926 resultados para Higgs, Bosons de


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A forthcoming challenge in ultracold lattice gases is the simulation of quantum magnetism. That involves both the preparation of the lattice atomic gas in the desired spin state and the probing of the state. Here we demonstrate how a probing scheme based on atom-light interfaces gives access to the order parameters of nontrivial quantum magnetic phases, allowing us to characterize univocally strongly correlated magnetic systems produced in ultracold gases. This method, which is also nondemolishing, yields spatially resolved spin correlations and can be applied to bosons or fermions. As a proof of principle, we apply this method to detect the complete phase diagram displayed by a chain of (rotationally invariant) spin-1 bosons.


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The Heisenberg model for spin-1 bosons in one dimension presents many different quantum phases, including the famous topological Haldane phase. Here we study the robustness of such phases in front of a SU(2) symmetry-breaking field as well as the emergence of unique phases. Previous studies have analyzed the effect of such uniaxial anisotropy in some restricted relevant points of the phase diagram. Here we extend those studies and present the complete phase diagram of the spin-1 chain with uniaxial anisotropy. To this aim, we employ the density-matrix renormalization group together with analytical approaches. The complete phase diagram can be realized using ultracold spinor gases in the Mott insulator regime under a quadratic Zeeman effect.


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Probing non trivial magnetic ordering in quantum magnets realized with ultracold lattice gases demands detection methods with some spatial resolution built on it. Here we demonstrate that the Faraday matter-light interface provides an experimentally feasible tool to distinguish indubitably different quantum phases of a given many-body system in a non-demolishing way. We illustrate our approach by focussing on the Heisenberg chain for spin-1 bosons in the presence of a SU(2) symmetry breaking field. We explain how using the light signal obtained via homodyne detection one can reconstruct the phase diagram of the model. Further we show that the very same technique that provides a direct experimentally measurable signal of different order parameters can be extended to detect also the presence of multipartite entanglement in such systems.


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We investigate the dynamics of two interacting bosons repeatedly scattering off a beam-splitter in a free oscillation atom interferometer. Using the interparticle scattering length and the beam-splitter probabilites as our control parameters, we show that even in a simple setup like this a wide range of strongly correlated quantum states can be created. This in particular includes the NOON state, which maximizes the quantum Fisher information and is a foremost state in quantum metrology. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.043630


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We study the dynamics of two strongly interacting bosons with an additional impurity atom trapped in a harmonic potential. Using exact numerical diagonalization we are able to fully explore the dynamical evolution when the interaction between the two distinct species is suddenly switched on (quenched). We examine the behavior of the densities, the entanglement, the Loschmidt echo, and the spectral function for a large range of interspecies interactions and find that even in such small systems evidence of Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe can be witnessed.


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To assess factors influencing the success of whole-genome sequencing for mainstream clinical diagnosis, we sequenced 217 individuals from 156 independent cases or families across a broad spectrum of disorders in whom previous screening had identified no pathogenic variants. We quantified the number of candidate variants identified using different strategies for variant calling, filtering, annotation and prioritization. We found that jointly calling variants across samples, filtering against both local and external databases, deploying multiple annotation tools and using familial transmission above biological plausibility contributed to accuracy. Overall, we identified disease-causing variants in 21% of cases, with the proportion increasing to 34% (23/68) for mendelian disorders and 57% (8/14) in family trios. We also discovered 32 potentially clinically actionable variants in 18 genes unrelated to the referral disorder, although only 4 were ultimately considered reportable. Our results demonstrate the value of genome sequencing for routine clinical diagnosis but also highlight many outstanding challenges.


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The optical conductivity of the Anderson impurity mode l has been calculated by emp l oying the slave boson technique and an expansion in powers of l i N, where N is the d egeneracy o f the f electron level . This method has been used to find the effective mass of the conduction electrons for temperatures above and below the Kondo tempera ture. For low temperatures, the mass enhancement is f ound to be large while a t high t emperatures, the mass enhancement is sma ll. The conductivity i s f ound to be Drude like with frequency dependent effective mass and scattering time for low independent effective mass and temperatures and scattering time f requency for high t emperatures. The behavior of both the effective mass and the conductivity is in qualitative agreement with experimental r esul t s .


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Nous investiguons dans ce travail la création d'échantillons permettant l'étude du comportement des polaritons excitoniques dans les matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques. Le couplage fort entre les états excités d'électrons et des photons impose la création de nouveaux états propres dans le milieu. Ces nouveaux états, les polaritons, ont un comportement bosonique et sont donc capables de se condenser dans un état fortement dégénéré. Une occupation massive de l'état fondamental permet l'étude de comportements explicables uniquement par la mécanique quantique. La démonstration, au niveau macroscopique, d'effets quantiques promet d'éclairer notre compréhension de la matière condensée. De plus, la forte localisation des excitons dans les milieux organiques permet la condensation des polaritons excitoniques organiques à des températures beaucoup plus hautes que dans les semi-conducteurs inorganiques. À terme, les échantillons proposés dans ce travail pourraient donc servir à observer une phase cohérente macroscopique à des températures facilement atteignables en laboratoire. Les cavités proposées sont des résonateurs Fabry-Perot ultraminces dans lesquels est inséré un cristal unique d'anthracène. Des miroirs diélectriques sont fabriqués par une compagnie externe. Une couche d'or de 60 nanomètres est ensuite déposée sur leur surface. Les miroirs sont ensuite mis en contact, or contre or, et compressés par 2,6 tonnes de pression. Cette pression soude la cavité et laisse des espaces vides entre les lignes d'or. Une molécule organique, l'anthracène, est ensuite insérée par capillarité dans la cavité et y est cristallisée par la suite. Dans leur état actuel, les cavités présentent des défauts majeurs quant à la planarité des miroirs et à l'uniformité des cristaux. Un protocole détaillé est présenté et commenté dans ce travail. Nous y proposons aussi quelques pistes pour régler les problèmes courants de l'appareil.


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The edge excitations and related topological orders of correlated states of a fast rotating Bose gas are studied. Using exact diagonalization of small systems, we compute the energies and number of edge excitations, as well as the boson occupancy near the edge for various states. The chiral Luttinger-liquid theory of Wen is found to be a good description of the edges of the bosonic Laughlin and other states identified as members of the principal Jain sequence for bosons. However, we find that in a harmonic trap the edge of the state identified as the Moore-Read (Pfaffian) state shows a number of anomalies. An experimental way of detecting these correlated states is also discussed.