933 resultados para Horse breeders


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Summary: Scintigraphy in lameness examination of a horse


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Uniform-price assignment games are introduced as those assignment markets with the core reduced to a segment. In these games, for all active agents, competitive prices are uniform although products may be non-homogeneous. A characterization in terms of the assignment matrix is given. The only assignment markets where all submarkets are uniform are the Bohm-Bawerk horse markets. We prove that for uniform-price assignment games the kernel, or set of symmetrically-pairwise bargained allocations, either coincides with the core or reduces to the nucleolus


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Glutamine synthetase (GS) catalyses the ATP-dependent formation of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia. To determine whether dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells from chick embryos express the enzyme in vivo or in vitro, GS was detected by immunocytochemical reaction either in vibratome sections of DRG or in dissociated DRG cell cultures. The immunocytochemical detection of GS showed that in vivo the DRG taken from chick embryos at day 10 (E10), E14, E18 or from chickens after hatching were free of any GS-positive ganglion cells; in contrast, in neuron-enriched cultures of DRG cells grown in vitro at E10, virtually all the neuronal cells (98.6 +/- 1.0%) express GS at 3, 5 or 7 days of culture. In mixed DRG cell cultures, only 83.6+/-4.6% of the neurons displayed a GS-immunoreactivity. In both culture conditions, neither the presence of horse serum nor the age of the culture appeared to affect the percentage of neurons which displayed a GS-immunoreactivity. After [3H]glutamine uptake, radioautographs revealed that only 80% of the neurons were labelled in neuron-enriched DRG cell cultures while 96% of the neurons were radioactive in mixed DRG cell cultures. Furthermore the most heavily [3H]glutamine-labelled neurons were exclusively found in mixed DRG cell cultures. Combination of both immunocytochemical detection of GS and radioautography after [3H]glutamine uptake showed that strongly GS-immunostained neurons corresponded to poorly radioactive ones and vice versa. When skeletal muscle extract (ME) was added to DRG cell cultures, the number of GS-positive neurons was reduced to 77.5 +/- 2.5% in neuron-enriched cultures or to 43.6 +/- 3.8% in mixed DRG cell cultures; in both types of culture, the intensity of the neuronal immunostaining was depressed. Furthermore, combined action of ME and non-neuronal cells potentiates the enzyme repression exerted separately by ME or non-neuronal cells. Since GS-immunoreactivity is expressed in DRG cells grown in vitro, but not in vivo, it is suggested that microenvironmental factors influence the expression of GS. More specifically, the repression of GS by primary sensory neurons grown in vitro may be strongly induced by soluble factors present in skeletal muscle, and to a lesser extent in brain, and potentiated by non-neuronal cells.


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In animal societies, cooperation for the common wealth and latent conflicts due to the selfish interests of individuals are in delicate balance. In many ant species, colonies contain multiple breeders and workers interact with nestmates of varying degrees of relatedness. Therefore, workers could increase their inclusive fitness by preferentially caring for their closest relatives, yet evidence for nepotism in insect societies remains scarce and controversial. We experimentally demonstrate that workers of the ant Formica exsecta do not discriminate between highly related and unrelated brood, but that brood viability differs between queens. We further show that differences in brood viability are sufficient to explain a relatedness pattern that has previously been interpreted as evidence for nepotism. Hence, our findings support the view that nepotism remains elusive in social insects and emphasize the need for further controlled experiments.


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There are currently many devices and techniques to quantify trace elements (TEs) in various matrices, but their efficacy is dependent on the digestion methods (DMs) employed in the opening of such matrices which, although "organic", present inorganic components which are difficult to solubilize. This study was carried out to evaluate the recovery of Fe, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cd and Pb contents in samples of composts and cattle, horse, chicken, quail, and swine manures, as well as in sewage sludges and peat. The DMs employed were acid digestion in microwaves with HNO3 (EPA 3051A); nitric-perchloric digestion with HNO3 + HClO4 in a digestion block (NP); dry ashing in a muffle furnace and solubilization of residual ash in nitric acid (MDA); digestion by using aqua regia solution (HCl:HNO3) in the digestion block (AR); and acid digestion with HCl and HNO3 + H2O2 (EPA 3050). The dry ashing method led to the greatest recovery of Cd in organic residues, but the EPA 3050 protocol can be an alternative method for the same purpose. The dry ashing should not be employed to determine the concentration of Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the residues. Higher Cr and Fe contents are recovered when NP and EPA 3050 are employed in the opening of organic matrices. For most of the residues analyzed, AR is the most effective method for recovering Ni. Microwave-assisted digestion methods (EPA3051 and 3050) led to the highest recovery of Pb. The choice of the DM that provides maximum recovery of Zn depends on the organic residue and trace element analyzed.


