960 resultados para Irrigation water.
pt.1 March 19-23, 29, 1956. 417 p.--pt.2. June 22, 25, 1956. pp. 419-622.
Considers legislation to modify construction costs repayment procedure for irrigation project water-users.
"October 27, 2005."
Ground-water conditions and well yields in fractured rocks, southwestern Nevada County, California /
Spine title: Ground-water conditions, well yields in fractured rocks, southwestern Nevada County, CA.
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), as a dryland grain legume, is exposed to varying timing and severity of water deficit, which results in variability in grain yield, nitrogen accumulation and grain quality. In this field study, mungbean crops were exposed to varying timing and severity of water deficit in order to examine: (1) contribution of the second flush of pods to final grain yield with variable timing of relief from water deficit, (2) the sensitivity to water deficit of the accumulation of biomass and nitrogen (N) and its partitioning to grain, and (3) how the timing of water deficit affects the pattern of harvest index (HI) increase through pod filling. The results showed that the contribution of the second flush to final yield is highly variable (1-56%) and can be considerable, especially where mid-season stress is relieved at early pod filling. The capacity to produce a second flush of pods did not compensate fully for yield reduction due to water stress. Relief from mid-season stress also resulted in continued leaf production, N-2 fixation and vegetative biomass accumulation during pod filling. Despite the wide variation in the degree of change in vegetative biomass and N during pod filling, there were strong relationships between grain yield and net-above-ground biomass at maturity, and grain N and above-ground N at maturity. Only in the extreme situations were HI and nitrogen HI affected noticeably. In those treatments where there was a large second flush of pods, there was a pronounced biphasic pattern to pod number production, with HI also progressing through two distinct phases of increase separated by a plateau. The proportion of grain yield contributed to by biomass produced before pod filling varied from 0 to 61% with the contribution greatest under terminal water deficit. There was a larger effect of water deficit on N accumulation, and hence N-2 fixation, than on biomass accumulation. The study confirmed the applicability of a number of long-standing physiological concepts to the analysis of the effect of water deficit on mungbean, but also highlighted the difficulty of accounting for timing effects of water deficit where second flushes of pods alter canopy development, biomass and yield accumulation, and N dynamics. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Management of the Murray-Darling river system involves a large number of users with imprecisely defined rights, and an aggregate rate of resource use that is environmentally unsustainable. One possible policy response is to make formal or informal contracts with users, under which users receive current benefits in return for a commitment to forgo usage rights in future. In this paper, this issue is explored with specific reference to the possibility of repurchasing the renewal rights for irrigation licenses.
Irrigation practices that are profligate in their use of water have come under closer scrutiny by water managers and the public. Trickle irrigation has the propensity to increase water use efficiency but only if the system is designed to meet the soil and plant conditions. Recently we have provided a software tool, WetUp (http://www.clw.csiro.au/products/wetup/), to calculate the wetting patterns from trickle irrigation emitters. WetUp uses an analytical solution to calculate the wetted perimeter for both buried and surface emitters. This analytical solution has a number of assumptions, two of which are that the wetting front is defined by water content at which the hydraulic conductivity (K) is I mm day(-1) and that the flow occurs from a point source. Here we compare the wetting patterns calculated with a 2-dimensional numerical model, HYDRUS2D, for solving the water flow into typical soils with the analytical solution. The results show that the wetting patterns are similar, except when the soil properties result in the assumption of a point source no longer being a good description of the flow regime. Difficulties were also experienced with getting stable solutions with HYDRUS2D for soils with low hydraulic conductivities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper examines the challenges of water supply in agriculture, with particular emphasis on requirements of field crops, including maize. It places the issue of water supply to agriculture in the context of increasing demands for water from alternatives users, declining quality water, pressure of increasing population, all of which are placing stresses on water availability at local, regional and national levels. The paper also examines existing freshwater resources and the potential impact of climate change on water supply and distribution and consequential impact on water stress incidence in various parts of the globe. It examines competition for water in both industrialized and developing countries, with particular emphasis on the impacts on agriculture and food supplies. The challenge of water use efficiency (WUE) in agriculture is explored with discussion of agronomic, economic and physiological WUE concepts, with specific reference to maize.
Mara is a transboundary river located in Kenya and Tanzania and considered to be an important life line to the inhabitants of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem. It is also a source of water for domestic water supply, irrigation, livestock and wildlife. The alarming increase of water demand as well as the decline in the river flow in recent years has been a major challenge for water resource managers and stakeholders. This has necessitated the knowledge of the available water resources in the basin at different times of the year. Historical rainfall, minimum and maximum stream flows were analyzed. Inter and intra-annual variability of trends in streamflow are discussed. Landsat imagery was utilized in order to analyze the land use land cover in the upper Mara River basin. The semi-distributed hydrological model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used to model the basin water balance and understand the hydrologic effect of the recent land use changes from forest-to-agriculture. The results of this study provided the potential hydrological impacts of three land use change scenarios in the upper Mara River basin. It also adds to the existing literature and knowledge base with a view of promoting better land use management practices in the basin.
Freshwater use is a major concern in the mass production of algae for biofuels. This project examined the use of canal water obtained from the Everglades Agricultural Area as a base medium for the mass production of algae. This water is not suitable for human consumption, and it is currently used for crop irrigation. A variety of canals were found to be suitable for water collection. Comparison of two methods for algal production showed no significant difference in biomass accumulation. It was discovered that synthetic reticulated foam can be used for algal biomass collection and harvest, and there is potential for its application in large-scale operations. Finally, it was determined that high alkaline conditions may help limit contaminants and competing organisms in growing algae cultures.
Water quality of parking lot (~1,858 m2) stormwater runoff and its treated effluent flow were analyzed for total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), total suspended solids (TSS), electrical conductivity (EC), copper, lead and zinc. The novel system under investigation, located at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, includes a standard bioretention facility, underdrained to a cistern to store treated stormwater, and pumped to a vegetable garden for irrigation. The site abstraction, the average bioretention abstraction, and bowl volumes were estimated to be 8500, 4378, and 895 L, respectively; this indicates that rain events of more than 0.45 cm are necessary to produce runoff and more than 0.75 cm will produce system overflow. The cistern water quality indicates good-to-excellent treatment by the system. Compared to local tap water, cistern water has lower concentrations of TP, TN, EC (non-winter), copper, and zinc, indicating a good water source for irrigation.
Mode of access: Internet.
Aim: To analyze the root canal organic tissue dissolution capacity promoted by irrigating solutions, with or without the use of different agitation techniques. Methods: Bovine pulp tissue fragments were initially weighed. The following irrigating solutions were tested: 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution, and distilled water. The irrigating protocols were: immersion, mechanical agitation with endodontic files, and ultrasonic or sonic systems (Endoactivactor® and Easy Clean®). At the end of the protocols, the pulps were weighed to determine their final weight. For comparison, the average percentage of tissue dissolution in relation to the groups was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test complemented by multiple comparisons test. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Among the irrigation solutions, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite showed a higher dissolving power than 2% chlorhexidine digluconate and distilled water. Furthermore, ultrasonic and sonic systems were more effective irrigating protocols than immersion and mechanical agitation with endodontic files. Conclusions: The combination of sodium hypochlorite with an agitation system promotes a greater degree of tissue degradation.