979 resultados para Legal curricular reform
Network neutrality is a growing policy controversy. Traffic management techniques affect not only high-speed, high-money content, but by extension all other content too. Internet regulators and users may tolerate much more discrimination in the interests of innovation. For instance, in the absence of regulatory oversight, ISPs could use Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to block some content altogether, if they decide it is not to the benefit of ISPs, copyright holders, parents or the government. ISP blocking is currently widespread in controlling spam email, and in some countries in blocking sexually graphic illegal images. In 1999 this led to scrutiny of foreclosure of Instant Messaging and video and cable-telephony horizontal merger. Fourteen years later, there were in 2013 net neutrality laws implemented in Slovenia, the Netherlands, Chile and Finland, regulation in the United States and Canada , co-regulation in Norway, and self-regulation in Japan, the United Kingdom and many other European countries . Both Germany and France in mid-2013 debated new net neutrality legislation, and the European Commission announced on 11 September 2013 that it would aim to introduce legislation in early 2014. This paper analyses these legal developments, and in particular the difficulty in assessing reasonable traffic management and ‘specialized’ (i.e. unregulated) faster services in both EU and US law. It also assesses net neutrality law against the international legal norms for user privacy and freedom of expression
The unusual mixed public-private structure of the urban bus market in the metropolitan area of Barcelona provides an interesting context in which to analyze the management challenges and opportunities of the partial privatization of public services. Initiatives used by the public regulator to promote competition for contracts, such as short term concessions to private contractors and the removal of entry barriers, have considerable potential for improving efficiency and quality. The growth in the share of routes managed by private firms in recent years shows that privatization is a credible threat that may well stimulate improved performance among public managers. The type of reform implemented in Barcelona is of interest to all metropolitan areas large enough to operate under constant returns to scale regimes, and suitable for potential concessions of routes in segregated areas inside the metropolitan area, so as not to miss out on the benefits of economies of density.
This paper conducts an empirical analysis of the relationship between privatization and regulation drawing on data from a wide sample of European airports. We find that privatization promotes a shift from basic regulation to a situation of more detailed or non-regulation, depending on the specific characteristics of the privatization process and on the type of airport being privatized. Moreover, we report a significant association between high traffic volumes and more detailed regulation. By contrast, airports where slot allocation is noncoordinated are significantly associated with non-regulation.
Este artigo de revisão sistemática tem por objetivo citar os métodos de identificação humana por meio da radiologia, utilizados em odontologia legal. Para isso, realizou-se revisão de literatura com 19 trabalhos selecionados dentre 45 encontrados, após aplicação de critérios de inclusão. Há diversas técnicas radiológicas que podem ser utilizadas para auxiliar na identificação humana, tanto individual como geral, incluindo a determinação do gênero, do grupo étnico e, principalmente, da idade. A análise de radiografias e tomografias ante-mortem e post-mortem tornou-se uma ferramenta fundamental nos processos de identificação em odontologia legal, principalmente com o refinamento das técnicas adquiridas com o avanço da própria radio-logia e com a incorporação da informática. Conclui-se que a partir do conhecimento adequado dos métodos disponíveis, o profissional em odontologia legal pode optar pelo método que melhor preencha as características necessárias para o sucesso da identificação, tendo cuidado na aplicação correta da técnica e na interpretação precisa das informações obtidas.
Is "treaty shopping" in international investment law "legitimate nationality planning" or "treaty abuse"? This is the question investment arbitral tribunals have been increasingly faced with over past years. This PhD thesis will examine in a systematic and comprehensive manner investment arbitral decisions that have attempted to draw this line. It will show that while some legal approaches taken by arbitral tribunals have started to consolidate, others remain unsettled, contributing to the picture of an overall inconsistent jurisprudence. The thesis will also make proposals de lege ferenda on how States could reform their international investment agreements in order to make them less susceptible to the practice of treaty shopping.
Tampere University of Technology is undergoing a degree reform that started in 2013. One of the major changes in the reform was the integration of compulsory Finnish, Swedish and English language courses to substance courses at the bachelor level. The integration of content and language courses aims at higher quality language learning, more fluency in studies, and increased motivation toward language studies. In addition, integration is an opportunity to optimize the use of resources and to offer courses that are more tailored to the students' field of study and to the skills needed in working life. The reform also aims to increase and develop co-operation between different departments at the university and to develop scientific follow up. This paper gives an overview of the integration process conducted at TUT and gives examples of adjunct CLIL implementations in three different languages.
Aquest treball pretén desenvolupar algunes de les diferents responsabilitats en què pot incórrer el representant persona física de l'administrador persona jurídica d'una societat mercantil.
