772 resultados para Initiative to promote healthy eating
Few prospective data from the Asia Pacific region are available relating body mass index to the risk of diabetes. Our objective was to provide reliable age, sex and region specific estimates of the associations between body mass index and diabetes. Twenty-seven cohort studies from Asia, New Zealand and Australia, including 154,989 participants, contributed 1,244,793 person-years of follow-up. Outcome data included a combination of incidence of diabetes (based on blood glucose measurements) and fatal diabetes events. Hazard ratios were calculated from Cox models, stratified by sex and cohort, and adjusted for age at risk and smoking. During follow-up (mean = 8 years), 75 fatal diabetes events and 242 new cases of diabetes were documented. There were continuous positive associations between baseline body mass index and risk of diabetes with each 2 kg/m(2) lower body mass index associated with a 27% (23-30%) lower risk of diabetes. The associations were stronger in younger age groups, and regional comparisons demonstrated slightly stronger associations in Asian than in Australasian cohorts (P = 0.04). This overview provides evidence of a strong continuous association between body mass index and diabetes in the Asia Pacific region. The results indicate considerable potential for reduction in incidence of diabetes with population-wide lowering of body mass index in this region.
In recent years, beta-blocker therapy has become a primary pharmacologic intervention in patients with heart failure by blocking the sympathetic activity. To compare the exercise training`s sympathetic blockade in healthy subjects (athletes) and the carvedilol`s sympathetic blockade in sedentary heart failure patients by the evaluation of the heart rate dynamic during an exercise test. A total of 26 optimized and 49 nonoptimized heart failure patients in a stable condition (for, at least, 3 months), 15 healthy athletes and 17 sedentary healthy subjects were recruited to perform a cardiopulmonary exercise test. The heart rate dynamic (rest, reserve, peak and the peak heart rate in relation to the maximum predicted for age) was analyzed and compared between the four groups. The heart rate reserve was the same between optimized (48 +/- 15) and nonoptimized (49 +/- 18) heart failure patients (P < 0.0001). The athletes (188 +/- 9) showed a larger heart rate reserve compared to sedentary healthy subjects (92 +/- 10, P < 0.0001). Athletes and healthy sedentary reached the maximum age-predicted heart ratefor their age, but none of the heart failure patients did. The carvedilol`s sympathetic blockade occurred during the rest and during the peak effort in the same proportion, but the exercise training`s sympathetic blockade in healthy subjects occurred mainly in the rest.
We compared nutritional knowledge, eating attitudes and chronic dietary restraint scores among 17 men (10 with bulimia nervosa and 7 with anorexia nervosa) and 50 women (20 with bulimia nervosa and 30 with anorexia nervosa), who were consecutive patients at a major treatment center in Brazil. There were no differences in nutritional knowledge and concern with food between men and women. For both genders, chronic dietary restraint scores were higher among bulimics. Men with eating disorders had better eating attitudes scores than women. Anorexic men tended to have worse eating attitudes scores than bulimic men, while the opposite was observed for women, suggesting an interaction between gender and diagnosis. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Objective: To evaluate the frequency of overweight and obesity in health professionals, before and after a single specialized dietary recommendation. Methods: Anthropometric measures of 579 workers of a general hospital in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil were taken. The weight (f), height (h) and waist circumference (wc) were interpreted according to the WHO and NCEP ATP III guidelines. Nutrition specialist provided dietary and behavioral recommendations. The entire sample underwent a new evaluation one year later. Results: At the first evaluation, 79 employees presente WC >= 102 cm (male) or WC >= 88 cm (female). The association between WC >= 102 cm (men) or WC >= 88 cm (women) and BMI >= 30 kg/m(2) was found in 12.8 % (69 subjects). The BMI distribution per age group indicated that the increase in overweight and obesity was directly proportional to the age increase. Physical activities were not practiced by 75% of the subjects studied. A year later, the evaluation indicated lack of statistical differences regarding the BMI and waist circumference of the sample and only 2.8% started to practice a physical activity. Conclusion: Dietary recommendation alone failed to promote changes in the eating habits of health professionals who work at a general hospital or to encourage them to practice exercise.
