666 resultados para Lahtinen, Anu
The objectives of this master’s thesis were to understand the importance of bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) conditions and to find out how digital image processing and acoustic emission technology can help in monitoring the bed quality. An acoustic emission (AE) measurement system and a bottom ash camera system were evaluated in acquiring information about the bed conditions. The theory part of the study describes the fundamentals of BFB boiler and evaluates the characteristics of bubbling bed. Causes and effects of bed material coarsening are explained. The ways and methods to monitor the behaviour of BFB are determined. The study introduces the operating principles of AE technology and digital image processing. The empirical part of the study describes an experimental arrangement and results of a case study at an industrial BFB boiler. Sand consumption of the boiler was reduced by optimization of bottom ash handling and sand feeding. Furthermore, data from the AE measurement system and the bottom ash camera system was collected. The feasibility of these two systems was evaluated. The particle size of bottom ash and the changes in particle size distribution were monitored during the test period. Neither of the systems evaluated was ready to serve in bed quality control accurately or fast enough. Particle size distributions according to the bottom ash camera did not correspond to the results of manual sieving. Comprehensive interpretation of the collected AE data requires much experience. Both technologies do have potential and with more research and development they may enable acquiring reliable and real-time information about the bed conditions. This information could help to maintain disturbance-free combustion process and to optimize bottom ash handling system.
The present study focuses on the biochemical aspects of six islands belonging to Lakshadweep Archipelago – namely Kavaratti, Kadamath, Kiltan, Androth, Agathy and Minicoy. Lakshadweep, which is an area biologically significant due to isolation from the major coastline, remains as one of the least studied areas in Indian Ocean. The work, processed out the distributional pattern of trace metals among the biotic (corols, sea weeds and sea grass) and abiotic component (sediments) of ecosystem. An effort is made to picturise the spatial distribution pattern of different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the various sedimentary environments of the study area. Studies on the biogeochemical and nutrient aspects of the concerned study area scanty. In Lakshadweep, the local life is very dependent on reefs and its resources. The important stress which produce a threatening effort on the existence for coral reefs are anthropogenic-namely-organic and inorganic pollution from sewage, agricultural and industrial waters, sediment damage from excessive land cleaning, and over exploitation particularly through destructive fishing methods. In addition these one other more localized or less service anthropogenic stress: pollution by oil and other hydrocarbons, complex organic molecular and heavy metal pollution, and destructive engineering practices.
In the present study dopamine was measured in the hypothalamus, brainstem, pancreatic islets and plasma, using HPLC. Dopamine D2 receptor changes in the hypothalamus, brainstem and pancreatic islets were studied using [3H] YM-09151-2 in streptozotocin-induced diabetic and insulintreated diabetic rats. There was a significant decrease in dopatnine content in the hypothalamus (P<0.001), brainstem (P<0.001), pancreatic islets (P<0.001) and plasma (P<0.00I) in diabetic rats when compared to control. Scatchard analysis of [3H] YM-09151-2 in the hypothalamus of diabetic rats showed a significant decrease in Bax (P<0.001) and Kd, showing an increased affinity of D2 receptors when compared to control. Insulin treatment did not completely reverse the changes that occurred during diabetes. There was a significant decrease in B,nax (P<0.01) with decreased affinity in the brainstem of diabetic rats. The islet membrane preparation of diabetic rats showed a significant decrease (P<0.001) in the binding of [3H] YM-09 151-2 with decreased Kd (P<0.001) compared to control. The increase in affinity of D2 receptors in hypothalamus and pancreatic islets and the decreased affinity in brainstem were confirmed by competition analysis. Thus our results suggest that the decreased dopamine D, receptor function in the hypothalamus, brainstem and pancreas affects insulin secretion in diabetic rats, which has immense clinical relevance to the management of diabetes.
