877 resultados para Indo-europese talen.
[ES] Entre 15 y 6 mil años atrás, durante la era del Neolítico, el nivel del Mar Mediterráneo subió entre 100 y 10 m. por debajo de su nivel actual. En esta época el Mar Negro era un lago de agua dulce (Lago Nuevo Euxino) que desembocaba en el Mar Egeo. Sin embargo, durante este periodo se fue secando poco a poco y el nivel de su superficie descendió a 150 mmetros por debajo de su nivel actual. Hace 7.150 años, tal vez gracias a la ayuda de un terremoto, el mar rompió el dique del Bósforo que separaba el Lago Nuevo Euxino del Mar Egeo. En un principio fue una pequeña corriente de agua salada que fluía a través del valle del Bósforo hacia el lago, pero en poco tiempo ésta se convirtió en un torrente y luego en un diluvio. Fue tanta la cantidad de agua salada que fluía a través del Bósforo que el nivel del lago subía ventricuatro centrímetros por día y se llenó en tan sólo dos años. Debido a esta inundación, los valles se convirtieron en trampas mortales y las personas que vivían en la periferia del lago se vieron obligados a evacuar sus hogares y ciudades y trasladarse a terrenos más altos, escapando hacia Europa, India, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Anatolia y Grecia. Algunos historiadores sostienen que los refugiados que llegaron a Egipto comenzaron la leyenda de la Atlántida. Según los profesores Ryan y Pitman, descubridores de la inundación del Mar Negro, todos los habitantes de esta diáspora hablaban un lenguaje similar, Indo-Europeo, y por ello explican las similitudes existentes entre el sánscrito, el alemán y el latín. Los profesores Ryan y Pitman proponen además en su libro que la inundación del Mar Negro, la devastación y la posterior diáspora es la base para el relato bíblico del Diluvio Univeral de Noé.
[EN] This article analyses the new names, repeated and non-repeated names being both included in similar fashion, of indigenous units of organization (cognationes, gentes and gentilitates), discovered back in the 90’s (20th C.). These names are mentioned in the Latin and Celtiberian inscriptions from Indo-European Hispania.
Il mar Mediterraneo è un bacino acquifero peculiare per la recente colonizzazione di specie aliene, per l’evento geologico legato alla Crisi di salinità del Messiniano e per l’ampio range di salinità. L’individuazione dei meccanismi di colonizzazione si è incentrata sullo studio morfologico, istologico e molecolare delle specie Asperarca nodulosa ed Anadara demiri (Arcidae-Bivalvia-Mollusca). La ricerca si è basata sulla caratterizzazione morfologica, con utilizzo del microscopio elettronico a scansione, al fine di individuare il tipo di sviluppo larvale. Successivamente i dati rilevati al S.E.M. sono stati supportati dall’indagine istologica che ha evidenziato la presenza di gonadi a sessi distinti e la non incubazione larvale. L’ulteriore analisi filogenetica ha permesso di evidenziare la netta suddivisione tra le tre popolazioni studiate, indagine effettuata tramite marcatori arbitrari (RAPDs) e nucleari specifici (ITS). I risultati ottenuti trovano supporto da quanto noto su base morfologica. I dati, nel complesso, mostrano una perdita delle capacità di diffusione della specie tramite sviluppo larvale plantotrofico a favore di quello lecitotrofico o diretto; tale tesi è ulteriormente supportata dai dati molecolari che mostrano una netta separazione delle popolazioni prese in esame ed un conseguente isolamento tra individui appartenenti a zone di profondità del Mediterraneo (sub-bacini abissali). La ricerca ha, inoltre,esaminato i meccanismi di introduzione attuali nel bacino acquifero che è soggetto ad una nuova invasione da parte specie aliene dovuta all’apertura del canale di Suez. L’analisi si è focalizzata sullo studio per l’ individuazione dell’origine della specie aliena A. demiri , di presunta derivazione Indo-Pacifica, ma rivelatasi, nei dati preliminari, di origine Atlantica.
