753 resultados para Human Physiological Performance.


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The human gut microbiome is known to be associated with various human disorders, but a major challenge is to go beyond association studies and elucidate causalities. Mathematical modeling of the human gut microbiome at a genome scale is a useful tool to decipher microbe-microbe, diet-microbe and microbe-host interactions. Here, we describe the CASINO (Community And Systems-level INteractive Optimization) toolbox, a comprehensive computational platform for analysis of microbial communities through metabolic modeling. We first validated the toolbox by simulating and testing the performance of single bacteria and whole communities in vitro. Focusing on metabolic interactions between the diet, gut microbiota, and host metabolism, we demonstrated the predictive power of the toolbox in a diet-intervention study of 45 obese and overweight individuals and validated our predictions by fecal and blood metabolomics data. Thus, modeling could quantitatively describe altered fecal and serum amino acid levels in response to diet intervention.


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Rapid developments in display technologies, digital printing, imaging sensors, image processing and image transmission are providing new possibilities for creating and conveying visual content. In an age in which images and video are ubiquitous and where mobile, satellite, and three-dimensional (3-D) imaging have become ordinary experiences, quantification of the performance of modern imaging systems requires appropriate approaches. At the end of the imaging chain, a human observer must decide whether images and video are of a satisfactory visual quality. Hence the measurement and modeling of perceived image quality is of crucial importance, not only in visual arts and commercial applications but also in scientific and entertainment environments. Advances in our understanding of the human visual system offer new possibilities for creating visually superior imaging systems and promise more accurate modeling of image quality. As a result, there is a profusion of new research on imaging performance and perceived quality.


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What makes one person more intellectually able than another? Can the entire distribution of human intelligence be accounted for by just one general factor? Is intelligence supported by a single neural system? Here, we provide a perspective on human intelligence that takes into account how general abilities or ‘‘factors’’ reflect the functional organiza- tion of the brain. By comparing factor models of individual differences in performance with factor models of brain functional organization, we demon- strate that different components of intelligence have their analogs in distinct brain networks. Using simulations based on neuroimaging data, we show that the higher-order factor ‘‘g’’ is accounted for by cognitive tasks corecruiting multiple networks. Finally, we confirm the independence of these com- ponents of intelligence by dissociating them using questionnaire variables. We propose that intelli- gence is an emergent property of anatomically distinct cognitive systems, each of which has its own capacity.


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I - Este relatório pretende descrever o estágio especializado em ensino de música realizado no âmbito do mestrado em Ensino de Música na Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. Este estágio decorreu no Instituto Gregoriano de Lisboa e no Conservatório de Música, de Dança e de Arte Dramática de Lisboa, duas escolas de ensino oficial especializado. Sendo a primeira pública e a segunda privada, estas escolas apresentam realidades muito diferentes do ponto de vista organizacional e de gestão, que resultam em situações heterogéneas e dependentes de vários factores que serão mencionados ao longo deste relatório. A análise SWOT efectuada para cada uma destas organizações descreve mais objectivamente os factores e variáveis que permitiram construir este relatório. Foram caracterizados três alunos, um de cada curso: preparatório, básico e secundário. A Maria M. é a aluna do 2º ano do curso preparatório, o Pedro R. é aluno de 3º grau do curso básico de instrumento e o Diego M. é aluno de 7º grau. Foram aprofundadas as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas com cada um dos alunos e os avanços e metas atingidas por cada um destes alunos. Este estágio resulta numa reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica aplicada e as suas motivações.


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IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2015). 8 to 12, Jun, 2015, IEEE ICC 2015 - Communications QoS, Reliability and Modeling, London, United Kingdom.


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This study aims at investigating the influence that entrepreneurial orientation has on export performance of Portuguese footwear small and mediumenterprises (SMEs). Therefore, a quantitative methodological approach was used, conducting a descriptive, exploratory and transversal empirical study, having applied a questionnaire to a sample of Portuguese companies exporting footwear. The research results suggest that entrepreneurial orientation enhances export performance in the analysed SMEs, particularly innovation and proactiveness, through the amount of funds invested, human resources dedicated to this activity, number of new products or services introduced in the market and frequent change in product lines or services and materialization of a long-term perspective, which is accompanied by innovative activities or new businesses. Therefore, the findings sustain the necessity to invest in entrepreneurial orientation as a strategic determinant, which contributes to the growth of small firms in foreignmarkets. Finally, the main limitation of this study is related to the sample size, since it was difficult to find companies willing to collaborate with this kind of research.


