864 resultados para Insectivorous bat
The urethra is the main place of entry for sexually transmitted pathogens. However, there is little literature on the morphology of the urogenital system, principally the urethra and ducts of the sex accessory glands. The Mongolian gerbil is an insectivorous, herbivorous and monogamous rodent with nocturnal habits; it has been used successfully as a laboratory animal since the 1960s. Therefore, the objective of the present paper was to describe the structure and ultrastructure of the urethra and its relations to the ducts of the accessory sex glands of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), contributing to the understanding of the reproductive biology of the rodent and aiming to provide data for future experimental studies. Conventional techniques of light and scanning electron microscopy were utilized. The urethra and ducts of the accessory sex glands are similar to those of the albino rat and the mouse. However, there is variation in drainage type among accessory sex glands for the inner urethra. The ducts of the seminal vesicle, the ductus deferens, drain their contents independently into the ampullary duct that opens in the urethra. The ducts of the prostate, coagulating and bulbourethral glands drain their contents independently into the urethra.
We present the results of the first bat inventory at the 'Serra das Araras' Ecological Station, MT, in the northwestern portion of the Cerrado domain. We captured bats using the traditional ground-level mist netting and, occasionally, high nets placed 3 m above the ground, and hand nets for hoosting bats. We recorded 23 species distributed in six families (Emballonuridae, Noctilionidae, Mormoopidae, Phyllostomidae, Molossidae, and Vespertilionidae), including Artibeus gnomus and A. anderseni, which had never been recorded in the Cerrado domain. © 2004 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.
Six microsatellite loci were used to quantify the mating system of two small fragmented populations (Selviria - SEL and Aparecida do Tabuado - APT, Mato Grosso do Sul State) and isolated trees in pastures, of the bat-pollinated tropical tree Hymenaea stignocarpa, growing in the Center-west region of Brazil. In SEL population, seeds were collected from 11 mother-trees; in APT, from three trees and, in the case of isolated trees, from six individuals growing at least 500 m apart in pastures. To investigate if there are differences on mating system between trees in populations and isolated trees, trees from populations were pooled as a group and, likewise, the isolated trees were pooled to another group. The outcrossing rate was higher in the populations (t̂ m= 0.873) than in isolated trees (t̂ m=0.857), but the difference was not significant. Significant and high differences between multi-locus and single-locus outcrossing rate were detected in populations (t̂ m- t̂ s=0.301, P<0.05) and isolated trees (t̂ m- t̂ s=0.276, P<0.05), suggesting mating between relatives. Higher paternity correlation was observed in trees from population (r̂ p=0.636) than in isolated trees (r̂ p=0.377), indicating the occurrence of some correlated matings and that part of offspring are full-sibs. It was not observed increased in self-fertilization rate in isolated trees in pastures. In general terms, the unique observed difference in mating system between populations and isolate trees was the high rate of correlated matings in trees from populations, due probably to the small distance among coespecifics and the pollinator behavior, visiting near trees.
We studied the potential contribution of frugivorous bats to the reestablishment of vegetational diversity in a restored area. We analysed the diets of the bat species and the differences between them in the consumption of fruits of autochtonous and allochthonous species. Planted (autochtonous) species were the basis of diets, especially Solanum mauritianum and Cecropia pachystachya, whereas for allochthonous species we found that Piperaceae to be of particular importance. Carollia perspicillata was the main seed disperser for allochthonous species, and potentially the most important bat in the promotion of vegetation diversity in the study area. Our results suggest that frugivorous bats are especially important in the reestablishment of vegetation in disturbed areas, and that restorarion efforts should focus on the planting of different zoochorous species that would guarantee a high year-round fruit production, thereby facilitating natural plant reestablishment by frugivorous bats in regenerating areas. © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS.
