976 resultados para HD, dtr, DtrG historiographie
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Chitin is an important structural component of the cellular wall of fungi and exoskeleton of many invertebrate plagues, such as insects and nematodes. In digestory systems of insects it forms a named matrix of peritrophic membrane. One of the most studied interaction models protein-carbohydrate is the model that involves chitin-binding proteins. Among the involved characterized domains already in this interaction if they detach the hevein domain (HD), from of Hevea brasiliensis (Rubber tree), the R&R consensus domain (R&R), found in cuticular proteins of insects, and the motif called in this study as conglicinin motif (CD), found in the cristallography structure of the β-conglicinin bounded with GlcNac. These three chitin-binding domains had been used to determine which of them could be involved in silico in the interaction of Canavalia ensiformis and Vigna unguiculata vicilins with chitin, as well as associate these results with the WD50 of these vicilins for Callosobruchus maculatus larvae. The technique of comparative modeling was used for construction of the model 3D of the vicilin of V. unguiculata, that was not found in the data bases. Using the ClustalW program it was gotten localization of these domains in the vicilins primary structure. The domains R&R and CD had been found with bigger homology in the vicilins primary sequences and had been target of interaction studies. Through program GRAMM models of interaction ( dockings ) of the vicilins with GlcNac had been gotten. The results had shown that, through analysis in silico, HD is not part of the vicilins structures, proving the result gotten with the alignment of the primary sequences; the R&R domain, although not to have structural similarity in the vicilins, probably it has a participation in the activity of interaction of these with GlcNac; whereas the CD domain participates directly in the interaction of the vicilins with GlcNac. These results in silico show that the amino acid number, the types and the amount of binding made for the CD motif with GlcNac seem to be directly associates to the deleterious power that these vicilins show for C. maculatus larvae. This can give an initial step in the briefing of as the vicilins interact with alive chitin in and exert its toxic power for insects that possess peritrophic membrane
Background: Malnutrition, inflammation and comorbidities are frequent in patients with chronic renal failure in hemodialysis (HD), contributing for morbidity and mortality. Aims: To evaluate the correlation between anthropometric, laboratory parameters, bioelectrical impedance (BIA) and inflammatory markers with the morbidity and mortality of patients in HD, as well as the impact of its alterations throughout 12 months. Methods: 143 patients of a dialysis facility in Northeast Brazil were evaluated throughout 18 months. Patients with more than 3 months on dialysis, older than 18 years, without amputation of hands and feet, were included in the study. We performed a clinical (subjective global assessment - SGA), anthropometric (BMI, percent of ideal weight, MAC, MAMC, MAMA, percent of fat mass and TSF), laboratory (albumin, creatinine, lymphocyte count as nutritional markers and CRP, IL-6 and TNF- as inflammatory markers) evaluation and BIA (reactance, phase angle and percent of body cell mass) at the beginning of study and after 3, 6 and 12 months of follow-up. The association between study variables and deaths and hospitalizations in 6 and 12 months was investigated. The variable with significance < 10% in the univariate analysis had been enclosed in a multivariate logistic regression analysis. We also investigated the risk of mortality and hospitalization associated with differences in measurements of the variables at baseline and six months later. Results: Patients were aged 52.2 ± 16.6 years on the average, 58% were male, and mean dialysis vintage was 5.27 ± 5.12 years. The prevalence of malnutrition varied from 7.7-63.6%, according to the nutritional marker. The variables associated with morbidity and mortality in 6 and 12 months had been creatinine ≤ 9.45 mg/dl, phase angle ≤ 4.57 degrees, BMI ≤ 23 kg/m2, age ≤ 64.9 years, reactance ≤ 51.7 ohms; Charlson´s index ≥ 4 and socioeconomic status ≤ 7. During six months of follow up, decrease in albumin was associated with significantly higher mortality risk. Conclusions: This study detected that the best predictors of morbidity and mortality between nutritional and inflammatory markers are phase angle, reactance, creatinine and BMI and that changes in albumin values over six 107 months provide additional prognostic information. The authors believe that parameters of BIA may detect early changes in nutritional status and emphasize that longitudinal studies with larger number of patients are necessary to confirm these data and to recommend BIA as a routine nutritional evaluation in HD patients
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article presents a detailed study of the application of different additive manufacturing technologies (sintering process, three-dimensional printing, extrusion and stereolithographic process), in the design process of a complex geometry model and its moving parts. The fabrication sequence was evaluated in terms of pre-processing conditions (model generation and model STL SLI), generation strategy and physical model post-processing operations. Dimensional verification of the obtained models was undertook by projecting structured light (optical scan), a relatively new technology of main importance for metrology and reverse engineering. Studies were done in certain manufacturing time and production costs, which allowed the definition of an more comprehensive evaluation matrix of additive technologies.
