1000 resultados para General lifesatisfaction


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An extension of the self-consistent field approach formulation by Cohen in the preceding paper is proposed in order to include the most general kind of two-body interactions, i.e., interactions depending on position, momenta, spin, isotopic spin, etc. The dielectric function is replaced by a dielectric matrix. The evaluation of the energies involves the computation of a matrix inversion and trace.


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Diffeomorphism-induced symmetry transformations and time evolution are distinct operations in generally covariant theories formulated in phase space. Time is not frozen. Diffeomorphism invariants are consequently not necessarily constants of the motion. Time-dependent invariants arise through the choice of an intrinsic time, or equivalently through the imposition of time-dependent gauge fixation conditions. One example of such a time-dependent gauge fixing is the Komar-Bergmann use of Weyl curvature scalars in general relativity. An analogous gauge fixing is also imposed for the relativistic free particle and the resulting complete set time-dependent invariants for this exactly solvable model are displayed. In contrast with the free particle case, we show that gauge invariants that are simultaneously constants of motion cannot exist in general relativity. They vary with intrinsic time.


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Iowa Code section 8D.10 requires certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). In fiscal year 2011, the Iowa DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system, therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report.


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This book is a reprint from the handwritten notes of Robert Lucas, first Governor of Iowa Territory from 1838 to 1841, written while he was in camp and on the march in the War of 1812 from the dates of April to September 1812.


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The project "Quantification and qualification of ambulatory health care", financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and covering the Cantons of Vaud and Fribourg, has two main goals: --a structural study of the elements of the ambulatory care sector. This is done through inventories of the professions concerned (physicians, public health nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, medical laboratories), allowing to better characterize the "offer". This inventory work includes the collect and analysis of existing statistical data as well as surveys, by questionnaires sent (from September 1980) to the different professions and by interviews. --a functional study, inspired from the US National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and from similar studies elsewhere, in order to investigate the modes of practice of various providers, with particular regard to interprofessional collaboration (through studying referrals from the ones to the others). The first months of the project have been used for a methodological research in this regard, centered on the use of systems analysis, and for the elaboration of adequate instruments.


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With the advancement of high-throughput sequencing and dramatic increase of available genetic data, statistical modeling has become an essential part in the field of molecular evolution. Statistical modeling results in many interesting discoveries in the field, from detection of highly conserved or diverse regions in a genome to phylogenetic inference of species evolutionary history Among different types of genome sequences, protein coding regions are particularly interesting due to their impact on proteins. The building blocks of proteins, i.e. amino acids, are coded by triples of nucleotides, known as codons. Accordingly, studying the evolution of codons leads to fundamental understanding of how proteins function and evolve. The current codon models can be classified into three principal groups: mechanistic codon models, empirical codon models and hybrid ones. The mechanistic models grasp particular attention due to clarity of their underlying biological assumptions and parameters. However, they suffer from simplified assumptions that are required to overcome the burden of computational complexity. The main assumptions applied to the current mechanistic codon models are (a) double and triple substitutions of nucleotides within codons are negligible, (b) there is no mutation variation among nucleotides of a single codon and (c) assuming HKY nucleotide model is sufficient to capture essence of transition- transversion rates at nucleotide level. In this thesis, I develop a framework of mechanistic codon models, named KCM-based model family framework, based on holding or relaxing the mentioned assumptions. Accordingly, eight different models are proposed from eight combinations of holding or relaxing the assumptions from the simplest one that holds all the assumptions to the most general one that relaxes all of them. The models derived from the proposed framework allow me to investigate the biological plausibility of the three simplified assumptions on real data sets as well as finding the best model that is aligned with the underlying characteristics of the data sets. -- Avec l'avancement de séquençage à haut débit et l'augmentation dramatique des données géné¬tiques disponibles, la modélisation statistique est devenue un élément essentiel dans le domaine dé l'évolution moléculaire. Les résultats de la modélisation statistique dans de nombreuses découvertes intéressantes dans le domaine de la détection, de régions hautement conservées ou diverses dans un génome de l'inférence phylogénétique des espèces histoire évolutive. Parmi les différents types de séquences du génome, les régions codantes de protéines sont particulièrement intéressants en raison de leur impact sur les protéines. Les blocs de construction des protéines, à savoir les acides aminés, sont codés par des triplets de nucléotides, appelés codons. Par conséquent, l'étude de l'évolution des codons mène à la compréhension fondamentale de la façon dont les protéines fonctionnent et évoluent. Les modèles de codons actuels peuvent être classés en trois groupes principaux : les modèles de codons mécanistes, les modèles de codons empiriques et les hybrides. Les modèles mécanistes saisir une attention particulière en raison de la clarté de leurs hypothèses et les paramètres biologiques sous-jacents. Cependant, ils souffrent d'hypothèses simplificatrices qui permettent de surmonter le fardeau de la complexité des calculs. Les principales hypothèses retenues pour les modèles actuels de codons mécanistes sont : a) substitutions doubles et triples de nucleotides dans les codons sont négligeables, b) il n'y a pas de variation de la mutation chez les nucléotides d'un codon unique, et c) en supposant modèle nucléotidique HKY est suffisant pour capturer l'essence de taux de transition transversion au niveau nucléotidique. Dans cette thèse, je poursuis deux objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif est de développer un cadre de modèles de codons mécanistes, nommé cadre KCM-based model family, sur la base de la détention ou de l'assouplissement des hypothèses mentionnées. En conséquence, huit modèles différents sont proposés à partir de huit combinaisons de la détention ou l'assouplissement des hypothèses de la plus simple qui détient toutes les hypothèses à la plus générale qui détend tous. Les modèles dérivés du cadre proposé nous permettent d'enquêter sur la plausibilité biologique des trois hypothèses simplificatrices sur des données réelles ainsi que de trouver le meilleur modèle qui est aligné avec les caractéristiques sous-jacentes des jeux de données. Nos expériences montrent que, dans aucun des jeux de données réelles, tenant les trois hypothèses mentionnées est réaliste. Cela signifie en utilisant des modèles simples qui détiennent ces hypothèses peuvent être trompeuses et les résultats de l'estimation inexacte des paramètres. Le deuxième objectif est de développer un modèle mécaniste de codon généralisée qui détend les trois hypothèses simplificatrices, tandis que d'informatique efficace, en utilisant une opération de matrice appelée produit de Kronecker. Nos expériences montrent que sur un jeux de données choisis au hasard, le modèle proposé de codon mécaniste généralisée surpasse autre modèle de codon par rapport à AICc métrique dans environ la moitié des ensembles de données. En outre, je montre à travers plusieurs expériences que le modèle général proposé est biologiquement plausible.


