915 resultados para Inequalities in life expectancy
OBJECTIVES To determine life expectancy for older women with breast cancer. DESIGN Prospective longitudinal study with 10 years of follow-up data. SETTING Hospitals or collaborating tumor registries in four geographic regions (Los Angeles, California; Minnesota; North Carolina; Rhode Island). PARTICIPANTS Women aged 65 and older at time of breast cancer diagnosis with Stage I to IIIA disease with measures of self-rated health (SRH) and walking ability at baseline (N = 615; 17% aged ≥80, 52% Stage I, 58% with ≥2 comorbidities). MEASUREMENTS Baseline SRH, baseline self-reported walking ability, all-cause and breast cancer-specific estimated probability of 5- and 10-year survival. RESULTS At the time of breast cancer diagnosis, 39% of women reported poor SRH, and 28% reported limited ability to walk several blocks. The all-cause survival curves appear to separate after approximately 3 years, and the difference in survival probability between those with low SRH and limited walking ability and those with high SRH and no walking ability limitation was significant (0.708 vs 0.855 at 5 years, P ≤ .001; 0.300 vs 0.648 at 10 years, P < .001). There were no differences between the groups in breast cancer-specific survival at 5 and 10 years (P = .66 at 5 years, P = .16 at 10 years). CONCLUSION The combination of low SRH and limited ability to walk several blocks at diagnosis is an important predictor of worse all-cause survival at 5 and 10 years. These self-report measures easily assessed in clinical practice may be an effective strategy to improve treatment decision-making in older adults with cancer.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with greater mortality and reduced survival among individuals with Alzheimer's disease as compared to those without dementia. It is uncertain how these survival estimates change when the clinical signs and/or symptoms of comorbid conditions are present in individuals' with Alzheimer's disease. Cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and diabetes mellitus are common conditions in the aged population. Independently, these factors influence mortality and may have an additive effect on reduced survival in an individual with concomitant Alzheimer's disease. The bulk of the evidence from previous research efforts suggests an association between vascular co-morbidities and Alzheimer's disease incidence, but their role in survival remains to be elucidated. The objective of this proposed study was to examine the effects of cardiovascular comorbidities on the survival experience of individuals with probable Alzheimer's disease in order to identify prognostic factors for life expectancy following onset of disease. This study utilized data from the Baylor College of Medicine Alzheimer's Disease Center (ADC) longitudinal study of Alzheimer's disease and other memory disorders. Individuals between the ages of 55-69, 70-79, and ≥80 had a median survival from date of onset of 9.2 years, 8.0 years, and 7.2 years, respectively (p<0.001) and 5.5 years, 4.3 years, and 3.4 years from diagnosis. Sex was the strongest predictor of death from onset of AD, with females having a 30 percent lower risk compared to males. These findings further support the notion that age (both from onset and from diagnosis) and sex are the strongest predictors of survival among those with AD. ^
Uncertainty has been found to be a major component of the cancer experience and can dramatically affect psychosocial adaptation and outcomes of a patient's disease state (McCormick, 2002). Patients with a diagnosis of Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP) may experience higher levels of uncertainty due to the unpredictability of current and future symptoms, limited treatment options and an undetermined life expectancy. To date, only one study has touched upon uncertainty and its' effects on those with CUP but no information exists concerning the effects of uncertainty regarding diagnosis and treatment on the distress level and psychosocial adjustment of this population (Parker & Lenzi, 2003). ^ Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory (1984) proposes that uncertainty is preceded by three variables, one of which being Structure Providers. Structure Providers include credible authority, the degree of trust and confidence the patient has with their doctor, education and social support. It was the goal of this study to examine the relationship between uncertainty and Structure Providers to support the following hypotheses: (1) There will be a negative association between credible authority and uncertainty, (2) There will be a negative association between education level and uncertainty, and (3) There will be a negative association between social support and uncertainty. ^ This cross-sectional analysis utilized data from 219 patients following their initial consultation with their oncologist. Data included the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) which was used to determine patients' uncertainty levels, the Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Scale (MOSS-SSS) to