589 resultados para Landsat ETM


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Cincias Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, 2015.


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Tese (doutorado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Cincias Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Ps Graduao em Geografia, 2015.


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Cincias Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Geografia, 2015.


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Education is one of the main industries in the world, which needs to focus more than other types of industries. As Mandela said, Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world (www.brainyquote.com). Global economic recession era put serious pressure on private Higher Education Institutions (HEI), which resulted as decrease in the university spending`s budget. Therefore, HEI forced to develop more competitive ways to find new financial resources for rapid technological and organizational changes (Savsar, 2012). Students are the motive of being of Higher Education. The aim of this study is to implement mportance-Satisfaction Analysis (IPA) matrix to evaluate the student`s satisfaction and assess importance of different attributes in terms of student`s perception. The students that participated in this study enrolled in the present academic year, 2015/2016, in the Economics and Administration Faculty-Qafqaz University. In order to perform study, survey method applied to collect the data and number of received valid questionnaire were 266. Questionnaire used to collect demographic information of students, identify importance given to each attribute and satisfaction degree of each attribute. Descriptive analysis used to identify profile of respondents, also find satisfaction and importance degree for each attributes. To evaluate differences between groups, built association between variables, find relation between variables and answering to the research hypothesis inferential analysis applied. Moreover, IPA matrix was been used to explore the attributes that needs improvement that perceived as attributes that are more important for the students. The result showed that generally students are satisfied with service quality offered by HEI-on sample of the Qafqaz University. In addition, research found that there are no differences in overall satisfaction and importance by department, gender, academic year and grade point average. IPA matrix highlighted the main attributes, which performs well, namely Academic Services and Teaching aspects, and in another hand needs to concentrate in Undergraduate program and External Relations. In addition, research found that loyalty of students is very low and there is a negative correlation between loyalty and satisfaction.


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A ocupao das margens do Ribeiro dos Pinheirinhos gerou fragmentao da mata ciliar, afetando a dinmica ambiental do municpio de Brotas, So Paulo. Neste sentido, os diagnsticos ambientais podem atuar como subsdio indispensvel para aes de minimizao dos impactos ao meio a mdio e longo prazo. O objetivo do trabalho foi diagnosticar as reas de preservao permanente associadas aos recursos hdricos da bacia do Ribeiro dos Pinheirinhos, visando determinao de reas prioritrias restaurao florestal e manuteno hidrolgica. Foi utilizado um banco de dados cartogrfico digital e o SIG IDRISI Andes para anlise espacial e processamento de imagens de satlite LandSat. Foram gerados mapas de: (i) uso e cobertura do solo, pela aplicao do algoritmo de classificao supervisionada de mxima verossimilhana; (ii) uso e cobertura do solo nas reas de preservao permanente associadas a os recursos hdricos; (iii) distncia s nascentes; e (iv) reas prioritrias restaurao florestal. Houve predomnio dos cultivos agrcolas e solo exposto (73,70%), restando apenas 23,14% de remanescentes florestais. Foi observado que 32,09% das reas de preservao permanente esto ocupadas inadequadamente, indicando a necessidade de investimento para conservao dos remanescentes florestais, melhor planejamento quanto ao uso do solo e adequao legislao por parte dos rgos pblicos responsveis, uma vez que 68,45% da rea total foi classificada com prioridade alta a muito alta restaurao, percentual que tende a aumentar com o avano das fronteiras agrcolas.


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Este teste espacial e o primeiro de uma serie de uso civil que utiliza uma concepo de imageamento optoeletrnica onde as imagens so obtidas atravs da separao ptica de diferentes bandas do espectro eletromagntico visvel.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compartimentar a sub-bacia do Baixo Rio Piracicaba - SP, em unidades homogneas quanto potencialidade eroso visando a subsidiar o gerenciamento ambiental. A importncia desta pesquisa concentra-se no intenso desenvolvimento dos processos erosivos na rea em foco e na sua importncia socioeconmica em nveis estadual e nacional. O procedimento adotado para atingir o objetivo foi a anlise da rede de drenagem e dos lineamentos obtidos pelas imagens TM/Landsat-5. O resultado obtido foi a diviso da rea em quatro compartimentos quanto potencialidade eroso: muito alta, alta, mdia e baixa. Concluiu-se que a rea estudada heterognea, com regies sujeitas a diferentes intensidades de processos erosivos e que a sistemtica adotada se mostrou eficiente para caracterizar as compartimentaes fisiogrficas da potencialidade erosiva, e essas compartimentaes podem e devem ser utilizadas como ponto de partida para estudos ambientais e de utilizao do territrio, em consonncia com o desenvolvimento sustentvel.


