973 resultados para Howard Phillips Lovecraft


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Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are active against oxyimino cephalosporins and monobactams. Twenty-one Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates obtained between 1991 and 1995 at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, were subject to amplification and sequencing of the SHV beta-lactamase-encoding genes. Thirteen strains were phenotypically ESBL positive. Of these, six strains carried the bla(SHV-2a) gene and seven strains carried the bla(SHV-12) gene. Eight strains were phenotypically ESBL negative. Of these, seven strains carried the non-ESBL bla(SHV-11) gene and one strain carried the non-ESBL bla(SHV-1) gene. There was complete correspondence between the ESBL phenotype and the presence or absence of an ESBL-encoding gene(s). In addition, it was determined that of the 13 ESBL-positive strains, at least 4 carried copies of a non-ESBL-encoding gene in addition to the bla(SHV-2a) or bla(SHV12) gene. A minisequencing-based assay was developed to discriminate the different SHV classes. This technique, termed first-nucleotide change, involves the identification of the base added to a primer in a single-nucleotide extension reaction. The assay targeted polymorphisms at the first bases of codons 238 and 240 and reliably discriminated ESBL-positive strains from ESBL-negative strains and also distinguished strains carrying bla(SHV-2a) from strains carrying bla(SHV-12). In addition, this method was used to demonstrated an association between the relative copy numbers of bla(SHV) genes in individual strains and the levels of antibiotic resistance.


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Enriching foods with long-chain n-3 PUFA (LC n-3 PUFA) is an important approach to increasing the dietary intake of these beneficial nutrients. Enrichment of meat and eggs can be achieved by adding flaxseed, fish oil, or fishmeal to pig or poultry feeds. However, utilization of these sources, particularly fishmeal, has been limited by concerns about adverse effects on sensory qualities, In this study, we evaluated the use of PorcOmega(TM) (POM), a stabilized tuna fishmeal formulation, as a source of DHA for enrichment of park and poultry products, Pigs, broilers, and laying hens were fed rations containing varying levels of POM for varying time periods, and its impact on the LC n-3 PUFA content and sensory qualities of cooked meat and eggs was examined. Pork and chicken products, including chops, sausages, and eggs, with substantially increased (up to sevenfold) levels of LC n-3 PUFA (predominantly DHA) were achieved by including up to 10% POM in rations. The increases were retained after cooking. Some sensory deficits were noted when using higher levels of POM (exceeding 15% in meat and 10% in eggs). However, at modest rates of feeding (5-10% POM), palatable meat and eggs were obtained with worthwhile levels of enrichment. The fishmeal feeding strategy used in this study offers a viable means of producing a range of alternative dietary sources of LC n-3 PUFA. Paper no.


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This study investigated the perceptions of young adults in Japan and Australia about their own age group, as well as middle-aged and older adults. Using a self-administered questionnaire, 155 Japanese and 171 Australian students rated people in the three age groups on traits of personal vitality and benevolence, and also rated their age group vitalities. Results indicated that Australians perceived both middle-aged and older adults in more positive terms than did Japanese and also perceived the vitality of these age groups as higher. On the other hand, both Japanese and Australian young people judged the vitality of their own group as lower than that of middle-aged adults. These results suggest that norms of filial piety, especially its respect dimension, in Japan may be eroding, whereas older Australians may be gaining in social stature.


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Unlike other members of the genus, Echinococcus granulosus is known to exhibit considerable levels of variation in biology, physiology and molecular genetics. Indeed, some of the taxa regarded as 'genotypes' within E. granulosus might be sufficiently distinct as to merit specific status. Here, complete mitochondrial genomes are presented of 2 genotypes of E. granulosus (G1-sheep-dog strain: G4-horse-dog strain) and of another taeniid cestode, Taenia crassiceps. These genomes are characterized and compared with those of Echinococcus multilocularis and Hymenolepis diminuta. Genomes of all the species are very similar in structure, length and base-composition. Pairwise comparisons of concatenated protein-coding genes indicate that the G1 and G4 genotypes of E. granulosus are almost as distant from each other as each is from a distinct species, E. multilocularis. Sequences for the variable genes atp6 and nad3 were obtained from additional genotypes of E. granulosus, from E. vogeli and E. oligarthrus. Again, pairwise comparisons showed the distinctiveness of the G1 and G4 genotypes. Phylogenetic analyses of concatenated atp6, nad1 (partial) and cox1 (partial) genes from E. multilocularis, E. vogeli, E. oligarthrus, 5 genotypes of E. granulosus, and using T. crassiceps as an outgroup, yielded the same results. We conclude that the sheep-dog and horse-dog strains of E. granulosus should be regarded as distinct at the specific level.


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The cuticular hydrocarbon compositions of two sympatric species of Australian Drosophila in the montium subgroup of the melanogaster group that use cuticular hydrocarbons in mate recognition have been characterized. Drosophila birchii has 34 components in greater than trace amounts, with a carbon number range of C-20 to C-33. Drosophila serrata has 21 components above trace level and a carbon number range of C-24 to C-31. These two species share eight hydrocarbon components, with all but two of them being monoenes. For both species, the (Z)-9-monoenes are the predominant positional isomer. The hydrocarbons of D. birchii are n-alkanes, n-alkenes (Z)-5-, (Z)-7-, (Z)-9-, and (Z)-11-), low to trace levels of homologous (Z,Z)-7,11- and (Z,Z)-9,13-dienes; and trace amounts of (Z,Z)-5,9- C-25:2, a major component of D. serrata. Only one methyl branched hydrocarbon was detected (2-methyl C-28), and it occurred at very low levels. The hydrocarbons of D. serrata are dominated by a homologous series of (Z,Z)-5,9-dienes, and notably, are characterized by the apparent absence of n-alkanes. Homologous series of (Z)-5-, (Z)-7-, and (Z)-9- alkenes are also present in D. serrata as well as 2-methyl alkanes. Drosophila serrata females display strong directional mate choice based on male cuticular hydrocarbons and prefer D. serrata males with higher relative abundances of the 2-methyl alkanes, but lower relative abundances of (Z,Z)-5,9- C-24:2 and (Z)-9-C-25:1.