Introduction: The autologous serum skin test (ASST) may suggest an autoimmune etiology in chronic urticaria (CU). A new laboratory technique called basophil activation test (BAT) has been currently employed for its diagnosis. Objective: To analyze ASST in relation to BAT as well as to evaluate interleukin 3 (IL3) receptors (CD123) and non-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies bound to basophils in patients with chronic urticaria. Methods: We studied 33 adults with CU and mean age of 42.5 + 14 years. After stimulation by serum from patients with CU, CD63 expression on basophils from one atopic donor was analyzed by flow cytometry. Furthermore, we investigated CD123 and IgG autoantibody expressions. Results: The odds ratio (OR) between ASST and BAT was 1.00 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.22 to 4.5). The ASST for autoimmune CU diagnosis showed an accuracy of 54.5%, sensitivity of 66%, specificity of 33%, positive predictive value of 63%, and negative predictive value of 36%. There was no statistical difference between the studied groups as to mean non-specific IgG and CD123 expressions (for a p < 0.05). Discussion: This study demonstrated that ASST has low accuracy in the diagnosis of autoimmune CU. Concerning other analyzed aspects, there was no statistical difference between positive ASST and negative ASST. Conclusions: Due to insufficient studies in this area and the relevance of this issue, further investigation is required.
The Meiglyptini comprise eight species of woodpeckers grouped into three genera, two of which contain three species ( Meiglyptes and Mulleripicus), while one genus includes two species ( Hemicircus). The purpose of this study is to describe the mandibular apparatus found in six species of Meiglyptini and to compare them with each other and with other woodpecker species. The results reveal a number of structures that are worth mentioning: (i) the components of the external mandibular adductor system of Hemicircus concretus, particularly the M. adductor mandibulae externus caudalis medialis, are underdeveloped compared with the other investigated species; (ii) the muscles of the internal mandibular system are structurally different among Meiglyptes species and are less developed, both in size and in structure, in H. concretus; (iii) the M protractor quadrati is vestigial in Meiglyptes species; (iv) the muscles of the protractor system of the quadrate are relatively undeveloped in H. concretus; (v) most of the muscles of the pterygoideus system are structurally differentiated in Meiglyptes species. It appears that the complexity of the mandibular apparatus is associated with the type of food consumed, as the apparatus of the frugivorous species H. concretus is markedly different from that of the insectivorous species. © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Tests on spatial aptitude, in particular Visualization, have been shown to be efficient predictors of the academic performance of Technical Drawing stu-dents. It has recently been found that Spatial Working Memory (a construct defined as the ability to perform tasks with a figurative content that require si-multaneous storage and transformation of information) is strongly associated with Visualization. In the present study we analyze the predictive efficiency of a bat-tery of tests that included tests on Visualization, SpatialWorking Memory, Spatial Short-term Memory and Executive Function on a sample of first year engineering students. The results show that Spatial Working Memory (SWM) is the most important predictor of academic success in Technical Drawing. In our view, SWM tests can be useful for detecting as early as possible those students who will require more attention and support in the teaching-learning process.
Bats are hosts of a rich diversity of microorganisms. Many studies indicate a close link between bats and fungi with pathogenic potential, especially for living in environments such as caves, caverns and hollow trees, favorable to the maintenance and spread of fungi. The objective was to study the gastrointestinal mycoflora of bats. Of the 98 samples belonging to 11 species of bats coming from 15 studied cities, 20% of the species were Carollia perspicillata, 19% Artibeus lituratus, 17% Molossus rufus, 13% Glossophaga soricina, 9% Nyctinomops macrotis, 8% Molossus molossus, 7% Desmodus rotundus, 2% Lasiurus ega and 1% Eptesicus furinalis, Myotis nigricans and Tadarida brasiliensis. The genus Aspergillus sp. was isolated from 29% of the samples, followed by 6% Microsporum sp. and Penicillium sp. 4% Trichophyton sp. and zygomycetes and 2% Fusarium sp. Of yeast species, 14% were from Rhodotorula sp., 10% Candida sp. and 2% Cryptococcus sp., 22% of isolates remained unidentified. All 82 cultures of organs were negative for Histoplasma capsulatum. There was a statistically significant association between the results of microbiological culture and bat species (p < 0.05). We conclude that the bats can act as disperser agents of fungi with pathogenic potential, although other studies should be performed to establish strategies to identify the main factors correlated with the growth and spread of microorganisms in nature and implication of bats in the epidemiological cycle.