assess patients, levels of social support, the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-18) and the Cancer Diagnostic Interview Scale (CDIS) to measure credible authority and general demographic information to assess age, education, marital status and ethnicity. ^ In this study we found that uncertainty levels were generally higher in this sample as compared to other types of cancer populations. And while our results seemed to support most of our hypothesis, we were only able to show significant associations between two. The analyses indicated that credible authority measured by both the CDIS and the PSQ was a significant predictor of uncertainty as was social support measured by the MOSS-SS. Education has shown to have an inconsistent pattern of effect in relation to uncertainty and in the current study there was not enough data to significantly support our hypothesis. ^ The results of this study generally support Mishel's Theory of Uncertainty in Illness and highlight the importance of taking into consideration patients, psychosocial factors as well as employing proper communication practices between physicians and their patients.^
In Conroe, Texas, 492 students ages 5 to 15 participated in a screening examination for cardiovascular risk factor study. Among 492 students, 141 elementary and junior high students participated in the present sub-study to investigate the effect of the number of recent life events on blood pressure and on body mass index. Using the elementary and junior high school Coddington scales, life events occurring in the past 12 months were measured for students ages 9 to 14 years, no significant differences in life events were observed by age and sex. The number of life events was not related to blood pressure but was positively correlated to body mass index in children and adolescents. ^
Bisphosphonates have proven effectiveness in preventing skeletal-related events (SREs) in advanced breast cancer, prostate cancer and multiple myeloma. The purpose of this study was to assess efficacy of bisphosphonates in preventing SREs, in controlling pain, and in increasing life expectancy in lung cancer patients with bone metastases.^ We performed an electronic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane library databases up to April 4, 2010. Hand searching and searching in clinicaltrials.gov were also performed. Two independent reviewers selected all clinical trials that included lung cancer patients with bone metastases treated with bisphosphonates. We excluded articles that involved cancers other than lung, patients without bone metastasis and treatment other than bisphosphonates. Outcome questions answered were efficacy measured as overall pain control, overall improvement in survival and reduction in skeletal-related events or SREs (fracture, cord compression, radiation or surgery to the bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy). The quality of each study was evaluated using the Cochrane Back Review group questionnaire to assess risk of bias (0-worst to 11-best). Data extraction and quality assessments were independently performed by two assessors. Meta-analyses were performed where more than one study with similar outcomes were found.^ We identified eight trials that met our inclusion criteria. Three studies evaluated zoledronic acid, three pamidronate, three clodronate and two ibandronate. Two were placebocontrol trials while two had multi-group comparisons (radiotherapy, radionucleotides, and chemotherapy) and two had different bisphosphonate as active controls. Quality scores ranged from 1-4 out of 11 suggesting high risk of bias. Studies failed to report adequate explanation of randomization procedures, concealment of randomization and blinding. Metaanalysis showed that patients treated with zoledronic acid alone had lower rates of developing SREs compared to placebo at 21 months (RR=0.80, 95% CI=0.66-0.97, p=0.02). Meta-analyses also showed increased pain control when a bisphosphonate was added to the existing treatment modality like chemotherapy or radiation (RR=1.17, 95% CI=1.03-1.34, p=0.02). However, pain control was not statistically significantly different among various bisphosphonates when other treatment modalities were not present. Despite improvement in SRE and pain control, bisphosphonates failed to show improvement in overall survival (Difference in means=109.1 days, 95% CI= -51.52 – 269.71, p=0.183).^ Adding biphosphonates to standard care improved pain control and reduced SREs. Biphosphonates did not improve overall survival. Further larger studies with higher quality are required to stengthen the evidence.^ Keywords/MeSH terms Bisphosphonates/diphosphonates: generic, chemical and trade names.^