Objective: To examine the changes in slow (8-10 Hz)and fast (10-12 Hz) alpha bands of EEG in three groups of subjects submitted to different amounts of functional electrostimulation (FES). Our hypothesis is that different amounts of electrostimulation may cause different patterns of activation in the sensorimotor cortex. In particular, we expect to see an increase in alpha power due to habituation effects. We examine the two bands comprised by alpha rhythm (i.e., slow and fast alpha), since these two sub-rhythms are related to distinct aspects: general energy demands and specific motor aspects, respectively. Methods: The sample was composed of 27 students, both sexes, aging between 25 and 40 years old. The subjects were randomly distributed in three groups: control (n = 9), G24 (n = 9) and G36 (n = 9). A FES equipment (Neuro Compact-2462) was used to stimulate the right index finger extension. Simultaneously, the electroencephalographic signal was acquired. We investigated the absolute power in slow and fast alpha bands in the sensorimotor cortex. Results: The G36 indicated a significant increasing in absolute power values in lower and higher alpha components, respectively, when compared with the control group. Particularly, in the following regions: pre-motor cortex and primary motor cortex. Discussion: FES seems to promote cortical adaptations that are similar to those observed when someone learns a procedural task. FES application in the G36 was more effective in promoting such neural changes. The lower and higher components of alpha rhythms behave differently in their topographical distribution during FES application. These results suggest a somatotopic organization in primary motor cortex which can be represented by the fast alpha component. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fentanyl is used in obstetrical practice to promote analgesia and anesthesia during labor and in cesarean delivery, with rapid and short-term effects. To determine fentanyl concentrations in maternal plasma, in the placental intervillous space, and in the umbilical artery and vein in term pregnant women. Ten healthy pregnant women underwent epidural anesthesia with fentanyl plus bupivacaine and lidocaine, and fentanyl concentrations were determined in the various maternal and fetal compartments, including the placental intervillous space, which has not been previously studied in the literature. The ratios of fentanyl concentrations in the various maternal and fetal compartments revealed an 86% rate of placental fentanyl transfer. The highest fentanyl concentrations were detected in the placental intervillous space, being 2.19 times higher than in maternal plasma, 2.8 times higher than in the umbilical vein and 3.6 times higher than in the umbilical artery, with no significant differences between the umbilical vein and artery, demonstrating that there was no drug uptake by fetal tissues nor metabolism of the drug by the fetus despite the high rates of placental transfer. The present study demonstrated that the placental intervillous space acted as a site of fentanyl deposit, a fact that may be explained by two hypotheses: (1) the blood collected from the placental intervillous space is arterial and, according to some investigators, the arterial plasma concentrations of the drugs administered to patients undergoing epidural anesthesia are higher than the venous concentrations, and (2) a possible role of P-glycoprotein (P-gp).
Tick-borne zoonoses (TBZ) are emerging diseases worldwide. A large amount of information (e.g. case reports, results of epidemiological surveillance, etc.) is dispersed through various reference sources (ISI and non-ISI journals, conference proceedings, technical reports, etc.). An integrated database-derived from the ICTTD-3 project (http://www.icttd.nl)-was developed in order to gather TBZ records in the (sub-)tropics, collected both by the authors and collaborators worldwide. A dedicated website (http://www.tickbornezoonoses.org) was created to promote collaboration and circulate information. Data collected are made freely available to researchers for analysis by spatial methods, integrating mapped ecological factors for predicting TBZ risk. The authors present the assembly process of the TBZ database: the compilation of an updated list of TBZ relevant for (sub-)tropics, the database design and its structure, the method of bibliographic search, the assessment of spatial precision of geo-referenced records. At the time of writing, 725 records extracted from 337 publications related to 59 countries in the (sub-)tropics, have been entered in the database. TBZ distribution maps were also produced. Imported cases have been also accounted for. The most important datasets with geo-referenced records were those on Spotted Fever Group rickettsiosis in Latin-America and Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in Africa. The authors stress the need for international collaboration in data collection to update and improve the database. Supervision of data entered remains always necessary. Means to foster collaboration are discussed. The paper is also intended to describe the challenges encountered to assemble spatial data from various sources and to help develop similar data collections.
Minimally invasive caries-removal procedures remove only caries-infected dentin and preserve caries-affected dentin that becomes remineralized. Dental cements containing calcium phosphate promote remineralization. This study evaluated the in vivo remineralization capacity of resin-based calcium-phosphate cement (Ca-P) used for indirect pulp-capping. Carious and sound teeth indicated for extraction were randomly restored with the Ca-P base or without base (control), followed by adhesive restoration. Study teeth were extracted after three months, followed by elemental analysis of the cavity floor. Mineral content of affected or sound dentin at the cavity floor was quantified by electron probe micro-analysis to 100-mu m depth. After three months, caries-affected dentin underneath the Ca-P base showed significantly increased calcium and phosphorus content to a depth of 30 mu m. Mineral content of treated caries-affected dentin was in the range of healthy dentin, revealing the capacity of Ca-P base to promote remineralization of caries-affected dentin.
