928 resultados para Kruger, Barbara
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of phytogenic additives and glutamine plus glutamic acid, associated or not, on histomorphometry of bursa of Fabricius and small intestine, oocyst count and lesion scores, and carbon turnover of duodenal mucosa of broiler chickens infected with Eimeria acervulina. A total of 450 male broiler chickens was distributed into a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of control diet (CD); CD + coccidiosis vaccine; CD + antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidial (APE/AC); CD + glutamine and glutamic acid (Gln/Glu); CD + phytogenic additives (PA); CD + Gln/Glu + PA. Birds on treatment CD + vaccine were vaccinated via drinking water at three days of age against coccidiosis. At 16 days of age all birds of all treatments were inoculated orally and individually with 500,000 oocysts of Eimeria acervulina. There was no treatment effect on lesion score in the intestinal epithelium of birds. The smaller number of excreted oocysts was observed in groups of birds fed diets containing APE/AC and PA. Were observed better results of villus height and crypt depth for duodenum and ileum of birds of treatments containing Gln/Glu at 7 days of age, and Gln/Glu and PA at 21 days of age. Higher percentage of cortical area from bursa follicles was observed in birds fed diets supplemented with Gln/Glu and PA at 7, 14 and 21 days of age. Increased turnover of intestinal mucosa was observed in treatments containing Gln/Glu, indicating acceleration in development and regeneration of damaged tissue. Glutamine plus glutamic acid and phytogenic additives can provide improvements to structure, and thus to intestinal function, as well as to better immune response against the infectious challenges. Phytogenic additives can be used for coccidiosis control of broiler chickens where the use of antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidials is prohibited.
Lavataltiointi Brühler Schlosskonzerte -festivaaleilta 1978.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
The objective of the present study was to identify sperm abnormalities in young male patients with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). In 2005, 18 male JDM patients, diagnosed according to the criteria of Bohan and Peter, were followed at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit and Rheumatology Division, of our Institution. Of the 18 males, 11 were pre-pubertal and 7 were post-pubertal. Two of 7 post-pubertal JDM male patients were excluded: one for orchidopexy for cryptorchidism and the other for testicular ectopia in the left testis. The remaining 5 post-pubertal JDM patients were prospectively evaluated on the basis of two semen analyses, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), urologic evaluation, testicular Doppler ultrasound hormone profile. The data of the JDM patients were compared with those of 5 age-matched healthy controls. The median age 18, was similar in JDM patients and controls. All JDM patients had teratozoospermia (abnormal sperm morphology), as did 4 (80%) of the controls. One of JDM patients had previous oligoasthenoteratozoospermia treated with intravenous cyclophosphamide with normalization of the number and concentration of the sperm after 5 years. All sperm parameters (sperm concentration, total sperm count and total motile sperm count by WHO, and sperm morphology by Kruger strict criteria), testicular volumes by Prader orchidometer and ultrasound, and hormones were similar in JDM patients compared with controls. The frequency of anti-sperm antibodies was similar in both groups. All JDM patients had minor sperm abnormalities in the head, midpiece, and/or tail of spermatozoids. Serial semen analyses in larger study populations are necessary to identify the extent and duration of sperm abnormalities in male patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies.
A (mainly votive) missal consisting of seven distinct parts. Put together in several stages, somewhat haphazardly. Parts II and III are probably the oldest parts. The final stage in the composition of the book is probably the addition of part VII. Part II belongs in the same liturgical tradition as C.ö.IV.7 (Oripään Missale I), probably that of Diocese of Linköping. Part III, a votive missal, is an informal copy of a book that would most probably have been used close to a Swedish cathedral (Linköping?). How the present book found its way to Oripää chapel is not known.
O presente estudo apresenta resultados de análise química de refeições (almoço) oferecidas pelo restaurante do COSEAS (USP), por cinco dias não consecutivos. Essas refeições foram coletadas em triplicata, da mesma forma como oferecida para os usuários, sendo, a seguir, liofilizadas para as análises posteriores. No total, 15 amostras foram coletadas. A análise química de composição centesimal foi realizada segundo as técnicas padronizadas pela AOAC. O conteúdo de alguns elementos minerais (Ca, Fe, K, Na, Se e Zn) foi determinado por análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental. A validação da metodologia foi feita por meio da análise dos materiais de referência. A partir dos dados de concentração, calcularam-se os valores de ingestão de cada nutriente correspondente a esta refeição (40% da ingestão diária total), que foram avaliadas segundo as novas recomendações de nutrientes (Dietary Reference Intakes - DRIs) do National Research Council (USA), considerando a população de mulheres no estágio de vida de 19 a 30 anos. Comparando-se os valores médios encontrados com os valores recomendados, concluiu-se que: para os macronutrientes e os micronutrientes, Fe, Se e Zn, as recomendações foram atingidas; para Ca e K foram deficientes; e para Na excedeu o valor recomendado. Os radionuclídeos 40K, 60Co, 137Cs e 131I foram determinados, nas amostras de dieta, por espectrometria gama; 90Sr por cintilação em meio líquido; e 210Po, 234U, 232Th, 238U, 235U, 228Th, 230Th e 232Th por espectrometria alfa. Verificou-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos, que todos os radionuclídeos analisados se encontram muito abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela FAO.
