993 resultados para Hybrid working machines


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Résumé Cette recherche analyse les transformations de la gouvernance d'entreprise et des relations industrielles entre 1970 et 2008 dans le contexte suisse, en mettant l'accent sur les changements survenus depuis les années 1990. Elle se centre sur le secteur de l'industrie des machines, de l'électrotechnique et de la métallurgie -noyau historique du capitalisme helvétique et principal employeur et exportateur industriel du pays - et discute l'hypothèse de la convergence des économies coordonnées vers le modèle libéral. Elle examine d'abord les formes de coordination hors-marché qui se sont consolidées entre les élites économiques suisses au cours de la période d'après-guerre. Les stratégies d'innovation incrémentale des grandes sociétés étaient soutenues par une gouvernance marquée par la faible pression des marchés des capitaux, en raison notamment de la forte concentration de l'actionnariat, de mécanismes protectionnistes en matière d'accès au contrôle des sociétés, ainsi que d'une grande interdépendance entre banques et entreprises. Cette interdépendance apparaît dans la forte densité du réseau d'interconnexions des Conseils d'administration, où les principales banques tiennent une place centrale. Le réseau met également en relation les sociétés du secteur entre elles, ainsi qu'avec des firmes actives sur d'autres marchés, ce qui témoigne de l'irréductibilité des stratégies industrielles à une pure logique de compétition centrée sur les marchés. Les stratégies à long terme du management peuvent également s'appuyer sur un système pacifié de relations industrielles, caractérisé par l'autorégulation des acteurs privés dans le cadre d'un partenariat social de branche entre des associations aux stratégies modérées, « néocorporatistes ». Nous analysons alors l'impact de la libéralisation et de la financiarisation de l'économie suisse sur la coordination des élites économiques durant les années 1990. Nous montrons que l'affirmation des fonds d'investissement a déstabilisé le système traditionnel de gouvernance d'entreprise. Ce dernier a ainsi été marqué par l'émergence d'un marché pour le contrôle de l'entreprise -fin du «capital patient » -, la dissolution de l'interdépendance entre banques et industries et plus globalement des formes de coordination hors-marché reposant sur le réseau d'interconnexions des Conseils d'administration, ainsi que par de profondes restructurations des grandes sociétés orientées vers la création de richesse pour les actionnaires. La recherche explore alors les logiques d'interactions entre la sphère de la gouvernance d'entreprise et celle des relations industrielles, l'affirmation du capital financier faisant pression sur le partenariat social dans le sens d'une flexibilisation et déréglementation du marché du travail. Par ailleurs, nous mettons en perspective le rôle central des élites dans le changement institutionnel. Loin de subir la pression des actionnaires, les préférences d'une nouvelle élite managériale au profil financier ont convergé avec les intérêts des investisseurs dans le processus de financiarisation. Ces préférences ont également participé à l'érosion du partenariat social de branche. Du côté syndical, l'émergence -ici aussi - d'une nouvelle élite, académique et issue de la gauche politique, au cours des années 1990, a remis en cause les recettes de l'ancienne génération de syndicalistes ouvriers. La principale association du secteur a ainsi diversifié ses registres d'action en investissant la sphère politique et en relativisant la paix absolue du travail, deux stratégies activement rejetées par le syndicat au cours du régime de croissance d'après-guerre. Tout en mettant la sociologie des élites au service d'une meilleure compréhension des processus de changement institutionnel dans les capitalismes contemporains, cette recherche souligne des logiques de changement différentes dans les sphères sous revue :changement disruptif dans la gouvernance d'entreprise, incrémentai dans les relations industrielles. L'analyse s'est appuyée sur le croisement de différentes méthodes : analyse documentaire, entretiens semi-directifs, analyse du parcours et profil des élites, analyse de réseau, études de cas.


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This work presents an alternative to generate continuous phase shift of sinusoidal signals based on the use of super harmonic injection locked oscillators (ILO). The proposed circuit is a second harmonic ILO with varactor diodes as tuning elements. In the locking state, by changing the varactor bias, a phase shift instead of a frequency shift is observed at the oscillator output. By combining two of these circuits, relative phases up to 90 could be achieved. Two prototypes of the circuit have been implemented and tested, a hybrid version working in the range of 200-300 MHz and a multichip module (MCM) version covering the 900¿1000 MHz band.


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This paper demonstrates the feasibility of a new circuit for the conversion of binary phase-shift keying signals into amplitude-shift keying signals. In its simplest form, the converter circuit is composed by a power divider, a couple of second harmonic injection-locked oscillators, and a power combiner. The operation of the converter circuit relies on the frequency synchronization of both oscillators and the generation of an interference pattern by combining their outputs, which reproduces the original phase modulation. Two prototypes of the converter have been implemented. The first one is a hybrid version working in the 400-530-MHz frequency range. The second one has been implemented using multichip-module technology, and is intended to work in the 1.8-2.2-GHz frequency range.