The present study provides a record of the bat fauna captured in Guarulhos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, between February and November 2011. The capture sessions were carried out using mist nets set on trails, around and above streams and lakes, near built areas and around livestock. After a total effort of 26,208 m2.h, we recorded 17 bat species belonging to Phyllostomidae (13 species), Vespertilionidae (3) and Molossidae (1). Sturnira lilium (73 captures), Artibeus fimbriatus (69), and A. lituratus (59) were the most abundant species, corresponding to 57.8% of all captures. Some information about shelters was also commented. This paper is the first to report Molossops neglectus for Guarulhos. © 2012 Check List and Authors.
Bats present unique features among mammals with respect to reproduction, and although neotropical bats do not have a hibernation period, many of their reproductive characteristics vary seasonally and interspecifically. Thus, this work aimed to examine the reproductive structures of 18 species belonging to five families of Brazilian bats. The gross anatomy of the testes varied little; however, the epididymis of Emballonuridae and Vespertilionidae showed exceptional structures with a large elongation of the caudal region. We observed a wide variation in the positioning of the testes: Phyllostomidae and Noctilionidae presented external testes; Emballonuridae and Molossidae presented migratory testes that may be in intra-abdominal or external positions; and Vespertilionidae displayed scrotal testes. In the histological evaluation, we observed a different pattern in vespertilionid species, with testicular regression and sperm retention/storage in the cauda epididymis in the five species analyzed. Similar testicular regression was observed in Molossops temminckii; however, sperm retention/storage was not observed in this species. These data suggest that although the species analyzed are tropical species that do not present a prolonged period of torpor (hibernation), they still maintain a period of seminiferous tubule regression and sperm storage very similar to that observed in hibernating bats. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We studied patterns in the use of space for foraging and roosting by two frugivorous bat species in a five-year-old restored Atlantic forest located in a fragmented landscape in southeastern Brazil. Ten individuals of Carollia perspicillata and eleven individuals of Artibeus lituratus were monitored through radio-telemetry in five sampling sessions. Each session lasted 3-8. days for each individual, with an average of 25.4 ± 10 locations for each C. perspicillata individual and 19 ± 4.4 for each A. lituratus individual. We described an average range of 124.4. ha and an average commuting distance of 1158.8. m for A. lituratus and an average range and commuting distance of 32. ha and 489. m, respectively, for C. perspicillata. We demonstrated a consistent pattern in habitat use and movements for both studied species, where they strictly used forests (restored or not) for day roosting, roosting in the foliage of trees located only in secondary forest remnants and restored areas, while restored areas were their main feeding habitat. We demonstrate that newly restored forests can be readily incorporated as foraging and roosting habitats by these species, and that C. perspicillata alters its roosting behavior in relation to preferred food availability. These results, when combined with data on the diet of the studied species, show consistent evidence of the potential that bats have to improve species diversity of anthropogenic plantings with their own natural seed dispersal. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Predators directly and indirectly affect the density and the behavior of prey. These effects may potentially cascade down to lower trophic levels. In this study, we tested the effects of predator calls (playbacks of bird vocalizations: Tyto alba, Speotyto cunicularia, and Vanellus chilensis), predator visual stimuli (stuffed birds) and interactions of visual and auditory cues, on the behavior of frugivore phyllostomid bats in the field. In addition, we tested if the effects of predation risk cascade down to other trophic levels by measuring rates of seed dispersal of the tree Muntingia calabura. Using video recording, we found that bats significantly decreased the foraging frequency on trees when a visual cue of T. alba was present. However, no stimuli of potential predatory birds, including vocalization of T. alba, affected bat foraging frequency. There was a change in bat behavior during 7 min, but then their frequency of activity gradually increased. Consequently, the presence of T. alba decreased by up to ten times the rate of seed removal. These results indicate that risk sensitivity of frugivorous phyllostomid bats depends on predator identity and presence. Among the predators used in this study, only T. alba is an effective bat predator in the Neotropics. Sound stimuli of T. alba seem not to be a cue of predation risk, possibly because their vocalizations are used only for intraspecific communication. This study emphasizes the importance of evaluating different predator stimuli on the behavior of vertebrates, as well as the effects of these stimuli on trait-mediated trophic cascades. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
