882 resultados para Information Technologies Development
This paper considers the use of the computer algebra system Mathematica for teaching university-level mathematics subjects. Outlined are basic Mathematica concepts, connected with different mathematics areas: algebra, linear algebra, geometry, calculus and analysis, complex functions, numerical analysis and scientific computing, probability and statistics. The course “Information technologies in mathematics”, which involves the use of Mathematica, is also presented - discussed are the syllabus, aims, approaches and outcomes.
An idea for the use of problems of tessellation with irregular polygons in the optional activities in Information Technologies teaching are presented.
This paper concerns the application of recent information technologies for creating a software system for numerical simulations in the domain of plasma physics and in particular metal vapor lasers. The presented work is connected with performing modernization of legacy physics software for reuse on the web and inside a Service-Oriented Architecture environment. Applied and described is the creation of Java front-ends of legacy C++ and FORTRAN codes. Then the transformation of some of the scientific components into web services, as well as the creation of a web interface to the legacy application, is presented. The use of the BPEL language for managing scientific workflows is also considered.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 97D40, 97M10, 97M40, 97N60, 97N80, 97R80
Kosta Andreev Garov, Stefka Iordanova Aneva, Elena Hristova Todorova - This paper concerns the formulation and systematization of basic educational activities in training in Information Technologies. Educational activities are demonstrated throughout the performance of a specific Information technology lesson. The paper is meant for teachers in Information Technologies.
The paper aims to represent a bilingual online dictionary as a useful tool helping preservation of the natural languages. The author focuses on the approach that was taken to develop compatible bilingual lexical database for the Bulgarian-Polish online dictionary. A formal model for the dictionary encoding is developed in accordance with the complex structures of the dictionary entries. These structures vary depending on the grammatical characteristics of Bulgarian headwords. The Web-application for presentation of the bilingual dictionary is also describred.
This paper dials with presentations of the Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage in the Cyberspace. The study was taking place at the Information management course with bachelor students in Information Technologies, Information Brokerage and Information Security at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. The students describe about 300 different objectives – cultural and historical, material and immaterial.
One of the major strategic tasks in Russia’s northwest of the past centuries was the defense of the country’s territories from enemy incursions coming from the West. In order to solve this task, a robust shield in the form of a system of fortresses was created between the 13th and 15th centuries. The system included such fortresses as Koporye, Yam, Korela, Oreshek, and others. In our age, these monuments have become an essential part of Russia’s historic and cultural heritage and an important element of the tourism cluster “The Silver Ring of Russia.” The Centre of Design and Multimedia at St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, jointly with the Department of History and the Faculty of Arts at St. Petersburg State University, working under a three-year grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities Research (#12-01-12041), is implementing a multimedia information system “Ancient Fortresses of Russia’s Northwest”. Historically accurate virtual reconstruction of several fortresses as they existed during certain historic periods, done in such a way as to allow the future creation of virtual tours of these sites, has become the focus of this project’s research. In the present paper, we describe the main phases and results of virtual reconstruction of the best-preserved fortress, Koporye.
This paper focuses on teamwork by the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO) and the Aleksandrinsky Theatre in preparation of opening of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The Russian State Pushkin Academy Drama Theatre, also known as the Alexandrinsky Theatre, is the oldest national theatre in Russia. Many famous Russian actors performed on the Alexandrinsky’s stage and many great directors. May 2013 marked the opening of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The theatre complex comprises three buildings: the new stages building, a media center, and the building housing a center of theatre education. Several plays shown simultaneously on multiple stages within the new complex’s buildings constituted the opening gala of the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre. The works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky were the plays’ unifying theme. NRU ITMO employees developed several interactive theatre project solutions implemented for the opening of the Alexandrinsky Theatre’s New Stage.
The Use of the Digital Off-Air Radio Events Archive System EventsBNR in the Bulgarian National Radio
The paper describes the use of the system created for Digital off-air radio events archive EventsBNR in the Bulgarian National Radio. The system provides efficient application of modern information technologies in radio archiving.
