888 resultados para Juvenile Hormone


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BACKGROUND: The JAMAR (Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report) has been developed to evaluate the perception of the patient and his parents on different items: well-being, pain, functional status, quality of life, disease activity, disease course, side effects of medication, therapeutic compliance and satisfaction with illness outcome. Our aim was to compare disease's perception by JIA patients and their parents. METHODS: We included into the study 100 consecutive patients over 7 years of age. We asked both parent and child to complete the JAMAR questionnaire. For each patient we recorded demographic and disease related data. We examined the level of disagreement between children and parents for the quantitative items of the JAMAR: VAS Pain, VAS Disease Activity, VAS Well Being, Juvenile Arthritis Functional Score, HRQoL. Then we looked for a relation between discordance-rate and demographic and clinical variables. RESULTS: Children and parents' median scores for all five items were similar. Individual dyads agreement was low, with a large amount of pairs (80) discordant for at least one item. We found higher MD VAS and JADAS in more discordant dyads, suggesting that when the disease is more active discordance between child and parent increase. CONCLUSION: The JAMAR questionnaire is an important tool that helps clinicians to detect divergent child and parent's disease perceptions. It is essential that both patients and parents fill the JAMAR questionnaire for a complete clinical and psychosocial evaluation.


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Nuclear hormone receptors play a major role in many important biological processes. Most nuclear hormone receptors are ubiquitously expressed and regulate processes such as metabolism, circadian function, and development. They function in these processes to maintain homeostasis through modulation of transcriptional gene networks. In this study we evaluate the effectiveness of a nuclear hormone receptor gene to modulate retinal degeneration and restore the integrity of the retina. Currently, there are no effective treatment options for retinal degenerative diseases leading to progressive and irreversible blindness. In this study we demonstrate that the nuclear hormone receptor gene Nr1d1 (Rev-Erba) rescues Nr2e3- associated retinal degeneration in the rd7 mouse, which lacks a functional Nr2e3 gene. Mutations in human NR2E3 are associated with several retinal degenerations including enhanced S cone syndrome and retinitis pigmentosa. The rd7 mouse, lacking Nr2e3, exhibits an increase in S cones and slow, progressive retinal degeneration. A traditional genetic mapping approach previously identified candidate modifier loci. Here, we demonstrate that in vivo delivery of the candidate modifier gene, Nr1d1 rescues Nr2e3 associated retinal degeneration. We observed clinical, histological, functional, and molecular restoration of the rd7 retina. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mechanism of rescue at the molecular and functional level is through the re-regulation of key genes within the Nr2e3-directed transcriptional network. Together, these findings reveal the potency of nuclear receptors as modulators of disease and specifically of NR1D1 as a novel therapeutic for retinal degenerations.


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The genetic aetiology of congenital hypopituitarism (CH) is not entirely elucidated. FGFR1 and PROKR2 loss-of-function mutations are classically involved in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH), however, due to the clinical and genetic overlap of HH and CH; these genes may also be involved in the pathogenesis of CH. Using a candidate gene approach, we screened 156 Brazilian patients with combined pituitary hormone deficiencies (CPHD) for loss-of-function mutations in FGFR1 and PROKR2. We identified three FGFR1 variants (p.Arg448Trp, p.Ser107Leu and p.Pro772Ser) in four unrelated patients (two males) and two PROKR2 variants (p.Arg85Cys and p.Arg248Glu) in two unrelated female patients. Five of the six patients harbouring the variants had a first-degree relative that was an unaffected carrier of it. Results of functional studies indicated that the new FGFR1 variant p.Arg448Trp is a loss-of-function variant, while p.Ser107Leu and p.Pro772Ser present signalling activity similar to the wild-type form. Regarding PROKR2 variants, results from previous functional studies indicated that p.Arg85Cys moderately compromises receptor signalling through both MAPK and Ca(2) (+) pathways while p.Arg248Glu decreases calcium mobilization but has normal MAPK activity. The presence of loss-of-function variants of FGFR1 and PROKR2 in our patients with CPHD is indicative of an adjuvant and/or modifier effect of these rare variants on the phenotype. The presence of the same variants in unaffected relatives implies that they cannot solely cause the phenotype. Other associated genetic and/or environmental modifiers may play a role in the aetiology of this condition.


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Seventy-five percent of breast cancers are estrogen receptor α positive (ER(+)). Research on these tumors is hampered by lack of adequate in vivo models; cell line xenografts require non-physiological hormone supplements, and patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) are hard to establish. We show that the traditional grafting of ER(+) tumor cells into mammary fat pads induces TGFβ/SLUG signaling and basal differentiation when they require low SLUG levels to grow in vivo. Grafting into the milk ducts suppresses SLUG; ER(+) tumor cells develop, like their clinical counterparts, in the presence of physiological hormone levels. Intraductal ER(+) PDXs are retransplantable, predictive, and appear genomically stable. The model provides opportunities for translational research and the study of physiologically relevant hormone action in breast carcinogenesis.


