923 resultados para Image data hiding


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To deliver sample estimates provided with the necessary probability foundation to permit generalization from the sample data subset to the whole target population being sampled, probability sampling strategies are required to satisfy three necessary not sufficient conditions: (i) All inclusion probabilities be greater than zero in the target population to be sampled. If some sampling units have an inclusion probability of zero, then a map accuracy assessment does not represent the entire target region depicted in the map to be assessed. (ii) The inclusion probabilities must be: (a) knowable for nonsampled units and (b) known for those units selected in the sample: since the inclusion probability determines the weight attached to each sampling unit in the accuracy estimation formulas, if the inclusion probabilities are unknown, so are the estimation weights. This original work presents a novel (to the best of these authors' knowledge, the first) probability sampling protocol for quality assessment and comparison of thematic maps generated from spaceborne/airborne Very High Resolution (VHR) images, where: (I) an original Categorical Variable Pair Similarity Index (CVPSI, proposed in two different formulations) is estimated as a fuzzy degree of match between a reference and a test semantic vocabulary, which may not coincide, and (II) both symbolic pixel-based thematic quality indicators (TQIs) and sub-symbolic object-based spatial quality indicators (SQIs) are estimated with a degree of uncertainty in measurement in compliance with the well-known Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation (QA4EO) guidelines. Like a decision-tree, any protocol (guidelines for best practice) comprises a set of rules, equivalent to structural knowledge, and an order of presentation of the rule set, known as procedural knowledge. The combination of these two levels of knowledge makes an original protocol worth more than the sum of its parts. The several degrees of novelty of the proposed probability sampling protocol are highlighted in this paper, at the levels of understanding of both structural and procedural knowledge, in comparison with related multi-disciplinary works selected from the existing literature. In the experimental session the proposed protocol is tested for accuracy validation of preliminary classification maps automatically generated by the Satellite Image Automatic MapperT (SIAMT) software product from two WorldView-2 images and one QuickBird-2 image provided by DigitalGlobe for testing purposes. In these experiments, collected TQIs and SQIs are statistically valid, statistically significant, consistent across maps and in agreement with theoretical expectations, visual (qualitative) evidence and quantitative quality indexes of operativeness (OQIs) claimed for SIAMT by related papers. As a subsidiary conclusion, the statistically consistent and statistically significant accuracy validation of the SIAMT pre-classification maps proposed in this contribution, together with OQIs claimed for SIAMT by related works, make the operational (automatic, accurate, near real-time, robust, scalable) SIAMT software product eligible for opening up new inter-disciplinary research and market opportunities in accordance with the visionary goal of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative and the QA4EO international guidelines.


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Providing accurate maps of coral reefs where the spatial scale and labels of the mapped features correspond to map units appropriate for examining biological and geomorphic structures and processes is a major challenge for remote sensing. The objective of this work is to assess the accuracy and relevance of the process used to derive geomorphic zone and benthic community zone maps for three western Pacific coral reefs produced from multi-scale, object-based image analysis (OBIA) of high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral images, guided by field survey data. Three Quickbird-2 multi-spectral data sets from reefs in Australia, Palau and Fiji and georeferenced field photographs were used in a multi-scale segmentation and object-based image classification to map geomorphic zones and benthic community zones. A per-pixel approach was also tested for mapping benthic community zones. Validation of the maps and comparison to past approaches indicated the multi-scale OBIA process enabled field data, operator field experience and a conceptual hierarchical model of the coral reef environment to be linked to provide output maps at geomorphic zone and benthic community scales on coral reefs. The OBIA mapping accuracies were comparable with previously published work using other methods; however, the classes mapped were matched to a predetermined set of features on the reef.


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Multibeam data were measured as part of the project HERMES during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXII/1 (2007-05-29 to 2007-07-25) along transits and survey profiles and partly during stationary work. Data were achieved mainly in the coastal areas of northern Norway, at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano at the continental margin approx. 200 nm off the norwegian coast and the AWI-Hausgarten area approx. 150 nm west of Svalbard. A number of surveys were carried out in the coastal areas of northern Norway (Sula Reef, Roest Reef, Traena area, Floholmen area, Sotbakken area) and around the area of the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano. The multibeam sonar system Atlas Hydrosweep DS-2 (Atlas Hydrographic, http://www.atlashydro.com) was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles measured during this cruise or, during transits, utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions (only in the AWI-Hausgarten area). This dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.


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Multibeam data were measured as part of the project HERMES during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXII/1 (2007-05-29 to 2007-07-25) along transits and survey profiles and partly during stationary work. Data were achieved mainly in the coastal areas of northern Norway, at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano at the continental margin approx. 200 nm off the norwegian coast and the AWI-Hausgarten area approx. 150 nm west of Svalbard. A number of surveys were carried out in the coastal areas of northern Norway (Sula Reef, Roest Reef, Traena area, Floholmen area, Sotbakken area) and around the area of the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano. The multibeam sonar system Atlas Hydrosweep DS-2 (Atlas Hydrographic, http://www.atlashydro.com) was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles measured during this cruise or, during transits, utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions (only in the AWI-Hausgarten area). This dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.