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Num contexto de crescente complexidade e disponibilidade de informação, a gestão do capital intelectual assume cada vez mais preponderância como vantagem competitiva para as empresas que procuram maximizar o valor gerado. Esta investigação usa como metodologia príncipal o VAIC (coeficiente intelectual do valor adicionado), para assim estudar a existência de relação entre capital intelectual e a performance bolsista e financeira das empresas do PSI20. O VAIC é decomposto nos seus três indicadores de eficiência, tais como: capital humano, capital estrutural e capital físico. Os dados contemplam quinze empresas e nove anos de análise (2003 - 2011). Elaborou-se uma abordagem que recorre à utilização de técnicas econométricas para reduzir potênciais falhas no tratamento de dados em painel. Os resultados da análise demonstram uma relação positiva entre a aposta em capital intelectual a performance bolsista e financeira, ou seja, a utilização e gestão eficientes do capital intelectual contribuem de forma significativa na avaliação bolsista e financeira das empresas do PSI20.


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Para as organizações sobreviverem num novo ambiente competitivo, tiveram que deixar de procurar obter vantagens competitivas nos seus recursos tangíveis para as procurarem nos ativos intangíveis. Assim, várias investigações comprovam a necessidade de se dar a devida importância ao conceito de Capital Intelectual como fonte de criação de vantagens competitivas para as organizações. Esta importância aplica-se a vários níveis de análise entre os quais o setor público. Esta investigação visa analisar a importância relativa de cada dimensão do capital intelectual de uma Instituição de Ensino, bem como o impacto do mesmo na performance (percecionada pelos seus stakeholders). Nesta dissertação adotamos o método de Estudo de Caso, utilizando uma abordagem mista – quantitativa e qualitativa. Utilizámos variadas técnicas na recolha de dados, tais como: entrevista, registo de áudio e questionários. Relativamente à análise de dados, efetuamos uma análise de conteúdo, análise de documentos e análise estatística. Ao nível de resultados, a análise qualitativa sugere que as três dimensões do Capital Intelectual (Capital Humano, Capital Estrutural e Capital Relacional) devem possuir a mesma importância relativa para avaliar o capital intelectual de uma Instituição de Ensino. Os resultados quantitativos sugerem que o capital intelectual tem impacto na performance, o que está em linha com a literatura sobre o tema. Finalmente, considerámos que esta tese contribui para uma sensibilização relativamente à importância do capital intelectual para melhorar a gestão e performance em contextos educacionais.


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The use, manipulation and application of electrical currents, as a controlled interference mechanism in the human body system, is currently a strong source of motivation to researchers in areas such as clinical, sports, neuroscience, amongst others. In electrical stimulation (ES), the current applied to tissue is traditionally controlled concerning stimulation amplitude, frequency and pulse-width. The main drawbacks of the transcutaneous ES are the rapid fatigue induction and the high discomfort induced by the non-selective activation of nervous fibers. There are, however, electrophysiological parameters whose response, like the response to different stimulation waveforms, polarity or a personalized charge control, is still unknown. The study of the following questions is of great importance: What is the physiological effect of the electric pulse parametrization concerning charge, waveform and polarity? Does the effect change with the clinical condition of the subjects? The parametrization influence on muscle recruitment can retard fatigue onset? Can parametrization enable fiber selectivity, optimizing the motor fibers recruitment rather than the nervous fibers, reducing contraction discomfort? Current hardware solutions lack flexibility at the level of stimulation control and physiological response assessment. To answer these questions, a miniaturized, portable and wireless controlled device with ES functions and full integration with a generic biosignals acquisition platform has been created. Hardware was also developed to provide complete freedom for controlling the applied current with respect to the waveform, polarity, frequency, amplitude, pulse-width and duration. The impact of the methodologies developed is successfully applied and evaluated in the contexts of fundamental electrophysiology, psycho-motor rehabilitation and neuromuscular disorders diagnosis. This PhD project was carried out in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT-UNL), in straight collaboration with PLUX - Wireless Biosignals S.A. company and co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics and Maastricht University School of Business and Economics