Muitos genes estão envolvidos nos mecanismos de esporulação da bactéria Bacillus thuringiensis. A regulação e expressão desses genes resultam em uma produção massiva da proteína Cry, responsável pela morte das larvas de muitos insetos. Neste trabalho monitorou-se a expressão de genes de Bacillus thuringiensis, ao longo de três fases de seu desenvolvimento. Foram construídos macroarrays de DNA dos genes selecionados, cujas seqüências estão disponibilizadas no GenBank. Estes genes foram hibridizados com cDNAs obtidos de B. thuringiensis kurstaki HD-1. As sondas de cDNA foram sintetizadas a partir da transcrição reversa do RNA da bactéria, extraído durante as fases de crescimento logarítmico, estacionária e esporulativa, marcadas com 33PadCTP. A expressão diferencial encontrada foi significativa para dois genes de B.thuringiensis, um relacionado aos fatores sigma (sigma35) e outro ao gene cry (cry2Ab). Detectaram-se diferenças entre as médias de expressão do fator sigma e do gene cry2Ab. Os valores máximos de expressão diferencial foram obtidos para o gene codificador do fator sigma35 na fase log e na fase esporulativa. Na análise de médias observou-se expressão do gene cry2Ab apenas na fase log; no entanto, de forma bem mais baixa quando comparado com a expressão de sigma35, nas três fases.
As aulas régias da Capitania da Bahia (1759 1827): pensamento, vida e trabalho de nobres professores
Simultanément à l' expulsion des jésuites du contrôles de l' éducaton formeI du royaume portugais, l'Ordre du 28 juin 1759 a décrété une reforme générale aux études, comme une des partie d'un ensemble de mesures modernisatoires qui ont été établisent dans le Royaume et dans ses domaines à la période comprise entre 1750 et 1777, pendant le royaume de D. José I et sous la direction de son principal ministre, Sebastião José Carvalho e MeIo, plus connu par le titre de noblesse de Marquis de Pombal. Notre thèse, locaIisée notament à la Capitanie de Bahia (Capitanie - division politique administrative du Brésil Colonie) entre les années de 1759 à 1827, a comme objet d'études les singularités du magistère bahianais et comme objectif, à partir de Ia référence théorique de l'histoire sociale des idées, comprendre comment les membres de cette nouvelle catégorie professionelle, crée pour préparés des cadres professionels mais bien qualifiés pour exercer leurs fonctions de burocratie de l'État, ont pris contact avec la pensée reforniste ilustré portugais du siècle XVIII, ont été véhiculé autant par des étrangérisés, comme par la législation pombalina (du Marquis de Pombal) et comme cet ensembIe théorique rapporté à la pensée, la vie et le travail d'enseignant de ces premiers représentants du magistère bahianais. L' analyse de la documentation (des lettres, et des ordres royals, des licences officielles pour exercer la fonction, et des serments des professeurs royal pour les plusieurs villages et capitanies; registres de correspondence reçues et envoyées par les chambres des villages; registres et correspondences expédiées par plusieurs autorités; provisions; tous les types de licences et autorisations; désignation; testament et inventaires) montre que les professeurs royals, malgré la quantité pas très nombreuses de membres, ont été extremement actifs sur les décisions les plus importantes de la période de celle qui est connue comme la crise du système colonial, qui, en Bahia, a eu ses particularités dans un mouvement d' émancipation politique seulement au mois de juillet 1823. Finallement, on a le but, dans le contenu de cette thèse de doctorat, d'offrir une connaissance sur l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne et bahianaise qu' on retrouve encore entouré de doutes, préjugements et imterpretations équivoques qui insistent d'anaIyser le Brésil sous un stigmate du retard du royaume portugais, malgré sa production récente dans l'historiographie
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Expanded Bed Adsorption (EBA) is an integrative process that combines concepts of chromatography and fluidization of solids. The many parameters involved and their synergistic effects complicate the optimization of the process. Fortunately, some mathematical tools have been developed in order to guide the investigation of the EBA system. In this work the application of experimental design, phenomenological modeling and artificial neural networks (ANN) in understanding chitosanases adsorption on ion exchange resin Streamline® DEAE have been investigated. The strain Paenibacillus ehimensis NRRL B-23118 was used for chitosanase production. EBA