La condición física, o como mejor se la conoce hoy en día el “fitness”, es una variable que está cobrando gran protagonismo, especialmente desde la perspectiva de la salud. La mejora de la calidad de vida que se ha experimentado en los últimos años en las sociedades desarrolladas, conlleva un aumento de la esperanza de vida, lo que hace que cada vez más personas vivan más años. Este rápido crecimiento de la población mayor de 60 años hace que, un grupo poblacional prácticamente olvidado desde el punto de vista de la investigación científica en el campo de la actividad física y del deporte, cobre gran relevancia, con el fin de poder ayudar a alcanzar el dicho “no se trata de aportar años a la vida sino vida a lo años”. La presente memoria de Tesis Doctoral tiene como principal objetivo valorar los niveles de fitness en población mayor española, además de analizar la relación existente entre el fitness, sus condicionantes y otros aspectos de la salud, tales como la composición corporal y el estado cognitivo. Entendemos que para poder establecer futuras políticas de salud pública en relación a la actividad física y el envejecimiento activo es necesario conocer cuáles son los niveles de partida de la población mayor en España y sus condicionantes. El trabajo está basado en los datos del estudio multicéntrico EXERNET (Estudio Multi-céntrico para la Evaluación de los Niveles de Condición Física y su relación con Estilos de Vida Saludables en población mayor española no institucionalizada), así como en los datos de dos estudios, llevados a cabo en población mayor institucionalizada. Se han analizado un total de 3136 mayores de vida independiente, procedentes de 6 comunidades autónomas, y 153 mayores institucionalizados en residencias de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los principales resultados de esta tesis son los siguientes: a) Fueron establecidos los valores de referencia, así como las curvas de percentiles, para cada uno de los test de fitness, de acuerdo a la edad y al sexo, en población mayor española de vida independiente y no institucionalizada. b) Los varones obtuvieron mejores niveles de fitness que las mujeres, excepto en los test de flexibilidad; existe una tendencia a disminuir la condición física en ambos sexos a medida que la edad aumenta. c) Niveles bajos de fitness funcional fueron asociados con un aumento en la percepción de problemas. d) El nivel mínimo de fitness funcional a partir del cual los mayores perciben problemas en sus actividades de la vida diaria (AVD) es similar en ambos sexos. e) Niveles elevados de fitness fueron asociados con un menor riesgo de sufrir obesidad sarcopénica y con una mejor salud percibida en los mayores. f) Las personas mayores con obesidad sarcopénica tienen menor capacidad funcional que las personas mayores sanas. g) Niveles elevados de fuerza fueron asociados con un mejor estado cognitivo siendo el estado cognitivo la variable que más influye en el deterioro de la fuerza, incluso más que el sexo y la edad. ABSTRACT Fitness is a variable that is gaining in prominence, especially from the health perspective. Improvement of life quality that has been experienced in the last few years in developed countries, leads to an expanded life expectancy, increasing the numbers of people living longer. This population consisting of people of over 60 years, an almost forgotten population group from the point of view of scientific research in the field of physical activity and sport, is becoming increasingly important, with the main aim of helping to achieve the saying “do not only add years to life, but also add life to years”. The principal aim of the current thesis was to assess physical fitness levels in Spanish elderly people, of over 65 years, analyzing relationship between physical fitness, its determinants, and other aspects of health such as body composition and cognitive status. In order to establish further public health policies in relation to physical activity and active ageing it is necessary to identify the starting physical fitness levels of the Spanish population and their determinants. The work is based on data from the EXERNET multi-center study ("Multi-center Study for the Evaluation of Fitness levels and their relationship to Healthy Lifestyles in noninstitutionalized Spanish elderly"), and on data from two studies conducted in institutionalized elderly people: a total of 3136 non-institutionalized elderly, from 6 Regions of Spain, and 153 institutionalized elderly in nursing homes of Madrid. The main outcomes of this thesis are: a) sex- and age-specific physical fitness normative values and percentile curves for independent and non-institutionalized Spanish elderly were established. b) Greater physical fitness was present in the elderly men than in women, except for the flexibility test, and a trend toward decreased physical fitness in both sexes as their age increased. c) Lower levels of functional fitness were associated with increased perceived problems. d) The minimum functional fitness level at which older adults perceive problems in their ADLs, is similar for both sexes e) Higher levels of physical fitness were associated with a reduced risk of suffering sarcopenic obesity and better perceived health among the elderly. f) The elderly with sarcopenic obesity have lower physical functioning than healthy counterparts. g) Higher strength values were associated with better cognitive status with cognitive status being the most influencing variable in strength deterioration even more than sex and age.