An immunoperoxidase technique was used to examine CD28, CD152, CD80 and CD86 positive cells in gingival biopsies from 21 healthy/gingivitis and 26 periodontitis subjects. The samples were placed into 3 groups (small, intermediate, large) according to the size of the infiltrate. The percent CD28+ T cells in the connective tissue infiltrates was highly variable with no differences between the healthy/gingivitis and periodontitis groups. While there was an increase in positive cells in intermediate infiltrates from both healthy/gingivitis (28.5%) and periodontitis (21.4%) patients compared with small infiltrates (8.6% and 11.8%, respectively), this was not significant, although the percent CD28+ T cells did increase significantly in tissues with increased proportions of B cells relative to T cells (p=0.047). A mean of less than 5% infiltrating T cells were CD152+ which was significantly lower than the mean percent CD28+ T cells in intermediate healthy/gingivitis lesions (p=0.021). The mean percent CD80+ and CD86+ B cells and macrophages was 1–7% and 8–16%, respectively, the difference being significant in intermediate healthy/gingivitis tissues (p=0.012). Analysis of these cells in relation to increasing numbers of B cells in proportion to T cells and also to macrophages, suggested that CD80 was expressed predominantly by macrophages while CD86 was expressed by both macrophages and B cells. Few endothelial cells expressed CD80 or CD86. Keratinocytes displayed cytoplasmic staining of CD80 rather than CD86 although the numbers of positive specimens in the healthy/gingivitis and periodontitis groups reduced with increasing inflammation. In conclusion, percentages of CD28, CD152, CD80 and CD86 did not reflect differences in clinical status. However, the percent CD28+ T cells increased with increasing size of infiltrate and with increasing proportions of B cells suggesting increased T/B cell interactions with increasing inflammation. The percent CD152+ cells remained low indicating that CD152 may not be involved in negative regulation of T cells in periodontal disease. CD80 and CD86 have been reported to promote Th1 and Th2 responses, respectively, and the higher percent CD86+ cells suggests a predominance of Th2 responses in both healthy/gingivitis and periodontitis tissues. Nevertheless, other factors including cytokines themselves and chemokines which modulate T cell cytokine profiles must be monitored to determine the nature of Th1/Th2 responses in periodontal disease.
This report has been prepared by the Ageing Special Interest Research Group of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities (IASSID) in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence and the Programme on Ageing and Health, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, and all rights are reserved by the above mentioned organization. The document may, however, be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced or translated in part, but not for sale or use in conjunction with commercial purposes. It may also be reproduced in full by non-commercial entities for information or for educational purposes with prior permission from WHO/IASSID. The document is likely to be available in other languages also.
Purpose. Health promotion policy frameworks, recent theorizing, and research all emphasize understanding and mobilizing environmental influences to change particular health-related behaviors in specific settings. The workplace is a key environmental setting. The Checklist of Health Promotion Environments at Worksites (CHEW) was designed as a direct observation instrument to assess characteristics of worksite environments that are known to influence health-related behaviors. Methods. The CHEW is a 112-item checklist of workplace environment features hypothesized to be associated, both positively and negatively, with physical activity, healthy eating, alcohol consumption, and smoking. The three environmental domains assessed are (1) physical characteristics of the worksite, (2) features of the information environment, and (3) characteristics of the immediate neighborhood around the workplace. The conceptual rationale and development studies for the CHEW are described, and data from observational studies of 20 worksites are reported. Results. The data on CHEW-derived environmental attributes showed generally good reliability and identified meaningful sets of variables that plausibly may influence health-related behaviors. With the exception of one information environment attribute, intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.80 to 1.00. Descriptive statistics on selected physical and information environment characteristics indicated that vending machines, showers, bulletin boards, and signs prohibiting smoking were common across worksites. Bicycle racks, visible stairways, and signs related to alcohol consumption, nutrition, and health. promotion were relatively uncommon. Conclusions. These findings illustrate the types of data on environmental attributes that can be derived, their relevance for program planning, and how they can characterize variability across worksites. The CHEW is a promising observational measure that has the potential to assess environmental influences on health behaviors and to evaluate workplace health promotion programs.
