813 resultados para Lönnqvist, Kenneth


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Essential oils are good candidates for the substitution of conventional medicinal treatments. Many articles and patents for their use have been published in recent years. The most attractive aspects of using essential oils as medicaments are their natural source and rapid permeability. Besides permeability, the solubility behavior of a drug is a key determinant of its oral bioavailability. Based on these characteristics, the aim of this study was to synthesize an essential oil derivative compound, using the raw oil extracted from Syzygium aromaticum L., without previous purification. The Eugenol molecular modification may diminish the problems of water solubility and bioavailability. The Eugenyl acetate molecule was characterized and its molecular modification investigated, including its structural properties and stereochemistry. This study was performed applying techniques, such as carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (C-13 NMR), X-ray crystallographic analysis (XRD), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and microscopic recording.


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Eugenol is the main volatile compound extracted oil from clove bud, Syzygium aromaticum L., and used in traditional medicine, as a bactericide, fungicide, anesthetic, and others. Its extraction was performed using hydrodistillation which is the most common extraction technique. Its components and thermal behavior were evaluated using gas chromatography (GC) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), which provide a better characterization of these natural compounds. This extracted product was compared to the standard eugenol results. The GC results suggested similar to 90% eugenol was found in the total extracted oil, and some of its boiling characteristics were 270.1 A degrees C for peak temperature and 244.1 J g(-1) for the enthalpy variation.


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Carpentry students from the New York Trade School at work during a class. Black and white photograph.


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Syftet med litteraturstudien var att kartlägga sjuksköterskans och patientens syn på egenvård vid typ två diabetes. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Materialsökningen har skett via facklitteratur, Internet samt databaserna Blackwell Synergy, EBSCO HOST, Elin@Dalarna och Ovid. Sökorden var diabetes, education, empowerment, management, nurse, nursing, patient, satisfaction, selfcare. Totalt användes 31 referenser till studien varav 16 empiriska artiklar låg till grund för resultatet. Artiklarna granskades med hjälp av Forsberg & Wengströms modifierade granskningsmall. Av resultatet framkom att sjuksköterskorna och patienterna önskade att de hade mer tid för att tillgodose patientens önskemål. Sjuksköterskorna hindrades av tidsbristen och det påverkade patienterna, vilket ledde till att patienterna inte kunde utveckla sig i hanteringen av sin egenvård. Patienterna önskade även att tillgängligheten av sjuksköterskor fanns kontinuerligt så att de kunde få svar på sina frågor och funderingar kring sin egenvård. Mer ansvar borde läggas på en sjuksköterska som arbetade självständig med diabetespatienter då detta tenderade till att patienterna fick empowerment och ökad kunskap om sin egenvård. Patienterna hade erfarenhet av olika utbildningar som ledde till att deras egenvård förbättrades. Sjuksköterskorna önskade sig mer utbildning som kunde hjälpa patienterna till en god egenvård.


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I ett antal länder har man på senare tid utvecklat statistiska modeller som ett stöd för förmedlarna att förutsäga vilka arbetslösa som riskerar att bli långtidsarbetslösa, s k profiling. I den här rapporten redovisar vi resultaten av att skatta hasardmodeller för att förutsäga vem som riskerar att bli långtidsarbetslös bland dem som registrerar sig som arbetslösa arbetssökande vid arbetsförmedlingen. Av resultaten framgår det att den skattade modellen lyckas relativt väl med att förutsäga vem som riskerar att bli arbetslös i minst sex månader – träffsäkerheten i prognoser som görs utanför modellens skattningsperiod är nästan 70 %.


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Solutions to combinatorial optimization problems, such as problems of locating facilities, frequently rely on heuristics to minimize the objective function. The optimum is sought iteratively and a criterion is needed to decide when the procedure (almost) attains it. Pre-setting the number of iterations dominates in OR applications, which implies that the quality of the solution cannot be ascertained. A small, almost dormant, branch of the literature suggests using statistical principles to estimate the minimum and its bounds as a tool to decide upon stopping and evaluating the quality of the solution. In this paper we examine the functioning of statistical bounds obtained from four different estimators by using simulated annealing on p-median test problems taken from Beasley’s OR-library. We find the Weibull estimator and the 2nd order Jackknife estimator preferable and the requirement of sample size to be about 10 being much less than the current recommendation. However, reliable statistical bounds are found to depend critically on a sample of heuristic solutions of high quality and we give a simple statistic useful for checking the quality. We end the paper with an illustration on using statistical bounds in a problem of locating some 70 distribution centers of the Swedish Post in one Swedish region. 