Introducción. La obesidad puede definirse como una enfermedad metabólica crónica de origen multifactorial, lo que provoca trastornos o problemas físicos y psicológicos a la persona, con patologías asociadas que limitan la esperanza de vida y deterioran la calidad de la misma, siendo determinante para sus áreas sociales y laborales. Este trastorno metabólico crónico se caracteriza por una acumulación excesiva de energía en el cuerpo en forma de grasa, lo que lleva a un aumento de peso con respecto al valor esperado por sexo, edad y altura. La gestión y el tratamiento de la obesidad tienen objetivos más amplios que la pérdida de peso e incluyen la reducción del riesgo y la mejora de la salud. Estos pueden ser alcanzados por la pérdida modesta de peso (es decir, 10.5% del peso corporal inicial), la mejora del contenido nutricional de la dieta y un modesto incremento en la actividad física y condición física. La dieta es uno de los métodos más populares para perder peso corporal. El ejercicio es otra alternativa para perder peso corporal. El aumento de ejercicio provoca un desequilibrio cuando se mantiene la ingesta calórica. También tiene ventajas, como la mejora del tono muscular, la capacidad cardiovascular, fuerza y flexibilidad, aumenta el metabolismo basal y mejora el sistema inmunológico. Objetivos. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir en un estudio de intervención para aclarar la evolución del peso corporal durante una intervención de dieta y ejercicio. Para ello, se evaluaron los efectos de la edad, sexo, índice de masa corporal inicial y el tipo de tratamiento en las tendencias de pérdida de peso. Otro objetivo de la tesis era crear un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple capaz de predecir la pérdida de peso corporal después del periodo de intervención. Y, por último, determinar el efecto sobre la composición corporal (peso corporal, índice de masa corporal, la masa grasa, y la masa libre de grasa) de las diferentes intervenciones basadas en ejercicios (fuerza, resistencia, resistencia combinada con fuerza, y las recomendaciones de actividad física (grupo control)) en combinación con dieta de adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad, después de la intervención, así como los cambios de la composición corporal 3 años más tarde. Diseño de la investigación. Los datos empleados en el análisis de esta tesis son parte del proyecto “Programas de Nutrición y Actividad Física para el tratamiento de la obesidad” (PRONAF). El proyecto PRONAF es un estudio clínico sobre programas de nutrición y actividad física para el sobrepeso y la obesidad, desarrollado en España durante varios años de intervención. Fue diseñado, en parte, para comparar diferentes tipos de intervención, con el objetivo de evaluar su impacto en las dinámicas de pérdida de peso, en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad. Como diseño experimental, el estudio se basó en una restricción calórica, a la que, en algunos casos, se le añadió un protocolo de entrenamiento (fuerza, resistencia, o combinado, en igualdad de volumen e intensidad). Las principales variables para la investigación que comprende esta tesis fueron: el peso corporal y la composición corporal (masa grasa y masa libre de grasa). Conclusiones. En esta tesis, para los programas de pérdida de peso en personas con sobrepeso y obesidad con un 25-30% de la restricción calórica, el peso corporal se redujo significativamente en ambos sexos, sin tener en cuenta la edad y el tipo de tratamiento seguido. Según los resultados del estudio, la pérdida de peso realizada por un individuo (hombre o mujer) durante los seis meses puede ser representada por cualquiera de las cinco funciones (lineal, potencial, exponencial, logarítmica y cuadrática) en ambos sexos, siendo la cuadrática la que tiende a representarlo mejor. Además, se puede concluir que la pérdida de peso corporal se ve afectada por el índice de masa corporal inicial y el sexo, siendo mayor para las personas obesas que para las de sobrepeso, que muestran diferencias entre sexos sólo en la condición de sobrepeso. Además, es posible calcular el peso corporal final de cualquier participante involucrado en una intervención utilizando la metodología del proyecto PRONAF sólo conociendo sus variables iniciales de composición corporal. Además, los cuatro tipos de tratamientos tuvieron resultados similares en cambios en la composición corporal al final del período de intervención, con la única excepción