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On Rio Grande do Norte northern coast the process of sediment transport are intensely controlled by wind and sea (waves and currents) action, causing erosion and shoreline morphological instability. Due to the importance of such coastal zone it was realized the multi-spectral mapping and physical-chemical characterization of mudflats and mangroves aiming to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process on the oil fields of Macau and Serra installed at the study area. The multi-spectral bands of 2000 and 2008 LANDSAT 5 TM images were submitted on the several digital processing steps and RGB color compositions integrating spectral bands and Principal Components. Such processing methodology was important to the mapping of different units on surface, together with field works. It was possible to make an analogy of the spectral characteristics of wetlands with vegetations areas (mangrove), showing the possibility to make a restoration of this area, contributing with the environmental monitoring of that ecosystem. The maps of several units were integrated in GIS environment at 1:60,000 scale, including the classification of features according to the presence or absence of vegetation cover. Thus, the strategy of methodology established that there are 10.13 km2 at least of sandy-muddy and of these approximately 0.89 km2 with the possibility to be used in a reforestation of typical flora of mangrove. The physical-chemical characterization showed areas with potential to introduce local species of mangrove and they had a pH above neutral with a mean of 8.4. The characteristic particle size is sand in the fine fractions, the high levels of carbonate, organic matter and major and trace element in general are concentrated where the sediment had the less particles size, showing the high correlation that those elements have with smaller particles of sediment. The application of that methodological strategy is relevant to the better understanding of features behavior and physical-chemical data of sediment samples collected on field allow the analysis of efficiency/capability of sandy-muddy to reforestation with local mangrove species for mitigation of the erosive action and coastal processes on the areas occupied by the oil industry


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This work presents the results of a survey in oil-producing region of the Macau City, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. All work was performed under the Project for Monitoring Environmental Change and the Influence of Hydrodynamic forcing on Morphology Beach Grass Fields, Serra Potiguar in Macau, with the support of the Laboratory of Geoprocessing, linked to PRH22 - Training Program in Geology Geophysics and Information Technology Oil and Gas - Department of Geology/CCET/UFRN and the Post-Graduation in Science and Engineering Oil/PPGCEP/UFRN. Within the economic-ecological context, this paper assesses the importance of mangrove ecosystem in the region of Macau and its surroundings as well as in the following investigative exploration of potential areas for projects involving reforestation and / or Environmental Restoration. At first it was confirmed the ecological potential of mangrove forests, with primary functions: (i) protection and stabilization of the shoreline, (ii) nursery of marine life, and (iii) source of organic matter to aquatic ecosystems, (iv) refuge of species, among others. In the second phase, using Landsat imagery and techniques of Digital Image Processing (DIP), I came across about 18,000 acres of land that can be worked on environmental projects, being inserted in the rules signed the Kyoto Protocol to the market carbon. The results also revealed a total area of 14,723.75 hectares of activity of shrimp production and salting that can be harnessed for the social, economic and environmental potential of the region, considering that over 60% of this area, ie, 8,800 acres, may be used in the planting of the genus Avicennia considered by the literature that the species best sequesters atmospheric carbon, reaching a mean value of 59.79 tons / ha of mangrove


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Geocincias, Programa de Ps-Graduao Stricto Sensu em Geocincias Aplicadas, 2016.


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Le nerprun bourdaine (Rhamnus frangula L.) est une espce exotique qui envahit plusieurs rgions du sud du Qubec, et plus particulirement la rgion administrative de l'Estrie. Actuellement, on connat encore peu l'cologie de l'espce dans le contexte qubcois et il nexiste pas de portrait densemble de sa distribution dans les forts tempres de cette rgion. Dans ce contexte, le premier objectif du projet tait de cartographier par tldtection la distribution du nerprun bourdaine dans deux secteurs de l'Estrie. Un second objectif tait d'valuer les variables environnementales dterminantes pour expliquer le recouvrement de nerprun bourdaine. La phnologie du nerprun bourdaine diffre de celle de la plupart des espces indignes arborescentes puisque ses feuilles tombent plus tard en automne. Cette caractristique a permis de cartographier, par dmixage spectral, la probabilit d'occurrence du nerprun bourdaine grce une srie temporelle d'images du capteur OLI de Landsat 8. Le recouvrement du nerprun bourdaine a t calcul dans 119 placettes sur le terrain. La cartographie rsultante a montr un accord de 69% avec les donnes terrain. Une image SPOT-7, dont la rsolution spatiale est plus fine, a ensuite t utilise, mais na pas permis d'amliorer la cartographie, puisque la date dacquisition de limage ntait pas optimale d un manque de disponibilit. Concernant le second objectif de la recherche, la variable la plus significative pour expliquer la prsence de nerprun bourdaine tait la densit du peuplement, ce qui suggre que louverture de la couverture forestire pourrait favoriser lenvahissement. Nanmoins, les rsultats tendent dmontrer que le nerprun bourdaine est une espce gnraliste qui sadapte bien plusieurs conditions environnementales.


