940 resultados para Interviews


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Tourism is a phenomenon that moves millions of people around the world, taking as a major driver of the global economy. Such relevance is reflected in the proliferation of studies in the overall area known as tourism, under various perspectives and backgrounds. In the light of such multitude of insights our study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behavior in cross-border tourism destinations. Previous studies conducted in such contexts suggest that cross-border regions (CBRs) are an attractive and desirable idea, yet requiring further theoretical and empirical research. The new configuration of many CBRs calls for a debate on issues concerning its development, raising up important dimensions, such as, organization and planning of common tourism destinations. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in CBRs and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research aims at attaining a deeper understanding of the profile and behavior of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination. The study addresses the following research question: “What factors influence customer behavior and attitudes in a CBRs tourism destination?” To address our question we will take an interdisciplinary perspective bringing together inputs from marketing, tourism and local economics. When addressing consumer behavior in tourism previous studies considered the following constructs: involvement, place attachment, satisfaction and destination loyalty. In order to establish the causal relationships in our theoretical model, we intend to develop a predominant quantitative design, yet we plan to conduct exploratory interviews. In the analysis and discussion of results, we intend to use Structural Equation Modeling. It will further allow understanding how the constructs in the research model relate to each other in the specified context. Results are also expected to have managerial implications. Consequently our results may assist decision makers in developing their local policies.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the environmental performance of aquaculture in the city of Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia State, Brazil. Fifteen fish farmers were interviewed. For data collection, structured interviews were carried out, using a questionnaire based on information supplied by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The questionnaire considered 12 items, organized into three main topics: a) social and legal standards b) environmental standards c) standards of food safety and hygiene. The questionnaire considered 12 items, organized into three main topics: a) social and legal standards b) environmental standards c) standards of food safety and hygiene. Aquaculture in the city of Colorado do Oeste, Rondônia presents two fish production systems: extensive and semi-intensive. In the semi-intensive system, stocking rate was one fish per m3, on average; tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), tilapias (Oreochromis spp.), pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) and pintado (Pseudoplatystoma spp.) were the species farmed at the largest number. The rate of water renewal was due to the greater availability of natural food in this system. Water renewal was constant in the ponds (1,500 liters per minute). In the semi-intensive system using dug ponds, alevins were stocked and fed during the entire rearing time with natural and exogenous food. The extensive system relied on the natural production of the pond, with stocking density limited by the production of natural food. The little renewal of water made the cultivation tank itself acted as a decantation lake, with the occurrence of oxidation and sedimentation of residual organic matter, consisting of feces, debris and organic fertilizer. Production of reduced effluent volume took place in the extensive system, compared to the cultivation area. In addition, there was high water turbidity, caused by high concentration of planktonic organisms, and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the water. Data showed that nine estates of the interviewed fish farmers had critical environmental performance (less than 30.0%). Six estates of fish farmers had bad environmental performance (between 30.0 and 50.0%) (Coefficient of sustentainability = green square x 100 ÷ Total Questions less the yellow squares)


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The way professionals deal with ethical dilemmas and the decisions they make may be guided by a personal and individual ideology, but it is also strongly influenced by their professional group and society. This paper focuses in real situations as they are experienced by individuals in their day-to-day professional life. The data were collected using opened-end interviews. Respondents were asked to identify the ethical dilemmas they had been faced with during their professional life. Qualitative analysis shows that main dilemmas are about how to deal with “informal economy”, “false invoices” and “tax evasion”. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of ethical issues faced by Portuguese Chartered Account (TOC), thus promoting a large debate about the way the TOC can help to create a better society and consequently legitimating their existence as a professional organization of public interest. More than ever, understanding professionals’ behavior in their real context is essential for to build a culture conducive to the ethical development of society, and to ensure, at the same time, the desirable business sustainability. This study gives a broaden description of ethics dilemmas faced by chartered accounts and shows some inefficiency in the ethical control system made by professional bodies.