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Horses (Equus caballus) belong to the group of seasonally polyestrous mammals. Estrous cycles typically start with increasing daylight length after winter, but mares can differ greatly in the timing of onset of regular estrus cycles. Here, we test whether spatial proximity to a stallion also plays a role. Twenty-two anestrous mares were either exposed to one of two stallions (without direct physical contact) or not exposed (controls) under experimental conditions during two consecutive springs (February to April). Ovarian activity was monitored via transrectal ultrasound and stallion's direct contact time with each mare was determined three times per week for one hour each. We found that mares exposed to a stallion ovulated earlier and more often during the observational period than mares that were not exposed to stallions. Neither stallion identity nor direct contact time, mare age, body condition, size of her largest follicle at the onset of the experiment, or parasite burden significantly affected the onset of cyclicity. In conclusion, the timing of estrous cycles and cycle frequency, i.e., crucial aspects of female reproductive strategy, strongly depend on how the mares perceive their social environment. Exposing mares to the proximity of a stallion can therefore be an alternative to, for example, light programs or elaborated hormonal therapies to start the breeding season earlier and increase the number of estrous cycles in horses.


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Summary: Scintigraphy in lameness examination of the horse : part 2 : imaging of bone and muscle injuries


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The paper reports a detailed experimental study on magnetic relaxation of natural horse-spleen ferritin. ac susceptibility measurements performed on three samples of different concentration show that dipole-dipole interactions between uncompensated moments play no significant role. Furthermore, the distribution of relaxation times in these samples has been obtained from a scaling of experimental X" data, obtained at different frequencies. The average uncompensated magnetic moment per protein is compatible with a disordered arrangement of atomic spins throughout the core, rather than with surface disorder. The observed field dependence of the blocking temperature suggests that magnetic relaxation is faster at zero field than at intermediate field values. This is confirmed by the fact that the magnetic viscosity peaks at zero field, too. Using the distribution of relaxation times obtained independently, we show that these results cannot be explained in terms of classical relaxation theory. The most plausible explanation of these results is the existence, near zero field, of resonant magnetic tunneling between magnetic states of opposite orientation, which are thermally populated.


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Summary: Radiographic appearence of sand accumulations in the large colon and their relationship with age, breed and clinical signs of the horse


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Uniform-price assignment games are introduced as those assignment markets with the core reduced to a segment. In these games, for all active agents, competitive prices are uniform although products may be non-homogeneous. A characterization in terms of the assignment matrix is given. The only assignment markets where all submarkets are uniform are the Bohm-Bawerk horse markets. We prove that for uniform-price assignment games the kernel, or set of symmetrically-pairwise bargained allocations, either coincides with the core or reduces to the nucleolus


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Summary: Malbehaviour of horse - a review of literature


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Animal societies vary in the number of breeders per group, which affects many socially and ecologically relevant traits. In several social insect species, including our study species Formica selysi, the presence of either one or multiple reproducing females per colony is generally associated with differences in a suite of traits such as the body size of individuals. However, the proximate mechanisms and ontogenetic processes generating such differences between social structures are poorly known. Here, we cross-fostered eggs originating from single-queen (= monogynous) or multiple-queen (= polygynous) colonies into experimental groups of workers from each social structure to investigate whether differences in offspring survival, development time and body size are shaped by the genotype and/or prefoster maternal effects present in the eggs, or by the social origin of the rearing workers. Eggs produced by polygynous queens were more likely to survive to adulthood than eggs from monogynous queens, regardless of the social origin of the rearing workers. However, brood from monogynous queens grew faster than brood from polygynous queens. The social origin of the rearing workers influenced the probability of brood survival, with workers from monogynous colonies rearing more brood to adulthood than workers from polygynous colonies. The social origin of eggs or rearing workers had no significant effect on the head size of the resulting workers in our standardized laboratory conditions. Overall, the social backgrounds of the parents and of the rearing workers appear to shape distinct survival and developmental traits of ant brood.


