD (NF), and for the oligodendroglial progenitor marker, NG2. RESULTS.: Four weeks after injection, the retrograde delivery of the LacZ marker gene was identified in cervical spinal neurons and some glial cells, including oligodendrocytes in the white matter of the spinal cord, in both the twy/twy mouse and the heterozygous Institute of Cancer Research mouse (+/twy). In the compressed spinal cord of twy/twy mouse, AdV-BDNF gene transfection resulted in a significant decrease in the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling-positive cells present in the spinal cord and a downregulation in the caspase apoptotic pathway compared with AdV-LacZ (control) gene transfection. There was a marked and significant increase in the areas of the spinal cord of AdV-BDNF-injected mice that were NF- and NG2-immunopositive compared with AdV-LacZ-injected mice, indicating the increased presence of neurons and oligodendrocytes in response to BDNF transfection. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that targeted retrograde BDNF gene delivery suppresses apoptosis in neurons and oligodendrocytes in the chronically compressed spinal cord of twy/twy mouse. Further work is required to establish whether this method of gene delivery may provide neuroprotective effects in other situations of compressive spinal cord injury.
The operation state of photovoltaic Module Integrated Converter (MIC) is subjected to change due to different source and load conditions, while state-swap is usually implemented with flow chart based sequential controller in the past research. In this paper, the signatures for different operational states are evaluated and investigated, which lead to an effective control integrated finite state machine (CIFSM), providing real-time state-swap as fast as the local control loop. The proposed CIFSM is implemented digitally for a boost type MIC prototype and tested under a variety of load and source conditions. The test results prove the effectiveness of the proposed CIFSM design.
We show an improved DPSK receiver design which can increase useful dispersion tolerance by up to a factor of two. The increased dispersion tolerance is achieved through optimization of the optical filter at the receiver and the delay of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In this paper we fully explain the concept, quantify the gain and provide an explanation for the operation of the receiver. © 2007 Optical Society of America.