experiments were carried out using a column of 2.6 cm inner diameter with 30.0 cm in height that was coupled to a peristaltic pump. At the bottom of the column there was a distributor of glass beads having a height of 3.0 cm. Assays for residence time distribution (RTD) revelead a high degree of mixing, however, the Richardson-Zaki coefficients showed that the column was on the threshold of stability. Isotherm models fitted the adsorption equilibrium data in the presence of lyotropic salts. The results of experiment design indicated that the ionic strength and superficial velocity are important to the recovery and purity of chitosanases. The molecular mass of the two chitosanases were approximately 23 kDa and 52 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The phenomenological modeling was aimed to describe the operations in batch and column chromatography. The simulations were performed in Microsoft Visual Studio. The kinetic rate constant model set to kinetic curves efficiently under conditions of initial enzyme activity 0.232, 0.142 e 0.079 UA/mL. The simulated breakthrough curves showed some differences with experimental data, especially regarding the slope. Sensitivity tests of the model on the surface velocity, axial dispersion and initial concentration showed agreement with the literature. The neural network was constructed in MATLAB and Neural Network Toolbox. The cross-validation was used to improve the ability of generalization. The parameters of ANN were improved to obtain the settings 6-6 (enzyme activity) and 9-6 (total protein), as well as tansig transfer function and Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm. The neural Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Padilha dezembro/2013 9 networks simulations, including all the steps of cycle, showed good agreement with experimental data, with a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.974. The effects of input variables on profiles of the stages of loading, washing and elution were consistent with the literature
Expanded Bed Adsorption plays an important role in the downstream processing mainly for reducing costs as well as steps besides could handling cells homogenates or fermentation broth. In this work Expanded Bed Adsorption was used to recover and purify whey proteins from coalho cheese manufacture using Streamline DEAE and Streamline SP both ionic resins as well as a hydrophobic resin Streamline Phenyl. A column of 2.6 cm inner diameter with 30 cm in height was coupled to a peristaltic pump. Hydrodynamics study was carried out with the three resins using Tris-HCl buffer in concentration of 30, 50 and 70 mM, with pH ranging from 7.0 to 8.0. In this case, assays of the expansion degree as well as Residence Time Distribution (RTD) were carried out. For the recovery and purification steps, a whey sample of 200 mL, was submitted to a column with 25mL of resin previously equilibrated with Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0) using a expanded bed. After washing, elution was carried out according the technique used. For ionic adsorption elution was carried out using 100 mL of Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0 in 1M NaCl). For Hydrophobyc interaction elution was carried out using Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0). Adsorption runs were carried out using the three resins as well as theirs combination. Results showed that for hydrodynamics studies a linear fit was observed for the three resins with a correlation coefficient (R2) about 0.9. In this case, Streamline Phenyl showed highest expansion degree reaching an expansion degree (H0/H) of 2.2. Bed porosity was of 0.7 when both resins Streamline DEAE and Streamline SP were used with StremLine Phenyl showing the highest bed porosity about 0.75. The number of theorical plates were 109, 41.5 and 17.8 and the axial dipersion coefficient (Daxial) were 0.5, 1.4 and 3.7 x 10-6 m2/s, for Streamline DEAE, Streamline SP and Streamline Phenyl, respectively. Whey proteins were adsorved fastly for the three resins with equilibrium reached in 10 minutes. Breakthrough curves showed that most of proteins stays in flowthrough as well as washing steps with 84, 77 and 96%, for Streamline DEAE, Streamline SP and Streamline Phenyl, respectively. It was observed protein peaks during elution for the three resins used. According to these peaks were identified 6 protein bands that could probably be albumin (69 KDa), lactoferrin (76 KDa), lactoperoxidase (89 KDa), β-lactoglobulin (18,3 KDa) e α-lactoalbumin (14 KDa), as well as the dimer of beta-lactoglobulin. The combined system compound for the elution of Streamline DEAE applied to the Streamline SP showed the best purification of whey proteins, mainly of the α-lactoalbumina