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und den Eigenschaftsuntersuchungen von Oligo(phenylenethinylen)en (OPEs) und Oligo(thienylenethinylen)en (OTEs) mit terminaler Donor-Akzeptor-Substitution. Die Darstellung der Oligomerenreihen erfolgt über ein „Baukastensystem“ bestehend aus Start,- Synthese, - und dem jeweiligen Endbaustein. Die zentrale Synthesereaktion zum Aufbau der Push-Pull-Systeme ist eine moderne und effektive Pd-katalysierte Reaktion, die Sonogashira-Hagihara-Kupplung. Für die dialkylaminosubstituierten OPE-Systeme konnten die Cyano,- Formyl,- Nitro –und Dicyanovinylgruppe als Akzeptoren eingeführt werden. In der dodecylsulfanylsubstituierten OTE-Serie wurde als Akzeptor die Nitrogruppe verwendet, während in der methoxysubstituierten OTE-Reihe die Formyl,- Nitro –und Dicyanovinylgruppe als Akzeptoren eingeführt wurde. Alle Reihen konnten mittels 1H-, 13C-, IR-, MS- und UV/Vis-Spektroskopie vollständig charakterisiert werden. Die Lage des langwelligen Absorptionsmaximums zeigt eine starke Abhängigkeit von der Donor- und Akzeptorstärke der Substituenten sowie von der Länge des konjugierten Pie-Systems. Für beide Pie-Systeme ergibt sich bei hinreichend starker Donor- und Akzeptorsubstitution eine ungewöhnliche hypsochrome Verschiebung der langwelligen Absorptionsmaxima. Mit Hilfe der semiempirischen Quantenmechanik wird ein Modell vorgestellt, das die ungewöhnlichen spektroskopischen Eigenschaften der OPEs und OTEs erklären und vorhersagen kann. Mittels elektrooptischer Absorptionsmessungen ( EOAM ), EFISHG-Messungen sowie der Frequenzverdreifachungsspektroskopie ( THG ) werden die NLO-Eigenschaften in Abhängigkeit von der Konjugationslänge der nitrosubstituierten OPE-Serie bestimmt.
L’oggetto dell’analisi si situa all’intersezione di diversi ambiti disciplinari: letteratura, scienze dell’educazione, sociologia, psicologia. Nel presente lavoro, viene privilegiata un’analisi tematica della narrativa e la definizione identitaria delle “infanzie migranti” viene declinata seguendo percorsi di lettura che mettano in risalto alcune prospettive ricorrenti nei romanzi. Il corpus letterario selezionato include alcuni romanzi scritti in lingua inglese da sei scrittrici di origine indiana, in particolare Jamila Gavin, Rachna Gilmore, Anjali Banerjee, Rukhsana Khan, Ravinder Randhawa e Meera Syal. Nel primo capitolo si tracciano le premesse teoriche e metodologiche del lavoro, definendo il genere della letteratura per l’infanzia e interrogandoci sulle sue specificità in un contesto postcoloniale qual è quello indiano. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato alla definizione identitaria delle seconde generazioni, in particolar modo di quelle indo-britanniche e indo-canadesi, cui appartengono i protagonisti dei romanzi presi in esame. Nel terzo capitolo viene posta attenzione agli elementi che concorrono alla definizione identitaria dei giovani protagonisti dei romanzi, i quali si interrogano sul loro essere e sull’appartenenza interculturale. I dialoghi intergenerazionali tra i protagonisti e i nonni - o altre figure di guida - permettono alle scrittrici di raccontare la storia dell’India coloniale e della lotta per l’indipendenza dal punto di vista degli esclusi dalla storiografia ufficiale. Nel capitolo conclusivo si argomenta invece come la definizione identitaria si attui per mezzo dello spazio, tramite l’appartenenza ai luoghi, spazi caricati di significato, e per mezzo del viaggio, che può essere reale, immaginario o iniziatico. In tutti i casi, il viaggio porta alla scoperta del Sé, di un’identità ibrida e molteplice da parte dei personaggi.
The aim of this study was to reconstruct a solid phylogeny of four genera of the Rajidae family (Chondrichthyans: Batoidea) using a concatenated alignment of mtDNA genes. Then use the resultant tree to estimate divergence time between taxa based on molecular clock and fossil calibration and conduct biogeographic analysis. The intent was to prove that the actual distribution of species of Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean skates is due to a series of vicariant events. The species considered belongs to two different tribe: Rajini (Raja and Dipturus) and Amblyrajini (Leucoraja and Rajella). The choice of this genera is due to their high presence in the area of interest and to the richness of endemic species. The results show that despite the ancient origin of Rajidae (97 MYA), the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean faunas originated more recently, during Middle Miocene-Late Pliocene, after the closure of connection between these areas and the Indo-Pacific ocean (15 MYA). The endemic species of the Mediterranean (Raja asterias, R. radula, R. polystigma and Leucoraja melitensis) originated after the Messinian salinity crisis (7-5 MYA), when the recolonization of the basin occurred, and are still maintained in allopatric distribution by the presence of biogeographic barriers. Moreover from 4 to 2.6 MYA we can observe the formation of sister species for Raja, Leucoraja and Rajella, one of which has a Northern distribution, and the other has a Southern distribution (R. clavata vs R. straeleni, L. wallacei vs L. naevus, R. fyllae vs R. caudaspinosa and R. kukujevi vs R. leopardus + R. barnardi). The Quaternary and present oceanographic discontinuities that occur along the western African continental shelf (e.g., Cape Blanc and the Angola–Benguela Front) might contribute to the maintenance of low or null levels of gene flow between these closely related siblings species. Also sympatric speciation must be invoked to explain the evolution of skates, for example for the division between R. leopardus and R. barnardi. The speciation processes followed a south-to-north pathways for Dipturus and a north-to-south pathways for Raja, Leucoraja and Rajella underling that the evolution of the genera occurred independently. In the end, it is conceivable that the evolutionary pathways of the tribes followed the costal line during the gondwana fragmentation. The results demonstrate that the evolution of this family is characterized by a series of parallel and independent speciation events, strictly correlated to the tectonic movement of continental masses and paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events and so can be explained by a panbiogeographical (vicariance) model.