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PURPOSE: Adenoma is the main parathyroid disorder leading to primary hyperparathyroidism (PHP). Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) is recognized as a valid procedure for adenoma-related PHP. It requires precise preoperative localization combining Tc-99m-MIBI (methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile) scintigraphy and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with x-ray computed tomography (CT) and intraoperative confirmation of successful excision by change in intact parathormone (iPTH) levels. The study aim was to assess the surgery success in relation to these two parameters. METHODS: All patients operated on for PHP from 2005 to mid-2014 at our institution were retrospectively reviewed. MIP was performed in case of precise preoperative adenoma localization on scintigraphy, absence of past cervical surgery, and absence of concomitant thyroid resection necessity. In these patients, iPTH levels were monitored intraoperatively. Confirmation criteria for iPTH values were a return to normal level or a decrease >50 % of basal iPTH level. RESULTS: There were 197 PHP operations during the study period: 118 MIP and 79 bilateral neck explorations (BNEs). The MIP success rate was 95 % (112/118) with a preoperative MIBI scan ± CT accurate in 94 % (111/118) of the patients and with correct iPTH in 90 % (106/118) of the cases. Among the 12 iPTH levels that did not meet the confirmation criteria, 10 returned to normal range by postoperative day 2. Treatment failure appeared in three patients (one BNE, two MIPs). CONCLUSIONS: Tc-99m-MIBI dual-phase scintigraphy with SPECT/CT is the key examination for functional and morphological parathyroid adenoma localization. If preoperative scintigraphy is obvious and intraoperative assessment is clear, one could possibly safely omit iPTH, as it may lead to unnecessary BNE in primary PHP.


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This study evaluated the effect of menopause, hormone therapy (HT) and aging on sleep. Further, the mechanisms behind these effects were examined by studying the associations between sleep and the nocturnal profiles of sleep-related hormones. Crosssectional study protocols were used to evaluate sleep in normal conditions and during recovery from sleep deprivation. The effect of initiation of HT on sleep and sleeprelated hormones was studied in a prospective controlled trial. Young, premenopausal and postmenopausal women were studied, and the methods included polysomnography, 24-h blood sampling, questionnaires and cognitive tests of attention. Postmenopausal women were less satisfied with their sleep quality than premenopausal women, but this was not reflected in sleepiness or attention. The objective sleep quality was mainly similar in pre- and postmenopausal women, but differed from young women. The recovery mechanisms from sleep deprivation were relatively well-preserved after menopause. HT offered no advantage to sleep after sleep deprivation or under normal conditions. The decreased growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) levels after menopause were reversible with HT. Neither menopause nor HT had any effect on cortisol levels. In premenopausal women, HT had only minor effects on PRL and cortisol levels. The temporal link between GH and slow wave sleep (SWS) was weaker after menopause. PRL levels were temporally associated with sleep stages, and higher levels were seen during SWS and lower during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. Sleep quality after menopause is better determined by age than by menopausal state. Although HT restores the decreased levels of GH and PRL after menopause, it offers no advantage to sleep quality under normal conditions or after sleep deprivation.


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Gonadal somatic cell and adrenocortical endocrine tumors are rare. The incidence of adrenocortical carcinomas is only 1-2/1000000 a year. However, they are aggressive, especially in adulthood and currently surgery is the only curative treatment. Cytotoxic agents are in use in advanced cancers, but side effects and multidrug resistance are often problems. Thus there is a need for novel curative treatment methods. In contrast, ovarian granulosa cell tumors and testicular Leydig cell tumors are usually benign, especially at a younger age. The aim of the present thesis was to study a novel targeted treatment method through luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) in a transgenic mouse tumor model. The cytotoxic agent was lytic peptide Hecate-CGbeta conjugate where 23 amino acid Hecate, a synthetic form of honeybee venom melittin, was conjugated to 15 amino acid fragment of human chorionic gonadotropin β subunit. Lytic peptides are known to act only on negatively charged cells, such as bacteria and cancer cells and hereby, due to hCGbeta fragment, the conjugate is able to bind directly to LHCGR bearing cancer cells, saving the healthy ones. The experiments were carried out in inhibin-alpha-Simian Virus 40-T-antigen transgenic mice that are known to express LHCGR-bearing gonadal tumors, namely Leydig and granulosa cell tumors by 100% penetrance. If the mice are gonadectomized prepubertally they form adrenocortical tumors instead. Transgenic and wild type mice were treated for three consecutive weeks with control vehicle, Hecate or Hecate-CGbeta conjugate. GnRH antagonist or estradiol was given to a group of mice with or without Hecate-CGbeta conjugate to analyze the additive role of gonadotropin blockage in adrenocortical tumor treatment efficacy. Hecate-CGbeta conjugate was able to diminish the gonadal and adrenal tumor size effectively in males. No treatment related side effects were found. Gonadotropin blockage through GnRH antagonist was the best treatment in female adrenal tumors. The mode of cell death by Hecate-CGbeta conjugate was proven to be through necrosis. LHCGR and GATA-4 were co-expressed in tumors, where the treatment down-regulated their expression simultaneously, suggesting their possible use as tumor markers. In conclusion, the present thesis showed that Hecate-CGbeta conjugate targets its action selectively through LHCGR and selectively kills the LHCGR bearing tumor cells. It works both in gonadal somatic and in ectopic LHCGR bearing adrenal tumors. These results establish a more general principle that receptors expressed ectopically in malignant cells can be exploited in targeted cytotoxic therapies without affecting the normal healthy cells.


