999 resultados para Identidade Visual


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Os contos tradicionais ou “estórias”, são narrativas de pequenas dimensões que remontam uma civilização milenar e, pela sua natureza consuetudinária, se fazem presentes em quase todas as culturas e civilizações do globo terrestre, conservando invariavelmente os mesmos propósitos e objectivos socio educacional e espiritual para que são criadas, sendo direccionadas especialmente às crianças, adolescentes e jovens. As personagens, o enredo, o fantástico, o maravilhoso, bem como os ambientes em que as acções se desenrolam, retratam a vivência e a experiência humanas do quotidiano, focando vários aspetos dos destinos do homem, seguindo-se-lhes quase sempre uma moral da história que é anunciada na parte final.No caso concreto de Cabo Verde, podemos afirmar que no período anterior à existência da televisão, em que raras vezes se falava de filmes, telenovelas, desenhos animados, entre outros programas de diversão difundidos por este importante meio de comunicação social, os contos tradicionais – contados, sobretudo, à boca da noite, serviam de recurso para entretenimento, passatempo e ocupação dos tempos livres dos nossos jovens, velhos e crianças que os apreciavam não só pela sua natureza lúdico-fantástica, mas também pelo seu pendor pedagógico e as lições de moral subjacentes a cada um deles – como aliás dilucidado nas obras Chiquinho, de Baltazar Lopes, e Ilha Fantástica, de Germano Almeida, dois exímios escritores cabo-verdianos, onde são mencionados Nha Rosa Calita e Nhô Quirino como grandes contadores de estórias, as quais, no dizer dos seus ouvintes, continham ensinamentos cheios de lições de moral e valores que abriam entendimento às coisas da vida.Deste modo, dentre as várias tradições orais cabo-verdianas, encontraremos nos contos tradicionais, um material importante na formação da identidade do homem cabo-verdiano, sem obliterar o preponderante papel dos contadores, recitadores ou “botadores” de estórias na descrição e dramatização de todos os elementos que as envolvem, enfatizando os exórdios, “feresimentus” e a bendita moral da estória mui ansiosamente aguardada pelos ouvintes, como toque final que determina o triunfo do bem sobre o mal.


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Neste artigo são abordadas algumas questões metodológicas no âmbito das pesquisas sobre a construção da identidade e da formação do Estado-Nação em Cabo Verde e das possíveis linhas de investigação, possibilitando o esclarecimento da problemática. É em torno desta preocupação que o presente texto se centra, nomeadamente no que o conceito da identidade incorpora. Um trabalho desta natureza poderá evidenciar as representações de Cabo Verde e dos cabo-verdianos sobre si próprios e sobre os outros. Poderá ainda revelar o sentido da dinâmica de interculturalidade vivida. Assim, revela-se fundamental reconstruir o caminho histórico de afirmação da ideia de Nação e do Estado em Cabo Verde, de forma a descobrir novas perspectivas sobre a problemática da construção da identidade e do Estado-Nação em Cabo Verde.


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A construção do Estado-Nação em Cabo Verde resulta de uma particularidade sócio-histórica que se iniciou com a descoberta e povoamento das ilhas do Arquipélago. Pretende-se com este artigo compreender os processos que envolvem a formação da identidade e, posteriormente, a construção do Estado-Nação. O processo engloba, por um lado, o nascimento do mestiço e a afirmação da língua crioula cabo-verdiana, por outro, a afirmação das manifestações culturais que culmiraram com a independência nacional em 1975 e posteriormente com a abertura política de 1990 na afirmação e consolidação institucional da democracia.


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Decorrente da necessidade de comunicação entre os diferentes contingentes populacionais que participaram no processo de povoamento do Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, surge a língua crioula cabo-verdiana, que se afirma como elemento estruturante da identidade e da Nação. No presente artigo, procura-se, através de uma análise sóciohistórica, compreender a língua crioula cabo-verdiana e a sua importância na afirmação da identidade nacional. A língua crioula ultrapassa hoje a fronteira nacional, unindo os cabo-verdianos nas ilhas e na diáspora, incutindo nos mesmos a ideia de Nação. Este artigo tem, por conseguinte, o objectivo de compreender o processo que envolve a língua crioula cabo-verdiana, desde a sua génese à sua afirmação.