Neuroscience is the study of'tbe ne rvous system , including the i - ; . in, spinal cord and peripheral nerves . Neurons are the basic cells of the brain and nervous system which exerts its functional role through various neurotransmitters and receptor systems . The activity of a nen ren depends on the balance between the number of excitatory and inhibito r y processes affecting it, both processes occurring individually and sin ,tlte-' ,ieously. The functional bal,ince of different neurotransmitters such as Acct >>lcholine (Ach), Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-1-17), Nor epinepbri,te (N.1 j, Epinephrine (LPI), Glutamate and Gamma amino butyric acid (GA BA) regulates the growth , division and other vital functions ofa normal cell / organisin (Sudha, 1 998). The micro-environ ; nertt of the cell is controlled / the macro-environment that surrounds the individual. Any change in the cell environment causes imbalance in cell homeostasis and f,ntction. Pollution is a significant cause of imbalance caused iii the inacYcenvironment. Interaction with polluted environments can have an adverse impact on the health of humans. The alarming rise in enviromilmieil cont.iniin :rtion has been linked to rises in levels of pesticides, ndltstr al effluents, domestic Waste, car exhausts and other anthropogenic activities. Persistent exposures to contaminant cause a negative imp,-, on brain health and development . Pollution also causes a change in the neurotransmitters and their receptor function leading to earl.;' recurrence of neurodcge,terative disorders such as flypoxia , Alzbeimers's and Huntington 's disease early in life.
The recent developments in neurobiology have rendered new prominence and potential to study about the structure and function of brain and related disorders. Human behaviour is the net result of neural control of the communication between brain cells. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are used to relay, amplify and modulate electrical signals between neurons and/or another cell. It mediates rapid intercellular communication through the nervous system by interacting with cell surface receptors. These receptors often trigger second messenger signaling pathways that regulate the activity of ion channels. The functional balance of different neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine (Ach), Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-HT), Norepinephrine (NE), Epinephrine (EPI), Glutamate and Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) regulates the growth, division and other vital functions of a normal cell / organism (Sudha, 1998). Any change in neurotransmitters' functional balance will result in the failure of cell function and may lead to the occurrence of diseases. Abnormalities in the production or functioning of neurotransmitters have been implicated in a number of neurological disorders like Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Epilepsy, Depression and Parkinson's disease. Changes in central and peripheral neuronal signaling system is also noted in diabetes, cancer, cell proliferation, alcoholism and aging. Elucidation of neurotransmitters receptor interaction pathways and gene expression regulation by second messengers and transcriptional factors in health and disease conditions can lead to new small molecules for development of therapeutic agents to improve neurological disease conditions. Increased awareness of the global effects of neurological disorders should help health care planners and the neurological community set appropriate priorities in research, prevention, and management of these diseases.
Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Present work deals with the Preparation and characterization of high-k aluminum oxide thin films by atomic layer deposition for gate dielectric applications.The ever-increasing demand for functionality and speed for semiconductor applications requires enhanced performance, which is achieved by the continuous miniaturization of CMOS dimensions. Because of this miniaturization, several parameters, such as the dielectric thickness, come within reach of their physical limit. As the required oxide thickness approaches the sub- l nm range, SiO 2 become unsuitable as a gate dielectric because its limited physical thickness results in excessive leakage current through the gate stack, affecting the long-term reliability of the device. This leakage issue is solved in the 45 mn technology node by the integration of high-k based gate dielectrics, as their higher k-value allows a physically thicker layer while targeting the same capacitance and Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT). Moreover, Intel announced that Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) would be applied to grow these materials on the Si substrate. ALD is based on the sequential use of self-limiting surface reactions of a metallic and oxidizing precursor. This self-limiting feature allows control of material growth and properties at the atomic level, which makes ALD well-suited for the deposition of highly uniform and conformal layers in CMOS devices, even if these have challenging 3D topologies with high aspect-ratios. ALD has currently acquired the status of state-of-the-art and most preferred deposition technique, for producing nano layers of various materials of technological importance. This technique can be adapted to different situations where precision in thickness and perfection in structures are required, especially in the microelectronic scenario.