de la masa libre de grasa, siendo los grupos de entrenamiento los que la mantuvieron durante la restricción calórica. Por otro lado, sólo el grupo combinado logra mantener la reducción de la masa grasa (%) 3 años después del final de la intervención. ABSTRACT Introduction. Obesity can be defined as a chronic metabolic disease from a multifactorial origin, which leads to physical and psychological impacts to the person, with associated pathologies that limit the life expectancy and deteriorate the quality of it, being determinant for the social and labor areas of the person. This chronic metabolic disorder is characterized by an excessive accumulation of energy in the body as fat, leading to increased weight relative to the value expected by sex, age and height. The management and treatment of obesity have wider objectives than weight loss alone and include risk reduction and health improvement. These may be achieved by modest weight loss (i.e. 5–10% of initial body weight), improved nutritional content of the diet and modest increases in physical activity and fitness. Weight loss through diet is one of the most popular approaches to lose body weight. Exercise is another alternative to lose body weight. The increase of exercise causes an imbalance when the caloric intake is maintained. It also has advantages such as improved muscle tone, cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility, increases the basal metabolism and improves immune system. Objectives. The aim of this thesis is to contribute with an interventional study to clarify the evolution of the body weight during a diet and exercise intervention. For this, the effects of age, sex, initial body mass index and type of treatment on weight loss tendencies were evaluated. Another objective of the thesis was to create a multiple linear regression model able to predict the body weight loss after the intervention period. And, finally, to determine the effect upon body composition (body weight, body mass index, fat mass, and fat-free mass of different exercise-based interventions (strength, endurance, combined endurance and strength, and physical activity recommendations group (control group)) combined with diet in overweight and obese adults, after intervention as well as body composition changes 3 years later. Research Design. The data used in the analysis of this thesis are part of the project "Programs of Nutrition and Physical Activity for the treatment of obesity" (PRONAF). The PRONAF project is a clinical trial program about nutrition and physical activity for overweight and obesity, developed in Spain for several years of intervention. It was designed, in part, to compare different types of intervention, in order to assess their impact on the dynamics of weight loss in overweight and obese people. As experimental design, the study was based on caloric restriction, which, in some cases, added a training protocol (strength, endurance, or combined in equal volume and intensity). The main research variables comprising this thesis were: body weight and body composition outcomes (fat mass and fat-free mass). Conclusions. In this thesis, for weight loss programs in overweight and obese people with 25-30% of caloric restriction, the body weight was significantly decreased in both sexes, regardless the age and type of followed treatment. According to the results of the study, the weight loss performed by an individual (male or female) during six months can be represented by any of the five functions (linear, power law, exponential, logarithmic and quadratic) in both sexes, being the quadratic one which tends to represent it better. In addition, it can be concluded that the body weight loss is affected by the initial body mass index and sex condition, being greater for the obese people than for the overweight one, showing differences between sexes only in the overweight condition. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the final body weight of any participant engaged in an intervention using the PRONAF Project methodology only knowing their initial body composition variables. Furthermore, the four types of treatments had similar results on body composition changes at the end of the intervention period, with the only exception of fat-free mass, being the training groups the ones that maintained it during the caloric restriction. On the other hand, only the combined group achieved to maintain the fat mass (%) reduced 3 years after the end of the intervention.