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Solutions to combinatorial optimization, such as p-median problems of locating facilities, frequently rely on heuristics to minimize the objective function. The minimum is sought iteratively and a criterion is needed to decide when the procedure (almost) attains it. However, pre-setting the number of iterations dominates in OR applications, which implies that the quality of the solution cannot be ascertained. A small branch of the literature suggests using statistical principles to estimate the minimum and use the estimate for either stopping or evaluating the quality of the solution. In this paper we use test-problems taken from Baesley's OR-library and apply Simulated Annealing on these p-median problems. We do this for the purpose of comparing suggested methods of minimum estimation and, eventually, provide a recommendation for practioners. An illustration ends the paper being a problem of locating some 70 distribution centers of the Swedish Post in a region.


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Solutions to combinatorial optimization problems frequently rely on heuristics to minimize an objective function. The optimum is sought iteratively and pre-setting the number of iterations dominates in operations research applications, which implies that the quality of the solution cannot be ascertained. Deterministic bounds offer a mean of ascertaining the quality, but such bounds are available for only a limited number of heuristics and the length of the interval may be difficult to control in an application. A small, almost dormant, branch of the literature suggests using statistical principles to derive statistical bounds for the optimum. We discuss alternative approaches to derive statistical bounds. We also assess their performance by testing them on 40 test p-median problems on facility location, taken from Beasley’s OR-library, for which the optimum is known. We consider three popular heuristics for solving such location problems; simulated annealing, vertex substitution, and Lagrangian relaxation where only the last offers deterministic bounds. Moreover, we illustrate statistical bounds in the location of 71 regional delivery points of the Swedish Post. We find statistical bounds reliable and much more efficient than deterministic bounds provided that the heuristic solutions are sampled close to the optimum. Statistical bounds are also found computationally affordable.


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This paper traces the developments of credit risk modeling in the past 10 years. Our work can be divided into two parts: selecting articles and summarizing results. On the one hand, by constructing an ordered logit model on historical Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes of articles about credit risk modeling, we sort out articles which are the most related to our topic. The result indicates that the JEL codes have become the standard to classify researches in credit risk modeling. On the other hand, comparing with the classical review Altman and Saunders(1998), we observe some important changes of research methods of credit risk. The main finding is that current focuses on credit risk modeling have moved from static individual-level models to dynamic portfolio models.


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Denna rapport är en utvärdering av det arbetsmarknadspolitiska projektet "Volvo Cars och dess underleverantörer", som har genomförts av Arbetsförmedlingen i samarbete med Skolverket och Svenska ESF-rådet. Den 5 juni 2009 ansökte Sveriges regering om medel hos den Europeiska globaliseringsfonen (EGF)2 för att kunna erbjuda åtgärder för personer som blivit uppsagda från Volvo Cars AB och dess underleverantörer. Syftet med projektet var att kunna erbjuda de som blivit uppsagda kompetensutveckling, nya yrkeskunskaper och möjlighet att etablera egna företag. På operativ nivå drevs projektet i samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och den kom-munala yrkesvuxenutbildningen ("Yrkesvux"). Yrkesvux i Göteborgs kommun fick i upp-drag av Skolverket att samordna den del av verksamheten som berörde kommunal yr-kesvuxenutbildning. Projektet startade 1 januari 2010 och avslutades 31 maj 2011. Enligt kommissionens beslut fick medel även användas retroaktivt för insatser som hade givits till de uppsagda i form av olika arbetsmarknadsutbildningar, det s.k. snabbspåret, under 2009 innan projektet hade startat. Av nästan 5 000 individer i målgruppen som registrerade sig vid Arbetsförmedlingen del-tog knappt en fjärdedel i projektets insatser (exkl. vägledning). Av dessa gick 55 procent i aktiviteter enbart genom Arbetsförmedlingen, 37 procent enbart genom Yrkesvux och åtta procent genom både Arbetsförmedlingen och Yrkesvux. De vanligaste förekommande utbildningsinriktningarna var industri och bygg, fordonsindustri, transport och magasine-ring, omvårdnad och handel.


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In part because of high and persistent youth unemployment, adolescent students’ transition from school to work is an important policy and research topic. Many countries have implemented public programs offering summer jobs or work while in high-school as measures to smooth the transition. While the immediate effect of the programs on school attendance, school grades, and disposable income is well documented, their effect on the transition to the labor market remains an open question. Observational studies have shown strong positive effects of summer jobs, but also that the estimated effect is highly vulnerable to selection bias. In this paper, some 3700 high-school students applying for summer jobs in the period 1995-2003,via a program, are followed to 30 years of age. A quarter of the applicants were randomly offered a summer job each year. Among the remaining students, 50% had a (non-program related) summer job while in high-school. We find the income, post high-school, for the offered and non-offered groups to be similar and conclude that the effect of summer jobs on the transition to the labor market is inconsequential.