956 resultados para Higher Order Ionosphere Effects


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We present a low-complexity algorithm based on reactive tabu search (RTS) for near maximum likelihood (ML) detection in large-MIMO systems. The conventional RTS algorithm achieves near-ML performance for 4-QAM in large-MIMO systems. But its performance for higher-order QAM is far from ML performance. Here, we propose a random-restart RTS (R3TS) algorithm which achieves significantly better bit error rate (BER) performance compared to that of the conventional RTS algorithm in higher-order QAM. The key idea is to run multiple tabu searches, each search starting with a random initial vector and choosing the best among the resulting solution vectors. A criterion to limit the number of searches is also proposed. Computer simulations show that the R3TS algorithm achieves almost the ML performance in 16 x 16 V-BLAST MIMO system with 16-QAM and 64-QAM at significantly less complexities than the sphere decoder. Also, in a 32 x 32 V-BLAST MIMO system, the R3TS performs close to ML lower bound within 1.6 dB for 16-QAM (128 bps/Hz), and within 2.4 dB for 64-QAM (192 bps/Hz) at 10(-3) BER.


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A simple method using a combination of conformal mapping and vortex panel method to simulate potential flow in cascades is presented. The cascade is first transformed to a single body using a conformal mapping, and the potential flow over this body is solved using a simple higher order vortex panel method. The advantage of this method over existing methodologies is that it enables the use of higher order panel methods, as are used to solve flow past an isolated airfoil, to solve the cascade problem without the need for any numerical integrations or iterations. The fluid loading on the blades, such as the normal force and pitching moment, may be easily calculated from the resultant velocity field. The coefficient of pressure on cascade blades calculated with this methodology shows good agreement with previous numerical and experimental results.


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In order to preserve genetic information in stress conditions, bacterial DNA is organized into higher order nucleoid structure. In this paper, with the help of Atomic Force Microscopy, we show the different structural changes in mycobacterial nucleoid at different points of growth in the presence of different concentrations of glucose in the medium. We also observe that in Mycobacterium smegmatis, two different Dps proteins (Dps1 and Dps2) promote two types of nucleoid organizations. At the late stationary phase, under low glucose availability, Dps1 binds to DNA to form a very stable toroid structure. On the other hand, under the same condition, Dps2-DNA complex forms an incompletely condensed toroid and finally forms a further stable coral reef structure in the presence of RNA. This coral reef structure is stable in high concentration of bivalent ion like Mg2+.


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In this paper, we are concerned with low-complexity detection in large multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with tens of transmit/receive antennas. Our new contributions in this paper are two-fold. First, we propose a low-complexity algorithm for large-MIMO detection based on a layered low-complexity local neighborhood search. Second, we obtain a lower bound on the maximum-likelihood (ML) bit error performance using the local neighborhood search. The advantages of the proposed ML lower bound are i) it is easily obtained for MIMO systems with large number of antennas because of the inherent low complexity of the search algorithm, ii) it is tight at moderate-to-high SNRs, and iii) it can be tightened at low SNRs by increasing the number of symbols in the neighborhood definition. Interestingly, the proposed detection algorithm based on the layered local search achieves bit error performances which are quite close to this lower bound for large number of antennas and higher-order QAM. For e. g., in a 32 x 32 V-BLAST MIMO system, the proposed detection algorithm performs close to within 1.7 dB of the proposed ML lower bound at 10(-3) BER for 16-QAM (128 bps/Hz), and close to within 4.5 dB of the bound for 64-QAM (192 bps/Hz).