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Although the sport of triathlon provides an opportunity to research the effect of multi-disciplinary exercise on health across the lifespan, much remains to be done. The literature has failed to consistently or adequately report subject age group, sex, ability level, and/or event-distance specialization. The demands of training and racing are relatively unquantified. Multiple definitions and reporting methods for injury and illness have been implemented. In general, risk factors for maladaptation have not been well-described. The data thus far collected indicate that the sport of triathlon is relatively safe for the well-prepared, well-supplied athlete. Most injuries 'causing cessation or reduction of training or seeking of medical aid' are not serious. However, as the extent to which they recur may be high and is undocumented, injury outcome is unclear. The sudden death rate for competition is 1.5 (0.9-2.5) [mostly swim-related] occurrences for every 100,000 participations. The sudden death rate is unknown for training, although stroke risk may be increased, in the long-term, in genetically susceptible athletes. During heavy training and up to 5 days post-competition, host protection against pathogens may also be compromised. The incidence of illness seems low, but its outcome is unclear. More prospective investigation of the immunological, oxidative stress-related and cardiovascular effects of triathlon training and competition is warranted. Training diaries may prove to be a promising method of monitoring negative adaptation and its potential risk factors. More longitudinal, medical-tent-based studies of the aetiology and treatment demands of race-related injury and illness are needed.


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Report on a review of selected application controls over the University of Northern Iowa General Ledger System for the period of June 22, 2011 through August 4, 2011


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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We present a general class of solutions to Einstein's field equations with two spacelike commuting Killing vectors by assuming the separation of variables of the metric components. The solutions can be interpreted as inhomogeneous cosmological models. We show that the singularity structure of the solutions varies depending on the different particular choices of the parameters and metric functions. There exist solutions with a universal big-bang singularity, solutions with timelike singularities in the Weyl tensor only, solutions with singularities in both the Ricci and the Weyl tensors, and also singularity-free solutions. We prove that the singularity-free solutions have a well-defined cylindrical symmetry and that they are generalizations of other singularity-free solutions obtained recently.


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We derive a Hamiltonian formulation for the three-dimensional formalism of predictive relativistic mechanics. This Hamiltonian structure is used to derive a set of dynamical equations describing the interaction among systems in perturbation theory.