912 resultados para Institutional missions


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Kenya Growth Vision 2030 proposes policy and institutional reforms that make it possible for the country to achieve development status of a middle income country by 2030. This paper outlines the institutional framework necessary to achieve ÈSuper Growth,É which describes the character of growth required to meet targets stipulated in the Vision. The paper provides evidence confirming the importance of improving the quality of governance to the achievement of the Vision. The paper also demonstrates that the country is characterized by a high probability of reverting to poor governance. It is argued that, to achieve super growth, the country must attain an institutional tipping point which associates with low reversion rates to weaker institutions. The paper provides suggestions for institutional reforms that result in the achievement of an institutional tipping point and super growth.


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von H. Seidel


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hrsg. von der Missionskonferenz im Königreich Sachsen


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"Rapport d'Enquête sur l'écoute et les conditions d'efficacité des émissions en langue allemande de la Radiodiffusion Francaise à destination de l'Allemange", 1954. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 130 Blatt, gebunden;


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3. "Plan d'ensemble d'une enquête sur les attitudes generales de la population allemande a l'egard de la France et leurs consequences en ce qui concerne l'orientation des emissions en langue allemande de la radiodiffusion francaise", 18.05.1953. Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 4. "Note" Über Methode, Forschungsrichtung und Reichweite der Ergebnisse der Untersuchung; 18.05.1953; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 5. "Note" Über Geschichte und Tätigkeit des Instituts für Sozialforschung; 18.05.1953; Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 6. Memorandum des Instituts zu Verfahren und ergebnissen der Untersuchung; 1954 [?]; Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 7.-17. Décamps, Jacques: Memoranden; 7. Memorandum, 12.09.1953; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 8. "Memorandum re: Besprechung in Bad Godesberg in Bezug auf die französische Studie, am 04.September 1953", 10.09.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 9. "Memorandum re: Vorhaben des 'Centre d'Etudes Sociologiques, Paris', eine deutsch-französische Arbeitsgemeinschft für die Durchführung von Gemeindestudien zu gründen", 15.06.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 10. "Memorandum über den Besuch von M. Jean L. Pelosse, Centre d'Etudes sociologiques Paris", 12.06.1953. Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 11. "Bericht über die 'Journées d'Etudes eurropéennes sur la Population' Paris, 21., 22. und 23. Mai 1953", 01.06.1953; 12. "Bericht über den Stand der Verhandlungen mit dem Französischen Auswärtigen Amt und dem französischem Rundfunk. Besprechungen in Paris am 27. und 28. Mai 1953", 01.06.1953. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 13. Angaben für Max Horkheimer zur Übergabe von Memoranden, Projektbeschreibungen und Briefentwürfen, Mai 1953; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 14. "Bericht über das 'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques'", 07.05.1953. Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 15. "Memorandum re: Methode der Gruppendiskussion", 04.05.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 16. "Besprechung im 'Institut francaise d'Opinion Publique, Paris' und bei der hohen Behörde Luxemburg" 30.04.1953; 17. "Besprechung im Auswärtigen Amt und bei dem französischen Rundfunk", 29.04.1953. Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 18. Horkheimer, Max: 1 Brief an den französischen Botschafter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ohen Ort, ohne Datum; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 19. Radiodiffusion-Télévision Francaise, le Directeur: 1 Briefabschrift an Jacques Décamps, Paris, 09.03.1954; 1 Blatt; 20. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an den französischen Außenminister, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; 21. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an Radiodiffusion Francaise, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; 22. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an den Ministerialrat der Sektion "Agences et Radio" im französischem Außenministerium, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; "The Effectiveness of Candid versus Evasive German-Language Broadcasts of the Voice of America. Final Report", 1953. Typoskript, gebunden, 432 Blatt;