A partir da descentralização, novas instâncias de negociação e novas alternativas de ordenamento da estrutura organizacional do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) foram criadas. Dentre estas alternativas, podemos citar os conselhos de saúde, importantes canais de participação social. Todavia, frente às limitações destes canais tradicionais de articulação entre Estado e sociedade, destacamos os ideais da gestão participativa e os Conselhos Locais de Saúde (CLS) como alternativa de renovação e criação de instâncias mais flexíveis, porosas e efetivas às complexas demandas sociais. Neste sentido, buscamos analisar o processo de criação e implementação dos CLS do município de Anchieta/ES, a partir de uma abordagem quali-quantativa. Inicialmente, traçamos o perfil socioeconômico e político dos conselheiros eleitos, a partir de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 54 conselheiros; dados que foram categorizados e analisados por meio do emprego de estatísticas descritivas. Em seguida, entrevistamos treze conselheiros, de dois conselhos distintos do município, procedendo à análise de conteúdo do material, a partir dos ideais de Bardin (2000). Os resultados demonstraram que os conselhos foram criados a partir da iniciativa da gestão municipal em 2011, e que simplesmente institucionalizá-los como espaço de participação social não foi suficiente para promover a mobilização social e o envolvimento comunitário. Quanto ao perfil dos conselheiros locais, 78% são mulheres, com predominância de raça/cor branca, idade entre os 20 e 39 anos e funcionárias públicas; 57% possuem Ensino Médio e participaram como conselheiro por dois anos, e 60% destes já tiveram outras experiências de participação similares aos CLS. Do material oriundo das entrevistas, emergiram quatro categorias de análise, a saber: 1) Ser ou não ser conselheiro de saúde? Eis a questão!; 2) O não pertencimento e a não-participação; 3) Conselhos Locais de Saúde: elos, meios e mediações; e 4) A exogenia da administração e os obstáculos à participação social. Os entraves ao funcionamento dos conselhos de saúde, mesmo em nível local, ainda são desafios a serem superados, para que estas instâncias sejam mais influentes na gestão pública, conforme os princípios de sua criação. A participação social e a democracia são fundamentais para a construção de políticas de saúde que correspondam às reais demandas da comunidade. Contudo, para garantir a democracia na sociedade não basta promover a descentralização. É necessário que os sujeitos políticos resistam às relações de dominação, opressão e subordinação. Para isso, torna-se imprescindível os programas de educação para cidadania dos sujeitos envolvidos nestes fóruns de participação. O que nos motiva, enfim, é notarmos a existência, entre os conselheiros eleitos, de sujeitos protagonistas de seu próprio devir; sujeitos que atuam como agentes transformadores, motivadores de sonhos e projetos em prol da saúde pública e de sua comunidade.
Resumo: 1 – Sumário do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 19 de Abril de 2012; 2 – Texto completo do Acórdão do Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, de 19 de Abril de 2012: cfr. http://www.dgsi.pt/jstj.nsf/954f0ce6ad9dd8b980256b5f003fa814/fc664c231f3e73cf802579ea003d91d2?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,polui%C3%A7%C3%A3o , 2 de Junho de 2012; 3 – Anotação sintética; 3.1 – Introdução à anotação sintética e suas características neste caso concreto; 4 – Algumas referências constitucionais centrais em relação a Direitos humanos e, nomeadamente, a um Direito humano a um meio-ambiente sadio, saudável em todas as suas vertentes e sentidos – o exemplo central do artigo 9.º da CRP; 4.1 – Algumas referências constitucionais centrais em relação a Direitos humanos e, nomeadamente, a um Direito humano a um meio-ambiente sadio, saudável em todas as suas vertentes e sentidos – o exemplo central do artigo 66.º da CRP e o Regime Geral do Ruído; 5 – O direito humano ao descanso e à saúde, rectius o direito ao ambiente sadio vs o direito ao lazer e/ou exploração económica de indústrias de diversão, rectius o direito à liberdade de iniciativa económica privada; 6 – A violação do direito humano, de personalidade, ao descanso e à saúde, rectius o direito a um ambiente sadio, numa perspectiva de Direito privado e Direito civil; 7 – A criminalização da poluição, designadamente a criminalização da poluição sonora – uma perspectiva de Direito público e Direito penal; 8 - A necessidade duma adequada política tributária que compatibilize desenvolvimento sustentado com a protecção dum meio ambiente sadio e com qualidade de vida; 9 – Conclusões. § Abstract: 1 - Summary of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of April 19, 2012, 2 - Complete text of the Judgment of the Supreme Court of April 19, 2012: cf. http://www.dgsi.pt/jstj.nsf/954f0ce6ad9dd8b980256b5f003fa814/fc664c231f3e73cf802579ea003d91d2?OpenDocument&Highlight=0,polui%C3%A7%C3%A3o , June 2, 2012, 3 - Synthetic Note: 3.1 - Introduction to synthetic annotation and its characteristics in this case 4 - Some references constitutional power over human rights and in particular to a human right to a healthy environment, healthy in all its forms and meanings - the central example of Article 9. of CRP; 4.1 - Some references constitutional power over human rights and in particular to a human right to a healthy environment, healthy in all its forms and meanings - the central example of Article 66. No of CRP and the General Noise; 5 - the human right to rest and health, rectius the right to healthy environment vs. the right to leisure and / or economic exploitation of industries fun, rectius the right to freedom of private economic initiative; 6 - the violation of human personality, to rest and health, rectius the right to a healthy environment, a perspective of private law and civil law; 7 - criminalization of pollution, including the criminalization of noise - a perspective of public law and criminal law; 8 - the need for appropriate tax policy that reconciles sustainable development with the protection of a healthy environment and quality of life; 9 - Conclusions.
Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, 6-7 Sep. 2008 URL: http://www.academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2007/eckm07-home.htm
Int’l J. of Information and Communication Technology Education, 3(2), 1-14, April-June 2007