The present dissertation focuses on the dual number in Ancient Greek in a diachronical lapse stretching from the Mycenaean age to the Attic Drama and Comedy of the 5th century BC. In the first chapter morphological issues are addressed, chiefly in a comparative perspective. The Indo European evidence on the dual is hence gathered in order to sketch patterns of grammaticalisation and paradigmatisation of specific grams, growing increasingly functional within the Greek domain. In the second chapter syntactical problems are tackled. After a survey of scholarly literature on the Greek dual, we engage in a functional and typological approach, in order to disentangle some biased assessments on the dual, namely its alleged lack of regularity and intermittent agreement. Some recent frameworks in General Linguistics provide useful grounds for casting new light on the subject. Internal Reconstruction, for instance, supports the facultativity of the dual in each and every stage of its development; Typology and the Animacy Hierarcy add precious cross linguistical insight on the behaviour of the dual toward agreement. Glaring differences also arise as to the adoption — or avoidance — of the dual by different authors. Idiolectal varieties prove in fact conditioned by stylistical and register necessity. By means of a comparison among Epics, Tragedy and Comedy it is possible to enhance differences in the evaluation of the dual, which led sometimes to forms of ‘censure’ — thus triggering the onset of competing strategies to express duality. The last two chapters delve into the tantalising variety of the Homeric evidence, first of all in an account of the notorious issue of the Embassy of Iliad IX, and last in a commentary of all significant Homeric duals — mostly represented by archaisms, formulae, and ad hoc coinages.
Lo studio delle malattie che colpiscono i coralli rappresenta un campo di ricerca nuovo e poche sono le ricerche concentrate nell’Oceano Indo-Pacifico, in particolare nella Repubblica delle Maldive. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è stato approfondire le conoscenze riguardo distribuzione, prevalenza e host range della Skeleton Eroding Band (SEB) nell’atollo di Faafu. Durante il lavoro, svolto in campo tra il novembre e il dicembre 2013, sono state indagate le isole di: Magoodhoo, Filitheyo e Adangau al fine di rilevare differenze nei livelli di prevalenza della SEB in relazione ai diversi gradi di utilizzo da parte dell’uomo delle 3 isole. Il piano di campionamento ha previsto la scelta casuale, in ciascuna delle isole, di 4 siti in cui sono stati realizzati 3 belt transect e 3 point intercept transect a 2 profondità predefinite. La SEB è stata ritrovata con una prevalenza media totale di 0,27%. Dai risultati dell’analisi statistica le differenze fra le isole non sono apparse significative, facendo ipotizzare che i livelli di prevalenza differiscano a causa di oscillazioni casuali di carattere naturale e che quindi non siano dovute a dinamiche legate al diverso sfruttamento da parte dell’uomo. I generi Acropora e Pocillopora sono risultati quelli maggiormente colpiti con valori di prevalenza totale di 0,46% e 1,33%. Infine è stata rilevata una correlazione positiva tra il numero di colonie di madrepore affette dalla SEB e il numero di colonie in cui la malattia è associata alla presenza di lesioni provocate da danni meccanici. I dati di prevalenza ottenuti e le previsioni di cambiamenti climatici in grado di aumentare distribuzione, host range, abbondanza della patologia, pongono l’accento sulla necessità di chiarire il ruolo delle malattie dei coralli nel deterioramento, resilienza e recupero dei coral reefs, al fine di attuare politiche di gestione adatte alla protezione di questi fragili ecosistemi.