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Background: Earlier contributions have documented significant changes in sensory, attention-related endogenous event-related potential (ERP) components and θ band oscillatory responses during working memory activation in patients with schizophrenia. In patients with first-episode psychosis, such studies are still scarce and mostly focused on auditory sensory processing. The present study aimed to explore whether subtle deficits of cortical activation are present in these patients before the decline of working memory performance. Methods: We assessed exogenous and endogenous ERPs and frontal θ event-related synchronization (ERS) in patients with first-episode psychosis and healthy controls who successfully performed an adapted 2-back working memory task, including 2 visual n-backworking memory tasks as well as oddball detection and passive fixation tasks. Results: We included 15 patients with first-episode psychosis and 18 controls in this study. Compared with controls, patients with first-episode psychosis displayed increased latencies of early visual ERPs and phasic θ ERS culmination peak in all conditions. However, they also showed a rapid recruitment of working memory-related neural generators, even in pure attention tasks, as indicated by the decreased N200 latency and increased amplitude of sustained θ ERS in detection compared with controls. Limitations: Owing to the limited sample size, no distinction was made between patients with first-episode psychosis with positive and negative symptoms. Although we controlled for the global load of neuroleptics, medication effect cannot be totally ruled out. Conclusion: The present findings support the concept of a blunted electroencephalographic response in patients with first-episode psychosis who recruit the maximum neural generators in simple attention conditions without being able to modulate their brain activation with increased complexity of working memory tasks.


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Selostus: Perunan somaattisten hybridien ja niiden somatohaploidien fluoresenssi in situ -hybridisaatio Solanum brevidens -lajin spesifisten sekvenssien avulla


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Information about nutrient extraction and exportation by crops, as well as the periods of highest nutrient demand is important for an adequate fertilization management. However, there are no studies on the nutrient uptake of short-stature hybrid castor bean. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate nutrient extraction and exportation by short-stature castor bean hybrid Lyra, in the spring-summer and fall-winter growing seasons. The experiments were conducted in the 2005/2006 spring-summer and 2006 fall-winter growing seasons on an Oxisol, in Botucatu, SP, in a randomized block design, with four replications. The plots consisted of plant samplings, which occurred 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 97 and 120 days after emergence (DAE) in the spring-summer and 17, 31, 45, 59, 80, 100 and 120 DAE in fall-winter growing season. The growth of hybrid Lyra was slow and nutrient uptake lowest between emergence and the beginning of flowering. The period of highest dry matter (DM) accumulation rates and highest nutrient demand were observed 40 to 80 DAE, in both growing seasons. The order of nutrient extraction by the plants in the spring-summer growing season was: N>K>Ca>Mg>S>P>Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu>Mo. In fall-winter, S was more absorbed than Mg. Seed yield was higher in the spring-summer (2.995 kg ha-1), but nutrient extraction and exportation per ton of seed were similar in both growing seasons. Around 58 % of N and 84 % of P, and approximately half of the S and B absorbed throughout the cycle were exported with the seeds. However, most of the other nutrients accumulated in the plants returned to the soil in plant residues.


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Recent findings suggest that the visuo-spatial sketchpad (VSSP) may be divided into two sub-components processing dynamic or static visual information. This model may be useful to elucidate the confusion of data concerning the functioning of the VSSP in schizophrenia. The present study examined patients with schizophrenia and matched controls in a new working memory paradigm involving dynamic (the Ball Flight Task - BFT) or static (the Static Pattern Task - SPT) visual stimuli. In the BFT, the responses of the patients were apparently based on the retention of the last set of segments of the perceived trajectory, whereas control subjects relied on a more global strategy. We assume that the patients' performances are the result of a reduced capacity in chunking visual information since they relied mainly on the retention of the last set of segments. This assumption is confirmed by the poor performance of the patients in the static task (SPT), which requires a combination of stimulus components into object representations. We assume that the static/dynamic distinction may help us to understand the VSSP deficits in schizophrenia. This distinction also raises questions about the hypothesis that visuo-spatial working memory can simply be dissociated into visual and spatial sub-components.


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The mission of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission is to end discrimination within the state of Iowa. To achieve this goal, the ICRC must effectively enforce the Iowa Civil Rights Act. The ICRA will be as effective as the Commission is in processing complaints of discrimination. The ICRC undertook significant steps forward in improving the timeliness and competency by which complaints of discrimination are processed. The screening unit was increased with special emphasis on improving the quality and quantity of the analysis of the initial screening decisions. The investigative process for nonhousing cases was completely overhauled. The improved process builds on the screening decision and focuses on the issues raised in that decision. The new process will help the ICRC reduce a significant backlog for non-housing cases. Additionally, we revamped the mediation program by moving to an allvolunteer mediation program. Over 20 Iowa lawyers volunteered to help the ICRC resolve complaints through alternative dispute resolution.


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Within the last few years correctional research has clearly shown that the working alliance or rapport between correctional officer/staff member and offender is a critical component in reducing recidivism. Some research even attributes up to 40% of offender change or success to this relationship.