883 resultados para Glass fosfo-borates with titanium
Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kahden yleisen, veden ympäristökuormitusta aiheuttavan kemikaaliryhmän, ligniinin ja humusaineiden, fotokatalyyttistahapetusta (photocatalytic oxidation, PCO) vesiliuoksessa. Fotokatalyyttina käytettiin titaanidioksidia, jota säteilytettiin ultraviolettivalolla. Työssä selvitettiin useiden eri olosuhdeparametrien vaikutusta fotokatalyysiin. Tutkittavia parametreja olivat mm. kontaminanttien alkukonsentraatio, pH, vetyperoksidilisäys, rauta-ionien lisäys, fotokatalyysimenetelmä, fotokatalyytin pintakonsentraatioja titaanidioksidin määrä lasisissa mikropartikkeleissa. Ultraviolettivalon lähteinä käytettiin sekä keinovaloa että auringonvaloa. Katalyytin kantoaineena käytettiin huokoisia lasisia mikropartikkeleita, joiden pintaan kiinnittynyt titaanidioksidi pystyi hyvin vähentämään kontaminanttien määrää vedessä. Fotokatalyysin tehokkuus kasvoi humusaine- ja ligniinikonsentraatioiden kasvaessa. Korkeimmat hapetustehokkuudet kumallakin kontaminantilla saavutettiin neutraaleissa jalievästi emäksisissä olosuhteissa huolimatta siitä, että paras adsorboituminen tapahtui happamissa olosuhteissa. Tämän perusteella voidaan olettaa, että humusaineiden ja ligniinin hapetus tapahtuu pääosin radikaalimekanismilla. Vetyperoksidin lisääminen humusaineliuokseen lisäsi hapettumisnopeutta, vaikka näennäinen hapetustehokkuus ei muuttunut. Tämän perusteella vetyperoksidi hapetti myös humusaineita referenssinäytteessä. Ligniinin fotokatalyyttinen hapettuminen parani vetyperoksidilisäyksellä happamissa olosuhteissa johtuen lisääntyneestä OH-radikaalien muodostumisesta. Ligniini ei hapettunut vetyperoksidilla, jos fotokatalyyttiä ei¿ollut läsnä. Rauta-ionit eivät lisänneet humushappojen fotokatalyyttistähapettumista, mutta Fe2+-ionien lisäys aina konsentraatioon 0.05 mM johti ligniinin hapettumistehokkuuden voimakkaaseen kasvuun. Rauta-ionikonsentraation kasvattaminen edelleen johti ligniinin hapetustehokkuuden alenemiseen.
Työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä kahdelle lasivillan tuotantolinjalle. Suunnitteluprosessin lisäksi työssä on esitelty erilaisia kunnonvalvontamenetelmiä. Työn alussa on kerrottu erilaisista kunnonvalvontamenetelmistä, joilla voidaan seurata erilaisten laitteiden ja koneiden toimintakuntoa.Erityisesti työssä on tarkasteltu teollisuudessa yleistyviä kunnonvalvonnan värähtelymittauksia. Työssä suunniteltu kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä perustuu viiteen eri menetelmään, jotka ovat värähtelymittaus, lämpötilanmittaus lämpökameralla, lämpötilanmittaus kannettavalla mittarilla, kuuntelu elektronisella stetoskoopilla ja pyörivien osien kunnontarkkailu stroboskoopilla. Kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän suunnittelu on tehty useassa eri vaiheessa. Ensin työssä on kartoitettu tuotannon kannalta tärkeimmät laitteet ja niiden mahdolliset vikaantumistavat. Seuraavaksi on valittu sopivat kunnonvalvontamenetelmät ja tehty mittaussuunnitelma, jossa on esitetty eri laitteille suoritettavat mittaukset ja mittausten aikavälit.Lopuksi työssä on esitelty muutama esimerkkitapaus kunnonvalvontamenetelmien käytöstä sekä kerrottu mahdollisista tulevaisuuden kehitysmahdollisuuksista.