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This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2002 joint RSA/ISBRA Conference in San Francisco, California. The organizer was Paula L. Hoffman and the co-chairs were Paula L. Hoffman and Michael Miles. The presentations were (1) Introduction and overview of the use of DNA microarrays, by Michael Miles; (2) DNA microarray analysis of gene expression in brains of P and NP rats, by Howard J. Edenberg; (3) Gene expression patterns in brain regions of AA and ANA rats, by Wolfgang Sommer; (4) Patterns of gene expression in brains of selected lines of mice that differ in ethanol tolerance, by Boris Tabakoff; (5) Gene expression profiling related to initial sensitivity and tolerance in gamma-protein kinase C mutants, by Jeanne Wehner; and (6) Gene expression patterns in human alcoholic brain: from microarrays to protein profiles, by Joanne Lewohl.


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Commonplace incivility is a topic of longstanding interest within social theory, perhaps best exemplified by Goffman's studies of the interaction order. Nevertheless we know very little about its distribution and expression in everyday life. Current empirical work is dominated by criminological agendas. These tend to focus on more serious and illegal activities rather than minor deviant acts that are simply inconsiderate or rude. The paper reports findings from a focus group study conducted in Melbourne, Australia that set out to benchmark everyday incivilities. The results suggest that perpetrators of incivility have a surprisingly broad social distribution as does the range of locales that might be characterised as 'high risk'. Turning to the work of Putnam and Wolfe, we call for a research focus on low-level incivilities as key symptoms of the state of civic virtue and the strength of moral ties within civil society. Drawing on Virilio, Bauman and Durkheim, it is suggested that the experience of incivility is underpinned by the growth of freedom and movement in contemporary urban settings, and has ambivalent implications that not only invoke boundary maintenance and retreatism, but also offer the possibility for boundary expansion and tolerance of difference.


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Tem sido publicado e discutido cada vez mais o papel dos Bancos Centrais no sentido de minimizarem os custos da inflação para o conjunto da sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar se o Banco Central do Brasil implementou no período Janeiro de 2005 a Julho de 2012 uma regra de política monetária consistente com a estabilidade de preços, a partir de uma literatura iniciada com o trabalho seminal de Taylor (1993). No primeiro Capítulo, será exposto o conceito de Regras de Política Monetária, iniciando pela Regra de Taylor original e chegando às suas versões atuais. No segundo, que será dividido em dois tópicos, será exibida a literatura empírica sobre o assunto: no primeiro tópico, serão apresentadas as evidências empíricas existentes para as experiências internacionais e, no segundo tópico, para a experiência brasileira. No terceiro Capítulo, por sua vez, será feita uma aplicação econométrica sobre a experiência brasileira recente, por meio de estimações de regressões de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO) para a análise de curto prazo e de Cointegração na análise de longo prazo, através da abordagem de Johansen (1991). Além disto, os resultados encontrados serão interpretados à luz da teoria e comparados com as evidências existentes e apresentadas no Capítulo anterior. Grosso modo, os resultados empíricos apontam para o fato de que embora no curto prazo a Regra de Taylor expandida possa ser usada para interpretar as relações entre taxa Selic e inflação observada, no longo prazo há relações estruturais que só podem ser explicadas por elementos teóricos adicionais, tais como os presentes na Curva de Phillips, Curva IS e na abordagem da Paridade Descoberta da Taxa de Juros. Ademais, o trabalho encontra um grau de inércia da taxa Selic, no curto prazo, superior ao observado em trabalhos anteriores, sugerindo uma elevação do conservadorismo do BCB nos últimos anos.


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The minimal supersymmetric standard model involves a rather restrictive Higgs potential with two Higgs fields. Recently, the full set of classes of symmetries allowed in the most general two-Higgs-doublet model was identified; these classes do not include the supersymmetric limit as a particular class. Thus, a physically meaningful definition of the supersymmetric limit must involve the interaction of the Higgs sector with other sectors of the theory. Here we show how one can construct basis invariant probes of supersymmetry involving both the Higgs sector and the gaugino-Higgsino-Higgs interactions.


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In the two-Higgs-doublet model (THDM), generalized-CP transformations (phi(i) -> X-ij phi(*)(j) where X is unitary) and unitary Higgs-family transformations (phi(i) -> U-ij phi(j)) have recently been examined in a series of papers. In terms of gauge-invariant bilinear functions of the Higgs fields phi(i), the Higgs-family transformations and the generalized-CP transformations possess a simple geometric description. Namely, these transformations correspond in the space of scalar-field bilinears to proper and improper rotations, respectively. In this formalism, recent results relating generalized CP transformations with Higgs-family transformations have a clear geometric interpretation. We will review what is known regarding THDM symmetries, as well as derive new results concerning those symmetries, namely how they can be interpreted geometrically as applications of several CP transformations.