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a limited life-span, which is measured by the number of divisions that individual cells complete. Among the many changes that occur as yeasts age are alterations in chromatin-dependent transcriptional silencing. We have genetically manipulated histone deacetylases to modify chromatin, and we have examined the effect on yeast longevity. Deletion of the histone deacetylase gene RPD3 extended life-span. Its effects on chromatin functional state were evidenced by enhanced silencing at the three known heterochromatic regions of the genome, the silent mating type (HM), subtelomeric, and rDNA loci, which occurred even in the absence of SIR3. Similarly, the effect of the rpd3Δ on life-span did not depend on an intact Sir silencing complex. In fact, deletion of SIR3 itself had little effect on life-span, although it markedly accelerated the increase in cell generation time that is observed during yeast aging. Deletion of HDA1, another histone deacetylase gene, did not result in life-span extension, unless it was combined with deletion of SIR3. The hda1Δ sir3Δ resulted in an increase in silencing, but only at the rDNA locus. Deletion of RPD3 suppressed the loss of silencing in rDNA in a sir2 mutant; however, the silencing did not reach the level found in the rpd3Δ single mutant, and RPD3 deletion did not overcome the life-span shortening seen in the sir2 mutant. Deletion of both RPD3 and HDA1 caused a decrease in life-span, which resulted from a substantial increase in initial mortality of the population. The expression of both of these genes declines with age, providing one possible explanation for the increase in mortality during the life-span. Our results are consistent with the loss of rDNA silencing leading to aging in yeast. The functions of RPD3 and HDA1 do not overlap entirely. RPD3 exerts its effect on chromatin at additional sites in the genome, raising the possibility that events at loci other than rDNA play a role in the aging process.
Background: The liberalisation of trade in services which began in 1995 under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has generated arguments for and against its potential health effects. Our goal was to explore the relationship between the liberalisation of services under the GATS and three health indicators – life expectancy (LE), under-5 mortality (U5M) and maternal mortality (MM) - since the WTO was established. Methods and Findings: This was a cross-sectional ecological study that explored the association in 2010 and 1995 between liberalisation and health (LE, U5M and MM), and between liberalisation and progress in health in the period 1995–2010, considering variables related to economic and social policies such as per capita income (GDP pc), public expenditure on health (PEH), and income inequality (Gini index). The units of observation and analysis were WTO member countries with data available for 2010 (n = 116), 1995 (n = 114) and 1995–2010 (n = 114). We conducted bivariate and multivariate linear regression analyses adjusted for GDP pc, Gini and PEH. Increased global liberalisation in services under the WTO was associated with better health in 2010 (U5M: 20.358 p,0.001; MM: 20.338 p = 0.001; LE: 0.247 p = 0.008) and in 1995, after adjusting for economic and social policy variables. For the period 1995–2010, progress in health was associated with income equality, PEH and per capita income. No association was found with global liberalisation in services. Conclusions: The favourable association in 2010 between health and liberalisation in services under the WTO seems to reflect a pre-WTO association observed in the 1995 data. However, this liberalisation did not appear as a factor associated with progress in health during 1995–2010. Income equality, health expenditure and per capita income were more powerful determinants of the health of populations.