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This article intends to understand the motivations, benefits and difficulties inherent to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) adoption in the public sector from the perspective of the professionals who implement it - the management consultants. We chose a qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with management consultants belonging to consulting companies operating in Portugal, with experience in the implementation of the BSC in the public and private sector. The results allowed concluding that the use of management consultants is advantageous on the BSC adoption. To overcome the difficulties in construction and continuity of the BSC in the public sector, the consultants presented some facilitating conditions that can contribute to the increased efficacy in the adoption and continuation of BSC.


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Purpose/objectives: This paper seeks to investigate whether performance management (PM) framework adopted in Portuguese local government (PLG) fit the Otley’s PM framework (1999). In particularly, the research questions are (1) whether PM framework adopted in PLG (SIADAP) fit the Otley´s framework, and (2) how local politicians (aldermen) see the operation of performance management systems (PMS) in PLG (focusing on the goal-setting process and incentive and reward structures). Theoretical positioning/contributions: With this paper we intend to contribute to literature on how the Otley’s PM framework can guide empirical research about the operation of PMS. In particular, the paper contributes to understand the fit between PMS implemented in PLG and the Otley´s PM framework. The analysis of this fit can be a good contribution to understand if PMS are used in PLG as a management tool or as a strategic response to external pressures (based on interviews conducted to aldermen). We believe that the Otley’s PM framework, as well as the extended PM framework presented by Ferreira and Otley (2009), can provide a useful research tool to understand the operation of PMS in PLG. Research method: The first research question is the central issue in this paper and is analyzed based on the main reforms introduced by Portuguese government on PM of public organizations (like municipalities). On the other hand, interviews conducted on three larger Portuguese municipalities (Oporto, Braga, and Matosinhos) show how aldermen see the operation of PMS in PLG, highlighting the goals setting process with targets associated and the existing of incentive and reward structures linked with performance. Findings: Generally we find that formal and regulated PM frameworks in PLG fit the main issues of the Otley’s PM framework. However, regarding the aldermen perceptions about PMS in practice we find a gap between theory and practice, especially regarding difficulties associated with the lack of a culture of goals and targets setting and the lack of incentive and reward structures linked with performance.


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This article intends to understand the motivations, benefits and difficulties inherent to Balanced Scorecard (BSC) adoption in the public sector from the perspective of the professionals who implement it - the management consultants. We chose a qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with management consultants belonging to consulting companies operating in Portugal, with experience in the implementation of the BSC in the public and private sector. The results allowed concluding that the use of management consultants is advantageous on the BSC adoption. To overcome the difficulties in construction and continuity of the BSC in the public sector, the consultants presented some facilitating conditions that can contribute to the increased efficacy in the adoption and continuation of BSC.