AIM: To evaluate the association between Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) infection and MLH1 and MGMT methylation and its relationship with microsatellite instability (MSI). METHODS: The methylation status of the MLH1 and MGMT promoter region was analysed by methylation specific methylation-polymerase chain reaction (MSPPCR) in gastric biopsy samples from uninfected or H. pylori -infected children (n = 50), from adults with chronic gastritis (n = 97) and from adults with gastric cancer (n = 92). MLH1 and MGMT mRNA expression were measured by real-time PCR and normalised to a constitutive gene (β actin). MSI analysis was performed by screening MSI markers at 4 loci (Bat-25, Bat-26, D17S250 and D2S123) with PCR; PCR products were analysed by single strand conformation polymorphism followed by silver staining. Statistical analyses were performed with either the χ 2 test with Yates continuity correction or Fisher's exact test, and statistical significance for expression analysis was assessed using an unpaired Student's t -test. RESULTS: Methylation was not detected in the promoter regions of MLH1 and MGMT in gastric biopsy samples from children, regardless of H. pylori infection status. The MGMT promoter was methylated in 51% of chronic gastritis adult patients and was associated with H. pylori infection (P < 0.05); this region was methylated in 66% of gastric cancer patients, and the difference in the percentage of methylated samples between these patients and those from H. pylori -infected chronic gastritis patients was statistically significant (P < 0.05). MLH1 methylation frequencies among H. pylori -infected and non-infected chronic gastritis adult patients were 13% and 7%, respectively. We observed methylation of the MLH1 promoter (39%) and increased MSI levels (68%) in samples from gastric cancer patients in comparison to samples from H. pylori -infected adult chronic gastritis patients (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively). The frequency of promoter methylation for both genes was higher in gastric cancer samples than in H. pylori -positive chronic gastritis samples (P < 0.05). The levels of MLH1 and MGMT mRNA were significantly reduced in chronic gastritis samples that were also hypermethylated (P < 0.01). MGMT promoter region was analysed by methylation specific methylation-polymerase chain reaction (MSPPCR) in gastric biopsy samples from uninfected or H. pylori -infected children (n = 50), from adults with chronic gastritis (n = 97) and from adults with gastric cancer (n = 92). MLH1 and MGMT mRNA expression were measured by real-time PCR and normalised to a constitutive gene (β actin). MSI analysis was performed by screening MSI markers at 4 loci (Bat-25, Bat-26, D17S250 and D2S123) with PCR; PCR products were analysed by single strand conformation polymorphism followed by silver staining. Statistical analyses were performed with either the χ 2 test with Yates continuity correction or Fisher's exact test, and statistical significance for expression analysis was assessed using an unpaired Student's t -test. RESULTS: Methylation was not detected in the promoter regions of MLH1 and MGMT in gastric biopsy samples from children, regardless of H. pylori infection status. The MGMT promoter was methylated in 51% of chronic gastritis adult patients and was associated with H. pylori infection (P < 0.05); this region was methylated in 66% of gastric cancer patients, and the difference in the percentage of methylated samples between these patients and those from H. pylori -infected chronic gastritis patients was statistically significant (P < 0.05). MLH1 methylation frequencies among H. pylori -infected and non-infected chronic gastritis adult patients were 13% and 7%, respectively. We observed methylation of the MLH1 promoter (39%) and increased MSI levels (68%) in samples from gastric cancer patients in comparison to samples from H. pylori -infected adult chronic gastritis patients (P < 0.001 and P < 0.01, respectively). The frequency of promoter methylation for both genes was higher in gastric cancer samples than in H. pylori -positive chronic gastritis samples (P < 0.05). The levels of MLH1 and MGMT mRNA were significantly reduced in chronic gastritis samples that were also hypermethylated (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: In summary, MGMT and MLH1 methylation did not occur in earlier-stage H. pylori infections and thus might depend on the duration of infection. © 2013 Baishideng. All rights reserved.
This study reports on the occurrence of Molossus coibensis J. A. Allen, 1904, in the Brazilian Amazon and the second record of this species from Brazil. It also presents a comparative analysis with other two small-bodied Molossus species that occur in Brazil: M. molossus (Pallas, 1766) and M. aztecus Saussure, 1860. The report is based on 8 females captured in urban areas of the city of Bragança, in the northern Brazilian state of Pará. Morphometric data and the qualitative comparison of morphological features permitted the identification of the specimens as M. coibensis, hitherto known only in Tapirapoan, in the southwestern state of Mato Grosso, west-central Brazil. © SAREM, 2013.