The main contribution of this project is the study of collections of valuable documents related to the image of India in Bulgaria. Digital repositories of selected samples are constructed using modern information technologies. The results are presented in a virtual exhibition ‘The Image of India in Bulgaria: from the late 19th to the late 20th century’.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.2.1, H.2.4, H.2.8, H.3.7, J.5.
This article presents the principal results of the Ph.D. thesis Intelligent systems in bioinformatics: mapping and merging anatomical ontologies by Peter Petrov, successfully defended at the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Information Technologies, on 26 April 2013.
Augmented reality is the latest among information technologies in modern electronics industry. The essence is in the addition of advanced computer graphics in real and/or digitized images. This paper gives a brief analysis of the concept and the approaches to implementing augmented reality for an expanded presentation of a digitized object of national cultural and/or scientific heritage. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.5.1, H.5.3, I.3.7.
A Versenyképesség Kutató Központ 2004-ben a "Versenyben a világgal 1995-97" kutatási program és az 1999-es vállalati versenyképességi kérdőíves felmérés hagyományait folytatva, valamint azok tapasztalataira építve, egy hároméves kutatási programot kezdett el "Versenyben a világgal 2004-2006 – Gazdasági versenyképességünk vállalati nézőpontból" címmel. A kérdőíves felmérés nyomán létrejött adatbázist hasonló témában elemezték a szerzők 2005-ben. A korábbi eredményeken okulva, valamint a kérdőívelemzés kiterjesztésével azt kívánták felmérni, hogy az elektronikus beszerzés iránti nyitottság növekedett-e hazánkban, illetve milyen egyéb összefüggések fedezhetők fel a beszerzési szervezet, a beszerzés vállalati kapcsolatai, valamint az elektronikus beszerzés értelmezésében az egyes válaszadóknál. A kutatás továbbra is eltér a hagyományos megoldásoktól, azaz nem kívánja vizsgálni a hazai vállalati honlapok elterjedtségét, azonban a korábbiaktól eltérően több információtechnológiával kapcsolatos információt kér a válaszadóktól. A cél a belső vállalati folyamatok, a vevő-szállító kapcsolatok, az informatikai háttér elektronikus beszerzéssel való kapcsolatának felismerése. Meg szeretnék tudni, hogy az elektronikus beszerzés milyen hatékonyságnövelési lehetőséget hordoz és a hazai információs társadalmi fejlettség figyelembevételével mennyire nyitottak erre a beszerzők és a pályázók. Az elektronikus beszerzés és versenyképesség kapcsolata különösen a 2000-es évek eleje óta foglalkoztatja a kutatókat. Vita az elektronikus beszerzés beszerzési költségre gyakorolt hatásával, valamint a kormányzati politika hatásával kapcsolatban alakult ki, melyet a közbeszerzés, mint speciálisan szabályozott beszerzési tevékenység és az e-beszerzés kapcsolatára fejt ki. A vállalatok versenyképességének és az elektronikus beszerzés folyamatosan. / === / The Competitiveness Research Center based on the experience of the „ In Global Competition 1995-1997” research program and continuing the company competitiveness survey (1999) has begun a three-year research program with the following title: „In Global Competition 2004- 2006” Our economic competitiveness from company point of view”. The authors had analyzed a database generated on the basis of a questionnaire survey with a similar theme in 2005. Drawing the lessons from earlier researches and expanding the questionnaire, they now seek to find out how far receptiveness to electronic procurement has increased in Hungary and what other relations can be observed in responses concerning the interpretation of procurement organizations, the corporate aspects of procurement and electronic procurement. The new research project continues to differ from traditional solutions insofar as it does not intend to examine the penetration of corporate web pages, but, in contrast to earlier practice, it does want responders to provide information on their IT technology. The objectives are thus to understand how electronic procurement relates to corporate processes, purchaser-supplier relations and IT base, and to see what opportunities of increasing efficiency there are in electronic procurement and how far procurers and bidders are open to this at the current level of information society development in Hungary. Researchers have focused on the relation between electronic procurement and competitiveness since the early 2000s. What is debated is how electronic procurement influences procurement costs, and how government policies influence the relation between public procurement as a specially regulated procurement activity and electronic procurement. The relation between corporate competitiveness and the continually increasing means of electronic procurement is beyond doubt, evidenced by their research findings as well.