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The way professionals deal with ethical dilemmas and the decisions they make may be guided by a personal and individual ideology, but these are also strongly influenced by their professional group and society. The focus in this paper is on situations as experienced by individuals in their day-to-day professional life. The data were collected with opened-end interviews. Respondents were asked to identify the ethical dilemmas they had been faced with during their professional life. Qualitative analysis shows that main dilemmas are about how to deal with “informal economy”, “false invoices” and “tax evasion”. This study aims to contribute to the discussion of ethical issues faced by TOC, thus promoting a large debate about the way TOC can help create a better society and consequently legitimating their existence as a professional organization of public interest.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é a análise da perspetiva dos Assistentes Sociais sobre a necessidade/ importância da criação de uma Ordem Profissional e, consequentemente de um Código Deontológico (português) para a profissão. Privilegiou-se a investigação qualitativa, construída a partir da interpretação das narrativas das entrevistas, da pesquisa bibliografia e documental. O carácter qualitativo do trabalho concretiza-se por meio de uma lógica abdutiva, que pretende compreender a realidade através da construção dos seus atores (Blaikie, 2000). Para o efeito construímos duas dimensões de análise: a primeira refere-se à análise e compreensão da necessidade de criação de uma Ordem Profissional e a segunda dimensão integra a análise da opinião dos informantes sobre a necessidade de criação de um código deontológico português. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação demonstram de forma unânime, a importância da criação de uma Ordem Profissional para a legitimação, representatividade e autorregulação da categoria profissional. Nas razões apontadas para a importância da Ordem surgem, quer justificações que se centram na necessidade de uniformização da prática, demonstrando uma visão mais burocrática e tecnicista da profissão, no qual os métodos se sobrepõem à relação, quer razões de legitimação e de necessidade de representação coletiva junto à classe política, relacionada com uma vertente humanista, no qual os aspetos relacionais e comportamentais devem fazer parte da prática profissional de forma a uma maior adequação dos mecanismos de intervenção no indivíduo. Nas razões apontadas para o insucesso da não criação de uma Ordem Profissional, a maioria realçou motivos internos e externos inerentes à profissão. A questão interna tem a ver com a falta de associativismo e união dos Assistentes Sociais em se mobilizarem por uma causa comum. A questão externa relaciona-se com interesses políticos, bem como a questão coletiva dos profissionais. Os princípios subjacentes a um código deontológico são os inerentes aos direitos humanos e justiça social e de atitudes associadas à profissão.


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Na sociedade atual é comum que os indivíduos sejam testemunhas em tribunal, por isso é necessário perceber se são capazes de compreender os termos legais usados frequentemente no sistema jurídico mas também perceber qual a representação social que possuem acerca da justiça. Contudo, investigada a compreensão da terminologia legal desde a década de 50, afirma-se que os indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias não conseguem compreender e definir adequadamente, mas, também os estudos da representação social da justiça, demonstram uma diversidade de representatividade por parte dos indivíduos, de acordo com os seus diferentes contextos sociais, as informações recebidas dos meios de comunicação, os seus ambientes familiares e, as diferentes relações estabelecidas com o objeto. Esta dissertação tem assim como objetivo geral saber a representação que os adultos têm sobre a justiça e qual o conhecimento que têm dela a partir das definições de um conjunto de termos legais usados frequentemente no sistema jurídico. Para isso realizaram-se entrevistas de resposta aberta com 40 adultos de ambos os sexos, com idade compreendida entre 19 e 72 anos, sendo estes progenitores, representantes legais ou detentores da guarda de facto de crianças e jovens sinalizados na Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens. O estudo é uma investigação qualitativa e engloba um estudo descrito. Este estudo demonstrou que os adultos não conseguem definir adequadamente todos os termos legais propostos, pelo que não possuem uma representação clara de justiça e dos seus intervenientes.


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Partindo da análise do conceito de inclusão de crianças com Síndrome de Down no primeiro ano do ensino básico nas escolas da Região Autónoma da Madeira, após a intervenção da Equipa de Intervenção Precoce, fazendo referência às expetativas das mães, este estudo aborda os principais fatores que poderão influenciar esta temática. Tem como objetivos analisar as expetativas das mães sobre o processo inclusivo de crianças com Trissomia 21 na transição do pré-escolar para o 1.º ciclo e compreender em que medida a Intervenção Precoce contribui para a existência de expetativas positivas ou negativas face à inclusão dos seus filhos. Ao mesmo tempo procura constatar-se quais as principais preocupações em relação à entrada dos seus filhos no primeiro ciclo. Este trabalho assenta numa abordagem qualitativa: os dados foram recolhidos através da realização de sete entrevistas a mães de crianças com Trissomia 21. Para a análise de informação recolhida, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo com categorias definidas à posteriori. Concluiu-se que as mães têm expetativas positivas em relação à inclusão dos seus filhos tendo, no entanto, expetativas negativas em relação aos serviços prestados pelas equipas de Intervenção Precoce no que se refere à adequação de serviços, nomeadamente, o tempo destinado ao apoio da Terapia da Fala que foi considerado insuficiente pela maioria das mães. Relativamente à entrada no primeiro ciclo, as principais preocupações prendem-se com a comunicação oral que o(a) seu (sua) filho(a) irá estabelecer com os professores e colegas, com a eventual falta de sensibilização dos docentes face à problemática da T21 e, no que se refere à aprendizagem, as maiores preocupações passam pelo acompanhamento do ritmo de trabalho dos colegas e com a capacidade, ou não, de ler e escrever.


