933 resultados para Kerr, Michael Crawford, 1827-1876.
This book chapter compares the translation strategies of two contemporay poets, Derek Walcott and Michael Longley, as they attempt versions or rewrites of Homeric epic.
The synthesis, lanthanide complexation and solvent extraction of An(III) and Ln(III) radiotracers from nitric acid solutions by a pre-organized, phenanthroline-derived bis-triazine ligand CyMe4-BTPhen are described. It was found that the ligand separated Am(III) and Cm(III) from the lanthanides with remarkably high efficiency, high selectivity, and faster extraction kinetics compared to its 2,2’-bipyridine counterpart CyMe4-BTBP. The origins of the ligands extraction properties were established by a combination of solvent extraction experiments, X-ray crystallography, kinetics and surface tension measurements and lanthanide NMR spectroscopy.
This article demonstrates how early Pre-Raphaelite poetry worked according to the principle that art should be modelled on science theorised by the Pre-Raphaelites in their early essays. As the main theorists (rather than practitioners) of Pre-Raphaelite art, F. G. Stephens and William Michael Rossetti defined the Pre-Raphaelite project in terms of observation, investigation, experiment, the “adherence to fact” and the “search after truth”. In the hands of the early Pre-Raphaelite poets, and particularly Rossetti himself, poetry too becomes a mode of scientific enquiry into the natural world, the nature of observation, human psychology and medical practice.
Digital imaging technologies enable a mastery of the visual that in recent mainstream cinema frequently manifests as certain kinds of spatial reach, orientation and motion. In such a context Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise can be framed as a digital re-tooling of a familiar fantasy of vehicular propulsion, US car culture writ large in digitally crafted spectacles of diegetic speed, the vehicular chase film ‘2.0’. Movement is central to these films, calling up Scott Bukatman’s observation that in spectacular visual media ‘movement has become more than a tool of bodily knowledge; it has become an end in itself’ (2003: 125). Not all movements and not all instances of vehicular propulsion are the same however. How might we evaluate what is at stake in a film’s assertion of movement as an end in itself, and the form that assertion takes, its articulations of diegetic velocity, corporeality, and spatial penetration? Deploying an attentiveness towards the specificity of aesthetic detail and affective impact in Bay’s delineation of movement, this essay suggests that the franchise poses questions about the relationship of human movement to machine movement that exceed their narrative basis. Identifying a persistent rotational trope in the franchise that in its audio-visual articulation combines oddly anachronistic elements (evoking the mechanical rather than the digital), the article argues that the films prioritise certain fantasies of transformation and spatial penetration, and certain modes of corporeality, as one response to contemporary debates about digital technologisation, sustainable energy, and cinematic spectacle. In this way the franchise also represents a particular moment in a more widely discernible preoccupation in contemporary cinema with what we might call a ‘rotational aesthetics’ of action, a machine movement made possible by the digital, but which invokes earlier histories and fantasies of animation, propulsion, mechanization and mechanization to particular ends.
Older adults often experience associative memory impairments but can sometimes remember important information. The current experiments investigate potential age-related similarities and differences associate memory for gains and losses. Younger and older participants were presented with faces and associated dollar amounts, which indicated how much money the person “owed” the participant, and were later given a cued recall test for the dollar amount. Experiment 1 examined face-dollar amount pairs while Experiment 2 included negative dollar amounts to examine both gains and losses. While younger adults recalled more information relative to older adults, both groups were more accurate in recalling the correct value associated with high value faces compared to lower value faces and remembered gist-information about the values. However, negative values (losses) did not have a strong impact on recall among older adults versus younger adults, illustrating important associative memory differences between younger and older adults.
The addition of lithium salts to ionic liquids causes an increase in viscosity and a decrease in ionic mobility that hinders their possible application as an alternative solvent in lithium ion batteries. Optically heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy was used to study the change in dynamics, principally orientational relaxation, caused by the addition of lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide to the ionic liquid 1-buty1-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide. Over the time scales studied (1 ps-16 ns) for the pure ionic liquid, two temperature-independent power laws were observed: the intermediate power law (1 ps to similar to 1 ns), followed by the von Schweidler power law. The von Schweidler power law is followed by the final complete exponential relaxation, which is highly sensitive to temperature. The lithium salt concentration, however, was found to affect both power laws, and a discontinuity could be found in the trend observed for the intermediate power law when the concentration (mole fraction) of lithium salt is close to chi(LiTf(2)N) = 0.2. A mode coupling theory (MCT) schematic model was also used to fit the data for both the pure ionic liquid and the different salt concentration mixtures. It was found that dynamics in both types of liquids are described very well by MCT.
Lithium ""butylchalcogenolates are generated in situ by reacting the elements (S, Se, and Te) with (n)butyl-lithium at 0 degrees C. Reaction of the lithium alkylchalcogenolates with activated alkenes and aldehydes gives the corresponding aldol adducts. The selenium-containing products give Morita-Baylis-Hillman adducts after the oxidation/elimination of the selenoxide. The whole sequence can be performed in a one-pot procedure. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka det sociala rekryteringsmönstret bland kvinnliga elever vid Falu folkskollärarinneseminarium under perioden 1876-1948. Källmaterialet utgörs av uppgifter om faderns yrke hämtade ur seminariets matriklar. Uppsatsen syftar också till att jämföra resultatet med en liknande kartläggning av de manliga seminaristerna vid Karlstads folkskollärarseminarium, detta för att söka utröna huruvida den vedertagna uppfattningen om skillnaderna i socialt rekryteringsmönster mellan könen stämmer. Resultatet visar att de kvinnliga seminaristerna kom från skilda sociala förhållanden. Även om flertalet rekryterades ur samhällets mellanskikt, så hade anmärkningsvärt många jordbruks- eller arbetarbakgrund, framför allt under undersökningsperiodens tidigare skede. Vidare framkom att folkskollärarna, såväl kvinnliga som manliga, i första hand rekryterades ur vad som i undersökningen benämns som Socialgrupp 2. Vissa olikheter mellan de två seminarierna kunde dock påvisas, vilket kan förklara tidigare forsknings ställningstaganden. De mest påtagliga var, att kvinnorna oftare hade fäder som var egna företagare eller tjänstemän, medan de manliga seminaristerna i större utsträckning kom från lantbrukar- eller arbetarhem.