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In this study in the field of Consumer Behavior, brand name memory of consumers with regard to verbal and visual incongruent and congruent information such as memory structure of brands was tested. Hence, four experimental groups with different constellations of verbal and visual congruity and incongruity were created to compare their brand name memory performance. The experiment was conducted in several classes with 128 students, each group with 32 participants. It was found that brands, which are presented in a congruent or moderately incongruent relation to their brand schema, result in a better brand recall than their incongruent counterparts. A difference between visual congruity and moderately incongruity could not be confirmed. In contrast to visual incongruent information, verbal incongruent information does not result in a worse brand recall performance.


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Tese de mestrado em Biologia Humana e Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Ovalbumin-like serine protease inhibitors are mainly localized intracellularly and their in vivo functions are largely unknown. To elucidate their physiological role(s), we studied the expression of one of these inhibitors, protease inhibitor 8 (PI-8), in normal human tissues by immunohistochemistry using a PI-8-specific monoclonal antibody. PI-8 was strongly expressed in the nuclei of squamous epithelium of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and epidermis, and by the epithelial layer of skin appendages, particularly by more differentiated epithelial cells. PI-8 was also expressed by monocytes and by neuroendocrine cells in the pituitary gland, pancreas, and digestive tract. Monocytes showed nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of PI-8, whereas neuroendocrine cells showed only cytoplasmic staining. In vitro nuclear localization of PI-8 was confirmed by confocal analysis using serpin-transfected HeLa cells. Furthermore, mutation of the P(1) residue did not affect the subcellular distribution pattern of PI-8, indicating that its nuclear localization is independent of the interaction with its target protease. We conclude that PI-8 has a unique distribution pattern in human tissues compared to the distribution patterns of other intracellular serpins. Additional studies must be performed to elucidate its physiological role.


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The photosensitizing properties of m-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) and polyethylene glycol-derivatized mTHPC (pegylated mTHPC) were compared in nude mice bearing human malignant mesothelioma, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma xenografts. Laser light (20 J/cm2) at 652 nm was delivered to the tumour (surface irradiance) and to an equal-sized area of the hind leg of the animals after i.p. administration of 0.1 mg/kg body weight mTHPC and an equimolar dose of pegylated mTHPC, respectively. The extent of tumour necrosis and normal tissue injury was assessed by histology. Both mTHPC and pegylated mTHPC catalyse photosensitized necrosis in mesothelioma xenografts at drug-light intervals of 1-4 days. The onset of action of pegylated mTHPC seemed slower but significantly exceeds that of mTHPC by days 3 and 4 with the greatest difference being noted at day 4. Pegylated mTHPC also induced significantly larger photonecrosis than mTHPC in squamous cell xenografts but not in adenocarcinoma at day 4, where mTHPC showed greatest activity. The degree of necrosis induced by pegylated mTHPC was the same for all three xenografts. mTHPC led to necrosis of skin and underlying muscle at a drug-light interval of 1 day but minor histological changes only at drug-light intervals from 2-4 days. In contrast, pegylated mTHPC did not result in histologically detectable changes in normal tissues under the same treatment conditions at any drug-light interval assessed. In this study, pegylated mTHPC had advantages as a photosensitizer compared to mTHPC. Tissue concentrations of mTHPC and pegylated mTHPC were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in non-irradiated animals 4 days after administration. There was no significant difference in tumour uptake between the two sensitizers in mesothelioma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma xenografts. Tissue concentration measurements were of limited use for predicting photosensitization in this model.


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The main goal of training activities is to improve motor performance. After strenuous workouts, it is physiological to experience fatigue, which relieves within two weeks, and then induce an improvement in motor capacities. An overtraining syndrome is diagnosed when fatigue is postponed beyond two weeks, and affects mainly endurance athletes. It is a condition of chronic fatigue, underperformance and an increased vulnerability to infection leading to recurrent infections. The whole observed spectrum of symptoms is physiological, psychological, endocrinogical and immunological. All play a role in the failure to recover. Monitoring of athletes activities helps to prevent the syndrome with days with no sports. Rest, patience and empathy are the only ways of treatment options.