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Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are the primary gatekeepers for the protection of ethical standards of federally regulated research on human subjects in this country. This paper focuses on what general, broad measures that may be instituted or enhanced to exemplify a "model IRB". This is done by examining the current regulatory standards of federally regulated IRBs, not private or commercial boards, and how many of those standards have been found either inadequate or not generally understood or followed. The analysis includes suggestions on how to bring about changes in order to make the IRB process more efficient, less subject to litigation, and create standardized educational protocols for members. The paper also considers how to include better oversight for multi-center research, increased centralization of IRBs, utilization of Data Safety Monitoring Boards when necessary, payment for research protocol review, voluntary accreditation, and the institution of evaluation/quality assurance programs. ^ This is a policy study utilizing secondary analysis of publicly available data. Therefore, the research for this paper focuses on scholarly medical/legal journals, web information from the Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Drug Administration, and the Office of the Inspector General, Accreditation Programs, law review articles, and current regulations applicable to the relevant portions of the paper. ^ Two issues are found to be consistently cited by the literature as major concerns. One is a need for basic, standardized educational requirements across all IRBs and its members, and secondly, much stricter and more informed management of continuing research. There is no federally regulated formal education system currently in place for IRB members, except for certain NIH-based trials. Also, IRBs are not keeping up with research once a study has begun, and although regulated to do so, it does not appear to be a great priority. This is the area most in danger of increased litigation. Other issues such as voluntary accreditation and outcomes evaluation are slowing gaining steam as the processes are becoming more available and more sought after, such as JCAHO accrediting of hospitals. ^ Adopting the principles discussed in this paper should promote better use of a local IRBs time, money, and expertise for protecting the vulnerable population in their care. Without further improvements to the system, there is concern that private and commercial IRBs will attempt to create a monopoly on much of the clinical research in the future as they are not as heavily regulated and can therefore offer companies quicker and more convenient reviews. IRBs need to consider the advantages of charging for their unique and important services as a cost of doing business. More importantly, there must be a minimum standard of education for all IRB members in the area of the ethical standards of human research and a greater emphasis placed on the follow-up of ongoing research as this is the most critical time for study participants and may soon lead to the largest area for litigation. Additionally, there should be a centralized IRB for multi-site trials or a study website with important information affecting the trial in real time. There needs to be development of standards and metrics to assess the performance of the IRBs for quality assurance and outcome evaluations. The boards should not be content to run the business of human subjects' research without determining how well that function is actually being carried out. It is important that federally regulated IRBs provide excellence in human research and promote those values most important to the public at large.^


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This study developed proxy measures to test the independent effects of medical specialty, institutional ethics committee (IEC) and the interaction between the two, upon a proxy for the dependent variable of the medical decision to withhold/withdraw care for the dying--the resuscitation index (R-index). Five clinical vignettes were constructed and validated to convey the realism and contextual factors implicit in the decision to withhold/withdraw care. A scale was developed to determine the range of contact by an IEC in terms of physician knowledge and use of IEC policy.^ This study was composed of a sample of 215 physicians in a teaching hospital in the Southwest where proxy measures were tested for two competing influences, medical specialty and IEC, which alternately oppose and support the decision to withhold/withdraw care for the dying. A sub-sample of surgeons supported the hypothesis that an IEC is influential in opposing the medical training imperative to prolong life.^ Those surgeons with a low IEC score were 326 percent more likely to continue care than were surgeons with a high IEC score when compared to all other specialties. IEC alone was also found to significantly predict the decision to withhold/withdraw care. Interaction of IEC with the specialty of surgery was found to be the best predictor for a decision to withhold/withdraw care for the dying. ^


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The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the future of health care states that the focus on health needs to shift to the management and prevention of chronic illnesses and that academic health centers (AHCs) should play an active role in this process through community partnerships (IOM, 2002). Grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and the creation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Prevention Research Centers (PRC) across the county represent a transition toward more proactively seeking out community partnerships to better design and disseminate health promotion programs (Green, 2001). ^ The focus of the PRCs is to conduct rigorous, community-based, prevention research, to seek outcomes applicable to public health programs and policies. The PRCs work is to create and foster partnerships among public health and community organizations, to address health promotion and disease prevention issues (CDC, 2003). ^ The W.K. Kellogg Foundation defines CBPR as "a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community with the aim of combining knowledge and action for social change to improve community health." ^ In 1995, CDC asked the IOM to review the PRC program to examine the extent to which the program is providing the public health community with strategies to address public health problems in disease prevention and health promotion (IOM, 1997). No comprehensive evaluation n of the individual PRCs had ever been done (IOM, 1997). ^ The CDC was interested in understanding how it could better support the PRC program through improved management and oversight to influence the program's success. The CDC only represents one of the entities that influence the success of a PRC. Another key entity to consider is the support of and influence of the Schools of Public Health in which the PRCs reside. Using evaluation criteria similar to those that were developed by the IOM, this study examined how aspects of structural capacity of the Schools of Public Health in which the PRCs reside are perceived to influence PRC community-based research activities. ^


