970 resultados para Hill, Horatio.
We surveyed macroinvertebrate communities in 31 hill streams in the Vouga River and Mondego River catchments in central Portugal. Despite applying a "least-impacted" criterion, channel and bank management was common, with 38% of streams demonstrating channel modification (damming) and 80% with evidence of bank modification. Principal component analysis (PCA) at the family and species level related the macroinvertebrates to habitat variables derived at three spatial scales -- site (20 m), reach (200 m), and catchment. Variation in community structure between sites was similar at the species and family level and was statistically related to pH, conductivity, temperature, flow, shade, and substrate size at the site scale; channel and bank habitat and riparian vegetation and land-use at the reach scale; and altitude and slope at the catchment scale. While the effects of river management were apparent in various ecologically important habitat features at the site and reach scale, a direct relationship with macroinvertebrate assemblages was only apparent between the extent of walled banks and the secondary PCA axis described by species data. The strong relationship between catchment scale variables and descriptors of physical structure at the reach and site scale suggests that catchment-scale parameters are valuable predicators of macroinvertebrate community structure in these streams despite the anthropogenic modifications of the natural habitat.
Since the neo-liberal turn, corporate investment in universities has accelerated as the withdrawal of government funding, among other factors, has further exposed universities to market forces. While this process offers numerous benefits for corporations and wealthy individuals, it has been mostly detrimental for students, educators, and the public at large. In this interview, international scholars Dave Hill, Alpesh Maisuria, Anthony Nocella, and Michael Parenti broadly explain why corporations have been aggressively investing in universities. They address the numerous ways that corporate involvement in university activity negatively impacts academic freedom, research outcomes, and the practice of democracy. The interview ends on a hopeful note by presenting examples of resistance against corporate influence. Their analyses focus primarily on the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.
Korean sota on länsimaisessa historiantutkimuksessa yksi vähiten tutkittuja 1900-luvun sotia. Sotaa on tutkittu jonkin verran perinteisen sotahistorian näkökulmasta keskittyen sodan strategiaan ja taistelutilanteisiin. Oma tutkielmani pyrkii hahmottamaan Korean sotaa niin sanotun uuden sotahistorian näkökulmasta. Tässä pro gradussa tutkin Korean sodassa taistelleiden yhdysvaltalaisten sotilaiden kokemuksien kuvauksia keskittyen erityisesti tilan kuvaukseen. Tutkielmassani käytän aineistonani 2000-luvulla tehtyjä amerikkalaisten Korean sodan veteraanien haastatteluja. Etsin haastatteluista vastauksia siihen, minkälaisia kokemuksen kuvauksia liittyen tilaan, ympäristöön ja paikkaan Korean sodan veteraanit tuovat esille. Tutkielmassani määrittelen tilan olevan ensisijaisesti merkityksellistetty sijainti, johon liitetään subjektiivisia kokemuksia. Lähestyn haastateltujen veteraanien tilan kuvausta sen kautta, minkälaisia kokemuksia he tuovat esille. Haastattelut lähdeaineistona tarvitsevat avukseen muistitietotutkimusta, jota olen myös hyödyntänyt tutkielmassani. Tilaa hahmottelen useiden erilaisten teemojen kautta, kuten ympäristön, paikan, arjen kokemusten ja sosiaalisten suhteiden sekä kuoleman avulla. Veteraanit kertoivat haastatteluissaan useita kokemuksia, jotka voidaan hahmotella olevan osa tilan kokemusta. Erilaisia tilaan liittyviä veteraanien kuvailtuja kokemuksia olivat esimerkiksi juoksuhautojen kylmyys, vihollisten henkinen läheisyys sekä erilaiset nimetyt taistelupaikat, joihin yhdistettiin kokemuksia ja muistoja. Korean sota koetaan yhä niin sanottuna unohdettuna sotana, sillä se ei ole saavuttanut merkityksellistä asemaa amerikkalaisessa julkisessa muistissa ja tutkimustieto sodasta on varsin vähäistä verrattuna esimerkiksi Vietnamin sotaan. Tarkoituksenani on lähestyä Korean sotaa uudesta näkökulmasta, sillä tutkielmassani yhdistän sotahistorian ja tilan tutkimuksen.
"*GPO: 1995--387-034/0018 Reprint 1984."
"*GPO: 1997--417-648/60078."
"*GPO: 1998--432-903/60303."
"*GPO: 1999--454-767/00085."
"*GPO: 2005--310-394/00321."
"*GPO:2008--339-126/80006 Reprint 2008."
"*GPO:2010--357-940/80371 Reprint 2010."
Among insects, which are the most diverse eukaryotic group on earth, Lepidoptera is one of four enormously diverse orders, with approximately 10,000 described species in North America. Within the order, Nearctic “microlepidoptera,” which represent an overwhelmingly large percentage of diversity within the order, remain poorly known despite their ecological importance in many plant communities. In this thesis, I undertook several studies of microlepidoptera diversity in a natural community type (hill prairie) and a managed community type (biofuel feedstock). In two Illinois hill prairies differing in size, latitude, and plant composition, alpha diversity of Pyraloidea and Tortricidae was similar, but the prairies were found to support different sets of species of these moth groups. It is concluded that the similarity in alpha diversity occurs because the larger prairie supports primarily a complement of moth species that feed as larvae on prairie plants (especially species of Asteraceae and Fabaceae), whereas the moths collected in the small prairie represent relatively few prairie-associated species, plus a large component of species that feed as larvae on deciduous trees that surround the prairie. This agrees with the finding of high beta diversity of moths between the sites, which reflects a high level of larval hostplant specificity in most species of Pyraloidea and Tortricidae. Based on published information plus observations made on microlepidoptera collected during the course of this study, 31 families of basal microlepidoptera were reviewed with an aim toward evaluating the likelihood of their including species that are dependent on tallgrass prairie. Of these families, 12 were evaluated as possible, and two as likely or certain, to include prairie-dependent species. In a comparison of moth diversity in light-trap samples from corn, miscanthus, switchgrass, and native prairie, alpha diversity was highest in prairie and was higher in switchgrass than in the other two biofuel crops. Moth species complements generally were similar among the biofuel crops, and prairie shared higher species complementarity with switchgrass than with corn or miscanthus. These findings suggest that large-scale conversion of land to biofuel crops may, to a substantial degree, detrimentally affect arthropod biodiversity, with a resulting loss of valuable arthropod-derived ecosystem services both within the cropping systems and in the surrounding landscape. During the course of this study, rearing efforts yielded two species of moths of the family Gelechiidae, both of which are monophagous leaf feeders on leadplant, Amorpha canescens (Fabaceae). Because these moths are restricted to tallgrass prairie, they are likely to be of interest to conservation biologists. In the interest of naming the moths to facilitate communication regarding them, and to augment our taxonomic knowledge of their respective genera, the moths are described, and diagnoses are provided to differentiate them from similar, related species.