Contexte: La régurgitation mitrale (RM) est une maladie valvulaire nécessitant une intervention dans les cas les plus grave. Une réparation percutanée de la valve mitrale avec le dispositif MitraClip est un traitement sécuritaire et efficace pour les patients à haut risque chirurgical. Nous voulons évaluer les résultats cliniques et l'impact économique de cette thérapie par rapport à la gestion médicale des patients en insuffisance cardiaque avec insuffisance mitrale symptomatique. Méthodes: L'étude a été composée de deux phases; une étude d'observation de patients souffrant d'insuffisance cardiaque et de régurgitation mitrale traitée avec une thérapie médicale ou le MitraClip, et un modèle économique. Les résultats de l'étude observationnelle ont été utilisés pour estimer les paramètres du modèle de décision, qui a estimé les coûts et les avantages d'une cohorte hypothétique de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque et insuffisance mitrale sévère traitée avec soit un traitement médical standard ou MitraClip. Résultats: La cohorte de patients traités avec le système MitraClip était appariée par score de propension à une population de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque, et leurs résultats ont été comparés. Avec un suivi moyen de 22 mois, la mortalité était de 21% dans la cohorte MitraClip et de 42% dans la cohorte de gestion médicale (p = 0,007). Le modèle de décision a démontré que MitraClip augmente l'espérance de vie de 1,87 à 3,60 années et des années de vie pondérées par la qualité (QALY) de 1,13 à 2,76 ans. Le coût marginal était 52.500 $ dollars canadiens, correspondant à un rapport coût-efficacité différentiel (RCED) de 32,300.00 $ par QALY gagné. Les résultats étaient sensibles à l'avantage de survie. Conclusion: Dans cette cohorte de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque symptomatique et d insuffisance mitrale significative, la thérapie avec le MitraClip est associée à une survie supérieure et est rentable par rapport au traitement médical.
In the last decade, Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have witnessed a rapid economic convergence vis-à-vis Western Europe. However, this rapid growth has not been matched by a similarly rapid increase in life satisfaction, which has remained low in the European context. This paper sets out to address this conundrum, by looking at the individual and macro-level determinants of individual life satisfaction in ten CEE countries. The results highlight that while Central and Eastern Europeans share the same individual determinants of happiness as people in the West (despite some significant cross-country variation), macroeconomic and institutional differences are the key factors behind the lack of convergence in life satisfaction. On the macroeconomic side, GDP growth is still a source of increasing well-being, but the happiness bonus associated with it is becoming smaller. The different levels of individual happiness in CEE are therefore mostly determined by institutional factors such as corruption, government spending and decentralisation, making policies aimed at enhancing institutional quality capable of bringing about substantial improvements in the overall life satisfaction of the people in the region.
Index medicus
"NSF/RA 770123."
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
BACKGROUND: Sustained virological response (SVR) is the primary objective in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Results from a recent clinical trial of patients with previously untreated CHC demonstrate that the combination of peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin produces a greater SVR than interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin combination therapy. However, the cost-effectiveness of peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin in the U.S. setting has not been investigated. METHODS: A Markov model was developed to investigate cost-effectiveness in patients with CHC using genotype to guide treatment duration. SVR and disease progression parameters were derived from the clinical trials and epidemiologic studies. The impact of treatment on life expectancy and costs were projected for a lifetime. Patients who had an SVR were assumed to remain virus-free for the rest of their lives. In genotype 1 patients, the SVRs were 46% for peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin and 36% for interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. In genotype 2/3 patients, the SVRs were 76% for peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin and 61% for interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. Quality of life and costs were based on estimates from the literature. All costs were based on published U.S. medical care costs and were adjusted to 2003 U.S. dollars. Costs and benefits beyond the first year were discounted at 3%. RESULTS: In genotype 1, peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin increases quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALY) by 0.70 yr compared to interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin, producing a cost-effectiveness ratio of $2,600 per QALY gained. In genotype 2/3 patients, peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin increases QALY by 1.05 yr in comparison to interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. Peginterferon alpha-2a combination therapy in patients with HCV genotype 2 or 3 is dominant (more effective and cost saving) compared to interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. Results weighted by genotype prevalence (75% genotype 1; 25% genotype 2 or 3) also show that peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin is dominant. Peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin remained cost-effective (below $16,500 per QALY gained) under sensitivity analyses on key clinical and cost parameters. CONCLUSION: Peginterferon alpha-2a in combination with ribavirin with duration of therapy based on genotype, is cost-effective compared with conventional interferon alpha-2b in combination with ribavirin when given to treatment-naive adults with CHC.