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Le nerprun bourdaine (Rhamnus frangula L.) est une espce exotique qui envahit plusieurs rgions du sud du Qubec, et plus particulirement la rgion administrative de l'Estrie. Actuellement, on connat encore peu l'cologie de l'espce dans le contexte qubcois et il nexiste pas de portrait densemble de sa distribution dans les forts tempres de cette rgion. Dans ce contexte, le premier objectif du projet tait de cartographier par tldtection la distribution du nerprun bourdaine dans deux secteurs de l'Estrie. Un second objectif tait d'valuer les variables environnementales dterminantes pour expliquer le recouvrement de nerprun bourdaine. La phnologie du nerprun bourdaine diffre de celle de la plupart des espces indignes arborescentes puisque ses feuilles tombent plus tard en automne. Cette caractristique a permis de cartographier, par dmixage spectral, la probabilit d'occurrence du nerprun bourdaine grce une srie temporelle d'images du capteur OLI de Landsat 8. Le recouvrement du nerprun bourdaine a t calcul dans 119 placettes sur le terrain. La cartographie rsultante a montr un accord de 69% avec les donnes terrain. Une image SPOT-7, dont la rsolution spatiale est plus fine, a ensuite t utilise, mais na pas permis d'amliorer la cartographie, puisque la date dacquisition de limage ntait pas optimale d un manque de disponibilit. Concernant le second objectif de la recherche, la variable la plus significative pour expliquer la prsence de nerprun bourdaine tait la densit du peuplement, ce qui suggre que louverture de la couverture forestire pourrait favoriser lenvahissement. Nanmoins, les rsultats tendent dmontrer que le nerprun bourdaine est une espce gnraliste qui sadapte bien plusieurs conditions environnementales.


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Modifications in vegetation cover can have an impact on the climate through changes in biogeochemical and biogeophysical processes. In this paper, the tree canopy cover percentage of a savannah-like ecosystem (montado/dehesa) was estimated at Landsat pixel level for 2011, and the role of different canopy cover percentages on land surface albedo (LSA) and land surface temperature (LST) were analysed. A modelling procedure using a SGB machine-learning algorithm and Landsat 5-TM spectral bands and derived vegetation indices as explanatory variables, showed that the estimation of montado canopy cover was obtained with good agreement (R2 = 78.4%). Overall, montado canopy cover estimations showed that low canopy cover class (MT_1) is the most representative with 50.63% of total montado area. MODIS LSA and LST products were used to investigate the magnitude of differences in mean annual LSA and LST values between contrasting montado canopy cover percentages. As a result, it was found a significant statistical relationship between montado canopy cover percentage and mean annual surface albedo (R2 = 0.866, p < 0.001) and surface temperature (R2 = 0.942, p < 0.001). The comparisons between the four contrasting montado canopy cover classes showed marked differences in LSA (2 = 192.17, df = 3, p < 0.001) and LST (2 = 318.18, df = 3, p < 0.001). The highest montado canopy cover percentage (MT_4) generally had lower albedo than lowest canopy cover class, presenting a difference of 11.2% in mean annual albedo values. It was also showed that MT_4 and MT_3 are the cooler canopy cover classes, and MT_2 and MT_1 the warmer, where MT_1 class had a difference of 3.42 C compared with MT_4 class. Overall, this research highlighted the role that potential changes in montado canopy cover may play in local land surface albedo and temperature variations, as an increase in these two biogeophysical parameters may potentially bring about, in the long term, local/regional climatic changes moving towards greater aridity.


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O uso de imagens de satlite um dos caminhos mais econmicos e representativos do comportamento agrcola de uma propriedade, pois as informaes contidas nas imagens orbitais fornecem respostas rpidas, confiveis e essenciais para o mapeamento eficiente dessas reas. Dentre as informaes obtidas pelas imagens esto os ndices de vegetao (IV), geralmente, a vegetao em bom desenvolvimento vegetativo absorve a radiao na regio do visvel para a realizao a fotossntese. A intensidade da resposta mais relevante quanto mais desenvolvida estiver a planta, portanto, o IV reflete o estado de desenvolvimento da cultura, bem como a probabilidade de rendimento. Dentre os ndices mais utilizados atualmente destaca-se o ndice de Vegetao por Diferena Normalizada (NDVI), bastante utilizado nos estudos de caracterizao e monitoramento da vegetao. Possui uma escala de variao linear entre ? 1 e 1, indicador da quantidade e condio da vegetao, estando ligado diretamente ao tipo, a densidade e umidade da superfcie. Huete (1988) props uma modificao do NDVI com intuito de minimizar os efeitos da variabilidade, do tipo e densidade da vegetao, criando assim o ndice de Vegetao ajustado ao Solo (SAVI). O objetivo do estudo espacializar, gerar mapas temticos, e verificar atravs dos IV?s as condies de cobertura vegetal dos solos no DITALPI, no ano de 2014, a partir de anlises espectrais de imagens do satlite Landsat - 8, sensor OLI e TIRS, utilizando tcnicas de sensoriamento remoto.


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The current study approaches the sugarcane culture expansion in Southwestern Gois, especially in Mineiros, Quirinpolis and Rio Verde counties, which represent different times and responses to this process. The current logistics structure and future prospects for sugarcane and its derivatives transportation are studied at national level with emphasis to the aforementioned micro-region. Maps showing land use and land cover in three different years were generated from Landsat TM-5 satellite images and they were used to analyze the dynamics of changes in land use and in land cover. The region is marked by strong and rapid growth in the agricultural sector and its sugar-energy industry has been expanding in recent years, although with different aspects among its counties. Since it is a promising region in this sector, due to the favorable soil and weather conditions to the crop, the region requires more investment and planning in logistics to ensure production flow and to make it stronger within domestic and foreign markets.