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We experimentally examined the predator-prey relationships between juvenile spotted sorubim Pseudoplastystoma corruscans and young-of-the-year invasive and native fish species of the Paraná River basin, Brazil. Three invasive (peacock bass Cichla piquiti, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, and channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus) and two native (yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae and streaked prochilod Prochilodus lineatus) fish species were offered as prey to P. corruscans in 300 L aquaria with three habitat complexity treatments (0%, 50% and 100% structure-covered). Prey survival was variable through time and among species (C. piquiti < O. niloticus < A. altiparanae < P. lineatus < I. punctatus), depending largely on species-specific prey behavior but also on prey size and morphological defenses. Habitat complexity did not directly affect P. corruscans piscivory but some prey species changed their microhabitat use and shoaling behavior among habitat treatments in predator’s presence. Pseudoplatystoma corruscans preyed preferentially on smaller individuals of those invasive species with weak morphological defensive features that persisted in a non-shoaling behavior. Overall, our results contrast with those in a companion experiment using a diurnal predator, suggesting that nocturnal piscivores preferentially prey on different (rather diurnal) fish species and are less affected by habitat complexity. Our findings suggest that recovering the native populations of P. corruscans might help controling some fish species introduced to the Paraná River basin, particularly C. piquiti and O. niloticus, whose parental care is expected to be weak or null at night


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to estimate the genetic correlation among selection ages (juvenile - adult) and efficiency of early selection for the height, diameter, and volume traits of individuals from Pinus taeda families propagated via somatic embryogenesis. This study was carried out by genetic-statistical analysis, estimation procedure of variance (Reml), and prediction components of breeding values (Blup), using the Selegen-Reml/Blup software. Genetic correlations among juvenile ages and rotation age were performed by applying the linear model developed by Lambeth (1980). In accordance with results of the established model, the early selection can be performed in clones of Pinus taeda with high selection efficiency. Ages from 4 to 6 years old are enough to select Pinus taeda clones propagated via somatic embryogenesis for harvesting at 8 and 12 years old; and 6 to 10 years old are enough to select them for harvesting at 20 years old. On the basis of the genetic correlations estimates from the environments, the clones' selection of Pinus taeda propagated via somatic embryogenesis should be developed specifically for each environment. The clones' selection can be performed considering the diameter due to the high correlation between volume and diameter.


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The antiandrogenic therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer represents an additional risk factor for the development of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Still, bone health of patients on ADT is often not evaluated. After literature research we found that simple preventive measures can prevent bone loss in these patients, resulting in more cost-effective solutions to the public health system and family when compared to the treatment of fractures.


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PURPOSE: To assess the effects of a soy dietary supplement on the main biomarkers of cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women compared with the effects of low-dose hormone therapy (HT) and placebo.METHODS: Double-blind, randomized and controlled intention-to-treat trial. Sixty healthy postmenopausal women, aged 40-60 years, 4.1 years mean time since menopause were recruited and randomly assigned to 3 groups: a soy dietary supplement group (isoflavone 90mg), a low-dose HT group (estradiol 1 mg plus noretisterone 0.5 mg) and a placebo group. Lipid profile, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio were evaluated in all the participants at baseline and after 16 weeks. Statistical analyses were performed using the χ2 test, Fisher's exact test, Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), paired Student's t-test and Wilcoxon test.RESULTS: After a 16-week intervention period, total cholesterol decreased 11.3% and LDL-cholesterol decreased 18.6% in the HT group, but both did not change in the soy dietary supplement and placebo groups. Values for triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio did not change over time in any of the three groups.CONCLUSION: The use of dietary soy supplement did not show any significant favorable effect on cardiovascular health biomarkers compared with HT. Clinical Trial Registry: The trial is registered at the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos - ReBEC), number RBR-76mm75.