The present paper is devoted to the results of experimental research undertaken into photocatalytical oxidation (PCO) of aqueous solutions of de-icing agents and aqueous extract of jet fuel. The report consists of introduction, literature review, description of materials and methods, discussion of results and conclusions. TiO2 was selected as a photocatalyst for the experiments with synthetic solutions of ethylene glycol, 2-ethoxyethanol and aqueous extract of jet fuel. To explain the PCO mechanisms affecting certain behaviour of de-icing agent under distinctive conditions, the following factors were studied: the impact of initial concentration of pollutant, the role of pH, the presence of tert-butanol as OH·-radicals scavenger and mineral admixtures. PCO under solar radiation performed in two ways: catalysed by irradiated TiO2 slurry or by TiO2 attached to buoyant hollow glass micro-spheres. Special attention was paid to the energy-saving PCO with reduced intensity mixing of the slurry. The effect of PCO was assessed by determination of residual chemical oxygen demand of solution (COD) and by measuring of concentration of glycols. The PCO process efficiency was assumed to be dependent on the TiO2 suspension fractional composition. Thus, the following effects of solutions’ media were viewed: presence of organic admixtures, pH influence, mixing mode during the PCO. The effects of mineral admixtures - Ca2+, Fe3+/2+, Mn2+, SO42- - that are often present in natural and wastewater systems or produced during the degradation of organic pollutants and which can affect the rate of PCO of de-icing agents, were also investigated.
By means of computer simulations and solution of the equations of the mode coupling theory (MCT),we investigate the role of the intramolecular barriers on several dynamic aspects of nonentangled polymers. The investigated dynamic range extends from the caging regime characteristic of glass-formers to the relaxation of the chain Rouse modes. We review our recent work on this question,provide new results, and critically discuss the limitations of the theory. Solutions of the MCT for the structural relaxation reproduce qualitative trends of simulations for weak and moderate barriers. However, a progressive discrepancy is revealed as the limit of stiff chains is approached. This dis-agreement does not seem related with dynamic heterogeneities, which indeed are not enhanced by increasing barrier strength. It is not connected either with the breakdown of the convolution approximation for three-point static correlations, which retains its validity for stiff chains. These findings suggest the need of an improvement of the MCT equations for polymer melts. Concerning the relaxation of the chain degrees of freedom, MCT provides a microscopic basis for time scales from chain reorientation down to the caging regime. It rationalizes, from first principles, the observed deviations from the Rouse model on increasing the barrier strength. These include anomalous scaling of relaxation times, long-time plateaux, and nonmonotonous wavelength dependence of the mode correlators.
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
We present computer simulations of a simple bead-spring model for polymer melts with intramolecular barriers. By systematically tuning the strength of the barriers, we investigate their role on the glass transition. Dynamic observables are analyzed within the framework of the mode coupling theory (MCT). Critical nonergodicity parameters, critical temperatures, and dynamic exponents are obtained from consistent fits of simulation data to MCT asymptotic laws. The so-obtained MCT λ-exponent increases from standard values for fully flexible chains to values close to the upper limit for stiff chains. In analogy with systems exhibiting higher-order MCT transitions, we suggest that the observed large λ-values arise form the interplay between two distinct mechanisms for dynamic arrest: general packing effects and polymer-specific intramolecular barriers. We compare simulation results with numerical solutions of the MCT equations for polymer systems, within the polymer reference interaction site model (PRISM) for static correlations. We verify that the approximations introduced by the PRISM are fulfilled by simulations, with the same quality for all the range of investigated barrier strength. The numerical solutions reproduce the qualitative trends of simulations for the dependence of the nonergodicity parameters and critical temperatures on the barrier strength. In particular, the increase in the barrier strength at fixed density increases the localization length and the critical temperature. However the qualitative agreement between theory and simulation breaks in the limit of stiff chains. We discuss the possible origin of this feature.