The intention of the present thesis work is to understand the physical processes responsible for climatic variability and predictability of the Indian subcontinent. The study is expected to delineate and emphasize the various boundaries and areas of transition and bring out the regional and temporal characteristics of the meteorological distribution of the country. The results obtained from the study is expected to provide a better understanding the physics of Indian cl imate, which can be incorporated for numerical weather prediction. The results obtained from the present study can be incorporated for climate modelling and long-term prediction of the meteorological parameters over Indian subcontinent
The distribution of three important dissolved forms of nitrogen, viz. nitrate, nitrite and urea in the surface and bottom water samples collected from 27 selected hydrographic profiles, in the Arabian Sea, along the west coast of India is described. Of the three forms, nitrate concentrations were the highest and comparatively higher concentrations were observed in the bottom water. Decomposition of organic matter resulting in the release of the thermodynamically stable nitrogen species, i.e. nitrate, may be the major factor resulting in higher nitrate concentrations at these depths, where the water is also characterized by low values of dissolved oxygen and temperature. The significant positive correlation between A.O.U. and nitrate of the bottom water samples emphasizes the role of oxidative decomposition of organic matter which plays an active role in reducing the oxygen concentrations below the theoretical values since at this depth ( 200 m) the net production is taken to be zero. This is also evidenced by the negative correlation of nitrate with dissolved oxygen and temperature, for the bottom samples
Random genetic changes generated during in vitro culture are not desirable for plant micropropagation and genetic transformation. RAPD markers were used to detect the variation in leaf disc callus cultures of Jatropha curcas, maintained in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with different auxin and cytokinin combinations. In total 41 scorable bands were produced with 11 primers. Out of 41 bands, 37 were polymorphic (91.12%). The average number of polymorphic bands was 3.36 per primer. The highest similarity (0.82) with mother plant was seen in callus maintained on MS with hormonal combination Indole butyric acid - 0.4mg/l+ N6-benzyladenine purine - 4.0 mg/l. The callus grown on MS with hormonal combinations IBA- 0.4mg/l+ BAP- 2.0mg/l, IBA- 0.4mg/l+ BAP- 2.5mg/l and IBA- 0.6 mg/l+ BAP- 2.0 mg/l also showed similarity with the mother plant. Callus maintained on MS with hormonal combination IBA- 0.2mg/l+ BAP- 2.0 mg/l was found to show least similarity (0.53) with mother plant
El siguiente documento da a conocer el comportamiento de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) de los países denominados BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) en Colombia. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en el presente trabajo, se realizó un análisis general de la IED entrante en el país suramericano que buscaba establecer los principales inversores; además de determinar los sectores más atractivos. Posteriormente, se observó la magnitud de la inversión que realizan los países BRIC en Colombia y en el mundo, con el fin de efectuar una comparación que permitiera determinar que tan significativa es la inversión que se realiza en el Estado Colombiano frente a la que es efectuada por estas naciones a nivel global. Igualmente, se consideró las industrias a las que la IED está dirigida, el grado de beneficio que representa para la población y si existe la posibilidad de enfocarla hacia otros sectores estratégicos o si se recomienda encauzarla hacia aquellos que hoy en día son el principal foco de inversión.
Este capítulo es la introducción del anuario, por lo que anticipa las temáticas desarrolladas en los siguientes apartados. Estudio realizado por el Grupo de Investigación y de Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES) del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.
Este cap??tulo forma parte del apartado dedicado al sistema escolar de las Islas Baleares. Estudio realizado por el Grupo de Investigaci??n y de Formaci??n Educativa y Social (GIFES) del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educaci??n de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n, disponible en castellano y catal??n
Este capítulo forma parte del apartado dedicado al sistema escolar de las Islas Baleares. Estudio realizado por el Grupo de Investigación y de Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES) del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Resumen tomado de la publicación, disponible en castellano y catalán
Este capítulo forma parte del apartado dedicado al sistema escolar de las Islas Baleares. Estudio realizado por el Grupo de Investigación y de Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES) del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Resumen tomado de la publicación, disponible en castellano y catalán