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Desconocemos los mecanismos fisiopatológicos subyacentes a la aparición de alucinaciones/alucinosis visual en pacientes con ictus, su incidencia, características y valor predictivo topográfico o pronóstico. En este trabajo estudiamos prospectivamente 78 pacientes con ictus isquémico/hemorrágico agudo y ausencia de enfermedad neurodegenerativa/psiquiátrica basal o clínica alucinatoria previa, administrándoles cuestionario estandarizado sobre alucinaciones/alucinosis visual y realizándoles prueba de neuroimagen. Un subgrupo de pacientes también cuenta con EEG y evaluación neuropsicológica. La incidencia de alucinaciones/alucinosis fue del 16,7%, siendo la mayoría imágenes complejas, con presentación precoz y curso autolimitado. Se asoció con lesiones occipitales, defecto campimétrico inicial, y alteraciones del sueño entre otras variables.


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To understand the causes of schizophrenia, a search for stable markers (endophenotypes) is ongoing. In previous years, we have shown that the shine-through visual backward masking paradigm meets the most important characteristics of an endophenotype. Here, we tested masking performance differences between healthy students with low and high schizotypy scores as determined by the self-report O-Life questionnaire assessing schizotypy along three dimensions, i.e. positive schizotypy (unusual experiences), cognitive disorganisation, and negative schizotypy (introvertive anhedonia). Forty participants performed the shine-through backward masking task and a classical cognitive test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST). We found that visual backward masking was impaired for students scoring high as compared to low on the cognitive disorganisation dimension, whereas the positive and negative schizotypy dimensions showed no link to masking performance. We also found group differences for students scoring high and low on the cognitive disorganisation factor for the WCST. These findings indicate that the shine-through paradigm is sensitive to differences in schizotypy which are closely linked with the pathological expression in schizophrenia.


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Background and Aims: The international EEsAI study group iscurrently developing the first a ctivity index specific forEosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). None of the existing dysphagiaquestionnaires take into account the consistency of theingested food t hat considerably impacts the symptompresentation. Goal: To d evelop and evaluate an E oE-specificquestionnaire assessing dysphagia caused by foods of differentconsistencies.Methods: B ased on patient interviews and chart reviews, a nexpert panel ( EEsAI study g roup) identified internationallystandardizedfood prototypes t ypically a ssociated with EoErelateddysphagia. Food consistencies were c orrelated withEoE-related d ysphagia, t aking into account p otential f oodavoidance and f ood processing. This V isual D ysphagiaQuestionnaire (VDQ) was piloted in 20 patients and is currentlyevaluated in a cohort of 150 adult EoE patients.Results: T he following 8 food c onsistency prototypes w ereidentified: soft foods (pudding, jelly), grits, toast bread, Frenchfries, dry rice, ground meat, raw fibrous f oods (eg. apple,carrot), s olid m eat. Dysphagia was r anked o n a 4-point Likertscale (0=no difficulties; 3= severe difficulties, food will not pass).First analysis demonstrated that severity of dysphagia is relatedto the eosinophil load and presence of esophageal strictures.Conclusions: T he VDQ i s the first EoE-specific tool f orassessing dysphagia caused by i nternationally-standardizedfoods of different consistencies. This instrument also addressesfood avoidance behaviour and food processing habits. This toolperformed well in a p ilot study a nd is currently evaluated in acohort of 150 adult EoE patients.


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Modern cochlear implantation technologies allow deaf patients to understand auditory speech; however, the implants deliver only a coarse auditory input and patients must use long-term adaptive processes to achieve coherent percepts. In adults with post-lingual deafness, the high progress of speech recovery is observed during the first year after cochlear implantation, but there is a large range of variability in the level of cochlear implant outcomes and the temporal evolution of recovery. It has been proposed that when profoundly deaf subjects receive a cochlear implant, the visual cross-modal reorganization of the brain is deleterious for auditory speech recovery. We tested this hypothesis in post-lingually deaf adults by analysing whether brain activity shortly after implantation correlated with the level of auditory recovery 6 months later. Based on brain activity induced by a speech-processing task, we found strong positive correlations in areas outside the auditory cortex. The highest positive correlations were found in the occipital cortex involved in visual processing, as well as in the posterior-temporal cortex known for audio-visual integration. The other area, which positively correlated with auditory speech recovery, was localized in the left inferior frontal area known for speech processing. Our results demonstrate that the visual modality's functional level is related to the proficiency level of auditory recovery. Based on the positive correlation of visual activity with auditory speech recovery, we suggest that visual modality may facilitate the perception of the word's auditory counterpart in communicative situations. The link demonstrated between visual activity and auditory speech perception indicates that visuoauditory synergy is crucial for cross-modal plasticity and fostering speech-comprehension recovery in adult cochlear-implanted deaf patients.