The topic of this thesis fo cus on the preliminary design and the p erformance analysis of a multirotor platform. A multirotor is an electrically p owered Vertical Take Off (VTOL) machine with more than two rotors that lift and control the platform. Multirotor are agile, compact and robust, making them ideally suited for b oth indo or and outdo or application especially to carry-on several sensors like electro optical multisp ectral sensor or gas sensor. The main disadvantage is the limited endurance due to heavy Li-Po batteries and high disk loading through the use of different small prop ellers. At the same time, the design of the multirotor do es not follow any engineering principle but it follow the ideas of amateurs’ builder. An adaptation of the classic airplane design theory for the preliminary design is implemented to fill the gap and detailed study of the endurance is p erformed to define the right way to make this kind of VTOL platforms.
The spatio-temporal distribution of megistobenthic crustacean assemblages from the Antalya Gulf, located in the Levantine Sea is described. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the spatio-temporal patterns of the crustacean community, 3 transect including depth of 10, 25, 75, 125 and 200 m, were studied between 2014 and 2015 to investigate their association with a set of environmental parameters in representative months of each season (spring, summer, autumn and winter). For its economic importance in Levantine waters, a focus analysis of deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) was done, to investigate the length frequency composition of the population of the Antalya Gulf. A total of 58 crustacean species were encountered in the study area, of these species identified, 18 species were recognized as alien species in the Mediterranean Sea. Throughout the year the most frequent species of the study were the hermit crab Pagurus prideaux (Leach, 1815) and Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) followed by the Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis longicollis (Leene, 1938) and by the invasive shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus (Spence Bate, 1888). Few species contributing to a high amount to the total biomass were found throughout the year. These species were Charybdis longicollis and Parapenaeus longirostris. Stations of the study area showed similar values of diversity indices of benthic crustacean community among the three transect. The highest values of faunistic indices were detected in autumn and winter (October and February), and also varied along the depth gradient, with the highest values found between 25 and 75 meters. The multivariate analyses conducted on the abundance data point out major differences between depths and between seasons. Therefore, according to cluster analysis and ordination over abundance and biomass, three main crustacean assemblages were detected: the first corresponding to shallow bottoms (10, 25 meters), the second corresponding to intermediate waters (75 meters) and the last to deeper waters (125, 200 meters). Depth was the main factor governing the distribution of megistobenthic crustacean in the area. Besides the depth, the structure of the sediment is the most important factor in determining the crustacean assemblage. Therefore, all factors governing the crustacean distribution were found to be related to the bottom depth. The population of Parapenaeus longirostris in the Antalya Gulf showed significant differences in depth. It was found that females dominated the population of the study area (65.11%), and were significantly larger than males for each cohort identified. The size-weight relationships revealed a slight negative allometry in growth, a bit more pronounced in females than in males.
Endovascular therapy has emerged as a promising alternative to open surgery for stroke prevention in patients with obstructive disease of the supra-aortic arteries. Although most previous studies have used similar safety and efficacy endpoints, differences in definitions, timing of assessments, and standards of reporting have hampered direct comparisons across various trials.
Aim Parrots are thought to have originated on Gondwana during the Cretaceous. The initial split within crown group parrots separated the New Zealand taxa from the remaining extant species and was considered to coincide with the separation of New Zealand from Gondwana 82-85 Ma, assuming that the diversification of parrots was mainly shaped by vicariance. However, the distribution patterns of several extant parrot groups cannot be explained without invoking transoceanic dispersal, challenging this assumption. Here, we present a temporal and spatial framework for the diversification of parrots using external avian fossils as calibration points in order to evaluate the relative importance of the influences of past climate change, plate tectonics and ecological opportunity. Location Australasian, African, Indo-Malayan and Neotropical regions. Methods Phylogenetic relationships were investigated using partial sequences of the nuclear genes c-mos, RAG-1 and Zenk of 75 parrot and 21 other avian taxa. Divergence dates and confidence intervals were estimated using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach. Biogeographic patterns were evaluated taking temporal connectivity between areas into account. We tested whether diversification remained constant over time and if some parrot groups were more species-rich than expected given their age. Results Crown group diversification of parrots started only about 58 Ma, in the Palaeogene, significantly later than previously thought. The Australasian lories and possibly also the Neotropical Arini were found to be unexpectedly species-rich. Diversification rates probably increased around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and in the middle Miocene, during two periods of major global climatic aberrations characterized by global cooling. Main conclusions The diversification of parrots was shaped by climatic and geological events as well as by key innovations. Initial vicariance events caused by continental break-up were followed by transoceanic dispersal and local radiations. Habitat shifts caused by climate change and mountain orogenesis may have acted as a catalyst to the diversification by providing new ecological opportunities and challenges as well as by causing isolation as a result of habitat fragmentation. The lories constitute the only highly nectarivorous parrot clade, and their diet shift, associated with morphological innovation, may have acted as an evolutionary key innovation, allowing them to explore underutilized niches and promoting their diversification.