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
The improvement of the reliability of the contact between the osseous tissues and the implant materials has been tested by recovering the metallic implants with ceramic materials, usually calcium phosphates. In our study, the calcium phosphate recovering layers were deposited by means of a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Our aim was to to evaluate the tissue interactions established between cortical bone and titanium implants covered by five different layers, ranging from amorphous calcium phosphate to crystalline hydroxyapatite, obtained by altering the parameters of the laser ablation process. The surgical protocol of the study consisted in the simultaneous implantation of the five types of implants in both the tibial dyaphisis of three Beagle dogs, sacrificed respectively one, two and three months after the last surgical procedures. After the sacrifice, the samples were submitted to a scheduled procedure of embedding in plastic polymers without prior decalcification, in order to perform the ultrastructural studies: scanning microscopy with secondary and backscattered electrons (BS-SEM). Our observations show that both in terms of the calcified tissues appearing as a response to the presence of the different coatings and of time of recovering, the implants coated with crystalline calcium phosphate layers by laser ablation present a better result than the amorphous-calcium-phosphate-coated implants. Moreover, the constant presence of chondroid tissue, related with the mechanical induction by forces applied on the recovering area, strongly suggests that the mechanisms implied in osteointegration are related to endomembranous, rather than endochondral ossification processes
Bone engineering is a rapidly developing area of reconstructive medicine where bone inducing factors and/or cells are combined with a scaffold material to regenerate the structure and function of the original tissue. The aim of this study was to compare the suitability of different macroporous scaffold types for bone engineering applications. The two scaffold categories studied were a) the mechanically strong and stable titanium fiber meshes and b) the elastic and biodegradable porous polymers. Furthermore, bioactive modifications were applied to these basic scaffold types, and their effect on the osteogenic responses was evaluated in cell culture and ectopic bone formation studies. The osteogenic phenotype of cultured cell-scaffold constructs was heightened with a sol-gel derived titania coating, but not with a mixed titania-silica coating. The latter coating also resulted in delayed ectopic bone formation in bone marrow stromal cell seeded scaffolds. However, the better bone contact in early implantation times and more even bone tissue distribution at later times indicated enhanced osteoconductivity of both the coated scaffold types. Overall, the most promising bone engineering results were obtained with titania coated fiber meshes. Elastic and biodegradable poly(ε-caprolactone/D,L-lactide) based scaffolds were also developed in this study. The degradation rates of the scaffolds in vitro were governed by the hydrophilicity of the polymer matrix, and the porous architecture was controlled by the amount and type of porogen used. A continuous phase macroporosity was obtained using a novel CaCl2 • 6H2O porogen. Dynamic culture conditions increased cell invasion, but decreased cell numbers and osteogenicity, within the scaffolds. Osteogenic differentiation in static cultures and ectopic bone formation in cell seeded scaffolds were enhanced in composites, with 30 wt-% of bioactive glass filler.
The present study aimed to review high resolution computed tomography findings in patients with H1N1 influenza A infection. The most common tomographic findings include ground-glass opacities, areas of consolidation or a combination of both patterns. Some patients may also present bronchial wall thickening, airspace nodules, crazy-paving pattern, perilobular opacity, air trapping and findings related to organizing pneumonia. These abnormalities are frequently bilateral, with subpleural distribution. Despite their nonspecificity, it is important to recognize the main tomographic findings in patients affected by H1N1 virus in order to include this possibility in the differential diagnosis, characterize complications and contribute in the follow-up, particularly in cases of severe disease.
Glasses with low silica content are very susceptible to suffer pronounced degradation when exposed to room atmosphere during short times. In this work the results of the degradation of the surface of a metasilicate glass with composition 2Na2O.1CaO.3SiO2 are presented. Optical and scanning electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction, infrared and Raman microprobe spectroscopic measurements of the modified surface of this glass show strong evidences that it is formed essentially by a crystalline carbonate layer.