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The kitten's auditory cortex (including the first and second auditory fields AI and AII) is known to send transient axons to either ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18. By the end of the first postnatal month the transitory axons, but not their neurons of origin, are eliminated. Here we investigated where these neurons project after the elimination of the transitory axon. Eighteen kittens received early (postnatal day (pd) 2 - 5) injections of long lasting retrograde fluorescent traces in visual areas 17 and 18 and late (pd 35 - 64) injections of other retrograde fluorescent tracers in either hemisphere, mostly in areas known to receive projections from AI and AII in the adult cat. The middle ectosylvian gyrus was analysed for double-labelled neurons in the region corresponding approximately to AI and AII. Late injections in the contralateral (to the analysed AI, AII) hemisphere including all of the known auditory areas, as well as some visual and 'association' areas, did not relabel neurons which had had transient projections to either ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 - 18. Thus, AI and AII neurons after eliminating their transient juvenile projections to visual areas 17 and 18 do not project to the other hemisphere. In contrast, relabelling was obtained with late injections in several locations in the ipsilateral hemisphere; it was expressed as per cent of the population labelled by the early injections. Few neurons (0 - 2.5%) were relabelled by large injections in the caudal part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus and the adjacent posterior suprasylvian sulcus (areas DP, P, VP). Multiple injections in the middle ectosylvian gyrus relabelled a considerably larger percentage of neurons (13%). Single small injections in the middle ectosylvian gyrus (areas AI, AII), the caudal part of the anterior ectosylvian gyrus and the rostral part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus relabelled 3.1 - 7.0% of neurons. These neurons were generally near (<2.0 mm) the outer border of the late injection sites. Neurons with transient projections to ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18 were relabelled in similar proportions by late injections at any given location. Thus, AI or AII neurons which send a transitory axon to ipsi- or contralateral visual areas 17 and 18 are most likely to form short permanent cortical connections. In that respect, they are similar to medial area 17 neurons that form transitory callosal axons and short permanent axons to ipsilateral visual areas 17 and 18.


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The current state of empirical investigations refers to consciousness as an all-or-none phenomenon. However, a recent theoretical account opens up this perspective by proposing a partial level (between nil and full) of conscious perception. In the well-studied case of single-word reading, short-lived exposure can trigger incomplete word-form recognition wherein letters fall short of forming a whole word in one's conscious perception thereby hindering word-meaning access and report. Hence, the processing from incomplete to complete word-form recognition straightforwardly mirrors a transition from partial to full-blown consciousness. We therefore hypothesized that this putative functional bottleneck to consciousness (i.e. the perceptual boundary between partial and full conscious perception) would emerge at a major key hub region for word-form recognition during reading, namely the left occipito-temporal junction. We applied a real-time staircase procedure and titrated subjective reports at the threshold between partial (letters) and full (whole word) conscious perception. This experimental approach allowed us to collect trials with identical physical stimulation, yet reflecting distinct perceptual experience levels. Oscillatory brain activity was monitored with magnetoencephalography and revealed that the transition from partial-to-full word-form perception was accompanied by alpha-band (7-11 Hz) power suppression in the posterior left occipito-temporal cortex. This modulation of rhythmic activity extended anteriorly towards the visual word form area (VWFA), a region whose selectivity for word-forms in perception is highly debated. The current findings provide electrophysiological evidence for a functional bottleneck to consciousness thereby empirically instantiating a recently proposed partial perspective on consciousness. Moreover, the findings provide an entirely new outlook on the functioning of the VWFA as a late bottleneck to full-blown conscious word-form perception.