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Telomeric DNA of a variety of vertebrates including humans contains the tandem repeat d(TTAGGG)(n). We have investigated the structural properties of the human telomeric repeat oligonucleotide models d(T(2)AG(3))(4), d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3), and d(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) using CD, gel electrophoresis, and chemical probing techniques. The sequences d(G(3)T(2)A)(3)G(3) and d(T(2)AG(3))(4) assume an antiparallel G quartet structure by intramolecular folding, while the sequence d(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) also adopts an antiparallel G quartet structure but by dimerization of hairpins. In all the above cases, adenines are in the loop. The TTA loops are oriented at the same end of the G tetrad stem in the case of hairpin dimer. Further, the oligonucleotide D(G(3)T(2)AG(3)) forms a higher order structure by the association of two hairpin dimers via stacking of G tetrad planes. Here we show that N-7 of adenine in the hairpin dimer is Hoogsteen hydrogen-bonded. The partial reactivity of loop adenines with DEPC in d(T(2)AG(3))(4) suggests that the intramolecular G quartet structure is highly polymorphic and structures with different loop orientations and topologies are formed in solution. Intra- and interloop hydrogen bonding schemes for the TTA loops are proposed to account for the observed diethyl pyrocarbonate reactivities of adenines. Sodium-induced G quartet structures differ from their potassium-induced counterparts not only in stability but also in loop conformation and interactions. Thus, the overall structure and stability of telomeric sequences are modulated by the cation present, loop sequence, and the number of G tracts, which might be important for the telomere function.


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By using the strain smoothing technique proposed by Chen et al. (Comput. Mech. 2000; 25: 137-156) for meshless methods in the context of the finite element method (FEM), Liu et al. (Comput. Mech. 2007; 39(6): 859-877) developed the Smoothed FEM (SFEM). Although the SFEM is not yet well understood mathematically, numerical experiments point to potentially useful features of this particularly simple modification of the FEM. To date, the SFEM has only been investigated for bilinear and Wachspress approximations and is limited to linear reproducing conditions. The goal of this paper is to extend the strain smoothing to higher order elements and to investigate numerically in which condition strain smoothing is beneficial to accuracy and convergence of enriched finite element approximations. We focus on three widely used enrichment schemes, namely: (a) weak discontinuities; (b) strong discontinuities; (c) near-tip linear elastic fracture mechanics functions. The main conclusion is that strain smoothing in enriched approximation is only beneficial when the enrichment functions are polynomial (cases (a) and (b)), but that non-polynomial enrichment of type (c) lead to inferior methods compared to the standard enriched FEM (e.g. XFEM). Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The partial thermodynamic functions of the solvent component of a ternary system have been deduced in terms of the interaction parameters by integration of several series which emerge from the Maclaurin infinite series based on the integral property of the system and subjected to appropriate boundary conditions. The series integration shows that the resulting partial functions are suitable for interpreting the thermodynamic properties of the system and are independent of compositional paths. In the present analysis, the higher order terms of these series are found to make insignificant contributions.


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We show by numerical simulations that discretized versions of commonly studied continuum nonlinear growth equations (such as the Kardar-Parisi-Zhangequation and the Lai-Das Sarma-Villain equation) and related atomistic models of epitaxial growth have a generic instability in which isolated pillars (or grooves) on an otherwise flat interface grow in time when their height (or depth) exceeds a critical value. Depending on the details of the model, the instability found in the discretized version may or may not be present in the truly continuum growth equation, indicating that the behavior of discretized nonlinear growth equations may be very different from that of their continuum counterparts. This instability can be controlled either by the introduction of higher-order nonlinear terms with appropriate coefficients or by restricting the growth of pillars (or grooves) by other means. A number of such ''controlled instability'' models are studied by simulation. For appropriate choice of the parameters used for controlling the instability, these models exhibit intermittent behavior, characterized by multiexponent scaling of height fluctuations, over the time interval during which the instability is active. The behavior found in this regime is very similar to the ''turbulent'' behavior observed in recent simulations of several one- and two-dimensional atomistic models of epitaxial growth.