The question of the age of fingermarks is often raised in investigations and trials when suspects admit that they have left their fingermarks at a crime scene but allege that the contact occurred at a different time than the crime and for legal reasons. In the first part of this review article, examples from American appellate court cases will be used to demonstrate that there is a lack of consensus among American courts regarding the admissibility and weight of testimony from expert witnesses who provide opinions about the age of fingermarks. Of course, these issues are not only encountered in America but have also been reported elsewhere, for example in Europe. The disparity in the way fingermark dating cases were managed in these examples is probably due to the fact that no methodology has been validated and accepted by the forensic science community so far. The second part of this review article summarizes the studies reported on fingermark dating in the literature and highlights the fact that most proposed methodologies still suffer from limitations preventing their use in practice. Nevertheless, several approaches based on the evolution of aging parameters detected in fingermark residue over time appear to show promise for the fingermark dating field. Based on these approaches, the definition of a formal methodological framework for fingermark dating cases is proposed in order to produce relevant temporal information. This framework identifies which type of information could and should be obtained about fingermark aging and what developments are still required to scientifically address dating issues.
L’estudi que es presenta a continuació té l’objectiu d’analitzar el desenvolupament curricular del bloc de continguts d’activitats al medi natural de l’assignatura d’Educació Física de la ciutat de Vic i de les poblacions situades en un radi de 10 kilòmetres. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, primerament s’ha realitzat un procés d’aproximació a les activitats al medi natural en l’educació, aprofundint en les característiques d’aquestes activitats en els centres, en la poca pràctica i els factors de limitació que tenen. A partir d’aquí, s’ha fet l’estudi amb una mostra formada de 29 professors d’Educació Física dels diferents cursos de la ESO. Per tal de realitzar la recerca i l’anàlisi, s’ha emprat una metodologia quantitativa de caràcter explicatiu, transversal i quasi experimental, i s’ha utilitzat l’instrument corresponent al qüestionari. Aquest, ha estat elaborat prenent com a referència el de l’estudi de Peñarrubia et al.(2011). Els resultats que s’han obtingut demostren que el bloc d’activitats al medi natural és el menys treballat per part del professors d’Educació Física, que un 14% del professorat no les treballa i dels que si ho fan un 68% les realitzen només una vegada a l’any. També destacar que aquests continguts no es treballen en el 33% dels cursos de la zona estudiada. Pel què fa els continguts més treballats destaquen l’orientació seguit del senderisme. Referent als factors de limitació destaquen la responsabilitat civil del professor i l’horari de classe com els més condicionants. Pel què fa a les activitats, l’escalada esdevé l’activitat on els factors de limitació influeixen més mentre que en l’orientació i el senderisme tenen poca importància. D’aquesta manera es pot veure una estreta relació entre els factors de limitació d’aquestes activitats i la poca pràctica d’aquestes en els centres educatius estudiats.
This article presents the basic ideas that oriented the elaboration of the new Chemistry Curriculum for the High Schools in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The main features of traditional Brazilian Chemistry Curriculum are critically discussed, namely, the excessive number of concepts, the overemphasis in procedures and rituals instead of chemical principles and the lack of relationship between the concepts and the social, technological and environmental contexts. Trying to overcome these features, the proposed curriculum deals with a fewer number of concepts, clearly related in a conceptual structure, opening space to a balanced emphasis on phenomena, theory and representation, and on conceptual and contextual aspects of chemical knowledge.
[spa] Actualmente, nos encontramos inmersos en un proceso de globalización y tecnificación al que las Administraciones públicas, como parte integrante de l a sociedad, no pueden permanecer ajenas. Todas las Administraciones, en sus distintos niveles y ámbitos de actuación, han introducido en su actividad las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y han puesto en marcha un proceso transformación de carácter cultural, organizativo y jurídico que ha fructificado en un nuevo modelo de gestión de la actividad pública conocido bajo el nombre de Administración electrónica. El uso de las nuevas tecnologías y la transición de una Administración «en pa pel» a una Administración electrónica han conllevado una serie de reformas de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico: nuevas normas y reforma de otras ya existentes que regulan los aspectos técnicos derivados de la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de la Administración, así como los derechos y garantías de los que están revestidos los ciudadanos cuando se relacionan con la Administración por medios telemáticos. Con este telón de fondo, podemos definir un elenco de principios que regirán la actuación de la Administración electrónica y en los que se erigen como protagonistas aquellos que persiguen garantizar la igualdad y la no discriminación de los ciudadanos, combatiendo la denominada brecha digital.
Amb aquest projecte de pràctiques pretenc concretar actuacions en relació amb els àmbits prototípics d'intervenció en l'educació formal, com són l'atenció a la diversitat (concretament dins del Programa de Diversificació Curricular) i l'acció tutorial amb una perspectiva inclusiva. Per aquest motiu, el meu pràcticum actuarà principalment a nivell acadèmic i d'orientació professional i personal de l'alumnat de l'Aula Oberta del S.I. Badalona. Concretament s'actuarà en l'assessorament curricular (incidint en la competència social) dins de l'àmbit sociolingüístic i en la seva orientació acadèmica i professional.
Partiendo de la difundida distinción, entre unos ordenamientos jurídicos abiertos, como el derecho inglés y el anglo americano, que se vinculan en el pasado al Derecho Romano, y otros cerrados o codificados, como los derechos del continente europeo, y tras detenernos en el origen terminológico de ambos sistemas y en su rígida contraposición, se procura destacar en este trabajo que Roma y su Derecho tampoco abrazan en toda su pureza, un sistema abierto.