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Gauguin's first attempts at still-life painting, around 1875, followed the Dutch tradition, influenced mainly by Manet's palette. But he did take occasional liberties in depicting flowers with more fluid colour and dynamic backgrounds. From 1879 his style shows the influence of the Impressionists: Pissarro in the landscapes and Degas in the composition of his still-lifes. He was also open to the new trends which were developing among artists in Paris and applied them in his paintings, using still-lifes as his main means for testing them. He did not escape the contemporary fascination with Japonism, and even experimented briefly with Pointillism in Still Life with Horse's Head. His stays in Britain between 1886 and 1890 correspond to an extremely rich and innovative period for him, in which still-lifes served for increasing experimentation. "Fête Gloanec" and Three Puppies reflect his preoccupations: rejection of perspective, use of areas of flat colour, and mixed styles. These pictures amount to an aesthetic manifesto; many of them are also imbued with strong symbolism, as in the Portrait of Meyer de Haan, which is a melancholic reflection on the fall of man. In Still-Life with Japanese Print, frail blue flowers seem to come out of the head of the artist-martyr, a pure product of the painter's "restless imagination". Thus Gauguin showed that art is an "abstraction" through a genre which was reputed to lend itself with difficulty to anything other than mimesis. Although he moved away from still-life after 1890, Gauguin is one of the first artists to radically renew its role and the status of still-life at the end of the 19th century, well before the Fauvists and Cubists.


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Small or decreasing populations call for emergency actions like, for example, captive breeding programs. Such programs aim at rapidly increasing population sizes in order to reduce the loss of genetic variability and to avoid possible Allee effects. The Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni is one of the species that is currently supported in several captive breeding programs at various locations. Here, we model the demographic and genetic consequences of potential management strategies that are based on offspring sex ratio manipulation. Increased population growth could be achieved by manipulating female conditions and/or male attractiveness in the captive breeders and consequently shifting the offspring sex ratio towards more female offspring, which are then used for reintroduction. Fragmenting populations into wild-breeding and captive-breeding demes and manipulating population sex ratio both immediately increase the inbreeding coefficient in the next generation (i.e. decrease N-e) but may, in the long term, reduce the loss of genetic variability if population growth is restricted by the number of females. We use the Lesser Kestrel and the wealth of information that is available on this species to predict the long-term consequences of various kinds of sex-ratio manipulation. We find that, in our example and possibly in many other cases, a sex-ratio manipulation that seems realistic could have a beneficial effect on the captive breeding program. However, the possible long-term costs and benefits of such measures need to be carefully optimized.


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Neuronal subpopulations of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells in the chicken exhibit carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. To determine whether CA activity is expressed by DRG cells maintained in in vitro cultures, dissociated DRG cells from 10-day-old chick embryos were cultured on a collagen substrate. The influence exerted by environmental factors on the enzyme expression was tested under various conditions of culture. Neuron-enriched cell cultures and mixed DRG-cell cultures (including numerous non-neuronal cells) were performed either in a defined medium or in a horse serum-supplemented medium. In all the tested conditions, subpopulations of cultured sensory neurons expressed CA activity in their cell bodies, while their neurites were rarely stained; in each case, the percentage of CA-positive neurons declined with the age of the cultures. The number and the persistence of neurons possessing CA activity as well as the intensity of the reaction were enhanced by addition of horse serum. In contrast, the expression of the neuronal CA activity was not affected by the presence of non-neuronal cells or by the rise of CO2 concentration. Thus, the appearance and disappearance of neuronal subpopulations expressing CA activity may be decisively influenced by factors contained in the horse serum. The loss of CA-positive neurons with time could result from a cell selection or from genetic repression. Analysis of the time curves does not support a preferential cell death of CA-positive neurons but suggests that the eventual conversion of CA-positive neurons into CA-negative neurons results from a loss of the enzyme activity. These results indicate that the phenotypic expression of cultured sensory neurons is dependent on defined environmental factors.