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We investigated the effects of progesterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Pieces of ovarian tissue were cultured for 1 or 7 days in minimum essential medium (MEM) alone or containing progesterone (1, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20ng/mL), FSH (50ng/mL) or the interaction between progesterone and FSH. Fresh (non-cultured control) and cultured ovarian tissues were processed for histological and ultrastructural studies. After 7 days the addition of FSH to all progesterone concentrations maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to fresh control. At day 7 of culture, a higher percentage of developing follicles was observed only in 2.5ng/ml of progesterone associated with FSH or 10ng/ml of progesterone alone when compared with control. From day 1 to day 7 of culture, a significant increase in the percentage of developing follicles was observed in MEM and 2.5ng/ml of progesterone + FSH. In addition, after 7 days, in all treatments, there was a significant increase in follicular diameter when compared with control, except for MEM alone and in 5ng/ml of progesterone + FSH or 10ng/ml of progesterone alone. Ultrastructural studies confirmed follicular integrity after 7 days of culture in 2.5ng/ml of progesterone with FSH. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the interaction between progesterone and FSH maintains ultrastructural integrity, stimulates primordial follicles activation and further growth of cultured caprine preantral follicles.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is frequently observed in cats and it is characterized as a multisystemic illness, caused by several underlying metabolic changes, and secondary renal hyperparathyroidism (SRHPT) is relatively common; usually it is associated with the progression of renal disease and poor prognosis. This study aimed at determining the frequency of SRHPT, and discussing possible mechanisms that could contribute to the development of SRHPT in cats at different stages of CKD through the evaluation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, as well as acid-base status. Forty owned cats with CKD were included and divided into three groups, according to the stages of the disease, classified according to the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) as Stage II (n=12), Stage III (n=22) and Stage IV (n=6). Control group was composed of 21 clinically healthy cats. Increased serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentrations were observed in most CKD cats in all stages, and mainly in Stage IV, which hyperphosphatemia and ionized hypocalcemia were detected and associated to the cause for the development of SRHPT. In Stages II and III, however, ionized hypercalcemia was noticed suggesting that the development of SRHPT might be associated with other factors, and metabolic acidosis could be involved to the increase of serum ionized calcium. Therefore, causes for the development of SRHPT seem to be multifactorial and they must be further investigated, mainly in the early stages of CKD in cats, as hyperphosphatemia and ionized hypocalcemia could not be the only factors involved.


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I studied the associations between migration-related physiological regulation (corticosterone) and body condition of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L.). An additional purpose was to determine whether oxidative stress and biotransformation activity vary seasonally. Since physiological regulation, biotransformation activity and the stress involved may be important factors for body condition during migration; they may have direct effects on migration success. This in turn may influence other important life history stages, such as breeding and moult. In the thesis I used barn swallow data of the Finnish Ringing Centre (1997–2009), consisting of all juveniles ringed in the nests and recaptured from night roosts later the same autumn. Before the autumn migration in Finland I also captured, ringed and sampled barn swallows from night roosts in 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2011. Samples preceding spring migration in South Africa were collected in 2007. Juvenile barn swallows started to migrate southward in mid-August (first broods). Second broods started their migration at a younger age and almost a month later than first broods (mid-September). Barn swallows increased body mass and accumulated fat for the autumn migration. In the course of the autumn they seemed to be able to prevent the loss of energy already accumulated, since the proportional overnight mass loss, fat loss and faecal production decreased. Surprisingly, corticosterone, the major energy-regulating hormone in birds, seemed not to be involved in the fuelling process. Previous studies with warblers, sparrows and shorebirds had shown that during migration, the baseline levels of corticosterone were elevated in order to facilitate fuelling. It is possible that for Finnish barn swallows the most important fuelling place is in southern Europe, since northern and eastern populations migrate via the Balkan Peninsula. However, the adrenocortical stress response of Finnish barn swallows in good body condition was lower than that of those in poor body condition. Birds clearly suppressed the response, probably to prevent the catabolic effects of excessive corticosterone levels; birds cannot afford to lose muscle mass before migration. South African barn swallows had high levels of baseline corticosterone, but this may have been associated with the high oxidative damage and biotransformation activity of those birds. Barn swallows in spring and summer had low biotransformation activity and intermediate oxidative stress, which was probably related to breeding. Autumn birds had low biotransformation activity and oxidative stress but high redox enzyme activities in some migration-related enzymes.