Background Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in Nepal. Strain variation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis may influence the outcome of TB infection and disease. To date, the phylogenetic diversity of M. tuberculosis in Nepal is unknown. Methods and Findings We analyzed 261 M. tuberculosis isolates recovered from pulmonary TB patients recruited between August 2009 and August 2010 in Nepal. M. tuberculosis lineages were determined by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) typing and spoligotyping. Drug resistance was determined by sequencing the hot spot regions of the relevant target genes. Overall, 164 (62.8%) TB patients were new, and 97 (37.2%) were previously treated. Any drug resistance was detected in 50 (19.2%) isolates, and 16 (6.1%) were multidrug-resistant. The most frequent M. tuberculosis lineage was Lineage 3 (CAS/Delhi) with 106 isolates (40.6%), followed by Lineage 2 (East-Asian lineage, includes Beijing genotype) with 84 isolates (32.2%), Lineage 4 (Euro-American lineage) with 41 (15.7%) isolates, and Lineage 1 (Indo-Oceanic lineage) with 30 isolates (11.5%). Based on spoligotyping, we found 45 different spoligotyping patterns that were previously described. The Beijing (83 isolates, 31.8%) and CAS spoligotype (52, 19.9%) were the dominant spoligotypes. A total of 36 (13.8%) isolates could not be assigned to any known spoligotyping pattern. Lineage 2 was associated with female sex (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.58, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.42–4.67, p = 0.002), and any drug resistance (aOR 2.79; 95% CI 1.43–5.45; p = 0.002). We found no evidence for an association of Lineage 2 with age or BCG vaccination status. Conclusions We found a large genetic diversity of M. tuberculosis in Nepal with representation of all four major lineages. Lineages 3 and 2 were dominating. Lineage 2 was associated with clinical characteristics. This study fills an important gap on the map of the M. tuberculosis genetic diversity in the Asian region.
Taking the three basic systems of Yes/No particles the group looked at the relative deep and surface structures, and asked what types of systems are present in the Georgian, Polish and Armenian languages. The choice of languages was of particular interest as the Caucasian and Indo-European languages usually have different question-answering systems, but Georgian (Caucasian) and Polish (Indo-European) in fact share the same system. The Armenian language is Indo-European, but the country is situated in the southern Caucasus, on Georgia's southern border, making it worth analysing Armenian in comparison with Georgian (from the point of view of language interference) and with Polish (as two relative languages). The group identified two different deep structures, tracing the occurrence of these in different languages, and showed that one is more natural in the majority of languages. They found no correspondence between relative languages and their question-answer systems and demonstrated that languages in the same typological class may show different systems, as with Georgian and the North Caucasian languages. It became clear that Georgian, Armenian and Polish all have an agree/disagree question-answering system defined by the same deep structure. From this they conclude that the lingual mentalities of Georgians, Armenians and Poles are more oriented to the communicative act. At the same time the Yes/No system, in which a positive particle stands for a positive answer and a negative particle for a negative answer, also functions in these languages, indicating that the second deep structure identified also functions alongside the first.
BACKGROUND: This prospective multicenter study compared angiographic in-lesion late lumen loss in de novo native coronary artery lesions (vessel diameter range 2.25-2.75 mm, length range > or = 15 to < or = 30 mm) 8 months after the implantation of a sirolimus-eluting stent with that of similar vessels with the same drug-eluting stent or a bare stent of the SIRIUS study (historical controls). METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred one patients (study group) were matched and compared with 323 patients receiving the bare stent (bare control group) and with 350 receiving the Cypher stent (Cypher control group) in the SIRIUS trial. Mean in-lesion late loss in the study group was lower than that in the bare control group (0.20 versus 0.76 mm, P < .0001) and not inferior to that in the Cypher control group (0.27 mm, P = .3). Adverse event rates (death and myocardial infarction) were similar between groups. At 8 months, target lesion revascularization rates were 0% in the study group, 13.2% in the bare control group (P < .001), and 4.6% in the Cypher control group (P = .03). CONCLUSIONS: The Cypher Bx Velocity stent was confirmed to be superior to the bare Bx Velocity stent in small coronary vessels in terms of in-lesion late loss 8 months after implantation.