O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência das mal-oclusões e variáveis a elas associadas, como hábitos deletérios (HD) e as alterações oronasofaringianas (AO), respiração bucal, deglutição atípica e fonação atípica, em crianças com idade de três anos, no Município de Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil. A amostra constituiu-se de 291 crianças de ambos os sexos, matriculadas nos Centros de Educação Infantil, selecionadas por meio de amostragem probabilística por conglomerados. A análise de regressão logística indicou maior risco relativo (RR) de crianças com sobressaliência alterada, mordida aberta e mordida cruzada, em apresentar: respiração bucal (RR = 1,89; IC: 1,56-2,03), (RR = 2,46; IC: 2,00-3,02), (RR = 1,45; IC: 1,23-1,72); deglutição atípica (RR = 2,57; IC: 1,87-3,52), (RR = 3,49; IC: 2,53-4,81), (RR = 1,86; IC: 1,46-2,39) e fonação atípica (RR = 2,25; IC: 1,66-3,05), (RR = 3,18; IC: 2,38-4,25), (RR = 1,71; IC: 1,32-2,22), respectivamente. Foi mostrado haver associação entre sucção de dedo e de chupeta com sobressaliência alterada (p < 0,001) e sucção de chupeta e mordida aberta (p < 0,001). Esses resultados indicam que a prevalência das mal-oclusões está associada aos HD e às AO.
Background: An upper limb arteriovenous (AV) fistula is the access of choice for haemodialysis (HD). There have been few reports of saphenofemoral AV fistulas (SFAVF) over the last 10-20 years because of previous suggestions of poor patencies and needling difficulties. Here, we describe our clinical experience with SFAVF.Methods: SFAVFs were evaluated using the following variables: immediate results, early and late complications, intraoperative and postoperative complications (up to day 30), efficiency of the fistula after the onset of needling and complications associated to its use.Results: Fifty-six SFAVF fistulas were created in 48 patients. Eight patients had two fistulas: 8 patent (16%), 10 transplanted (20%), 12 deaths (24%), 1 low flow (2%) and 20 thrombosis (39%) (first two months of preparation). One patient had severe hypotension during surgery, which caused thrombosis of the fistula, which was successfully thrombectomised, four thrombosed fistulae were successfully thrombectomised and revised on the first postoperative day. After 59 months of follow-up, primary patency was 44%.Conclusion: SFAVF is an adequate alternative for patients without the possibility for other access in the upper limbs, allowing efficient dialysis with good long-term patency with a low complication rate.
As estatinas são utilizadas no tratamento das dislipidemias, com grande tolerância; no entanto, vários efeitos colaterais podem surgir, destacando-se miopatia. A prática regular do exercício físico (EF) produz modificações favoráveis no perfil lipídico; entretanto, pode gerar lesões musculares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da associação entre exercício físico e estatinas na função muscular, pela análise histológica, em modelo experimental animal com dislipidemia. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 80 ratos machos Wistar, distribuídos em oito grupos, incluindo animais submetidos à dieta hipercolesterolêmica (DH), sinvastatina com (G1) e sem (G2) EF; DH e fluvastatina, com (G3) e sem EF (G4); alimentados com ração comercial (RC) na presença (G5) e ausência de (G6) EF; DH submetidos (G7) ou não (G8) a EF. A DH foi administrada por 90 dias, as estatinas e prática de EF em esteira rolante por oito semanas. Os animais foram sacrificados, e o músculo sóleo retirado para análise histológica. Aplicaram-se os testes t de Student pareado e análise multivariada, com nível significante para p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: As principais alterações histológicas encontradas foram fibras de diferentes diâmetros, atróficas, em degeneração, splitting, edema, infiltrado inflamatório. Essas alterações foram observadas em 90% dos animais do grupo G1, 80% do G2, 70% do G3, 30% do G4, 40% do G5 e 30% do G7. Nos grupos G6 e G8 identificaram-se fibras musculares com morfologia preservada. CONCLUSÕES: Na avaliação histológica muscular, a associação entre fluvastatina, sinvastatina e exercício físico acarreta alterações morfológicas com predomínio no uso da sinvastatina, variando de grau leve a grave, no músculo sóleo de ratos, induzidos pelos inibidores da HMG-CoA redutase.