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En 1900 el gobierno argentino creó el Territorio de Los Andes, el último de los diez que existieron en el país, en terrenos ganados a Chile después de una década de disputas diplomáticas, como un corolario de la Guerra del Pacífico. El nuevo territorio se distribuía en su totalidad en zonas montañosas y hasta el momento de su incorporación existía en el país un casi total desconocimiento sobre sus particularidades. A través de las diferentes misiones oficiales y de investigaciones independientes, en la siguiente década y media se produjo conocimiento empírico que fue abonando a la idea de que el nuevo territorio tenía cifrado su destino en dos actividades extractivas: la minería del borato y el aprovechamiento de fibras de vicuñas y pieles de chinchillas. Pero el desarrollo de ambas actividades se enfrentaba a una serie de obstáculos, que tenían que ver con la falta de medios de transporte, la ausencia de capitales y la falta de mecanismos oficiales de estímulo, en el contexto del un país con un perfil productivo eminentemente agroexportador de vacunos y cereales. La falta de crecimiento económico y el escaso crecimiento demográfico, entre otras razones, llevaron a la disolución institucional y la fragmentación territorial de Los Andes en 1943.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX se inició la conformación de un espacio historiográfico en Corrientes impulsado por diversos factores que contribuyeron a su delineación, comoel interés del Estado por reafirmar sus derechos sobre los territorios que habían pertenecido a las antiguas misiones y por reivindicar el lugar que sus elites dirigentes consideraban debía ocupar en el orden institucional creado por la Constitución de 1853. Ambos propósitos implicaban también un creciente interés por reforzar la identidad correntina frente al inicio de un proceso de construcción de una identidad nacional que comenzaba a esbozarse en los años ochenta.En este contexto surgen figuras notables como Ramón Contreras y Manuel Florencio Mantilla, quienes se volcarán a los estudios históricos para satisfacer estas demandas. A partir de sus obras seestablecieron vínculos con historiadores e instituciones de Buenos Aires y se desarrollaron debates y polémicas a través de la prensa, que permitieron ir definiendo un espacio historiográfico con sus autoridades y sus reglas de trabajo.


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En 1900 el gobierno argentino creó el Territorio de Los Andes, el último de los diez que existieron en el país, en terrenos ganados a Chile después de una década de disputas diplomáticas, como un corolario de la Guerra del Pacífico. El nuevo territorio se distribuía en su totalidad en zonas montañosas y hasta el momento de su incorporación existía en el país un casi total desconocimiento sobre sus particularidades. A través de las diferentes misiones oficiales y de investigaciones independientes, en la siguiente década y media se produjo conocimiento empírico que fue abonando a la idea de que el nuevo territorio tenía cifrado su destino en dos actividades extractivas: la minería del borato y el aprovechamiento de fibras de vicuñas y pieles de chinchillas. Pero el desarrollo de ambas actividades se enfrentaba a una serie de obstáculos, que tenían que ver con la falta de medios de transporte, la ausencia de capitales y la falta de mecanismos oficiales de estímulo, en el contexto del un país con un perfil productivo eminentemente agroexportador de vacunos y cereales. La falta de crecimiento económico y el escaso crecimiento demográfico, entre otras razones, llevaron a la disolución institucional y la fragmentación territorial de Los Andes en 1943.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX se inició la conformación de un espacio historiográfico en Corrientes impulsado por diversos factores que contribuyeron a su delineación, comoel interés del Estado por reafirmar sus derechos sobre los territorios que habían pertenecido a las antiguas misiones y por reivindicar el lugar que sus elites dirigentes consideraban debía ocupar en el orden institucional creado por la Constitución de 1853. Ambos propósitos implicaban también un creciente interés por reforzar la identidad correntina frente al inicio de un proceso de construcción de una identidad nacional que comenzaba a esbozarse en los años ochenta.En este contexto surgen figuras notables como Ramón Contreras y Manuel Florencio Mantilla, quienes se volcarán a los estudios históricos para satisfacer estas demandas. A partir de sus obras seestablecieron vínculos con historiadores e instituciones de Buenos Aires y se desarrollaron debates y polémicas a través de la prensa, que permitieron ir definiendo un espacio historiográfico con sus autoridades y sus reglas de trabajo.