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The role of middle management is essential when managing integrative and emergent strategy formation processes. We stand out the importance of its role connecting micro and macro organizational level offering a very important contribution when examining the strategy-as-practice perspective and integrative strategy formation process. The main goal of this research is to analyse the relationship between the integrative strategy formation process and the roles of middle management under the strategy-as-practice perspective. To check it out we adopted a qualitative methodology droving a case analysis in a Spanish University. Data was collected by means of personal interviews with members of different levels of the Institution, documents analysis and direct observation. In advance of some results we find out that the University develops an integrative strategy formation process and confers to middle management an important role extended all over the organization.


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With the purpose of at lowering costs and reendering the demanded information available to users with no access to the internet, service companies have adopted automated interaction technologies in their call centers, which may or may not meet the expectations of users. Based on different areas of knowledge (man-machine interaction, consumer behavior and use of IT) 13 propositions are raised and a research is carried out in three parts: focus group, field study with users and interviews with experts. Eleven automated service characteristics which support the explanation for user satisfaction are listed, a preferences model is proposed and evidence in favor or against each of the 13 propositions is brought in. With balance scorecard concepts, a managerial assessment model is proposed for the use of automated call center technology. In future works, the propositions may become verifiable hypotheses through conclusive empirical research.


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The State Reform processes combined with the emergence and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) originated electronic government policies and initiatives in Brazil. This paper dwells on Brazilian e-government by investigating the institutional design it assumed in the state's public sphere, and how it contributed to outcomes related to e-gov possibilities. The analyses were carried out under an interpretativist perspective by making use of Institutional Theory. From the analyses of interviews with relevant actors in the public sphere, such as state secretaries and presidents of public ICT companies, conclusions point towards low institutionalization of e-gov policies. The institutional design of Brazilian e-gov limits the use of ICT to provide integrated public services, to amplify participation and transparency, and to improve public policies management.


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This article presents the results of a research to understand the conditions of interaction between work and three specific information systems (ISs) used in the Brazilian banking sector. We sought to understand how systems are redesigned in work practices, and how work is modified by the insertion of new systems. Data gathering included 46 semi-structured interviews, together with an analysis of system-related documents. We tried to identify what is behind the practices that modify the ISs and work. The data analysis revealed an operating structure: a combination of different practices ensuring that the interaction between agents and systems will take place. We discovered a structure of reciprocal conversion caused by the increased technical skills of the agent and the humanization of the systems. It is through ongoing adjustment between work and ISs that technology is tailored to the context and people become more prepared to handle with technology.


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In the city of Rio de Janeiro, the management agencies of environmental conservation units of the park type have been attempting to meet five primary objectives set by the National System for Conservation Units (NSCU), using participatory management guidelines for these units. Two of these objectives relate to the development of recreation activities that involve contact with nature and ecological tourism. This article presents the analyses and conclusions regarding the implementation of collaborative strategies with businesses to achieve such objectives; it is part of a series of research studies having a broader scope. Case studies were conducted in eight parks by means of dozens of interviews with managers and other interested social actors, as well as by documentary research and direct observation. The results suggest that the ecotourism objective is still far from being reached, and that the collaborative strategies used are not sufficient to compensate for the organizational, material and human limitations that encumber these agencies. It was also concluded for the sample that there lacks a strategic vision on the part of the three branches of government involved in the management of these parks in the sense of viewing ecotourism in the city's conservation units as a powerful means to foster local sustainable development.