Stellar differential rotation is an important key to understand hydromagnetic stellar dynamos, instabilities, and transport processes in stellar interiors as well as for a better treatment of tides in close binary and star-planet systems. The space-borne high-precision photometry with MOST, CoRoT, and Kepler has provided large and homogeneous datasets. This allows, for the first time, the study of differential rotation statistically robust samples covering almost all stages of stellar evolution. In this sense, we introduce a method to measure a lower limit to the amplitude of surface differential rotation from high-precision evenly sampled photometric time series such as those obtained by space-borne telescopes. It is designed for application to main-sequence late-type stars whose optical flux modulation is dominated by starspots. An autocorrelation of the time series is used to select stars that allow an accurate determination of spot rotation periods. A simple two-spot model is applied together with a Bayesian Information Criterion to preliminarily select intervals of the time series showing evidence of differential rotation with starspots of almost constant area. Finally, the significance of the differential rotation detection and a measurement of its amplitude and uncertainty are obtained by an a posteriori Bayesian analysis based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (hereafter MCMC) approach. We apply our method to the Sun and eight other stars for which previous spot modelling has been performed to compare our results with previous ones. The selected stars are of spectral type F, G and K. Among the main results of this work, We find that autocorrelation is a simple method for selecting stars with a coherent rotational signal that is a prerequisite to a successful measurement of differential rotation through spot modelling. For a proper MCMC analysis, it is necessary to take into account the strong correlations among different parameters that exists in spot modelling. For the planethosting star Kepler-30, we derive a lower limit to the relative amplitude of the differential rotation. We confirm that the Sun as a star in the optical passband is not suitable for a measurement of the differential rotation owing to the rapid evolution of its photospheric active regions. In general, our method performs well in comparison with more sophisticated procedures used until now in the study of stellar differential rotation
Objectives: To evaluate how to develop dynamic hyperinflation (DH) during exercise, the influence of pursed-lip breathing in (PLB) on breathing pattern and operating volume in patients with asthma. Methods: We studied 12 asthmatic patients in three moments: (1) anthropometry and spirometry, (2) submaximal incremental cycle ergometer test in spontaneous breathing and (3), submaximal incremental test on a cycle ergometer with PLB using the Opto-electronic plethysmography. Results: Evaluating the end-expiratory lung volume (EEV) during submaximal incremental test in spontaneous breathing, patients were divided into euvolume and hyperinflated. The RFL has increased significantly, the variation of the EEV group euvolume (1.4L) and decreased in group hyperinflated (0.272L). In group volume observed a significant increase of 140% in Vt at baseline, before exercise, comparing the RFL and spontaneous breathing. Hyperinflated group was observed that the RFL induced significant increases of Vt at all times of the test incremental baseline, 50%, 100% load and 66% recovery, 250%, 61.5% and 66% respectively. Respiratory rate decreased significantly with PLB at all times of the submaximal incremental test in the group euvolume. The speed of shortening of inspiratory muscles (VtRcp/Ti) in the hyperinflated increased from 1.6 ± 0.8L/s vs. 2.55 ± 0.9L/s, whereas in the RFL euvolume group ranged from 0.72 ± 0.31L/s vs. 0.65 ± 0.2L/s. The velocity of shortening of the expiratory muscles (VtAb/Te) showed similarity in response to RFL. In group hyperinflated varied vs. 0.89 ± 0.47 vs. 0.80 ± 0.36 and ± 1.17 ± 1L vs. 0.78 ± 0.6 for group euvolume. Conclusion: Different behavior in relation to EEV in patients with moderate asthma were observed, the HD and decreased EEV in response to exercise. The breathing pattern was modulated by both RFL performance as at home, making it more efficient