The hydration kinetics of transgenic corn types flint DKB 245PRO, semi-flint DKB 390PRO, and dent DKB 240PRO was studied at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, and 67 °C. The concentrated parameters model was used, and it fits the experimental data well for all three cultivars. The chemical composition of the corn kernels was also evaluated. The corn cultivar influenced the initial rate of absorption and the water equilibrium concentration, and the dent corn absorbed more water than the other cultivars at the four temperatures analyzed. The effect of hydration on the kernel texture was also studied, and it was observed that there was no significant difference in the deformation force required for all three corn types analyzed with longer hydration period.
Abstract The objective of this paper is to develop a fish-based product. Through the innovative sensorial check all that apply (CATA) technique, employed in two stages of the development of the product – market research and the sensorial and hedonistic characterization of the final product – the aim was to develop a fish by-product that could respond to the needs of the consumer market. Results showed that the CATA technique is an important instrument for researching the consumer market and indicated the kind of fish by-product to be developed and its desired features. Nugget was the resulting by-product. The second application of CATA made possible the sensorial description of the by-product as being crisp, with little fish odor, light in color, well-seasoned and tasty. Therefore, the CATA technique proved to be an important research instrument in the fish consumption market as well as a quick technique for the complete description of fish nuggets.
INTRODUÇÃO: A ingestão de sal tem sido diretamente relacionada ao aumento da ingestão hídrica e, consequentemente, ao incremento dos níveis da pressão arterial (PA) e do ganho de peso interdialítico (GPID), fatores de risco de morbimortalidade em pacientes em hemodiálise (HD). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ingestão de sal e suas fontes alimentares, bem como sua associação com parâmetros demográficos, clínicos e nutricionais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal no qual participaram 109 pacientes (66% mulheres; idade = 49,0 ± 12,6 anos) de cinco centros de diálise. Para obtenção da ingestão de sal total, foi utilizado um questionário de frequência alimentar (QFA) validado somado à estimativa da ingestão de sal de adição. Os dados obtidos foram relacionados a diversos parâmetros. RESULTADOS: A ingestão de sal média foi elevada (8,6 ± 5,4 g/dia), sendo 72% proveniente do sal de adição. Apenas a escolaridade se correlacionou tanto com a ingestão de sal total (r = -0,29; p < 0,01) como com o sal de adição (r = -0,30; p < 0,01). Com o sal dos itens alimentares do QFA, houve correlação direta com o percentual de GPID (%GPID) (r = 0,26; p < 0,01) e inversa com a idade (r = -0,35; p < 0,001). Relação direta da ingestão de sal total com o %GPID foi encontrada no subgrupo de pacientes anúricos (r = 0,26; p < 0,05). Associação positiva da ingestão de sal total com a PA média (PAM) foi evidenciada apenas nos que não faziam uso de hipotensores (r = 0,35; p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A ingestão de sal total foi elevada devido, principalmente, ao sal de adição. A mesma associou-se com a escolaridade e afetou adversamente o %GPID nos pacientes anúricos e a PAM nos que não utilizavam drogas hipotensoras.
INTRODUÇÃO: A prevalência de tuberculose entre transplantados renais (TB-TXR) é maior do que na população geral. Assim, objetivamos realizar uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise da prevalência de TB-TXR. MÉTODOS: Após buscas eletrônicas e revisão de referências, estimou-se a prevalência agrupada de TB-TXR e realizou-se meta-regressão. Como referência para comparações, utilizou-se a prevalência de TB na população geral (0,18%; 95% IC = 0,16-0,20). RESULTADOS: Foram triados 253 estudos e 41 incluídos. A prevalência agrupada de TB-TXR foi 2,51% (95% IC = 2,17-2,85). Na meta-regressão, amostra > 2501 e alta prevalência de TB na população geral (p < 0,05) permaneceram associadas com a prevalência de TB-TXR. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência agrupada de TB-TXR encontrada foi 14 vezes maior do que a prevalência de TB na população geral e, dessa forma, destacamos a necessidade de que o planejamento de medidas de prevenção e controle da TB específicas para este grupo de indivíduos seja pauta nas discussões do setor saúde.