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To resolve many flow features accurately, like accurate capture of suction peak in subsonic flows and crisp shocks in flows with discontinuities, to minimise the loss in stagnation pressure in isentropic flows or even flow separation in viscous flows require an accurate and low dissipative numerical scheme. The first order kinetic flux vector splitting (KFVS) method has been found to be very robust but suffers from the problem of having much more numerical diffusion than required, resulting in inaccurate computation of the above flow features. However, numerical dissipation can be reduced by refining the grid or by using higher order kinetic schemes. In flows with strong shock waves, the higher order schemes require limiters, which reduce the local order of accuracy to first order, resulting in degradation of flow features in many cases. Further, these schemes require more points in the stencil and hence consume more computational time and memory. In this paper, we present a low dissipative modified KFVS (m-KFVS) method which leads to improved splitting of inviscid fluxes. The m-KFVS method captures the above flow features more accurately compared to first order KFVS and the results are comparable to second order accurate KFVS method, by still using the first order stencil. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider here the higher order effect of moderate longitudinal surface curvature on steady, two-dimensional, incompressible laminar boundary layers. The basic partial differential equations for the problem, derived by the method of matched asymptotic expansions, are found to possess similarity solutions for a family of surface curvatures and pressure gradients. The similarity equations obtained by this anaylsis have been solved numerically on a computer, and show a definite decrease in skin friction when the surface has convex curvature in all cases including zero pressure gradient. Typical velocity profiles and some relevant boundary-layer characteristics are tabulated, and a critical comparison with previous work is given.


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This paper proposes a derivative-free two-stage extended Kalman filter (2-EKF) especially suited for state and parameter identification of mechanical oscillators under Gaussian white noise. Two sources of modeling uncertainties are considered: (1) errors in linearization, and (2) an inadequate system model. The state vector is presently composed of the original dynamical/parameter states plus the so-called bias states accounting for the unmodeled dynamics. An extended Kalman estimation concept is applied within a framework predicated on explicit and derivative-free local linearizations (DLL) of nonlinear drift terms in the governing stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The original and bias states are estimated by two separate filters; the bias filter improves the estimates of the original states. Measurements are artificially generated by corrupting the numerical solutions of the SDEs with noise through an implicit form of a higher-order linearization. Numerical illustrations are provided for a few single- and multidegree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, demonstrating the remarkable promise that 2-EKF holds over its more conventional EKF-based counterparts. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000255. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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In this paper we report a modeling technique and analysis of wave dispersion in a cellular composite laminate with spatially modulated microstructure, which can be modeled by parameterization and homogenization in an appropriate length scale. Higher order beam theory is applied and the system of wave equations are derived. Homogenization of these equations are carried out in the scale of wavelength and frequency of the individual wave modes. Smaller scale scattering below the order of cell size are filtered out in the present approach. The longitudinal dispersion relations for different values of a modulation parameter are analyzed which indicates the existence of stop and pass band patterns. Dispersion relations for flexural-shear case are also analyzed which indicates a tendency toward forming the stop and pass bands for increasing values of a shear stiffness modulation parameter. The effect the phase angle (θ) of the incident wave indicates the existence more number of alternative stop bands and pass bands for θ = 45°.


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In this article, finite-time consensus algorithms for a swarm of self-propelling agents based on sliding mode control and graph algebraic theories are presented. Algorithms are developed for swarms that can be described by balanced graphs and that are comprised of agents with dynamics of the same order. Agents with first and higher order dynamics are considered. For consensus, the agents' inputs are chosen to enforce sliding mode on surfaces dependent on the graph Laplacian matrix. The algorithms allow for the tuning of the time taken by the swarm to reach a consensus as well as the consensus value. As an example, the case when a swarm of first-order agents is in cyclic pursuit is considered.


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Shear deformation and higher order theories of plates in bending are (generally) based on plate element equilibrium equations derived either through variational principles or other methods. They involve coupling of flexure with torsion (torsion-type) problem and if applied vertical load is along one face of the plate, coupling even with extension problem. These coupled problems with reference to vertical deflection of plate in flexure result in artificial deflection due to torsion and increased deflection of faces of the plate due to extension. Coupling in the former case is eliminated earlier using an iterative method for analysis of thick plates in bending. The method is extended here for the analysis of associated stretching problem in flexure.


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Sensitivity analysis is an important aspect to be looked into while designing lab-on-a-chip systems. In this paper we will be showing with appropriate design that the best sensitivity of the fluorescence biosensor is achieved for an optimal width of fluidic gap, corresponding to a particular mode spot size. We will be also showing that the sensitivity of the biosensor is affected by efficiency of light coupling, which is influenced by changes in the width of fluidic gap, refractive index of the fluid and higher order modes.