In this paper, glasses in the systems In-Ba-Mg and In-Ba-Zn-Sr-Mg were water leachead at 80ºC showing surface degradation after 72 hours of leaching. The extent of such degradation is determined by the solubility and the concentration of the elemental fluorides that constitute the glasses. The formation of a layer of crystallized phases on the surface of the samples was observed. Small weight losses were registered and the absence of water on the glass matrix after the attack suggested that the use of MgF2 in the systems studied can lead to better results against moisture corrosion when compared to other fluoride glasses such as the fluorozirconates.
Bioactive glasses are surface-active ceramic materials which support and accelerate bone growth in the body. During the healing of a bone fracture or a large bone defect, fixation is often needed. The aim of this thesis was to determine the dissolution behaviour and biocompatibility of a composite consisting of poly(ε-caprolactone-co-DL-lactide) and bioactive glass (S53P4). In addition the applicability as an injectable material straight to a bone defect was assessed. In in vitro tests the dissolution behaviour of plain copolymer and composites containing bioactive glass granules was evaluated, as well as surface reactivity and the material’s capability to form apatite in simulated body fluid (SBF). The human fibroblast proliferation was tested on materials in cell culture. In in vivo experiments, toxicological tests, material degradation and tissue reactions were tested both in subcutaneous space and in experimental bone defects. The composites containing bioactive glass formed a unified layer of apatite on their surface in SBF. The size and amount of glass granules affected the degradation of polymer matrix, as well the material’s surface reactivity. In cell culture on the test materials the human gingival fibroblasts proliferated and matured faster compared with control materials. In in vitro tests a connective tissue capsule was formed around the specimens, and became thinner in the course of time. Foreign body cell reactions in toxicological tests were mild. In experimental bone defects the specimens with a high concentration of small bioactive glass granules (<45 μm) formed a dense apatite surface layer that restricted the bone ingrowth to material. The range of large glass granules (90-315 μm) with high concentrations formed the best bonding with bone, but slow degradation on the copolymer restricted the bone growth only in the superficial layers. In these studies, the handling properties of the material proved to be good and tissue reactions were mild. The reactivity of bioactive glass was retained inside the copolymer matrix, thus enabling bone conductivity with composites. However, the copolymer was noticed to degradate too slowly compared with the bone healing. Therefore, the porosity of the material should be increased in order to improve tissue healing.
Titanium dioxide was prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation of titanium tetraisopropoxide. TiO2 films were obtained by spin coating of the precursor solution on ITO substractes (glass covered with indium doped tin oxide). Films were prepared using different temperatures and hydrochloric acid contents. The effect of the drying temperature of the films (100 or 400ºC) was also investigated. TiO2 films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, ultraviolete-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractrometry.
This article presents the results of a study of the efficiency of silanation process of calcium phosphate glasses particles and its effect on the bioactivity behavior of glasspoly( methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) composites. Two different calcium phosphate glasses: 44.5CaO-44.5P2O5-11Na2O (BV11) and 44.5CaO-44.5P2O5-6Na2O-5TiO2 (G5) were synthesized and treated with silane coupling agent. The glasses obtained were characterized by Microprobe and BET while the efficiency of silanation process was determined using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Thermal Analysis (DTA and TG)techniques. The content of coupling agent chemically tightly bond to the silanated glasses ascended to 1.69 6 0.02 wt % for BV11sil glass and 0.93 6 0.01 wt % for G5sil glass. The in vitro bioactivity test carried out in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) revealed certain bioactive performance with the use of both silanated glasses in a 30% (by weight) as filler of the PMMA composites because of a superficial deposition of an apatite-like layer with low content of CO3 22 and HPO4 22 in its structure after soaking for 30 days occurred. VC 2013 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 00B: 000-000, 2013.